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Messages - Luciana

Pages: 1 ... 274275276 277278 ... 442
I hit my limit here. Can't take it seriously anymore when the lot of you would happily turn away 10,000 refugees consisting of mostly women and children. When in reality the U.S already accepts 70,000 refugees every year. And to say they should get out of Europe and the U.S and fight the war by themselves, just regular citizens.

Can't even anymore
I always considered a lot of Septagon (especially serious) to be a cesspool of stupidity, ignorance, and people who don't understand the difference between a healthy debate and flaming someone for disagreeing with them.

I can honestly say there are only a handful of people here who have consistently kept a level head and at least engaged others who had different opinions without calling them some form of retarded, or just being outright racist.

This last week has only highlighted just how xenophobic and racist people are. Honestly I'm already jaded on this entire issue because of it. People just want to fall into stereotypes, and push their agenda without so much as doing the research beforehand, or outright just saying a load of shit.

that's not to say they're all bad. I've met some great people here like Tru, LC, Verb, and others I can't be bothered to remember at 2 in the morning, but yeah. Honestly at this point, it's so depressing seeing people I interacted with on a more frequent basis, hold so much hate, anger, and harmful thinking inside of them

The blatant racism and ignorance that I've seen on this forum towards these refugees has been disgusting.

It's not even worth debating it. Just shows how parts of our culture haven't changed in even 100 years.
What are you talking about? Don't you like seeing just how racist people you like (or thought you did) can be? I love going to facebook too to get nice dose of racism from time to time.

The Flood / Re: Finally got laid
« on: November 19, 2015, 12:36:33 AM »
How does it feel knowing you were used?

Feel like a piece of meat?

Feels lovely doesn't it?

First time is overrated

The Flood / Re: School Shooters be like
« on: November 19, 2015, 12:35:28 AM »
Some of you younglings are alright
Whyyyy oh why did they call them younglings...

The Flood / Re: Some of you Rebels are alright
« on: November 19, 2015, 12:34:05 AM »
Look at that dumb MS paint frog and tell me where the humor lies
It lies in autism

The Flood / Re: Some of you Rebels are alright
« on: November 19, 2015, 12:33:41 AM »
I don't know why they call it Hoth, they should call it coldth
Alright settle down, champ.

They were not refugees and were reported and detained in two different locations before hand. Even the french were notified but due to incompetence were allowed through.
Was George Dubbya leading this? He did a good job ignoring a threat or two.

Serious / Re: TIME Magazine Person of the Year
« on: November 19, 2015, 12:27:08 AM »
I voted for Malala Yousafzai. Literally GOAT-tier schoolgirl destroying Islam at the core. BASED


she hasn't done shit
>fighting to change the minds of people in a religion where women are oppressed
>not doing shit
Thunder, I honestly wonder if you truly mean the things you've been saying as of late, because my opinion of you has been vastly changing.

Serious / Re: Tribute to a dog
« on: November 19, 2015, 12:24:59 AM »
So apparently muslims are scared shitless of dogs. Like if you're walking with one, they'll distance themselves. Why the fuck is that?
they share something in common with blacks then

Serious / Re: TIME Magazine Person of the Year
« on: November 19, 2015, 12:24:17 AM »
I voted for Malala Yousafzai. Literally GOAT-tier schoolgirl destroying Islam at the core. BASED


she hasn't done shit
She's advocated for womens rights, but that's about it. Not to trivialize what she's done.

The whole "Islam at the core" though is just downright ignorant and wrong.

Serious / Re: TIME Magazine Person of the Year
« on: November 18, 2015, 11:37:41 PM »
Literally GOAT-tier schoolgirl destroying Islam at the core. BASED
God the last week or so your ignorance has really surfaced...

Even though that video proves the point she was making, it was still insanely morbid to watch. That piano adds an entire weight of heaviness to it :(
Pianos are pretty heavy.

Even though that video proves the point she was making, it was still insanely morbid to watch. That piano adds an entire weight of heaviness to it :(

I still need to beat my FF X HD Remaster...

Serious / Re: So America is filled with cowardly Governors
« on: November 18, 2015, 08:24:17 PM »
Let's not generalize that they're all terrorists. All because, what... one was? And he was like European actually?

And I'd say we're not working on the gun rights and poverty bits, and the healthcare one is just one side saying they'll get rid of it for the status quo we've had for decades which was failing.
Do you know how stupid it sounds when you wanna let refugees in while accepting that some ARE terrorists? Who cares if he was fucking European or not HE WAS TERRORIST WHO POSED AS A REFUGEE.

And yes we are working on gun rights and poverty. So long as people are discussing and trying to ge things passed indicates that. But hey let's bring things into the discussion that are irrelevant to the topic, KILL ALL GAYS.
I never said I accepted any of them are terrorists because the very notion that 1 bad egg out of however many millions are fleeing = most are terrorists... Well I just think that's silly. It'd be like saying one thug = all black people are dangerous.

Listen, I'll just parrot what Winy said because I feel it hits the nail on the head. If you disagree, fine, we can agree to disagree, my opinions on you wouldn't change for better or worse. I mainly say that because I'm already insanely jaded on this issue since it's all anyone ever talks about here.

These people deserve homes. They deserve to be let in. State governors saying that they "Aren't letting refugees in" is a bunch of nonsense; that's a federal power, not a state one. The only power they would have would be the deliberate refusal to build shelters or accommodations for the people, and there's absolutely no way that citizens would let them get away with leaving innocent people out on the streets.

Xenophobia isn't practical. Nobody is obligated to speak a certain language, practice a certain religion, or exhibit a specific cultural mindset because they live in the United States. Diversity is what drives cultural progress; several thousand refugees aren't going to "Deprive" America of it's supposedly fantastic, liberal culture. What inconveniences do you suffer because they don't speak English? It's more difficult to take their order at a restaurant? Is that honestly a worthy trade-off? Your inconvenience for a life? Better than a bunch of children getting sent back to a war zone and getting their skulls caved in with artillery rounds.

In 1938, 63% of Americans didn't want Jews in the country, either. And what do we think of that perspective now? It's ridiculous. People in the future are going to look shamefully on our country if we don't accommodate for a few thousand innocent people who just want to not get shot at. We have the money, so don't give me the "Economic impact" stuff. Ethics are more important than money, and they always will be.

"But Winy, what if they're terrorists?" 99% of them aren't. Probably a higher percentage, honestly. After France, security will be ramped up again, and I'm sure that our security procedures and systems are tighter than France's, anyway. You want me to be completely honest? If a couple people die in a terror incident because of one or two immigrants, then that's a tragedy. It's even worse of a tragedy to allow the remaining tens of thousands of people to die from the neglectfulness of a completely capable United States. I don't value American lives over Syrian ones; I'm not Nationalistic at all.

How many people are murdered yearly in the United States by American citizens? Several thousand, probably? Unless these Syrian refugees have one hell of a plan up their sleeves, then on average, you should be more concerned with getting shanked by a US patron than bombed by a Syrian refugee.

Obviously the issue is a very complicated one. I just personally don't think we should bury our heads in the sand and let these people go fuck off and die, especially since our screening of immigrants, refugees no less, is soooo insanely strict and thorough.

Edit: Honestly, it's just refreshing to talk about this with someone (you) without petty insults left and right being spewed. All I've really seen is just insanely opinionated people (on both sides) talk about this. Or rather, try to shove their opinions down the others throat like it was a Brazzers video.

We could probably westernize the kiddies. The bigger problem is with the adolescents and adults. All the westernized muslims we have were pretty much raised here from a very young age.
That tends to be how 2nd generation and beyond immigration happens, yes.

Serious / Re: So America is filled with cowardly Governors
« on: November 18, 2015, 08:06:35 PM »
So now wanting to protect your people is cowardly? It's pretty idiotic how libs want to gamble with their own civilians lives by letting in potential terrorists.

Go tackle your gun rights, health care, and poverty. If you're suddenly promoting the protection of your people, do it instead of suddenly acting like you care because of a hot button issue.
Pointless to bring those up because those are things we are working. Which is another reason why not to let them. We've got enough problems without letting terrorists in.
Let's not generalize that they're all terrorists. All because, what... one was? And he was like European actually?

And I'd say we're not working on the gun rights and poverty bits, and the healthcare one is just one side saying they'll get rid of it for the status quo we've had for decades which was failing.

Serious / Re: So America is filled with cowardly Governors
« on: November 18, 2015, 08:05:45 PM »
Saying these governors are heroes is equatable to calling Caitlin Jenner a hero.
Not comparable in the least.
It kind of is. Both have done nothing to earn themselves anything close to "hero".

Serious / Re: So America is filled with cowardly Governors
« on: November 18, 2015, 07:55:45 PM »

Serious / Re: So America is filled with cowardly Governors
« on: November 18, 2015, 07:55:08 PM »
So now wanting to protect your people is cowardly? It's pretty idiotic how libs want to gamble with their own civilians lives by letting in potential terrorists.

Go tackle your gun rights, health care, and poverty. If you're suddenly promoting the protection of your people, do it instead of suddenly acting like you care because of a hot button issue.

oh wait

We don't have to let these people in, it isn't our responsibility.
People said the same thing about the Jews right before WW2 when they tried to come here. Of course in hindsight we all realize how bad that was, right?

The Flood / Re: Some of you Muslims are alright
« on: November 18, 2015, 07:52:29 PM »
Great and loving parents until you get raped, then you're unpure and disowned.
So much T H I S!!!!

Serious / Re: Minority students protesting colleges in numerous states
« on: November 18, 2015, 07:00:01 PM »
Heard that these peeps said that their protests is way more important than the Paris attacks because it took their spotlight.
fuck france, black lives matter
france has a ton of black people

Gaming / Re: Enclave Recruit
« on: November 18, 2015, 06:13:28 PM »
404 Not Found


Ohhhh right, forgot to tell you this. This site only works if you have a Enclave Computer, oh and it's only available in California.

I was ready to contribute and be a patriot

Gaming / Re: Enclave Recruit
« on: November 18, 2015, 06:06:42 PM »
404 Not Found


The Flood / Muslims be all
« on: November 18, 2015, 05:40:31 PM »

« on: November 18, 2015, 05:34:57 PM »




You deserve to be alienated if you'd join up with the people who have killed your friends and family.

Serious / Re: So America is filled with cowardly Governors
« on: November 18, 2015, 05:34:13 PM »
and thus should be fucked to death.
Bringing orgies into the equation is going to solve NOTHING.
You've clearly not watched enough hentais.
Time to go study up

Serious / Re: So America is filled with cowardly Governors
« on: November 18, 2015, 04:28:56 PM »
and thus should be fucked to death.
Bringing orgies into the equation is going to solve NOTHING.

Serious / Re: So America is filled with cowardly Governors
« on: November 18, 2015, 03:48:29 PM »
I think you meant to say true american heroes.

regardless of if you agree or disagree with them, they are not heroes in the slightest.

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