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Messages - Luciana

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If we're going that deep on subconscious levels, you could argue no one is really racist, seeing as we're all the same race of humans. More so it boils down to our tribal roots.

But that's a whole different discussion.

Gaming / Re: Genre's you suck at?
« on: November 02, 2015, 04:55:00 PM »
Fighting games and MOBA.

RTS I'm "okay" at and can last with games like Total War. I collapse though under things like 40k with other people.

Gaming / Re: Series that need to die
« on: November 02, 2015, 04:52:52 PM »
Fallout already died, I just want Bethesda to stop pretending it lives while fucking the corpse.
What are you talking about? Since when was fallout dead?
It "died" after Tactics for a while. Honestly after Fallout 2, it didn't have any strong releases until Bethesda bought them out and pushed out Fallout 3. I mean, there WAS that PS2 game, but no one ever talks about that.

So yeah, it was dead for 10 years. 1998 Fallout 2 released, and 2008 was Fallout 3. Almost poetic seeing as they made it 200 years after the bombs.

Gaming / Re: Series that need to die
« on: November 02, 2015, 04:50:53 PM »
Call of Duty
Need For Speed
Assassin's Creed
Gears of War
Forza Motorsport
MLB as well if you're throwing in sports games.

Gaming / Re: Series that need to die
« on: November 02, 2015, 04:50:34 PM »
Call of Duty is the obvious answer.

How about we stay on subject on focus on the history of US race relations?
Because when it comes to the history of slavery, "white people", and other various things we've brought up, it goes beyond the scope of just the US. In fact, it's insanely narrow minded to focus only ON America and American problems when talking about this whole picture.

Watching the video is kind of annoying tbh, the way the guy who's playing moves is getting on my fucking nerves.
That tends to be the case when you're not playing FPS games.

Serious / Re: Do you think Africa would be better off...
« on: November 02, 2015, 03:32:02 PM »
Africa would be better if Kony was still alive
I believe he is.

Serious / Re: Do you think Africa would be better off...
« on: November 02, 2015, 01:56:27 PM »
I'm trying to imagine what modern colonialism involving the major European powers would look like...and honestly, it's looking good for modern Africa.
More doctors and hospitals, actual jobs, better infrastructure, human rights and civil liberties...

It would require a complete redraw of the African map

Serious / Re: Do you think Africa would be better off...
« on: November 02, 2015, 01:46:05 PM »
No. That's one of the reasons why it's so fucked up.
Yeah, I hear that's one of the main reasons Africa is currently in the state it is in. How did colonialism screw Africa up so badly anyway?
Long story short, European powers cut the regions borders worse than a square pizza without regards to tribal relations and similarities. So you have two tribes that hate each other in the same country, hence some of the civil wars and genocides, and similar tribes separated. Same thing happened in the Middle East on some regard.

I guess if you're ignorant of your own barbaric history it would sound like I made that up.
Forgets whites have committed genocide on a continental scale against aboriginals and native Americans, forgets whites started both world wars, forgets whites have institutionalized racism for all their colonies, forgets the massive period of European imperialism, forgets the fact that whites for some reason fought against themselves during most of European history. Also whites invented things like crucifixion, and the various torture methods during the dark ages. I mean damn, I'm not even talking garbage about white people, I'm just telling you the history.
Amazing how you categorize whites all under one banner when all of them are vastly different across Europe and its history.

That'd be like saying blacks in Somalia doing something are viewed in the same light as blacks in Africa, or Haiti. Generalizing like that is pretty dirty. And like LC has said, do you not realize that every continent has mostly fought amongst itself throughout most of it's history or something?

You sound like you're playing the victim card insanely hard

They will have hardcore mode in FO4?

And yeah, thankfully mods make FO 3/NV not look terrible with the potatoes

8654 - chan
Lovely, but I can't wait for a mod to get rid of those hit markers.
Theres probably a menu option for it.
I hope so. Not a make or break thing, just a small edition I'd like.

The... idiot got stuck in the room. Lol.

8657 - chan
Lovely, but I can't wait for a mod to get rid of those hit markers.

Gaming / Re: Fallout 3>>>>>> New Vegas
« on: November 01, 2015, 09:32:36 PM »
I honestly cannot fathom how someone can enjoy playing Fallout 1 and 2
Because it's an old game that relies on a very old gameplay system from the 90's. Some people like that stuff, others don't. You don't have to like it and then suddenly say it's horrible because you don't like it. I don't like World of Warcraft, Call of Duty, and most Telltale games, but I can see why others enjoy it.

It's not your style of game, that's fine. But don't go around saying something is shit just because you personally do not enjoy it.

I think I actually am going to go and finish Fallout 2

But I have to start all over again >.>

oh well
A tip to make it easy is to just go to a certain area and get Enclave armor. You just have to save a lot and get a little lucky you don't run into an Enclave random encounter.

It's what I did >_>
I'll just play a girl with the sex appeal perk and get EVERYTHING WITH EASE
It works amazingly well.

I think I actually am going to go and finish Fallout 2

But I have to start all over again >.>

oh well
A tip to make it easy is to just go to a certain area and get Enclave armor. You just have to save a lot and get a little lucky you don't run into an Enclave random encounter.

It's what I did >_>

I don't understand that argument. "AFRICANS BETRAYED THEIR OWN PEOPLE"

Yes. They did. Why did you play along with that bullshit? Because someone else is doing something negative you should too?
I think tribes in general betrayed their own people, regardless of color or whatever.

tfw dogmeat is talking

tfw dogmeat calls you a kid
Is that Fallout 2?

I was attacking raiders and I look over at him and it said that over his head.

what a JERK!

Every minority in the US knew this from day one.

Really? You sound really ignorant imo think that's true. Let's not even talk about the black community and how homophobic and racist THEY can be as well.


Minorities always oppressed since day 1.
Doesn't matter what the stance of the black community is, the point is that whites are known to be racist, hence their racist past. And yeah, minorities were oppressed since day one. They teach history in public schools, so I'm not sure why this is a secret.

By this logic all people of Mongol descent are brutal murders because of their history which involves ravaging nomadic people across the Eurasian Steppes.
N-no it's not the same!!! Whites are racist!

As someone of Germanic heritage people with Italian heritage should pay me reparations for the brutal treatment my ancestors endured from the Roman Empire.
Gauls a shit

Every minority in the US knew this from day one.

Really? You sound really ignorant imo think that's true. Let's not even talk about the black community and how homophobic and racist THEY can be as well.


Minorities always oppressed since day 1.
Doesn't matter what the stance of the black community is, the point is that whites are known to be racist, hence their racist past. And yeah, minorities were oppressed since day one. They teach history in public schools, so I'm not sure why this is a secret.

By this logic all people of Mongol descent are brutal murders because of their history which involves ravaging nomadic people across the Eurasian Steppes.
N-no it's not the same!!! Whites are racist!

Gaming / Re: New Screenshots Thread
« on: November 01, 2015, 03:46:35 PM »

Your Skyrim character looks pleasing to look at. If not a little sad looking.

Gaming / Re: New Screenshots Thread
« on: November 01, 2015, 03:45:49 PM »

Is that the Brotherhood hunting heretics?

Warhammer reference for the plebs
They just ganged up on an eyebot and killed him :(

I like the leads helmet though. They captured how dickish the BoS can be pretty well.

tfw dogmeat is talking

tfw dogmeat calls you a kid
Is that Fallout 2?

Doesn't matter what the stance of the black community is, the point is that whites are known to be racist, hence their racist past.
Where are you basing modern day whites to be racist? Because of their past? Like how European powers conquered over Africa? I guess Romans were racist too for having slaves?

Sorry to burst your bubble, but blacks are not always the victims in history. I love how you leave out how black people can be just as racist.

And yeah, minorities were oppressed since day one. They teach history in public schools, so I'm not sure why this is a secret.
Maybe get your mind out of 'Murica, because the history of the world is far greater than just that country. You should look at the history of oppression and slavery and see it extends far past blacks.

Edit: The irony of this all is that you're stereotyping an entire group of people being racist because of what happened in ancestors past. I bet you're one of the people who believe you deserve reparations too, huh? Or act like you know what slavery is like and how damaging it is, even though you've never had to deal with any of that in your life.

Gaming / Re: Fallout 3>>>>>> New Vegas
« on: November 01, 2015, 03:14:43 PM »
You have to keep context for the time they were in, which was the 90's. If you compare Fallout 1 to 3 or NV, of course you're gonna go "lol old not close". Back then, every RPG on computer was top down. I honestly think the combat was fine. People still rave about Baulders Gate and that follows more or less most of the same formula. If you're not going to keep it in the same context and hold it to the standard of the genre at the time, you may as well not give an opinion.

It's just the genre it was in, and games like Pillars of Eternity bring it back with power.


But I'd not get rid of it. You can just get water to them.

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