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Messages - Luciana

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Serious / Re: Yes, the U.S. should play world policeman
« on: January 04, 2016, 11:53:57 PM »
2:Putin being the leader means nothing

3:There is as much proof of Russian Elections being rigged as there is for most other first world countries

Russians also don't have Freedom of the press (hence Putin somehow having like 87% approval rating. It's not true). I dunno why I said religion though. I knew they didn't get oppressed in that.

Serious / Re: Really though
« on: January 04, 2016, 11:51:11 PM »
but it honestly seems the Republicans are saying "repeal Obamacare and overhaul", but they've not once mentioned WHAT THEY PLAN TO DO DIFFERENT >:C.

Well yeah but President Obama didn't do much different when he was running, either. The general outline didn't at all compare to the massive piece of legislation the ACC turned out to be.
Oh, that's actually a good point.

Still, with people like Cruz and Trump (I'm not counting him) leading, I am not confident in anything of a plan. Rubio outlined some plans and it sounded kind of appealing to hear, but again anything does when you're pitching it to someone.

Serious / Re: Really though
« on: January 04, 2016, 11:49:53 PM »
But can you please tell me why people actually being able to get, what is considering by every other 1st world western nation, a basic human right, that healthcare is bad?
"Everybody else is doing it" means nothing. Services are not a right.

This is probably an issue where we're not going to be able to come to an agreement, because I do not believe in positive rights, only negative rights. The idea that it is a person's right to receive something from someone else is ridiculous and offensive.

I don't really think a state-backed or state-run medical system is all that problematic if you're going to have a state in the first place (which, I think, you shouldn't). It may even be good policy depending on the situation.

But calling it a "right" is fucking stupid.
I disagree with most of that for a number of reasons, but again this is where ideologies fall on different sides of the fences.

Maybe another time I'll get into it, but honestly, I need to learn more about how healthcare works in this country. I only know the bare basics of it all, and feel about as lost sometimes as I do when people talk economics.

Gaming / Re: Top 5 Most Anticipated Games of 2016
« on: January 04, 2016, 11:48:17 PM »
No Mans Sky looks like a cartoony/more casual version of Elite Dangerous

but with actual features in it

I'll get it. I like the art direction.

Serious / Re: Really though
« on: January 04, 2016, 11:45:28 PM »
It fucks the middle class, mostly. Personally, I (and hundreds of coworkers) lost 40% of my hours at my college job because my employer couldn't afford to pay healthcare and would have been required to do so over a certain number of hours. It does nothing to address the actual issues pervading the US healthcare system (notably, price hiking by insurance and obscene fees). It's not even socialized, it's just making poor people buy shit they don't often need or want, or if they really can't afford it making someone else pay for it. Yeah it's great that some people that needed insurance now have it, but it's just an awful piece of legislation that did far more long-term damage than can be outweighed by short-term progress of signing more people up for health insurance.
I see. That's interesting (and messed up).

I'd honestly like to see both parties tackle this, but it honestly seems the Republicans are saying "repeal Obamacare and overhaul", but they've not once mentioned WHAT THEY PLAN TO DO DIFFERENT >:C.

Returning to the status-quo seems to be a colossal failure if you ask me, and even if you somehow managed to repeal something that's survived two supreme court reviews, you'd be screwing over millions of more people who're already on it. But like you said, I'd like that they could actually tackle the companies that like to fuck over the customer. An overhaul to privatized healthcare would be fantastic. I just want to actually hear some plans.

Serious / Re: Really though
« on: January 04, 2016, 11:42:06 PM »
It's really not laying the foundations for anything better. Unless you consider single-payer to be better, in which case you're just wrong.
I'm not gonna argue ideologies with you right now, because it'd just spawn into an entire different thing.

But can you please tell me why people actually being able to get, what is considering by every other 1st world western nation, a basic human right, that healthcare is bad?

It's the same as insurance for cars last I checked, where you're forced to get insurance for your cars or you pay a fine.

And again, I'd like to stress I'm not saying what you believe is wrong, I am more willing to learn more about this than anything.

Serious / Re: Really though
« on: January 04, 2016, 11:38:58 PM »
My dad has healthcare now thanks to the ACC, so I'm a lot more sympathetic to it than I should be, but it really is kinda fucked up.
My thought on it is...

it's not perfect

but it sure is a hell of a lot better than what we had before. It's laying the foundations down for something better. Something that DOES need improvement, but at least it's something. We may have the best healthcare in the world, but when nobody can afford it, it's kind of not the best if you ask me.

Serious / Re: Really though
« on: January 04, 2016, 11:38:08 PM »
it KINDA GETS SCARY for me when they're just ready to fuck over millions of people already on something.

Stay on your parents' healthcare until you're 25 if you need to. The ACC fucked over quite a few people already, and continues to do so.
How is it fucking them over?

I'm not refuting what you're saying, I'm honestly curious. I won't lie, how the ACC clashes with other healthcare companies is something I am insanely ignorant about.

Serious / Re: Really though
« on: January 04, 2016, 11:35:43 PM »
Al shabaab, a sect of ISIS, even use his speeches for recruitment. Trump is an idiot. No amount of tax reform would fix the things he's been saying.
I never looked into it but the general consensus on the Chans is that this isn't true.
Just google "Al Shabaab trump" and take a poke around. Seems like it is.

Serious / Re: Really though
« on: January 04, 2016, 11:34:02 PM »
I agree that Rubio is the last, best hope now.

But yeah, I think a defeat during this cycle would be a big fucking wake-up call for the GOP. I almost want Hillary to win so America finally gets sick of Democrats and the Republicans are forced to get their shit together. I worry about the damage she can do to 2A rights, though, which along with international relations and the environment makes up the big three issues for me. The next four years are really going to suck.
I honestly wouldn't mind a Republican winning if they weren't so adamant about repealing Obamacare without an actual plan of their own. Now that I'm actually going out in the job world and not on my parents healthcare, it KINDA GETS SCARY for me when they're just ready to fuck over millions of people already on something.

Like, I at least want to hear what they have first instead of the debate drinking game "repeal obamacare" (you take a drink every time they throw it in one of their answers. You'll get drunk quick).


That little tidbit aside though, yeah. Rubio seems like the only candidate who has their head on straight, who might actually get the nomination. Ideally I'd want Kasich. I just hate that the GOP has turned more into the Tea Party now than anything else. Or maybe it's just a general thing that both parties are going in opposite directions.

Serious / Re: Really though
« on: January 04, 2016, 11:30:07 PM »
I heard my parents mention how they thought Trump was a "dangerous person"

I don't know much about their political affiliations, but I thought that was kind of interesting to hear from them

I don't know much about Trump's policies either since I haven't been following the US election all that much, but the ones I have heard sound ridiculous. It feels more like he's doing this for the laughs rather than being an actual serious candidate

I thought this was satire

Until I walked into the living room and saw the news here talking about it

Al shabaab, a sect of ISIS, even use his speeches for recruitment. Trump is an idiot. No amount of tax reform would fix the things he's been saying.

Serious / Re: Really though
« on: January 04, 2016, 11:21:14 PM »
I wouldn't be so sure.
Without a black candidate, Democrats are going to lose a lot of the black vote that was so heavily mobilized last time.

There is a pretty big chunk of this country that hates Clinton, and a bigger chunk that would like to avoid her. She only gets a lukewarm response from her own fucking party. She's the Romney of this election cycle. Definitely not as dangerous as the media wants you to think she is.
Obama also got a shit ton of the vote though because he was the face of "new hope" in a very shitty situation at the time. If you capture the young vote, odds are you'll probably win. It was a new face against "old generation" with John McCain. Hence why I say Rubio is the only one I feel would beat her. It'd be the same thing as '08, but flipped.

Still, I think when the election cycle actually kicks in, along with the debates with Clinton and *insert whoever*, it'll get more people excited for voting. I dunno if I'd say she's "dangerous". It's more of "yeah it's gonna happen" with the media and her. The only "dangerous" candidate I see is Rubio. Trump wouldn't survive the general, and neither would Cruz. Carson is basically out at this point but doesn't want to admit it yet. Everyone else is lightyears behind.

Honestly at this point, if Romney was actually still in the race, he'd probably win it. I think it was a mistake he dropped out. He talked about new faces wanting to run, but almost all the new faces are fucking crazy and hated by even their own party.

Serious / Re: Really though
« on: January 04, 2016, 11:18:25 PM »
Seriously this is retarded and you could conceivably apply it to any candidate. There are legitimate ways to criticize Trump, this just makes you sound stupid.
You left this part out

Not saying he's anything close to him, it's just silly. Like when you add the words "in bed" to the end of every fortune cookie. It works.
I just said it was silly. I don't have to offer my thoughts of criticism with him because we all know how whacky he is.

Gaming / Re: Top 5 Most Anticipated Games of 2016
« on: January 04, 2016, 11:17:14 PM »
The Knack meme is getting kinda old, guys.
I do it whenever GOTY/Most anticipated is mentioned


cause fuck em, that's why

Gaming / Re: Top 5 Most Anticipated Games of 2016
« on: January 04, 2016, 11:15:06 PM »

1. Knack
2. Knack
3. Knack
4. Knack
5. Knack


Serious / Re: Really though
« on: January 04, 2016, 11:13:12 PM »
I really don't want the Republican candidate to lose to Sanders or Clinton
They will, because any of them that will win the party nomination are bat shit insane and won't stand up to Clinton (Sanders won't win his parties nomination) at all during the general.

Unless it's Rubio or something. He's the only one in that entire party I see even putting up a fight to her.

Serious / Re: Really though
« on: January 04, 2016, 11:12:17 PM »
Because his policies are like a sampling of the worst aspects of both parties. He's also a two-faced hack that supported the democrats publicly for a decade before changing parties when they wouldn't elect him.

Don't elect the liberals' sloppy seconds.
I feel like the word "liberal" is a buzzword around these parts these days.

Serious / Re: Really though
« on: January 04, 2016, 11:11:38 PM »
If you want to play a fun game, replace the word "muslim" with "Jew" with anything Trump says and he sounds a lot like Hitler.

Not saying he's anything close to him, it's just silly. Like when you add the words "in bed" to the end of every fortune cookie. It works.

Serious / Re: Yes, the U.S. should play world policeman
« on: January 04, 2016, 07:46:31 PM »
How is Russia a dictatorship in anyway?

I know this doesn't have any relevance to the article, but I'm kinda curious as to why the author wrote that.
Autocratic government (same thing really). Putin is the leader, elections are rigged, no freedom of speech/religion, been in power in some form since the turn of the millennium, etc.

The Flood / Re: Does anyone else have a lips/mouth fetish
« on: January 04, 2016, 07:44:17 PM »
I mean, I'm not against it, but I don't like it so zoomed in

People are trying way too hard with these memes.

Gaming / Re: It's that time again (Assassin's Creed "rumours")
« on: January 04, 2016, 05:30:56 PM »
Honestly, I seriously hope they pick up the modern day story again. Killing Desmond was such a waste and killed any momentum the series had built up.

Plus, ya know. Glitches.
Kind of hard to once they killed off all the main people. Warren Viddic died, Desmond died... Well, no I guess you still have the father, Shaun, and Rebecca. I think killing off Lucy (shut up) and saying she was a Templar hidden, was a giant mistake though simply because they couldn't afford her anymore.

The banter she and Desmond had was great.

Gaming / Re: It's that time again (Assassin's Creed "rumours")
« on: January 04, 2016, 05:29:57 PM »
Think they'll still go with the "You're the main character!" for the modern day stuff?
I don't really care if they do tbh. The modern day stuff is utter crap, so the less I'm exposed to it the better.
I wouldn't say it's crap. It's really just for people who like the lore of the universe. It doesn't really have a super strong narrative now that Desmond died. My guess is they didn't really plan for anything after 3 since it all led up to 2012. It fell off after that.

Gaming / Re: It's that time again (Assassin's Creed "rumours")
« on: January 04, 2016, 05:28:13 PM »
> still playing assassins creed

"stop playing games i don't like"
I don't want to

Serious / Re: New ISIS video, and apparently new Jihadi John
« on: January 04, 2016, 05:21:51 PM »
i gave you a relevant citation from this decade that supports your statement

you should just thank me instead of being a nitpicky faggot. feel free to find and link one from 2015 if you can. otherwise, i suggest you go fuck yourself.
Hi, Chally

Anyway, I'm loving these names you guys are coming up with

actually the answer is that it's a kid's movie designed to be a fun adventure flick--not something that makes a great deal of sense

you're not supposed to CARE how she found the lightsaber--the point is, she found it

that's the important thing
It's fantasy anyway

I don't need Black Science Man telling me that there is no sound in space.

How did Maz Kanata get Luke's blue lightsaber?
How did Han and Chewie run into the Millennium Falcon right away? How does anything happen in such a massive fucking galaxy?

Answer? "The Force".

The Flood / Re: Vagina Bacon (NSFW? It looks like bacon)
« on: January 04, 2016, 01:40:21 PM »
That's fucking disgusting

The Flood / Re: why do people make smiley faces like this :-)
« on: January 04, 2016, 01:39:15 PM »
Better yet, why do people make this one? (:

It's creepy. For example

I saw you walking home last night (:

Oh right, the emote cancels it out, so i gotta flip it

Serious / NSFW New ISIS video, and apparently new Jihadi John
« on: January 04, 2016, 04:38:05 AM »

An English-speaking child, and a British-sounding militant who brings to mind ISIS' previous propagandist, 'Jihadi John,' appear in the latest, chilling propaganda video from ISIS.

In the video, which has not yet been independently verified, the child says that the group will kill "kuffar' -- nonbelievers -- "over there," referring to the West, while the adult threatens and insults British Prime Minister David Cameron.

He calls the Prime Minister a "slave of the White House" and an "imbecile."

"Only an imbecile would dare to anger a people who love death the way that you love your life," he says.

"Know that today, your citizenship is under our feet," the man in the latest video continues, addressing British citizens and pointing his weapon at the camera. "And that our country, the Islamic State, is here to stay, and we will continue to wage jihad, break borders and one day, invade your land, where we will rule by the Sharia."

Islamic State is another name for ISIS, and he refers to Sharia law, a strict interpretation of Islamic law.

After his speech, the five captives, dressed in orange jumpsuits similar to those that ISIS has made previous murdered captives wear, are killed with a gunshot to the back of the head.

The last link is a link to the video if you're at all interested. Know it's obviously graphic at the end.

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