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Messages - Luciana

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It sure is hilarious trying to see Verbatim become a mod.
I think it'd be more funny if you were

I'm a fan of comedy
Oh I'm sorry did I hurt your boyfriend's feelings LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL

you're my boyfriend

It sure is hilarious trying to see Verbatim become a mod.
I think it'd be more funny if you were

I'm a fan of comedy

why does every mod discussion devolve into an argument about whether verb should or shouldn't be a mod?
Because of the apparent 'nice Verbatim' that only shows up around staff changes that folks (including staff) still fall for.
But he's been pretty nice for the most part since I joined even before I was a mod.
ehh, wouldn't go that far back

we got in a couple of spats before, if you remember
I don't think a couple of arguments = a consistently bad person

I've been a dick to a few people as well.

why does every mod discussion devolve into an argument about whether verb should or shouldn't be a mod?
Because of the apparent 'nice Verbatim' that only shows up around staff changes that folks (including staff) still fall for.
But he's been pretty nice for the most part since I joined even before I was a mod.

Verb is very mean to unborn children and their feelings.
It all makes sense now

why does every mod discussion devolve into an argument about whether verb should or shouldn't be a mod?
Because of the apparent 'nice Verbatim' that only shows up around staff changes that folks (including staff) still fall for.
But he's been pretty nice for the most part since I joined even before I was a mod.

Seriously though

Verb and TrI

Tru could be easily. He just doesn't want to.

The Flood / Re: Just saw the new Star Wars
« on: December 22, 2015, 10:47:13 AM »
I don't know why you just didn't post in the big thread and made another thread about seeING it

But good4u

The Flood / Re: Star Wars is No. 2 in Japan. What is No. 1?
« on: December 22, 2015, 03:14:33 AM »
Was expecting love live movie

I just think of Tru whenever I see her now

Septagon / Re: Ban ponies.
« on: December 22, 2015, 02:30:18 AM »
But then how will we see Celestia's ass?

The Flood / Re: you ever have those fuck up moments
« on: December 22, 2015, 02:22:30 AM »
I don't get it
How did you think she was being creepy
cause she was asking a lot of personsal questions like where I'm gonna be for the holiday and what I'm doing and stuff

Im not used to strangers asking personal stuff like that so i took it as creepy
Awhhh she was flirting with you!

I can't help but find this whole thing cute because of your Saber avatars. Well hey, important thing is you learn from these things. Part of growing up is learning from mistakes, so thumbs up. Don't beat yourself up too much.
But I want to hear other peoples fuck ups to know I'm not the only one
My whole middle school life was full of awkward moments and shitty self esteem
middle school crush flashbacks

no pls
I was fat in middle school

thank goodness for running and sports

The Flood / Re: does alcohol take time to kick in?
« on: December 22, 2015, 02:21:20 AM »
you have the whole world\

I have nothing


If you're a white dude in America, you have the world in your hands. Just go out and make the effort.

I'll let you know how my world goes when I reach my dream

The Flood / Re: does alcohol take time to kick in?
« on: December 22, 2015, 02:20:39 AM »
If you say so, fam.

The Flood / Re: does alcohol take time to kick in?
« on: December 22, 2015, 02:15:55 AM »
I don't care tbh, I'm a bad person so w/e
If you say so, but that apathy will leave you feeling empty and bitter (well you already feel bitter) in the end

trust that coming from someone who felt the same for a long time.

The Flood / Re: you ever have those fuck up moments
« on: December 22, 2015, 02:10:46 AM »
I don't get it
How did you think she was being creepy
cause she was asking a lot of personsal questions like where I'm gonna be for the holiday and what I'm doing and stuff

Im not used to strangers asking personal stuff like that so i took it as creepy
Awhhh she was flirting with you!

I can't help but find this whole thing cute because of your Saber avatars. Well hey, important thing is you learn from these things. Part of growing up is learning from mistakes, so thumbs up. Don't beat yourself up too much.
But I want to hear other peoples fuck ups to know I'm not the only one
My whole middle school life was full of awkward moments and shitty self esteem

The Flood / Re: does alcohol take time to kick in?
« on: December 22, 2015, 02:08:58 AM »
the bottom 50, the worst 50

But we don't bleed out our genitals
Bro if that's the one complaint that's against women then that's a small price to pay
Make-up takes forever

constantly feeling judged for looks which plays into the first one

sexism is rampant

double standards are fucked (on both sides really, but the whole dating/sex life thing annoys me to no end)

oppression around the world

EQUAL PAY (that's a joke, I know the science behind it)

The Flood / Re: does alcohol take time to kick in?
« on: December 22, 2015, 02:05:50 AM »
why are you so keen on ending this conversation?
Off topic, and I'm trying to do other things before my rock for a bed calls for me

I do worse stuff than that on a daily basis
Other stuff aside, maybe you should work on those worse things.

The Flood / Re: you ever have those fuck up moments
« on: December 22, 2015, 02:04:27 AM »
I don't get it
How did you think she was being creepy
cause she was asking a lot of personsal questions like where I'm gonna be for the holiday and what I'm doing and stuff

Im not used to strangers asking personal stuff like that so i took it as creepy
Awhhh she was flirting with you!

I can't help but find this whole thing cute because of your Saber avatars. Well hey, important thing is you learn from these things. Part of growing up is learning from mistakes, so thumbs up. Don't beat yourself up too much.

The Flood / Re: does alcohol take time to kick in?
« on: December 22, 2015, 02:00:43 AM »
well fucking duh, you don't think I go through all that shit as well? I borderline hate women because I'm so envious of what they have. Everytime I see one I get so mad with jealously. I literally had a 50/50 chance and got the bottom 50, the worst 50. But that doesn't matter in the slightest. I got a shitty die roll and have to live with it, just like every other man in existence. It's not insulting to call fruit or cindy he, it's just how it is.
All I'll say is just because you're bitter with your own result and have some odd disdain on the other sex because they got what they got, that doesn't mean everyone falls into your same train of thought and sees things as black and white as you do.

It's only insulting if you say it in an insulting manner (like I see you do from time to time).

And hey, look on the bright side. The trap life can call to you, and the Internet knows traps are better than women

The Flood / Re: you ever have those fuck up moments
« on: December 22, 2015, 01:56:46 AM »
You are very oblivious. It's adorable.

The Flood / Re: does alcohol take time to kick in?
« on: December 22, 2015, 01:52:14 AM »
I want to be a girl and would do literally anything to somehow transform

but I'm not an idiot

I don't make people call me she or claim to have the soul of a woman or any shit like that

you are what youre born as
Last I checked no one really makes anyone call them anything, it's just something they prefer. You're made to call someone Sir or Drill Sergeant/Instructor in the military.

You may be what you're born as, but that doesn't mean people want to change that. It goes beyond just the simple "I want to be a grill!" with legit trans people. Knowing a few, I can easily say it actually effects them on a much more mental level and they struggle with a lot of things in their daily lives. It's not just something like "I wanna look pretty and get attention :3" because we've known people like that (Maz).

Not trying to throw a pity party or anything, but I just think you should be a little more thoughtful and try and put yourself in their shoes when the topic comes up. Being associated as something, not feeling comfortable with who you are, and hating a lot of your daily life. That can take a heavy toll on people. So try and be more considerate every so often, and hell, if you want to get past mindless and petty insults, actually sit down with one and have a talk with them about it. Ask questions and ask how they feel and what they go through. If you disagree in the end, that's perfectly fine. I'm not trying to make you change your mind. But it's always good to go about things in a more logical and thoughtful manner when you run into things like this, and then come to a conclusion.

When I heard the things Cindy goes through, along with various others I know (such as Fruit), I can assure you it's not something that simple. Nothing that involves mental health is ever black and white, and cut and paste (is that the same thing?)

Anyway, I'm done rambling. Idk what I'm even talking about at this point.

The Flood / Re: does alcohol take time to kick in?
« on: December 22, 2015, 01:45:16 AM »
no she is not
lmao now ur calling people she when after that whole thread where you don't believe anyones gender
Gender is a social construct--that doesn't mean people don't have preferred pronouns, and that doesn't mean that I can't respect that.
sex and gender are synonymous
Sex and gender are, by definition (Wiki needs donations, go do it), are two different things. Whether you agree or disagree with what people say they want to be and what they are when they're biologically born is your own personal choice (though mindlessly bashing people is beyond me). Though I'm more than certain you've thought a girl was hot, only to be told it's a guy, but that's just me assuming.

Anyway, this isn't Serious and it's not 5 PM. We usually spew hate talk at that time, so please look forward to it™!

The Flood / Re: does alcohol take time to kick in?
« on: December 22, 2015, 01:42:31 AM »
It can creep up on you. Drink a water maybe after so you don't get too trashed.
lol why did you like verbs comment are you a prude too

it is time for you to go to bed, young man.

I just found it funny since it felt like dry humor and that's my favorite kind of humor. No need to randomly assume.
Oh, I'm sorry. and yeah, I hear the key to avoiding a hangover is staying hydrated, ty for the advice
As someone who had a severe hangover and felt horrible the next two days, even still waking up buzzed, yeah. It sucks. Though for me, my stomach just feels bad, not my head. I'd rather have a headache than an uneasy stomach.

So yeah, stay hydrated and remember that some alcohol (I'm mostly talking about rum) just creeps up on you like the boogyman.

The Flood / Re: does alcohol take time to kick in?
« on: December 22, 2015, 01:41:01 AM »
here we go
Posting this, and it variants, should be a bannable offense.
I just put the ban hammer on the mantle for the night

i don't want to carry that heavy ass thing

The Flood / Re: does alcohol take time to kick in?
« on: December 22, 2015, 01:39:08 AM »
It can creep up on you. Drink a water maybe after so you don't get too trashed.
lol why did you like verbs comment are you a prude too
Also, I was giving you advice, not condemning you.


The Flood / Re: does alcohol take time to kick in?
« on: December 22, 2015, 01:37:49 AM »
It can creep up on you. Drink a water maybe after so you don't get too trashed.
lol why did you like verbs comment are you a prude too

it is time for you to go to bed, young man.

I just found it funny since it felt like dry humor and that's my favorite kind of humor. No need to randomly assume.

The Flood / Re: does alcohol take time to kick in?
« on: December 22, 2015, 01:14:18 AM »
It can creep up on you. Drink a water maybe after so you don't get too trashed.

The Flood / Re: Star Wars Spoilers (Seriously. Spoilers ahead)
« on: December 22, 2015, 01:08:47 AM »
The movie was a huge disappointment. Too many plot holes, bad writing, some shitty characters, inconsistencies, and totally Disney-fied to the point it doesn't even feel like Star Wars.
The originals had more of a Disney feel to them than the new one did. Dunno how the new characters were that bad either really, and the writing wasn't terrible. It was basically a soft reboot to get things back to normal. I don't even know what that means "Disney-fied".

The movie was bad for many reasons, too many which I care to explain at this time. But I will explain in thorough detail why it's bad later.
In your opinion

That's a joke from an earlier thread

The Flood / Re: Star Wars Spoilers (Seriously. Spoilers ahead)
« on: December 22, 2015, 12:34:41 AM »

Just realized a missed opportunity. Han's last words should have been "I'll see you in Hell"
Completely goes against the motions he did. Didn't you catch how even when he was dying he still cupped his sons cheek gently?

He still loved him, just like Obi-Wan still loved Vader somewhat when he 'killed' him (I still don't get that crap). It'll obviously play a huge part of his character in the coming movies.

I know he tried to save his son and all that, but Han Solo could have went out differently. Failed to save his son, then gave his life to save his friends.
Eh, I liked it. It's supposed to highlight Kylo Rens turning to the DAAARK SIIIDE
Yeah a few pages ago I explained the same thing basically
It was symbolic that he was casting away any light/doubt he had in him and was taking his leap into the Dark Side.

Without it, it'd be like Anakin who was just pouting the whole time... Well, no not really. They showed his anger and emotions far better than Anakin ever did.

The Flood / Re: Star Wars Spoilers (Seriously. Spoilers ahead)
« on: December 22, 2015, 12:28:06 AM »
At the end of the day, I'm just happy real sets are back. There was so much CGI in the prequels that it hurt.

The Flood / Re: Star Wars Spoilers (Seriously. Spoilers ahead)
« on: December 22, 2015, 12:27:48 AM »

Just realized a missed opportunity. Han's last words should have been "I'll see you in Hell"
Completely goes against the motions he did. Didn't you catch how even when he was dying he still cupped his sons cheek gently?

He still loved him, just like Obi-Wan still loved Vader somewhat when he 'killed' him (I still don't get that crap). It'll obviously play a huge part of his character in the coming movies.

I know he tried to save his son and all that, but Han Solo could have went out differently. Failed to save his son, then gave his life to save his friends.
Eh, I liked it. It's supposed to highlight Kylo Rens turning to the DAAARK SIIIDE

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