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Messages - Luciana

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Serious / Re: Why do liberals view Trumps Muslim ban negatively?
« on: December 09, 2015, 02:55:07 PM »
Because democrats are okay with how the Japanese were treated
Except no one says that, silly. At least I hope not.

Also, why do we always say "liberals" or "radicals" when talking about political things? Why do we never talk about the vast majority of people who're in the middle?
That was sarcasm luci
I don't know what that is :(

Serious / Republican debate tonight (8:30 EST)
« on: December 09, 2015, 02:54:38 PM »
Undercard is at 6 PM EST

Who will be watching? Probably too early to make this thread.

Will the pundits attack Trump on his Muslim comments? It seems everyone who slams Trump tends to fall in polling's, where as Ted Cruz simply said "I disagree" and is now 2nd or 3rd behind Trump.

Weird how that works.

Gaming / Re: FFVIIR will be released in multiple parts
« on: December 09, 2015, 01:54:55 PM »
Slightly offtopic; Cloud's design always was kind of edgy imo - But judging from his rendering and the VA in the trailer, SQE seems to be willing to go full Coldsteel the Hedgehog with him.

...I literally can't not hear 'Crawling' by Linkin Park feintly playing in the back of my head the second Cloud begins to talk.
Hopefully he's slightly cheerful in the game, seeing as they gave him humor and jokes in the game. He went from edgy, to a human bean, to depressing post game (kingdom hearts).

They never really struck the middle game mood with Cloud yet.

Serious / Re: Why do liberals view Trumps Muslim ban negatively?
« on: December 09, 2015, 01:46:15 PM »
Because democrats are okay with how the Japanese were treated
Except no one says that, silly. At least I hope not.

Also, why do we always say "liberals" or "radicals" when talking about political things? Why do we never talk about the vast majority of people who're in the middle?

The Flood / Re: How Is Verbatim A Vegan?
« on: December 08, 2015, 10:47:48 PM »
I was more alluding to there being more humane ways to treat these animals before they die.
there aren't any
There are, and you'll find them on non-industrial, localized farms.

This is why urban sprawl and the death of the American farmer is cancer.

I don't know enough to contribute.

The Flood / Re: How Is Verbatim A Vegan?
« on: December 08, 2015, 10:41:11 PM »
I wouldn't turn vegan or whatever
see, but like

why not

you're obviously distressed by what goes on--and you're contributing to it
Because I'm an omnivore

I was more alluding to there being more humane ways to treat these animals before they die.

The Flood / Re: How Is Verbatim A Vegan?
« on: December 08, 2015, 10:37:39 PM »
I will point out that I work in the meat industry and am required to kill the animals as humanely as possible, by snapping their necks.
..I don't believe you.

The Flood / Re: How Is Verbatim A Vegan?
« on: December 08, 2015, 10:37:11 PM »
legal action is against this.
lacking in public backing.

This is why I was actually aligning with Egg on telling everyone to ease off that lady who taped her dog's mouth for a minute. You'd think everyone in that thread should want to go bomb Tyson chicken now.

I ain't no saint but at least I'm consistent.
I can understand it now. The lack of holding up the standard for all animals (pigs being as intelligent as 3 year olds or something it's been proven) is why I can understand it now. I almost lost it when I saw that one worker just punching and kicking that Calf.


I need cheerful stuff now.

The Flood / Re: How Is Verbatim A Vegan?
« on: December 08, 2015, 10:35:56 PM »
That entire video depressed me

The Flood / Re: How Is Verbatim A Vegan?
« on: December 08, 2015, 10:26:48 PM »
yet keep a thread open for some dark 'n edgy egoist shut-in twink that promotes literally NO discussion value whatsoever with his illogical and inane/arcane 'methods' and yet you still read all the bullshit posted on here on a daily basis contributing nothing of value to this quote-on-quote "miserable" world that only betas can't thrive in and you are basically this fucking and utterly so stupid?

i am NOT an egoist
You're also NOT a dumbfuck.

Get outta here.

You're deluding yourself further and further into a limited box by pushing half truths you yourself cannot even begin to comprehend. Regardless of whether you think we should have or not have children I don't really give a shit. I just like making fun of retards who pretend to be retards or are actually retarded on the Internet like everyone else.
Too bad you've gone past "pretending."
Why did you quote yourself?...

The Flood / Re: How Is Verbatim A Vegan?
« on: December 08, 2015, 10:24:25 PM »
Ugh, this is making me feel a mixture of anger and sadness.

I wonder how those people can live with themselves. Better yet, I wonder where the legal action is against this.

The Flood / Re: How Is Verbatim A Vegan?
« on: December 08, 2015, 10:20:28 PM »
Is that just with American meat and what not? Or around the world?

The Flood / Re: How Is Verbatim A Vegan?
« on: December 08, 2015, 10:17:05 PM »
I'm... convinced.

I wouldn't turn vegan or whatever, but this depresses me. Makes sense with that Iowa bill to treat pigs better or whatever it was.

I hear they have to shift people out who kill these animals because it creates PTSD. My mother worked in one for 3 months and she said never again.

The Flood / Re: How Is Verbatim A Vegan?
« on: December 08, 2015, 09:46:47 PM »

Gaming / Re: How long is a soft an in Dank Souls 2?
« on: December 08, 2015, 09:45:31 PM »

This is true. Still, the co-op part is true.

Gaming / Re: Total War: Attila Age of Charlemagne night
« on: December 08, 2015, 08:12:59 PM »
What faction are you guys playing as? I'm surprised you can't play as Wessex since that is what heavily influenced modern England. But I guess at the time Mercia was the strongest.

I know mods will add it in.

Nahh it had more depth and better music
Honestly, aside from the ambient music and any rendition of the Dragonborn song (specifically when fighting a dragon),  Jeremy Soule is not very good at doing music for combat. It always sounds so boring.

I'd completely forget this was even playing in the background majority of the time
I remember it because it would never shut up when you're walking in the wild, and it activates because some random mud crab or wolf is around you that you can't see for 5 minutes.

Nahh it had more depth and better music
Honestly, aside from the ambient music and any rendition of the Dragonborn song (specifically when fighting a dragon),  Jeremy Soule is not very good at doing music for combat. It always sounds so boring.

Serious / Re: Time for a poll!
« on: December 08, 2015, 06:42:48 PM »

The thing that makes Oblivion stand up when compared to Skyrim, is the writing, and presentation. Hell even the voice acting too, and it was only with like 5 people. Skyrim's writing and voice acting are horrible. The quests are just uncreative and boring as well.



That cheesiness easily made it more memorable than half the things in Skyrim
I love those lines so much

Skyrim's were just weird a lot of the time

like lollygagging

why did they call it that
lollygagging is a real word

it means wasting time or being idle
I know it's a real word, I just found it kinda silly to use
Maybe if you stopped lollygagging, you'd see it's not so silly.

That stupid theory that Jar Jar with a Sith Lord sounded so stupid until it kept going on. Then it just got weird and had enough evidence to actually be a thing.

The Flood / Re: Manchester United got BTFO today.
« on: December 08, 2015, 06:33:49 PM »
oh, soccer

got it

Unless you're Spanish, you have no reason to say futbol. It's literally football in Spanish.

The Flood / Re: I don't understand the appeal of weed.
« on: December 08, 2015, 04:58:47 PM »
Life is terrible and everyone should be sickeningly depressed about it.

The Flood / Re: Manchester United got BTFO today.
« on: December 08, 2015, 04:54:43 PM »
Meanwhile Man City finishes top of group

Gaming / Re: Dark Souls is easily one of the best games of all time.
« on: December 08, 2015, 10:48:23 AM »
i think i'm entitled to a little bit of frustration over not having been born in a perfect place
You live in America though.
i'm talking about the universe

i was born in a terrible universe on a shitty planet that is inhabited by insane, selfish fucking idiots
and i never even asked to be here--i was forced here against my will, as we all were

i have a right to be angry over that
i have a right to be extremely angry over that, actually--on behalf of every single person on the planet, not just me
Okay, Verb. Calm down.

Gaming / Re: Why is the i7-6700k $800?
« on: December 08, 2015, 02:33:41 AM »
It just came out. New tech = ridiculously overpriced for a couple of years.

The Flood / Re: Mods are asleep
« on: December 08, 2015, 02:32:39 AM »

am i doing it right?

Also guys, like Skyrim, Oblivion is pretty good with mods. Overhaul for the faces is a good thing.
Unlike Skyrim, Oblivion actually REQUIRED mods in order to make it playable.
No it didn't, and you know it didn't. Otherwise it wouldn't have been sold in the first place. You're just being dramatic.
Oblivion's default UI was borderline unuseable on PC. Enhanced UI was practically required. Even fucking Todd Howard refused to play the game without it.
Skyrim's UI, and Fallout 4 actually as well, are tedious as hell for the PC.

Todd Howard seems to think Console first and neglecting PC = mods will fix everything :^D
Skyrim's UI was bad, but still useble. FO4 I have not yet played, so I'm not going to judge that yet.
FO4 UI is just tedious.

Also guys, like Skyrim, Oblivion is pretty good with mods. Overhaul for the faces is a good thing.
Unlike Skyrim, Oblivion actually REQUIRED mods in order to make it playable.
No it didn't, and you know it didn't. Otherwise it wouldn't have been sold in the first place. You're just being dramatic.
Oblivion's default UI was borderline unuseable on PC. Enhanced UI was practically required. Even fucking Todd Howard refused to play the game without it.
Skyrim's UI, and Fallout 4 actually as well, are tedious as hell for the PC.

Todd Howard seems to think Console first and neglecting PC = mods will fix everything :^D

Same game, different setting.
It's not the same game at all. One doesn't have magic and medieval settings with gods and mystic beings.

That's like saying Mass Effect is the same game as Dragon Age.

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