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Messages - Luciana

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Daisy Ridley is really not that pretty, to be honest.

She's like, a discount Hayley Atwell with an inferior body, facial features and acting ability.
I think she's cute

not hot


Gaming / Re: Now that its Infinity Ward's turn to release a CoD...
« on: January 04, 2016, 02:11:43 AM »
Multiplayer has bullets that follow enemies through walls and around corners
That's always been a thing because of latency. I remember calling MW2, "Wanted bullets" because it seemed they always fucking curved.
I have Blops 3 and this still happens sometimes.

But hey, who needs dedicated servers when the p2p system is the pinnacle of online gaming.
I played BO3's beta. Didn't like it. Same shit.

BO3 has dedicated servers though I believe.
I hated Blops 3 at first but as I leveled up, I began to enjoy it more. Its not the best and its definitely not the worst. It falls somewhere in between in my opinion.

One thing that gets me mad is that there's a map that is WW2 themed but Blops 3 is all future and shit. What a tease.
Yeah it is a massive tease. I want a WW2 game again, though idk if CoD will sate that satisfaction. I'm just tired of the game in general and the feel of it.

Gaming / Re: Now that its Infinity Ward's turn to release a CoD...
« on: January 04, 2016, 02:00:29 AM »
Multiplayer has bullets that follow enemies through walls and around corners
That's always been a thing because of latency. I remember calling MW2, "Wanted bullets" because it seemed they always fucking curved.
I have Blops 3 and this still happens sometimes.

But hey, who needs dedicated servers when the p2p system is the pinnacle of online gaming.
I played BO3's beta. Didn't like it. Same shit.

BO3 has dedicated servers though I believe.

Gaming / Re: Now that its Infinity Ward's turn to release a CoD...
« on: January 04, 2016, 01:57:17 AM »
Multiplayer has bullets that follow enemies through walls and around corners
That's always been a thing because of latency. I remember calling MW2, "Wanted bullets" because it seemed they always fucking curved.

Gaming / Re: Need a tiny bit of Dark Souls 2 help
« on: January 04, 2016, 01:56:00 AM »
Sword AND magic? I mean, you'll end up average at best if you ask me. It's either one or the other.

And don't be discouraged from making a "bad" character. You can respec with Soul Vessels in the game, so it's not final. If you want a sword player that's one handed, focus on dexterity. Strength if two handed. Stamina and vitality (more emphasis on vitality) if you want a tanky slow two handed. Stamina in general if one handed.

For magic you want to focus on intelligence.

Rule of thumb: Always always ALWAYS get your Adaptability to 19. No more, no less. This will max out your i-frames to help increase the time window when rolling. Any lower and you're more susceptible to hits. Any more and it's useless. Unlike DS1, they tied i-frames to the stats in this one, rather than your weight.

Gaming / Re: Now that its Infinity Ward's turn to release a CoD...
« on: January 04, 2016, 01:39:12 AM »
Ahhh IW

that carcass

they all moved to Titanfall. Remember when IW was the best ones?
I won't ever forgive Activision for killing off the old Infinity Ward.

They have very box shaped jaws

Gaming / Re: Now that its Infinity Ward's turn to release a CoD...
« on: January 04, 2016, 01:17:14 AM »
Ahhh IW

that carcass

they all moved to Titanfall. Remember when IW was the best ones?

Gaming / Re: Top 5+ Games of 2015
« on: January 03, 2016, 08:36:08 PM »
Best Rpg - Fallout 4
Inb4 lol rpg
Inb4 lol fo4
I see you've covered your bases

Gaming / Re: sex in games = bad?
« on: January 03, 2016, 02:38:58 AM »
I don't care about sex scenes so much as I care about RPG's becoming dating sims. Fuck that fad. If I wanted that then I'd play one of my Japanese ero visual novels.
What the fuck are Japanese ero visual novels? And how do you know what those are?
1. you don't wanna know, and
2. he's das
Perhaps ignorance is bliss in this particular case
It's not even bad.

Ero (Short for "Eroge") is just a smutty visual novel, which is a type of game.
Ok, never even heard of this stuff so I assumed it was lewd
Just a visual novel with some lewd scenes. If you want funny material, google "fate/stay night eroge". It won't be porn, but it will be some of the funniest lines you've ever seen.

Media and production basically pushed Nasu (the writer) into adding them in, so as a gaint "fuck you", I believe he got his friend to write it, and intentionally just make it bad. In fact after it got popular and he released re-releases, he did all he could to basically take them out. Replacing them with... dolphins (dont ask) and something as simple as a neck bite.

IRL movie limitations aside, why did Vader get such shit arms and legs, and a ridiculously restricting and cumbersome helmet and life support?
Technology when he burned wasn't as advanced as Luke's time I guess. Notice how he got a robotic hand and Luke got one that looked normal.
Oh shit, I just realized Luke's hand in "the force awakens" looks robotic instead of human
I noticed that the 2nd time I saw it.

Serious / Re: Militia takes over Malheur National Wildlife Refuge
« on: January 03, 2016, 02:26:09 AM »
These guys are idiots. The same thing happened from last year or so with the SAME FAMILY from Nevada coming to help fuel the flames.

"Our gubbermint is oppressing us because our fire we started spread to their land for property damage".

Like, why?

I was bored and watched the last few scenes a bit on YouTube, with Obi-Wan crying to Anakin, Vader suit, and all that.

You know, for as much as the prequels to Star Wars got shat on (and rightfully so in a lot of cases), the very ending shot with Luke being held by his Aunt and Uncle on Tatooine with the sun setting, was one of the best shots (moments?) in the entire series if you ask me. It ended exactly how episode 4 began. With Luke standing, in those same robes, watching the sunset, with the same music playing. It's very poetic that 20 years later it came full circle.

Almost like the ending to Reach and how it literally went into Halo 1. The fact Bungie's farwell was ending it exactly how they started, was in my eyes, very beautiful. The music playing when you see the Pillar of Autumn take off is so powerful because you're literally seeing Halo 1 take off. Story and characters aside, I thought that was really cool.


"Prime Minister, Cameron. I noticed your hold on Scotland did not go as our Queen as foreseen it. There are still uprisings."

'Forgive me, Shadow Chancellor, it won't happen again!'

"Good... I hope things will play out smoothly, For your sake." and he walks away

*cue slow theme of Imperial March*


Shadow Chancellor. That sounds like something right out of Star Wars who reports directly to the emperor.

Seriously, why can't more countries have cool positional titles like this? Shadow Chancellor is now easily the best thing ever.

The Flood / Re: Favoite top five war films?
« on: January 02, 2016, 11:59:53 PM »
liek my mod skills
Someone wants attention.
I'm an attention whore

isn't that obvious?


His suit really is pretty fucking shit actually

They printed out the Wookieepedia Legends article. All the stuff about his suit being shit is no longer canon
His suit is still pretty evidently shit.

Vital parts are easily damaged.
Crappy prosthetic limbs.

How are his prosthetic limbs bad?
Have you seen Star Wars?
Give me an example of his limbs being bad.
Venom Snake

you feel it too, don't you?! This phantom pain

Serious / Re: Obama to take unilateral action on US gun violence
« on: January 02, 2016, 10:30:21 PM »
I understand the definition

But you two say that as if it makes it any less of a problem and that we don't have a problem. Which it doesn't, and which we do.
It actually does make it less of a problem.

We don't have crazy neckbeards with ARs flipping out on a daily basis like the statistic at first seems to imply. Most of these "mass shootings" are urban gang violence and drive-bys.
Fair enough I guess? But that doesn't change the fact we more than expect a bunch of kids to get killed at schools now, or a mall to get shot up. 2, maybe 3 times a year.

That alone shows something needs to change. Universal backgrounds checks are a step in the right direction. If the US was a social experiment, it's shown that no regulation on guns = bad things to happen, especially when you go through more steps to get a drivers license.

That seat belt case brought up earlier was a great example.

Gaming / Re: You know what game series has super underrated music?
« on: January 02, 2016, 10:12:38 PM »

Also in the movie Glory


better known as Terra's theme, but this one is more slow, somber.


kicks in around 50 secs in. Still baffled something from the NES can sound this decent. Uematsu is a genius.

The Flood / Re: Favoite top five war films?
« on: January 02, 2016, 09:42:50 PM »
liek my mod skills

The Flood / Re: Favoite top five war films?
« on: January 02, 2016, 09:42:29 PM »
Saving Private Ryan
Saving Private Ryan
Saving Private Ryan
Saving Private Ryan
Saving Private Ryan

wait, that movie is overrated so I can't like it. Apparently overrated means shitty

Gaming / Re: Just bought Elite Dangerous (XB1)
« on: January 02, 2016, 07:52:02 PM »
To actually help you out though rather than give my gripes about it, I'd suggest taking a look at this guys channel. While he is on PC, I'm more than certain all he talks about applies across platforms, minus controls.

Take a look at his parts. It helped me from being lost, to getting some somewhat decent footing.


Gaming / Re: Just bought Elite Dangerous (XB1)
« on: January 02, 2016, 07:48:14 PM »
You bought a game that is insanely short on content and needs more. I'm sorry.

Once the "newness" fades away, you realize just how shallow it really can be. Don't get me wrong, it's gorgeous and exploring is fun, and it nails that "in space" perfectly to me. But once you get past that, it doesn't really have enough to draw you back in.

Even with the new expansion, it's still in beta form and apparently very buggy.

Gaming / Re: Top 5+ Games of 2015
« on: January 02, 2016, 06:19:06 PM »

This game is pretty. Might need to open in a new tab to see in better resolution, but the textures on people and their clothes is something I can never get over.

IRL movie limitations aside, why did Vader get such shit arms and legs, and a ridiculously restricting and cumbersome helmet and life support?
Technology when he burned wasn't as advanced as Luke's time I guess. Notice how he got a robotic hand and Luke got one that looked normal.

Gaming / Re: Top 5+ Games of 2015
« on: January 02, 2016, 06:10:41 PM »
Did you really just give me the wiki?

lol, that was actually funny

Serious / Re: We are less than 30 Days from the Iowa Caucus
« on: January 02, 2016, 05:54:44 PM »
Romney honestly might have benefited more than any of these guys had he joined in. I just wish he could stick to what he actually believes in instead of pandering to his base.

Remember this


ignore the god awful opening. This easily could have helped him had he joined.

Gaming / Re: Top 5+ Games of 2015
« on: January 02, 2016, 05:51:31 PM »

Serious / Re: Obama to take unilateral action on US gun violence
« on: January 02, 2016, 05:47:13 PM »
I understand the definition

But you two say that as if it makes it any less of a problem and that we don't have a problem. Which it doesn't, and which we do.

Gaming / Re: Does Allah actually exist
« on: January 02, 2016, 05:44:49 PM »
That's good


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