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Messages - Luciana

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The Flood / Re: Are there any females on this website?
« on: October 20, 2015, 09:59:57 PM »
holy fuck, imagine this waiting for you at the airport.


i guess this is as good as it gets with Samoans.


lets try and get the best specimens of really ugly groups of people

This man is sexier than any of those women

The Flood / Re: Are there any females on this website?
« on: October 20, 2015, 09:59:09 PM »


I was never a fan.
i'm just proving it for the few who are

fighting the good fight, as it were

They've definitely got the right to ban sale and possession of drugs.
And why is that again?

Commerce Clause, Necessary and Proper Clause, and the 10th Amendment which disseminates all other powers to the states, who have deferred to Congressional laws, e.g., the Controlled Substance Act.

The government doesn't explicitly have the right to regulate what substances you put into your body, but they sure as hell have the right to regulate harmful substances from entering the economy or be produced domestically.
That's a very pedantic way of justifying the government's capacity to dictate our lives.

That's fantastic. I'm so saving this haha.

The Flood / Re: Are there any females on this website?
« on: October 20, 2015, 09:54:55 PM »
why did she put a 9 in that name?

is she challenged?

Gaming / Re: is 30 fps acceptable for you?
« on: October 20, 2015, 09:54:15 PM »
^ that

besides, 1 fps is basically a picture that occasionally moves

The Flood / Re: Are there any females on this website?
« on: October 20, 2015, 09:52:04 PM »
> comes in cuz it's large thread

> see's discussion turn into chicks with dicks

talking about chicks with dicks


for anyone who's into that kinda thing

why do I know that? people link me things i never ask for ._.

I went to Lucy's house (shut up) and noticed that... one of her cups is clipping in and out of the floor, and it's making a bit of a racket. Will picking it up without putting it in my inventory, and just moving it away, be considered theft of any sort?

i just wanna fix her... clipping cup problem
So long as you pick it up and don't actually store it in your inventory, you'll be fine. You can do that with anything really. Just move it to a room where no one will see, THEN take it.

Caught in one of them sidequest chains, it seems.

Gonna do a favor for Lucy West, I guess
, then I'll call it a night.

stop that

stop that

Gaming / Re: Apparently Christ can't protect crashes: TW: Attila *End*
« on: October 20, 2015, 08:21:20 PM »
It's whatever. I'm just doing Ostrogoths now since they can recruit Roman soldiers AND have phalanx. Clearly an OP faction.

I won't be updating though.

Also, Verb you can just hit wait (select) to pass time. Unless you're playing a bit more realistic and don't wanna fast travel/wait. If not, I can appreciate such immersion.


Gaming / Re: is 30 fps acceptable for you?
« on: October 20, 2015, 05:57:47 PM »
I got back from running. Great thing not running in the cold for about a year. I feel like someone punched me in my delicious stomach. God screw the cold. So hard to run in.

Gaming / Re: is 30 fps acceptable for you?
« on: October 20, 2015, 04:51:52 PM »
Fine. Repetitive asinine shit with people spewing pseudo knowledge like Bill Maher.


I just don't get it. You've made your point, they've made their point. People have agreed with both sides. This was LITERALLY A THREAD like two weeks ago.

Why must everything be in a never ending retarded cycle on this site?
OP is new--he wasn't there for the last discussion we had. I rolled my eyes when I read the thread title, too, but if repeat threads bother you so much, I mean... you don't have to enter them.
Oh he's new?

and because when I feel bad, people must feel bad too, you know how it is >.>

Well, it was to pass time anyway. Mother is home so going for a run. Ta ta.

Gaming / Re: is 30 fps acceptable for you?
« on: October 20, 2015, 04:46:48 PM »
We've already had this discussion and it just boils down to Verb and insert another user having some autistic discussion about preference vs objectivity.
More like... People not understanding the difference. We're conditioned to prefer things if they "look" better, and it makes sense, but the problem that I find is that it makes people more closed-minded towards certain forms of art that may not want to conform to what the "standard of quality" is.

Aria just brought up the horror thing--if 30fps would make in-game models seem a little bit more jittery and creepy looking, then you have yourself a fantastic reason to implement 30fps. It's just that a lot of people don't really think about that, and I'm just sort of here to open people's minds a bit. That's what the discussion is. I don't think it's "autistic" at all.
Fine. Repetitive asinine shit with people spewing pseudo knowledge like Bill Maher.


I just don't get it. You've made your point, they've made their point. People have agreed with both sides. This was LITERALLY A THREAD like two weeks ago.

Why must everything be in a never ending retarded cycle on this site?

The Flood / Re: I think Hayden Christensen is an "okay" actor
« on: October 20, 2015, 04:45:41 PM »
Ewan Mcgregor probably is the actor that made the most of what he had to work with. I wouldn't mund seing him return as Obi-Wan in some way, like a standalone film.
He was probably the only prequel character handled top tier if you ask me.

The Flood / Re: I think Hayden Christensen is an "okay" actor
« on: October 20, 2015, 04:43:32 PM »
Given how shit the writing was and how unnatural conversations were? Yeah he did okay.

Gaming / Re: is 30 fps acceptable for you?
« on: October 20, 2015, 04:36:24 PM »
We've already had this discussion and it just boils down to Verb and insert another user having some autistic discussion about preference vs objectivity.

Boxes/ Cartons of cigarettes, drugs and alcohol sell for high prices so make sure to carry them with you
Are you telling me to become a dealer? lol

Nah. I can't in good conscience profit off of someone's fix.

i'll do that other stuff though

That's a unique take on Fallout, I have to admit.

I very much see you being a Very Good karma character, then. If you won't even sell those, you definitely won't make some of the more fun choices in the game.
lol I never sold those things.

You like the sight of your own blood?

Raiders are generic and shit in Fallout 3 anyway. A lot of factions are honestly, and it was a main complaint to the game. New Vegas added much more with variations of Raiders (you could actually talk with some), and other factions in general.

Well some bad news. I was about to update this because of my new i5 and all that, but for some reason the game crashes on me each and every time I try to load it. Checked the mods, unticked some things, did everything I could. I still get met with a crash.

So I guess I'm calling a halt to it here. We can at least take solace in the fact we took over 3/4th's of Great Britain I suppose.

I might do the same thing with Fallout 4 down the line once everyone plays it and got it out of their system, but for now I'll have to end it. Kind of a bummer, but I suppose the updates were getting sparse anyway.

Yeah condition. You can repair it by either getting the same weapon and hitting Y to repair (be careful with legendaries, as you can overwrite them doing this), or by going to merchants and paying them to repair it.

I also try to avoid radioactive substances, too. Like Nuka Cola. But I have a 10% rad resistance, so I guess that's my threshold, but what happens when you cross over that threshold?
Nah, those are fine if you need health on the spot, and they give you caps. You'll get plenty of rad away anyway, not drinking 99 of them still wouldn't do enough to really hurt you.

And you get slight penalties as you cross certain points in rads, until you finally die.

Fruit confirmed an addict.

We want to help you, Fruit.

I only used Mentats to disable the nuke in that game when I was under the requirements.

Meh, as long as you fit into your desired role playing character and actually THINK/react like they do in situations, I think you'll get the most fun out of it. Going purely good and purely evil for the sake of good and evil is honestly really really boring to me.


So how are you finding the game so far, Verby? Sounds to me like despite it's downfalls (gunplay), you're overall enjoying the tiny details in it.

Gaming / Re: "bethesda fucking sucks" | 21 Days - Fallout 4
« on: October 19, 2015, 08:11:13 PM »
I need to get some merchandise for Fallout, seeing as how big a fan of the universe and lore of it I am.

I always actively avoid <Lie.> options. I always try to choose the closest thing that I would have said in that conversation.

Am I missing the point of RPGs?
Nah, I rarely chose lie also. This playthrough I'm doing something different besides absolutely good or evil. It's more of a neutral good character. For example, I was taking care of some thugs that were messing with a girls daughter, and I broke into his room in the hotel to get a note to exploit him. He comes to me right as I'm about to leave and confronts me, but says maybe she wants to go with these people.

Then I basically say

"aren't you afraid I'll blow up your plans?"

'And how exactly are you going to do that?'

"Like this."

And pull out a pistol and shoot him in the head, along with two other thugs he had.

Basically, the point is that my character will fall into the role of good guy, but how I go about it is that I won't always follow some rules, and honestly might be ruthless across people who have little to no redemption about them. It makes it certainly much more interesting, and makes it so I don't fall into that boring "good vs evil" thing like Mass Effect (though I mixed that up too for the best results).

It's more black and white in Fallout 3 though as opposed to NV.

Gaming / Re: Total War: Attila DLC Leaked
« on: October 19, 2015, 07:03:43 PM »
Did full units (around 4500) for a test, and frames slowed as a zoomed in (naturally), but they stabilized and it was lovely. I thought the executions were just slow by nature, but nope. They're actually quick when you can get it running nicely.

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