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Messages - Luciana

Pages: 1 ... 282283284 285286 ... 442
Gaming / Re: 11 MINUTE MAP | 3 Days - Fallout 4
« on: November 06, 2015, 10:30:50 PM »

Why are people complaining about the animations and the  graphics so much?
They look fine to me.

Because they really haven't improved from Skyrim and a lot of them are actually recycled from it. Oh well, at least PC and Boner players will be able to mod their games and give the characters better animations.
I mean, why do people freak out over the quality of graphics? Why does that matter? Why is that one of the most defining aspect for some people?

Well on the PC side of things the requirements are waaay too high for what the game is actually offering which means that Fallout 4 is an unoptimized piece of shit.
You're so buttmad

You sure you aren't a mage? Cause you're pretty good at projection.
You mean Shirou*

Gaming / Re: 11 MINUTE MAP | 3 Days - Fallout 4
« on: November 06, 2015, 10:28:55 PM »
Animations are a big deal to me. Nothing satisfies me and immerses me more than good animations.
Then you'd hate every single game Bethesda has put its hands on.

I ignored my preview post cuz this is funny

Gaming / Re: 11 MINUTE MAP | 3 Days - Fallout 4
« on: November 06, 2015, 10:26:58 PM »
and the company that also made FO1 and FO2.
Just because they had a few people who worked on the original =/= it being the same company

Interplay didn't evolve into Obsidian. Do your fact checking. All you do is shit post too >_>

idk why I replied to you. EVERYONE IGNORE HIM!

Gaming / Re: "You're a croft Lara" Rise of The Tomb Raider - 4 days
« on: November 06, 2015, 07:58:32 PM »
meh. her face does not look good on that box art, imo.
Blech, it really doesn't.

Gaming / Re: "You're a croft Lara" Rise of The Tomb Raider - 4 days
« on: November 06, 2015, 07:46:13 PM »
Something is rising, and it's not my Tomb Raider hype

idk, i'm dead inside

Serious / Re: Please just talk to someone
« on: November 06, 2015, 07:43:42 PM »
People who say the stupid shit Tackel said have never struggled.

come on, you're supposed to quote his thing and go



Serious / Re: Please just talk to someone
« on: November 06, 2015, 07:43:12 PM »
I'll make sure to fuck off while i get ready to preach about how any law is oppressive and read up on how to be a First Citizen.

On the topic of the thread, sorry to hear about what happened. Naturally as mentioned before, nothing I can say really helps, but losing a friend to suicide, I too know what it feels like.

Serious / Re: Please just talk to someone
« on: November 06, 2015, 07:39:22 PM »

Everything you ever do in your short life is pointless when put into the perspective of the universe. Even if you do manage to accomplish something worthy of note after you die, the planet you did it on will eventually burn and be consumed by our sun. The dust left of your accomplishments will then eventually be sucked into the black hole at the center of our galaxy into a singularity, making everything you have ever done even more insignificant than it already has been.

FINALLY someone here who gets it.
And yet the people who say everything is worthless continue to sit on their asses behind their keyboards, typing up some asinine pseudo philosophy to make themselves think they are enlightened and have all the answers, and that somehow everyone else who thinks otherwise is ignorant or less of a person.

Yet these same people still continue to exist, and do not bother to stop existing. If life is so pointless, worthless, and devoid of enjoyment like you make it out to be, just end it already.

But of course we all know you have neither the will nor mindset to really do it. Truly that is the sad and miserable fate we're doomed to have. No point in trying to do anything significant in life if you tell yourself it's not really worth it. Sounds like an excuse to just be another parasite on this earth and never strive for anything. If you wanna go on about worthlessness and insignificance, then one would only have to look in the mirror.

Serious / Re: Please just talk to someone
« on: November 06, 2015, 07:35:33 PM »
Also, fuck the people this thread. Just everyone saying "My condolences" or "Oh I'm so sorry to hear that...". No you aren't. You don't even know the guy. Don't pretend to care just because you can't add anything to the discussion. Are you going to lose sleep over this guy's death? Has hearing about Turkey's friend really emotionally impacted you that you can't function for the rest of the day? No it hasn't. Fuck off.

It should be noted that Turkey likely knows this. In fact, I'd say that mostly everybody here commenting knows this.

Loss isn't something that's foreign to people. I'm sure everybody's been there before. This is one of those moments, where words are forced. Not because people don't care. But it's because even if they did care, their words do almost nothing.

There are no words that you can say to anybody who has lost someone personal in their life. None. No words will remove the pain, no words will magically fix things.

And yet there you are, left with the choice of either not responding, or trying, desperately, to say something, for the sake of not leaving the conversation blank, devoid, and empty.

Even if, no matter what you say is going to phase right through the person you're giving your condolences to, people still choose to try and say something.

The death of somebody personal to you has no words to help it, or fix it. Nothing can be said to not make the situation awkward. Nothing can be said, that doesn't sound forced for the sake of it.

Let's say, for a moment, that this was your thread. Would you prefer total, absolute silence as a response? For somebody to actually respond with something more emotional than text and "my condolences?"

You are right. I don't know Turkey's friend. I had no emotional investment to him. Nor any contact, even. It might sound heartless to say it, but no, I don't care about him. Because I'm not there. I don't exist in that present moment to see all the people it's going to affect, to acknowledge that somebody is now gone from this world permanently.

But I understand the feeling from my own experiences. As I'm sure everybody else here does, who've ever lost people or things close to them. So logically, giving condolences is the best anybody here can do here. We lack the emotional ties to truly say sorry or necessarily feel bad over it.

So in it's place, we choose the closest thing we can to convey it, because while we might not feel the loss of Turkey's friend, we understand what it means and it feels to go through such a thing.
That was poetic almost. You have a way with words.

Gaming / Re: Fallout 3 Impressions Thread - Progress: Galaxy News Radio
« on: November 06, 2015, 05:17:02 PM »
They apparently looked to Destiny for inspiration for their gunplay, which is the one thing about Destiny I would actually say they nailed, plus they actually had the lead gameplay guy from Bungie helping them

But yeah, NV is pretty neato
Wow really? That's good news then. Yeah not a fan of Destiny in a lot of regards, but gunplay is one of the top examples of it doing very well.

Gaming / Re: Fallout 3 Impressions Thread - Progress: Galaxy News Radio
« on: November 06, 2015, 04:11:35 PM »
You'd like Fallout NV a lot more I think, Verb The addition of ADS really does make it so you don't need to rely on VATS, but thankfully Fallout 4 has more than shown combat will be up to date like other FPS's in that it will not be clunky. Thank god.
That's good to hear. Yeah, it'll be hard not to follow this up with New Vegas when I'm finished, considering I'm supposed to play Dark Souls next.
Take your time

Gaming / Re: Fallout 3 Impressions Thread - Progress: Galaxy News Radio
« on: November 06, 2015, 02:52:01 PM »
You'd like Fallout NV a lot more I think, Verb The addition of ADS really does make it so you don't need to rely on VATS, but thankfully Fallout 4 has more than shown combat will be up to date like other FPS's in that it will not be clunky. Thank god.

Gaming / Re: History of the Fallout World.
« on: November 06, 2015, 02:36:06 PM »
I like this guy. Cool vid

Gaming / Re: Should I play Undertale
« on: November 06, 2015, 04:25:10 AM »
You know Luciana, you once said one of the  things that lessened your enjoyment of Undertale is its fanbase.

This thread is a testament to that.
Misused references everywhere...
Yeah but you can say that about literally any fanbase that's remotely popular

Rick and Morty is a great show, for example, but the fanbase makes me wanna die
Shut up, Cindi Bindi :poute:

Gaming / Re: Don't have an Xbone yet? Here's the Sale for It
« on: November 05, 2015, 10:46:26 PM »

Gaming / Re: Fallout 3 launch trailer
« on: November 05, 2015, 10:35:58 PM »
Never heard about it till later on

played it

got bored
Yes, we only heard you say that the 40 other times, Tru. Shut up already.
Yes, and we've heard you already explain the 'story' of this game, in every single thread. And caps locking some random words.

Want to be a child on here too? So can I.
Because people are talking about the lore and I can contribute to one of the conversations at hand to a series lore I love and enjoy?

What've you done other than be edgy and say "bored" over and over and over again? We get it, you don't like it. Stop posting it over and over again for whatever asinine reason you find pleasure in doing it for.
LOL This was unexpected.
We got in a fight

it's okay now


Gaming / Re: Should I play Undertale
« on: November 05, 2015, 10:35:25 PM »
> I'm read

god, my spelling and reading has been off all day today

The Flood / Re: new avatar
« on: November 05, 2015, 10:34:22 PM »
Me too
didn't you just change it lol
It was originally "new avatar" I think, so I just assumed he got a new one

Gaming / Re: Should I play Undertale
« on: November 05, 2015, 09:50:14 PM »
I'm read

Serious / Re: GOP Debate Numero Quatro
« on: November 05, 2015, 09:49:39 PM »
I can't believe you people watch this shit.



The Flood / Re: new avatar
« on: November 05, 2015, 08:53:25 PM »
Me too

Gaming / Re: Should I play Undertale
« on: November 05, 2015, 08:49:39 PM »
Bah, MEMEtale?



totally play it

Serious / Re: Election Day 2015: Key Votes to Watch (No Marijuana in Ohio)
« on: November 05, 2015, 08:49:14 PM »
Everyone should be exempt from all laws.
Do you believe that no one should have any rights then?
Law itself is a violation of rights, fam.
Oh lord

did we just find our very own First Citizen of Septagon?
he's a non-ironic anarchist lol
that's adorable

Gaming / Re: Fallout 3 launch trailer
« on: November 05, 2015, 08:47:07 PM »
I thought I was bad until I seen this weeb fight.
We settled it, no blame game dear.

Serious / Re: Chris Christie is now an undercard
« on: November 05, 2015, 07:47:33 PM »

Also what's wrong with the male PC's voice? I think it sounds nice.
Nothing wrong with it, I just personally find it grating after a bit of hearing it.

*smacks lips* HOL UP

Serious / Re: Election Day 2015: Key Votes to Watch (No Marijuana in Ohio)
« on: November 05, 2015, 05:14:08 PM »
Everyone should be exempt from all laws.
Do you believe that no one should have any rights then?
Law itself is a violation of rights, fam.
Oh lord

did we just find our very own First Citizen of Septagon?

Gaming / Re: Fallout 3 launch trailer
« on: November 05, 2015, 05:08:29 PM »
I thought the BoS were super evil

They're supposed to be massive assholes.
Where did people get that idea from? At the end of Fallout the Brotherhood did help out the area the game takes place at.
It's just because they're very closed off and all that and not exactly friendly with any and all people. They're more for the betterment of themselves than the NCR which views to help the region

Gaming / Re: Fallout 3 launch trailer
« on: November 05, 2015, 05:06:04 PM »
I wish.
You came to me

if you don't want to fight, don't start a conflict and then t=fsd

never mind, you're not worth it

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