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Messages - Luciana

Pages: 1 ... 235236237 238239 ... 442

Gaming / Re: Piper Wright
« on: January 08, 2016, 03:08:39 AM »
I'm surprised she actually had character and unique animations when you first meet her.

Gaming / Re: remember TESIV?
« on: January 08, 2016, 03:01:44 AM »
The dragons have awful AI. Like, more retarded than AC's AI.
Alduin was marginally "more powerful". He was no different than an Ancient Dragon, albeit with a unique skin.
Underwhelming is a massive understatement.
I feel like your whole argument can be summarized better in this video


Argue combat all you want, Skyrim's writing and production decisions were horribly bad.

Gaming / Re: remember TESIV?
« on: January 08, 2016, 03:00:55 AM »
Have you guys even played Dragons Dogma?
I don't see how it's relevant tbh.
The combat system makes anything in Elder Scrolls like like childs play, which it already is. You don't need DD to tell you that.

The Flood / Re: This forum belongs to me now
« on: January 08, 2016, 01:40:20 AM »
We let you believe you control. We let you think you have rights. We let you believe you have choices.


only now, at the end, do you understand how worthless you are



Gaming / Re: Hilarious videogame moments that actually made you chuckle?
« on: January 08, 2016, 12:29:57 AM »

Why not remove mankind?!

Or... or MAN MADE?!

Or huMAN?

No but seriously, for the military I really don't mind, seeing as women are playing a bigger part. But I do think it can be blown out of proportion too. Military has to be very careful with this kinda stuff lots of times.

Gaming / Re: Fallout 3 Review
« on: January 07, 2016, 10:12:16 PM »
I gotta say, that was a great review. The weird thing about being as big a Fallout fan as me (and others), is that having getting lost in the lore, story discussions, Bethesda, and behind the scenes, you tend to lose focus of what the game is really about. It's a game, that's it. You shouldn't take into account what Tim Cain wants, or how Bethesda bought it out, or how the Enclave suddenly went from Cali to DC and happened to remain hidden.

I think as a Fallout fan, I've grown desensitized to a lot of what Fallout 3 was giving me. Ironic, since you mentioned that the radio takes that away. The thing is, with video game series you love, you're obviously going to be very passionate about it, and very critical if things don't happen how you want. It's something you love, you're emotionally invested in it, you feel like it's had a personal influence and impact in your life. But during that time, we, or rather I, seem to forget that I shouldn't condemn the game for what I PERSONALLY want in it. Rather I should look at what the game was trying to set out for, and Fallout 4 has suffered for me in that mindset too.

Reading your review reminded me of why I fell in love with the series in the first place. Why it gripped me and held me and didn't let go throughout all of my adventure, like some typical rape doujin (i'm sorry). The game's combination of atmosphere, music, personalities, and consistent dread, was something I think should be commended like you said. In fact, it's one of the reasons I love Dark Souls. Atmosphere is one of the most important things in games for me. The immersion is key.

Anyway, this is not my review, I just decided to recap on some of what you said. It makes me think I should re-visit how I feel about Fallout 3. It didn't suck, far from it. I think people have just fallen in love with it and have grown overly critical of the series as they've progressed and gotten more into it. Their demands grow faster than the game, or series, can provide them. Even Fallout New Vegas, the holy grail of Fallout games, suffers from a shitload of things like 3 does.

Anyway, two things that stuck out to me that you said.

They’re a group of big, hulking yellow monstrosities who scream and yell a lot. They’re fucking annoying as fuck. I hate them
This made me giggle, and I couldn't agree more. Expect to see many more friendly ones in NV.

As you shift through the yards of rubble, you’ll come across the children’s section of the library—in which you can find a harrowing image: the rotting skeletons of deceased children strewn across the floor, like ragdolls. It’s pretty chilling, and puts the realism and cruelty of war into perspective—the whole “war is hell” theme is beaten into your head quite hard, and I’m perfectly okay with that. They sent such a powerful message just by using imagery—no fucking text. It allows you soak in the message on your own, rather than being told how to feel. That's what I like to see.
This. This is one of the few things that's always stayed in my mind with this game, particularly one scene in that town where there is that sniper with all the mines.

In the main house, if you walk to the master bedroom, you see two skeletons in a spooning (I hate that word) position. It really made me think about it. It was husband and wife I assume, but for some reason I think of an old couple. Maybe because that scene in Titanic where the old married couple just cuddle to bed during their final moments as the water floods the scene. I think that stuck with me growing up through my life. That regardless of the horrible event happening, and knowing you will die, you embrace the one you love in the final moments. Till death do you part, and you want to go with them.

I think that touched me more than anything in Fallout that I can think of. Were these two suddenly killed, or was it a slow death by radiation? I think that would be my guess, seeing as the house is still intact. Still, it was that particular scene that really made me realize just how grim placing two random skeletons in positions can evoke that thought process or emotions out of you. I remember staring for like 30 seconds just thinking as my radio slowly played "Maybe".

Great review. Sorry for the rant.

Gaming / Re: Fallout 3 Review
« on: January 07, 2016, 09:35:19 PM »
I was told to read this, so give me a little bit as I put on my reading glasses

The Flood / Re: Remind me why we let any of you post here?
« on: January 07, 2016, 09:29:55 PM »
dammit Luci, I wanted to start a chain you bitch
I don't get it

do I have to be more sassy?

The Flood / Re: Remind me why we let any of you post here?
« on: January 07, 2016, 09:25:51 PM »
why can't you be a cool guy like peach
No one can be as cool as that adorable girl

not until you understand your beauty, ecchan.

Serious / Re: Why do people treat the constitution like a holy scripture?
« on: January 07, 2016, 09:24:51 PM »
People in government, and here, seem to view it as an absolute rule that must be followed by the book
Because it is. This is the point. The constitution was designed to restrain democracy, a system many of the founding fathers were (rightly) skeptical of.ans the US government will not recognize those rights anymore. This is an important thing to note.
I think she simply meant that the Constitution isn't infallible (which is true), yet people still hold it to a dogmatic standard. Yeah, the Constitution is what constitutes America--but what constitutes America may not constitute a "perfect union".
I don't think anyone would dispute that.
That's what I was on about. Wrong choice of words, perhaps. I agree with your above statement btw.

The Flood / Re: Remind me why we let any of you post here?
« on: January 07, 2016, 09:23:33 PM »
why can't you be a cool guy like peach
No one can be as cool as that adorable girl

also read my fallout 3 review, i spent two fucking weeks on it
I will after I hear Obama talking about taking away all our guns

The Flood / Re: Remind me why we let any of you post here?
« on: January 07, 2016, 09:10:36 PM »
Luci is the sassy maid who doubles as Fruit's best friend
Don't say that

Tru will want to own me like some pet

He has a thing for maids...

Not you

because in reality, I'd own you

Good good, you're already becoming the role.
Extra pay for the sass?
If you want it to be consistent sass, yes

The Flood / Re: Remind me why we let any of you post here?
« on: January 07, 2016, 09:09:23 PM »

The Flood / Re: Remind me why we let any of you post here?
« on: January 07, 2016, 09:07:39 PM »
Luci is the sassy maid who doubles as Fruit's best friend
Don't say that

Tru will want to own me like some pet

He has a thing for maids...

Not you

because in reality, I'd own you

The Flood / Re: Remind me why we let any of you post here?
« on: January 07, 2016, 09:06:09 PM »
Luci is the sassy maid who doubles as Fruit's best friend
Don't say that

Tru will want to own me like some pet

He has a thing for maids...

Serious / Re: Why do people treat the constitution like a holy scripture?
« on: January 07, 2016, 08:44:14 PM »
People in government, and here, seem to view it as an absolute rule that must be followed by the book and cannot be changed

there is a reason our founding fathers kept some stuff ambiguous and allowed for it to be changed to match the times

Edit: apparently I just echoed Flee

well fuck me

Gaming / Re: remember TESIV?
« on: January 07, 2016, 05:03:42 AM »
You ever seen a fully modded Oblivion? Looks and plays better then Skyrim in some aspects.

Oblivion always felt then Skyrim ever did.
I'll bite

what mods?

Gaming / Re: With all the things they need to do with the FF7 remake
« on: January 07, 2016, 02:09:00 AM »
why play FF

Why not?
It's turn based. It's been that way until 15 actually.

So is Pokemon and I enjoy that series quite a bit. I just enjoy those games for other reasons, just like I'm sure I'll enjoy FF for other reasons.
Hm... fair enough.

I'm sure they'll do 15 right, considering when they updated the demo it showed improvements. It plays more like Kingdom Hearts than anything, so it's not bad.

I think FF 7 is gonna play more like it.

Gaming / Re: With all the things they need to do with the FF7 remake
« on: January 07, 2016, 02:04:08 AM »
why play FF

Why not?
It's turn based. It's been that way until 15 actually.

Gaming / Re: With all the things they need to do with the FF7 remake
« on: January 07, 2016, 02:03:08 AM »
Nice. Turn-based games are boring af. Gameplay-wise, at least.

I want it to go back to turn based with the series that basically invented RPG's in video games.

I don't know what I expected clicking this

Gaming / Re: Say what you want about the game...
« on: January 06, 2016, 08:11:38 PM »
Idk if we'd get a FF 8 remaster. As for the cards, eh, I understand your reasoning, I just like the other way better.

Anyway, now that FF has entered the orchestra age, I'd argue Masayoshi Soken (composer for FF 14) has easily made themes on par with what Uematsu has done. As in, he's a worthy successor to it all.

Knights of the Round theme

Some boss theme

And basically the bad Empire guys from FF6 theme

Again, idk if you can really compare it because an MMO is so massive when compared to the other main installments, but the music in this game is so freaking good that it hurts. You could get lost just browsing the OST's. Uematsu had a hand in a lot of it which was from 1.0, so it's all mixed together. But the ones I linked you were of the other guy.

The Flood / Re: Proof weebs are corrupt
« on: January 06, 2016, 07:59:48 PM »

Gaming / Re: Say what you want about the game...
« on: January 06, 2016, 07:51:08 PM »
FF8 is much better than FF7, IMO. Not story-wise, obviously (8 has some pretty weak plotting), but in every other way.
I dunno about you, but I thought that whole gathering magic thing was veeeeeeeeeery annoying, rather than the typical MP.


Listen to the remastered version

Gaming / Re: Say what you want about the game...
« on: January 06, 2016, 07:48:22 PM »
No one SE has hired since Uematsu left has been able to match his brilliance in music composition.
Final Fantasy 14 would beg to differ >_>, but I guess that's not really fair since it's such a massive game with such an assortment of music. Uematsu did the music for 1.0 but after that it was someone else.

But yeah, FF8 was a good game. Just in the shadow of FF7.

Serious / Re: Yes, the U.S. should play world policeman
« on: January 06, 2016, 03:31:29 PM »
2:Putin being the leader means nothing

3:There is as much proof of Russian Elections being rigged as there is for most other first world countries

Russians also don't have Freedom of the press (hence Putin somehow having like 87% approval rating. It's not true). I dunno why I said religion though. I knew they didn't get oppressed in that.

Huh, I guess you're right then. Thanks for clearing that up for me.

Yeah Putin is pretty scary.

The Flood / Re: Reasons we need a different moderation staff
« on: January 06, 2016, 03:28:44 PM »

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