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Messages - Luciana

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Serious / Re: How do YOU judge America?
« on: December 18, 2015, 02:50:26 PM »
Do you know how widespread slavery is nowadays? I don't give a fuck what standards you want to hold the U.S. too by itself, but to deny that it is a couple of centuries ahead of most of the rest of the world in this regard is factually wrong.
When compared to other first world westernized countries, it was one of the last. That's what most people compare it to. Just like how most people compare the gunlaws/healthcare to other countries like that.

No one is going to say "Just look at Zimbabwe! They have bad healthcare so you should be thankful America has it!" It's just not something you can compare at all.

I don't mind people playing old Christmas songs 20 days before Christmas until the actual day, nor the decorations and whatnot. I do mind that people are buying gifts just because it's Christmas.

I don't like people buying gifts, and I don't like  ^
I get it. The obligation/guilt trip part. Yeah I agree with that. And read my other post as well for more on it.

Yup. Russia is ahead of all by only acknowledging new year.

Screw any religious context, holidays should be neutral.
Can you take a moment and soak in the content that's been written by me?

I don't feel like explaining why what you just said was very very very very stupid.
I have

New year
- no imaginary creatures
- no religion
- reason for family to be together
- no age limits
You're confusing me.

My argument is that holidays shouldn't exist, because they only bring forth shitty emotional value, whereas they bring forth a lot of bad things with them. Companies manipulate people into buying shit they don't need all the time, but with holidays, people let themselves be influenced much more easily. Also, buying christmas presents are just bad.

If you want to buy someone something, then do it. Don't do it because other people are doing it, or because you have to. That is a shitty reason imo.

Celebrating Christmas by cuddling with your family in front of a tv is just acceptable by my "rules". If you want to have that kind of a shitty moment, then go ahead, but bring in more stupid stuff and I'm out of here. Bring in the fact that you're buying gifts that other people don't want, and giving into what companies want (to make money at the cost of anything) and I'm rushing back trying to stop it.
Sounds like your problem lies with commercialism in the modern day and how it's manipulated the holidays. My mother loves Christmas but she hates the shopping along with it.

You can hate how it's been manipulated, but the history of it isn't bad.

Serious / Re: How do YOU judge America?
« on: December 18, 2015, 02:41:41 PM »
Is there a transcript or something? Not in a position to watch it now.
It wouldn't do it justice along with the guys smug face. Just watch it when you can.

Yeah, Luciana, I felt that as well, but when something so extreme is the first thing that pops into your head, you just can't discard to use it as an example.
If I lived by this example, I'd be in prison.

Because the majority of adults aren't autistic.
The majority of adults aren't autistic, they're sheeple. Holidays are for sheeples who thinks it's fun because other people are doing it, and because they're afraid they won't be seen as normal if they don't celebrate whatever mythological creature is being praised.
Sounds like you just can't have fun.
It's very difficult for me to have fun. For that reason I look at things logically, and that means that I include other peoples' feelings into my thinking. Guess what though, the conclusion I reached was that the negativity of Christmas as a whole outweighed people thinking Christmas is fun for no reason.
Not everything has to have some end game objective in life. There is no "one" answer to why people enjoy Christmas, or any holiday for that matter. Some people enjoy the presents, some the music, some the decorations/atmosphere, and most the families and days off. When you work a full time job, you'll take any days off you can get, and spending time with family is never a bad thing, especially ones you don't see too often.

It's just a nice comfy environment.

Because it's fun and gives adults a reason to take vacation days and have fun. Christmas as an adult is way better than as a kid.
"The Holocaust was fun, and it gave people a chance to be in a superior position."

^I don't think this
That was WAY out of left field lol

No, I was more so wondering who would have said it, and why you were generalizing an entire political party.
If you changed it to Rick Santorum or Mike Huckashit, I might be more inclined to believe the headline.
Rubio is a known climate change skeptic.

Ted Cruz might be better, though.
Well regardless of stereotypes, it's a very interesting read.

Serious / How do YOU judge America?
« on: December 18, 2015, 01:11:41 PM »

Another video from Prager University, and while I don't usually let their bias bug me, this one had me baffled at some of the things they said. At the 3:07 mark, that's when I really raised an eyebrow. I also just dislike their "them against us" rhetoric.

Anyway, point is, what're your thoughts on this? I figured it'd spur some interesting discussion.

No, I was more so wondering who would have said it, and why you were generalizing an entire political party.
If you changed it to Rick Santorum or Mike Huckashit, I might be more inclined to believe the headline.

No, I was more so wondering who would have said it, and why you were generalizing an entire political party.

Gaming / Re: Since Fallout 4 is released, let's talk about Elder Scrolls 6.
« on: December 18, 2015, 11:31:21 AM »
AC1 was awful you idiots. Boring and repetitive to the extreme with shallow gameplay.
I stopped playing halfway through because of how mind numbing it was.
And so were the sequels, more of the same

except in AC1 you were actually an Assassin and an okay character.
Ezio was the only good character
Are you kidding me? Edward was an amazing character.

Captain piss-off
He wasn't as stagnant and boring as Connor was, and had a good supporting cast.

Gaming / Re: Since Fallout 4 is released, let's talk about Elder Scrolls 6.
« on: December 18, 2015, 11:25:33 AM »
AC1 was awful you idiots. Boring and repetitive to the extreme with shallow gameplay.
I stopped playing halfway through because of how mind numbing it was.
And so were the sequels, more of the same

except in AC1 you were actually an Assassin and an okay character.
Ezio was the only good character
Are you kidding me? Edward was an amazing character.


Serious / Re: Can't barrage the farage
« on: December 18, 2015, 11:23:34 AM »

The Flood / Re: Is the extended editions of LoTR/Hobbit worth watching?
« on: December 18, 2015, 04:48:59 AM »
They're good. But it's stuff that they cut because it wasn't necessary to the plot. I'd highly recommend them though.

Speaking of which,,me and a friend are marathoning all six extended cuts in a row this week. Gonna be fun.
That's over like... 15 hours of content

god, have fun but wow.

The Flood / Is the extended editions of LoTR/Hobbit worth watching?
« on: December 18, 2015, 04:45:09 AM »
I've already seen the original trilogy (someone brought it up earlier, hence the other thread and then I decided for this), but is it worth watching again for the extended edition? Any important stuff/extra exposition? Never seen any of the Hobbit's, so I'm just downloading the extended of that.

The only drawback is like... each movie is 4 hours long because of that. That's Moses the old 50's movie long.

The Flood / Re: Compliment Thread
« on: December 18, 2015, 03:36:35 AM »
Rider is bae

Yeah, she is <3333
Um that's not Medea, the best character of Stay Night
She's not the best

but I won't deny her dominatrix personality is something that makes my legs turn into noodles

dat fufufu laugh, i'd blush like saber tied up

The Flood / Re: Compliment Thread
« on: December 18, 2015, 03:29:03 AM »
i could use a compliment
You are original for having one of the bungie avatars. Or something similar at least!

The Flood / Re: Compliment Thread
« on: December 18, 2015, 03:28:27 AM »

I don't think you know what irony is.

Irony would be someone not believing in god, but secretly they are a god themself.
I was saying it was ironic because they laugh at people believing god and go "Lol no evidence! Science has proven it!", but then when global warming happens "Nah, I don't believe that", even though there is proof in front of our eyes. Like, 100% cold hard facts.

Edit: Or would that just be a double standard?
You're assuming too much.

To believe takes energy.

You can choose not to believe in anything, and thus you won't be spending energy. You could not believe in god and science, because you don't feel like believing.
Oh, well that's true, yeah. Fair enough.

in your scenario I'd say it's just a logical fallacy to believe in a source for saying one thing, but then not the other 'cause you don't like it. That isn't however how it is. Science doesn't disprove of god, but they do prove that humans are causing global warming.
Yeah, that sounds right. Logical fallacy. Thanks for helping me out in a dumb moment.

Serious / Re: Donald Trump wants to 'close up' the Internet
« on: December 18, 2015, 02:01:29 AM »
Whining about one percieved injustice or another while decrying the unenlightened untermensch who fail to see the world through your advanced eyes.
Is this serious?

Also, wikiing some big worded synonym to replace something like "inferior race" doesn't make you sound smarter.

Decrying one neoliberal for not being the right kind of neoliberal is absurd. Decrying any modern political movement independently of all others is absurd.

Every single decision made by government is backed up with coercion and the open threat of lethal force. All these appeals to morality and ethics reek of delusion. Donald Trump is no less morally upright than Bernie Sanders, George Bush, Pericles, or any other politician in the history of the institution of the state. Sniffing your own farts while talking about how silly those uneducated republicans are is absurd.

Trump represents a defiance of all that is sacred in modern political discourse, and for that I love the man. Trump is a caricature of the system while he himself mocks the system. Those of you circle jerking over how dumb his supporters are miss the fucking point.
You're going to have to break it down for me more.

How is someone championing building massive walls, deporting millions and separating families, and proposing a ban on an entire religious people entering a country, similar at all to anything Sanders or Bush does?

And the fact that Trump encourages hateful rhetoric to be spewed when it goes on? Either I'm missing the point you're trying to make, or it's not similar at all, because I don't understand how he's at all similar to the other modern examples you used. You sound like you're talking more from an ideological/philosophical standpoint than a practical one.

The Flood / Re: Just killed an entire large pizza from Dominos
« on: December 18, 2015, 01:58:34 AM »
It's always good to go on a large binge once in a blue moon.

I don't think you know what irony is.

Irony would be someone not believing in god, but secretly they are a god themself.
I was saying it was ironic because they laugh at people believing god and go "Lol no evidence! Science has proven it!", but then when global warming happens "Nah, I don't believe that", even though there is proof in front of our eyes. Like, 100% cold hard facts.

Edit: Or would that just be a double standard?

Serious / Re: Israel: the world's most moral army
« on: December 18, 2015, 01:53:31 AM »
If you want peace then leave the region instead of causing more conflict.
I agree with almost all of your points except this one. You can't just simply get up and leave. A two state solution would probably help ease a LOT of tension. All a lot of people want over there is some land to call their own, and to be represented. Not oppressed.
I'd support a two state solution; But what I had in mind was that if civilians wanted peace then there is always the option of them individually leaving to somewhere peaceful. Whereas the guy in the video was making it seem that fighting was their only option for peace.
Ah. Yeah I understand. Sadly, I think people find it hard to abandon their home countries. I'm sure the PEOPLE want it. Heck, even Obama was speaking at a college in Israel and pushed for a two state solution, and the students applauded it. It's the fact that you have the old politicians who are stuck in their old ways, wanting nothing of it.

But that's the case with so many things I suppose. Regardless, that whole channel is insanely biased and only gives half truths, or outright lies.

>Sees real global warming deniers ITT

I don't deny global warming, but I do think it is ridiculously overblown.
I read the official report on climate change (It was something like 100+ pages long)

...It's not really overblown at all

If you're interested
If I can clarify

I don't think (I hope) anyone denies that global warming is a thing. Massive things like this are natural in our planet and we're overdue for many a thing, this included.

I think the people (like him) who say it's overblown, are saying humans effects on it are overblown. That's the thing people argue over, not that it's a thing. Now me personally, I listen to the evidence provided and it's no secret us polluting the atmosphere isn't good. Just look at Beijing. If you deny humans can have profound effects on the atmosphere and the delicate environment, then I personally think you are a fool.

The best part is the people outright denying evidence such as this (at least on the internet. Not with politicians), are the same ones who laugh at people for believing god. If that's not irony, I don't know what is.

Well that's depressing

Serious / Re: Donald Trump wants to 'close up' the Internet
« on: December 18, 2015, 12:33:03 AM »
Whining about one percieved injustice or another while decrying the unenlightened untermensch who fail to see the world through your advanced eyes.
Is this serious?

Also, wikiing some big worded synonym to replace something like "inferior race" doesn't make you sound smarter.

Serious / Re: Israel: the world's most moral army
« on: December 18, 2015, 12:29:57 AM »
If you want peace then leave the region instead of causing more conflict.
I agree with almost all of your points except this one. You can't just simply get up and leave. A two state solution would probably help ease a LOT of tension. All a lot of people want over there is some land to call their own, and to be represented. Not oppressed.

Serious / Re: Can't barrage the farage
« on: December 18, 2015, 12:27:46 AM »
barrage the farage... I like it. Well done.

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