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Messages - Luciana

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Gaming / Re: Why is Dark Souls 2 such trash?
« on: October 21, 2015, 10:25:15 PM »
Again with the backstabby thing.
And from a personal standpoint, I always enjoyed the humanoid fights more than the massive Gaping Dragon sized creatures myself. Seemed more like an epic duel between a would be legend (which most humanoids ended up being) rather than just some random big ass creature.

However I do agree with your concerns with there being significantly more human opponents than giant monsters.
I'd enjoy the humanoid fights if they had more variety to them. They were so unmotivated (talking about bosses) and always had the same exact move set of swipe, swipe, thrust or overhead swing.

It was so predictable and easy that it was a drag, and it didn't help they literally took a boss from Dark Souls 1, same music and all, and just multiplied them by 3. Because that was a good idea, right? The Gargoyle fight had to be one of the most annoying boss fights in that game for me, simply because Dark Souls mechanics are not meant to handle that many enemies at once.

"Artificial difficulty" as they call it. Same with the Sif spin off (the Rat King) and his more than lazy rat adds. This isn't an MMO.

The Flood / Re: What is keeping you where you are?
« on: October 21, 2015, 10:21:56 PM »
Lack of motivation. Once I get a job though (I'm dropping out of college), I plan on pursuing what I want to do. I just hope it goes somewhat okay.

But if I keep my mind to it, I'm sure I can do it.

Gaming / Re: is 30 fps acceptable for you?
« on: October 21, 2015, 09:06:27 PM »
It's really easy to tell the difference once it's actually in front of you. Same with YouTube videos. Not saying it's a big deal, just noticeable. At least for anyone I guess who games on PC frequently.

Though I could easily tell before I cast aside my terrible computer.

Fallout 4 at least looks like the characters and narrative will be far stronger than it was in 3.


Said better than I ever could.

Gaming / Re: Why is Dark Souls 2 such trash?
« on: October 21, 2015, 05:34:12 PM »
Hm... I can understand that argument with backstabs.

As for the knights thing, yeah. DS2 suffered from too many humanoid bosses/enemies in armor. It removed more of the fantasy element if you ask me and went for a more grounded reality.

I'm glad you guys appear to be invested in this :)
Like Dark Souls 1st time playthroughers, it's always fun to see someone basically completely new and unaware of anything in the game, have a go at it.

It helps hype up Fallout 4 for me as well since it's been a while since I've actually seen people say GOOD things about Fallout 3 as they experience it.

My message to you is don't die
Oh, hey, I forget to mention--I found myself a hunting rifle. I only have five rounds for it, though.

Is there a way I can look at my character's face? I just bought some biker goggles and I want to know how dapper I look.
Hold whatever button you use for third person mode and use the right stick. The button might be L1 or L2.

My message to you is don't die

Gaming / Re: Why is Dark Souls 2 such trash?
« on: October 21, 2015, 05:16:47 PM »
I had more fun on my first playthrough with 1, but sunk at least 150+ more hours in 2 due to replayability.

Gaming / Re: Why is Dark Souls 2 such trash?
« on: October 21, 2015, 05:13:10 PM »
I liked Dark Souls 1 MP simply because I could make a build and know that if I stuck on that level, I wouldn't have to worry about being outplayed by some Havel Mage tank fast rolling.

But yeah, mostly I enjoyed DS2's pvp as well, because I came into it at the beginning of the lifespan, rather than the end like I did with DS1.

Gaming / Re: Why is Dark Souls 2 such trash?
« on: October 21, 2015, 05:06:00 PM »
People need to take off the nostalgia glasses and realize Dark Souls 1 was a flawed masterpiece in itself.

Covenants as a whole were confusing and convoluted as hell to begin with.
Really the only things that make Dark Souls superior to Dark Souls 2 are the hitboxes and the atmosphere of the first game. I like the vibe of Dark Souls 1 better than 2, and I think most everyone else does too.
Agreed. Story aside (since you can play it without knowing the story), the multiplayer of DS2 was much more accessible as well. Aside from Dark Souls 2 being buff souls and Soul Memory breaking, it did some good things like quick match making, the slight delay on backstabs, and the frontal parry for shields.

Kinda annoyed me that Miyazaki said he's taking the delayed backstabs and front parry away, like it was a bad thing.

Serious / Re: Hitler was a good boy, he dindu nuffin!
« on: October 21, 2015, 05:03:51 PM »
I find it ironic that a JEW is saying this, of all people.

Gaming / Re: Why is Dark Souls 2 such trash?
« on: October 21, 2015, 05:02:32 PM »
People need to take off the nostalgia glasses and realize Dark Souls 1 was a flawed masterpiece in itself.

Covenants as a whole were confusing and convoluted as hell to begin with.

The Flood / Re: Girls Only Thread (& me & tru, ect)
« on: October 21, 2015, 04:54:29 PM »

Theme for the thread

Gaming / Re: New Steam game locks you out when you die
« on: October 21, 2015, 04:26:08 PM »
It would make a lot more sense if it locked you out for say, a few hours. Or at worst, 24 hours.

Fallout 3 music is great. Can't wait for Fallout 4's selection.

Also, Dark Souls 3 has a lot of Dark Souls 1 animations, but it also looks a little too fast for me. I can't help but feel Miyazaki just feels he HAS to bring in Bloodborne mechanics, which annoys me. That game's PVP/PVE vs other hunters, was fuck awful.

You forget the DLC/updated ending which was

Get the Crowns of the Fallen Kings and lose the undead curse
Walk into the darkness and refuse to rekindle the flame and repeat the cycle
Break the cycle that's plagued the world forever

The DS3 premier trailer shows the crown and it implies it breaks.

All I know is Fallout 4 will have better music than NV (as I only liked like 3 or 4). The trailer music was enough to let me know that.

"Into each life, some tears must fall
But someday the sun will shine..."

The music in Fallout 3 was outstanding. Certainly beats most of the country-western shit on FNV.

InB4 Johnny Guitar
I agree with you

Johnny Guitar I despised.

Literally a song about a guy fucking everyone
I don't know what you are talking about, the song in question is totally innocuous and involves the tales of an overeager fleshmonger who winds up in jail because of the colour of his skin.
yeah sure

Actually, mr. Psyche is right to a degree.

Butcher Pete is actually a song about a murderer who literally chops people up. When the song first came out, it recieved poor reception because it was, originally, a song about some dudes promiscuous affairs with all the ladies in town. But due to the flak it recieved, no fucking joke, they actually switched it up and said that it was a song about Pete the Butcher in a murder sense.

Kind of funny, honestly, that a humorus song about a guy going around and chopping people up was accepted more than a song about a guy sleeping around.
Last I checked it was a song about rape.

Rape would probably go hand in hand  with chopping people up. But like I said. The second part of the song actually has pete chopping people up. And not with his dick.

I reiterate what I said.

Pretty fucking funny how the people in the 50's went for rape and murder over some guy being promiscuous in a song.
Yeah just looked it up. The whole rape and murder holds up until part 2 when the women are bailing him out of jail.

Now enough about that damn song

Literally a song about a guy fucking everyone
I don't know what you are talking about, the song in question is totally innocuous and involves the tales of an overeager fleshmonger who winds up in jail because of the colour of his skin.
yeah sure

Actually, mr. Psyche is right to a degree.

Butcher Pete is actually a song about a murderer who literally chops people up. When the song first came out, it recieved poor reception because it was, originally, a song about some dudes promiscuous affairs with all the ladies in town. But due to the flak it recieved, no fucking joke, they actually switched it up and said that it was a song about Pete the Butcher in a murder sense.

Kind of funny, honestly, that a humorus song about a guy going around and chopping people up was accepted more than a song about a guy sleeping around.
Last I checked it was a song about rape.

The Flood / Re: My Little Pony Megathread
« on: October 20, 2015, 10:30:46 PM »

Gaming / Re: is 30 fps acceptable for you?
« on: October 20, 2015, 10:22:18 PM »
Tetris is moar than that, silly.

The Flood / Re: Are there any females on this website?
« on: October 20, 2015, 10:18:53 PM »


I provided someone material they enjoy, so my job is done

now to go be miserable because that run earlier really fucked me up
but don't you love that feel though, chilling out after physical exertion?
No I do, especially after I run 5/8k's, but this cold air just made me feel awful. I still feel like i'm slightly out of breath.

First run after a long break is ALWAYS the hardest though. Next run will be better I hope, and I'll run earlier when the air isn't as thin.

The Flood / Re: Are there any females on this website?
« on: October 20, 2015, 10:08:06 PM »


I provided someone material they enjoy, so my job is done

now to go be miserable because that run earlier really fucked me up

The Flood / Re: best specimens of really ugly groups of people
« on: October 20, 2015, 10:03:52 PM »
Her nose looks like it's melting

The Flood / Re: Are there any females on this website?
« on: October 20, 2015, 10:03:23 PM »
holy fuck, imagine this waiting for you at the airport.


i guess this is as good as it gets with Samoans.


lets try and get the best specimens of really ugly groups of people

This man is sexier than any of those women

some of us are late bloomers, dear.

The Flood / Re: When did you watch your first porn?
« on: October 20, 2015, 10:02:51 PM »
Okay real story

I was like... idk, 10? 11?

I just remember going with my brother over to a friends house, and we walked into said friends room, and he had a video on, and all I remember is just a guys balls slapping loud and wet against a girls butt or something

I actually think it scarred me for life. There goes the innocent mind of Luci...

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