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Messages - Luciana

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Serious / Re: "Islamic extremism is created by the U.S."
« on: December 13, 2015, 08:18:04 PM »
How many times do we have to have this thread?
Until the pussies, relativists and masochists of the West understand it.
Pretty sure like 90% of the forum already agree with the OP.
I don't know if you haven't been on here lately or what but it's fucking full of people here who blame everything but Islam.
And on the flip side, it seems you're the one to blame everything on Islam

But really, must every thread you make now be about ISIS? This section of the website should be changed to "Muslims discussions" or something. It's all you guys talk about now. I miss the other stuff.
It was exactly like this last year when all those ISIS beheading videos came out.
I wasn't around then. Sounds fun. Now all I have is this song stuck in my head.


The Flood / Re: If you're going to the Star Wars premiere...
« on: December 13, 2015, 08:14:13 PM »
to be fair, that's what happens when you ignore gun control and mental healthcare for decades

You reap what you sow, yanks.

Mental health is definitely the core issue.

We have to analyze socio-cultural changes over the last few decades and try and figure this out. Why is this happening all the time now? I believe it to be a number of factors, including but not limited to: poor mental health programs, the increased acceptability and accessibility of extremely violent and sexual content that could be viewed by children (without the guidance of an adult) and so forth.
You're forgetting what's arguably the most important factor: easy access to firearms.

I like how you say this, yet when Flee posts some well thought out thing with facts regarding gun control, no one every can refute what he has to say, and it ends up just being ignored.

Serious / Re: Do you think Trump is a double agent?
« on: December 13, 2015, 06:27:55 PM »
I've been thinking that for a while now. Not sure though.
I always thought it was a massive publicity stunt.

Though once his actual businesses pull away from him as we've seen recently, that's when it will start hurting him.


is a SWELL Muslim when he's not circle jerking about arguments with Cindy in Serious
I'm not Sunni
Shut up

yes you are

Challenger is a SWELL Muslim when he's not circle jerking about arguments with Cindy in Serious

Serious / Re: London Cop Tells LBC: "There Are No-Go Areas"
« on: December 13, 2015, 02:36:43 PM »
Honestly I really doubt these actually exist as we imagine them outside of Sweden.

And Germany. And England. And Kosovo.
And the US if we're going by what this article is saying.

Serious / Re: London Cop Tells LBC: "There Are No-Go Areas"
« on: December 13, 2015, 11:36:17 AM »
Correct me if I'm wrong here
Regarding no-go areas in London, Rob added: "With gang crime in London, there are areas which you wouldn't go into as a pair of cops in a car because of the fear of having things thrown at you when you're driving through certain estates - bottles etc.
But Trump was referring specifically to Muslims last I checked. Or maybe that was Bobby Jindal? One of those idiots.

This guy is just referring to gangs. By that rule, there are plenty of those in the United States too.

Serious / Re: The large minority: Islam and terrorism.
« on: December 13, 2015, 11:00:25 AM »
Like a brick wall, I swear
Exactly, you know I'm right.

12 year olds. Mothers saying "I'd sacrifice my 5 year old son for you Caravan of Karbala!"

All in the name Islam.
You're a special kind of person
You're a nut

You take that back :(

Serious / Re: The large minority: Islam and terrorism.
« on: December 13, 2015, 10:50:40 AM »
Like a brick wall, I swear
Exactly, you know I'm right.

12 year olds. Mothers saying "I'd sacrifice my 5 year old son for you Caravan of Karbala!"

All in the name Islam.
You're a special kind of person

Serious / Re: "Islamic extremism is created by the U.S."
« on: December 13, 2015, 10:49:40 AM »
How many times do we have to have this thread?
Until the pussies, relativists and masochists of the West understand it.
Pretty sure like 90% of the forum already agree with the OP.
I don't know if you haven't been on here lately or what but it's fucking full of people here who blame everything but Islam.
And on the flip side, it seems you're the one to blame everything on Islam

But really, must every thread you make now be about ISIS? This section of the website should be changed to "Muslims discussions" or something. It's all you guys talk about now. I miss the other stuff.

Serious / Re: Why do liberals view Trumps Muslim ban negatively?
« on: December 13, 2015, 04:59:52 AM »
Not exactly dancing in the street but:

Moreover what I'm concerned about is that publicly trying to lay any blame on culture, race, or political ideology that isn't European/white/nationalist isn't allowed. Maybe just maybe Islam isn't very peaceful, maybe blacks and Hispanics are more violent( And speaking as someone from an immigrant family, there is no goddamn excuse for entering a country illegally, comply with the system or don't enter at all; so it is quite justified to remove those people.

Also it's almost midnight for me too so i'm happy to put this conversation aside for another time.

There is a more detailed version on the dancing in the street. A few people doing a few stupid things shouldn't suddenly = the entire people being blamed. A few white people shooting up schools shouldn't suddenly mean all white people are dangerous, right? Or one pro-life guy shooting up that Planned Parenthood place? Not all pro-life people are bad right? Funny thing is though that if he was Muslim, it'd be portrayed entirely differently.

And people in poverty tend to be a bit more violent for a variety of reasons. Some of which I'm sure you know. Islam in the US has never really been a problem at all. We can bring up remote incidents I suppose, but you can't really sit here and tell me the religion isn't compatible with American values, when they've been here for a long long time and have led perfectly normal lives, abiding by the law, and making dosh. If you wanna talk about incompatible, just look at a shit ton of conservative people trying to still deny human rights like work places discriminating against gays and what not. THAT'S incompatible.

And yes I agree with you on illegal immigration being bad, but to propose barring them off from a chance to immigrate at all is nothing short of lunacy to me. Hell, let them try to enter the normal way anyway. I bet our immigration system will make them want to give up anyway given how complicated and stupid it is.

And on another random note, your name reminds me way too much of this certain character and it distracts me


Serious / Re: Why do liberals view Trumps Muslim ban negatively?
« on: December 13, 2015, 04:30:11 AM »
I couldn't answer that, however I remember hearing that Muslims living in the US were more moderate than Muslims living elsewhere, perhaps the reason is because the US integrates different cultures so well? I'd have to look into it to give you a definitive answer.
A pointless rant with me being sleep deprived
Muslims in America have never really been crazy, and integrated well into America and their culture. The religion doesn't impede any of that in the slightest over here to my knowledge. You don't ever hear Americans here crying out for Sharia Law, or "dancing on the streets" during 9/11 or some other crazy crap.

The people saying Muslims in America aren't compatible with American culture and values have probably never once even thought about that until it was brought up by media or polls or some shit. I guarantee you the people on this website who believe that, wouldn't have said that even so much as 5 months ago. It seems Americans are always looking to pin their problems and paranoia's on something, be it blacks, communists, mexicans, or more recently, Muslims.

People need to understand that blaming issues entirely on one race or religion is extremely dangerous and a slippery slope. It really says something about the state we're in when legit questions in our presidential race are talking about deporting thousands of people, or barring people entirely from this country based on a country they came from, or religion they may have.

We've tried barring people from our country before under the auspices they were dangerous, a threat to American values, and the other stuff you've heard. They were called the Jews and they were fleeing from Nazi Germany. We decided to ignore the real horrible shit going on and just brand them all under one label. Really swell how that one worked out for us.

Now we can't stop licking Israel's asshole out of our guilt for it.

Edit: If you want to talk about crazy, or people not integrating well, talk about types of people who do all these mass shootings and actually kill our people. I find it insanely odd how we're quick to say Muslims in America are dangerous, yet we never really bring up issues with all the people ready to actually shoot people up in malls in schools. I guess because they're white.

You do know that you can, right?

You know, a callout doesn't have to be full of insults and herp derp. Some of the hardest callouts I ever had on me weren't insults, but discussion. Just delivered in a casual fashion like it was every day business. Just a simple statement.

Insults and shouting get you nowhere. Being plain and truthful, blunt if you will, does.
Pretty much this

and just calling someone out and throwing insults probably shows they're getting to you on a personal level, which would probably make said person just upset you more since they have more material on you to use.

Just keep in mind that at the end of the day, you're getting upset from someone disagreeing with you

over an internet forum

It can be annoying, but don't let it ruin your day. Life is hard enough, you don't need things like petty arguments ruining a day for you.

Serious / Re: The large minority: Islam and terrorism.
« on: December 13, 2015, 12:00:44 AM »
Israel is just as bad, if not worse than some things going on over there.
Fuck you, you lunatic.

Is Israel perfect? No, not by a long shot. But if you think Israel is "just as bad, if not worse" than Hamas firing rockets from besides residential areas and keeping weapons in schools and hospitals then you literally don't have a clue what the fuck you are talking about.
How does that justify bombing those residential areas, schools, and hospitals?
I was going to say this, but I realized I was too lazy to debate.

I've been in a rut lately in that regard.

The Flood / Re: How many of you here actually like Spongebob?
« on: December 12, 2015, 11:59:25 PM »
Is good. I liked it more when SpongeBob wasn't literally retarded and had a semblance of normality to him. Flanderization is a fate worse than death.
Yeah, this x10000

The Flood / Re: are the chinese even trying
« on: December 12, 2015, 11:21:59 PM »


Serious / Re: "Islamic extremism is created by the U.S."
« on: December 12, 2015, 10:42:43 PM »
You can't tell me some random drone strike in Yemen that kills someone's family entire family one day when they're out on the market, wouldn't help contribute to it.
Actually, I can. In Palestine, the effect of Palestinian deaths on support for Hamas is statistically insignificant, and the number of Palestinians supporting strikes against Israel has fallen dramatically since the Gaza War. And, at least in the case of Palestine, causality is strongly heading in the direction of Israeli casualties leading to Palestinian casualties, and not vice versa.

In Yemen specifically, there has never been a year since 2009 in which civilian casualties outnumber and, with the exception of 2010, none of them have civilian deaths as high as 50pc of insurgent deaths.

In Iraq, just 12pc of the 92,000 civilian deaths were caused by Coalition forces.

To come onto drones specifically though, it seems they have the opposite effect to what you claim: being associated with decreases in the frequencies of terrorist attacks, specifically with decreases in IEDs and suicide bombings. Even unsuccessful drone strikes are associated with these effects, demonstrating a rather effective deterrent channel.

Of course, I'm not saying it has no effect. . . It's just a fucking weak argument.
Oh, well fair enough. I suppose a learned a little. I was always under the impression that drone strikes created terrorists as well. I would still think culture and how it ties into their theocratic governments also helps terrorism.

Serious / Re: "Islamic extremism is created by the U.S."
« on: December 12, 2015, 10:41:01 PM »
Answer this honestly-

Did the 129 people dying in Paris make you upset? Did you become angry?

I was furious, myself.
I was more deflated if anything. Not angry.

Serious / Re: I went to Church today.
« on: December 12, 2015, 10:40:07 PM »
How long are you going to fake this whole believing in God thing?
Oh don't be such a dick.

Serious / Re: "Islamic extremism is created by the U.S."
« on: December 12, 2015, 10:21:04 PM »
There is no "one" answer to why terrorism happens over there.
This is just as bad as the people who rhetorically claim it's entirely about foreign policy, or people hating us for our freedom or whatever.

The fact that no single factor will ever be the only cause of Islamic extremism is a totally uninteresting and unenlightening observation to make; pretty much nobody would substantially argue against that. The question is to what extent do factors like foreign policy, culture, domestic issues etc. affect the prevalence of Islamic terrorism.

The answer, at least for the first, is "not a lot".
I said that because I see constant posts here making it out to be Islam being the one thing that automatically makes them terrorists. I'd disagree that those things you mentioned above not making in impact.

Random example. You can't tell me some random drone strike in Yemen that kills someone's family entire family one day when they're out on the market, wouldn't help contribute to it. Especially when they constantly hear bad shit about the west.

Although in the end it really wouldn't make sense considering people like ISIS kill people of their own religion constantly, so that kinda defeats the purpose.

The Flood / Re: Serious question, what do British call African Americans?
« on: December 12, 2015, 10:16:19 PM »
Do British people call African Americans
Well if they're black and from America, they'd be African American. Otherwise either "British" or "Black".

It's another weird thing with Americans and thinking they're the center of the world. Not every black person is African American. Hell not every black person in AMERICA is African American considering they could be from any number of places that have blacks. Jamaica, or Haiti maybe are a few examples.

Calling someone black =/= being racist. You can call someone black, it's okay.

Serious / Re: Why do liberals view Trumps Muslim ban negatively?
« on: December 12, 2015, 10:12:50 PM »
]>Popup video/audio ads
>clickbait titles

Are you sure you can't find a better source? Especially since media bias against Trump is ridiculously high?
I'm sure I can find a much better one. You just underestimate how lazy I am for a decent read.

I did learn from that though that Ford hated Jews. I was never aware of any of that stuff he did. What a fuck.
He was antisemitic, supported Hitler and stuff. Still 10/10
I think Hitler had a picture of him like that article said. I'd like to think he actually did have that stroke. That's fantastic.

Serious / Re: "Islamic extremism is created by the U.S."
« on: December 12, 2015, 10:10:13 PM »


There is no "one" answer to why terrorism happens over there. To simply blame it on one thing is nothing short of ignorant in my opinion. Maybe the US with Iraq contributed somewhat to some shit, but I mean, they've been set up for terrorism in a while. The 90's is when it really sprouted up I believe. Could be wrong, but yeah. Blaming it on one thing is stupid to me.


Serious / Re: Why do liberals view Trumps Muslim ban negatively?
« on: December 12, 2015, 10:01:00 PM »
]>Popup video/audio ads
>clickbait titles

Are you sure you can't find a better source? Especially since media bias against Trump is ridiculously high?
I'm sure I can find a much better one. You just underestimate how lazy I am for a decent read.

I did learn from that though that Ford hated Jews. I was never aware of any of that stuff he did. What a fuck.

Serious / Re: The large minority: Islam and terrorism.
« on: December 12, 2015, 09:59:49 PM »
A large ass percentage of them support terrorism. A lot of them are terrorists.

I don't see what's so confusing to people.
Are we considering supporting also = terrorist? Last I checked a very very very small minority (I know, that word) are actually terrorists, as compared to the billion people you mentioned.
A large ass percentage of them support terrorism.
A lot of them are terrorists.
A large ass percentage of them support terrorism.
A lot of them are terrorists.
A large ass percentage of them support terrorism.
A lot of them are terrorists.
A large ass percentage of them support terrorism.
A lot of them are terrorists.
A large ass percentage of them support terrorism.
A lot of them are terrorists.
A large ass percentage of them support terrorism.
A lot of them are terrorists.
A large ass percentage of them support terrorism.
A lot of them are terrorists.
A large ass percentage of them support terrorism.
A lot of them are terrorists.
A large ass percentage of them support terrorism.
A lot of them are terrorists.
A large ass percentage of them support terrorism.
A lot of them are terrorists.
A large ass percentage of them support terrorism.
A lot of them are terrorists.
...Just what are you trying to say?

Serious / Re: "Islamic extremism is created by the U.S."
« on: December 12, 2015, 09:59:08 PM »
Extreme Islam can't melt steel beams

Serious / Re: The large minority: Islam and terrorism.
« on: December 12, 2015, 06:12:53 PM »
A large ass percentage of them support terrorism. A lot of them are terrorists.

I don't see what's so confusing to people.
Are we considering supporting also = terrorist? Last I checked a very very very small minority (I know, that word) are actually terrorists, as compared to the billion people you mentioned.

Serious / Re: Why do liberals view Trumps Muslim ban negatively?
« on: December 12, 2015, 05:54:06 PM »
Apparently people think its okay that Rick Ross's fatass made a song about assassinating Trump.

But god forbid anyone who made a song about killing Obama or Hillary.
How are you gonna be Latino and be defending Trump
I don't defend him or support him, but the idiots who hate him just for the sake of hating him or compare him to Hitler is hilarious.

This is a pretty interesting read for a more proper comparison.

Serious / Re: Why do liberals view Trumps Muslim ban negatively?
« on: December 12, 2015, 03:42:55 PM »
Apparently people think its okay that Rick Ross's fatass made a song about assassinating Trump.

But god forbid anyone who made a song about killing Obama or Hillary.
How are you gonna be Latino and be defending Trump
I think the better question is how are you gonna be anything but white and defend Trump?

Serious / Re: Why do liberals view Trumps Muslim ban negatively?
« on: December 12, 2015, 03:42:08 PM »
Question: why would Muslims ever want to go to America considering it's not an Islamic country and never will be, and furthermore why would you want to bring Muslims into your non Muslim country?

Looking from the outside American culture and Muslim culture appear incompatible with one another.
"Why would we not want cultures to remain stagnant for the remainder of eternity?"
You're really begging the question there. How does Muslim culture improve American culture? and if it doesn't, why would you advocate for it?
America has no culture

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