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Messages - Luciana

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Serious / Re: GOP Debate HAPPENING
« on: January 28, 2016, 10:01:30 PM »
I love how the Republican party thinks the only problem facing this country is terrorism and healthcare. These people are idiots. They never talk about education, infrastructure (I swear Trump is the only one who mentioned that), and various other things.

God I hope none of these backwards people win. People who think the "good ole days" is a relevant thing are idiots.

Gaming / Re: Metal Gear Rising was a fun game
« on: January 28, 2016, 09:59:23 PM »
Did I come off as hostile or the ever popular "butt hurt"? I wasn't, so relax.

You can completely skip the stealth mechanics last I checked, like in the sewers. It was probably shoehorned in at the wish of Kojima who wanted some semblance of MGS in it. Hence why if they go a MGR2, it will be completely gone I hope.

As for the controls, I felt they were fine minus the parrying. Yeah camera was bad at times.

Serious / Re: GOP Debate HAPPENING
« on: January 28, 2016, 09:55:57 PM »
Shit, he mentioned 9/11

I need to go take my shot.

Gaming / Re: What game do you 'rage' in everytime?
« on: January 28, 2016, 09:54:57 PM »
I got another one

Rocket League

that game does a good job at making you hate your teammates, even if you are the shitty one.

Gaming / Re: Metal Gear Rising was a fun game
« on: January 28, 2016, 09:53:17 PM »
Greater emphasis on stealth mechanics would've been greatly appreciated considering the game, for some reason, absolutely MUST include those sections in it.
News for you. It's not a Solid game. They said that from the get go. The game isn't bad because of what you personally wished was in it. The objectives they set out to do were done by leaps and bounds. They rescued what was otherwise a dead project.

Controls didn't feel very responsive and probably could've used some work, too. The game is also unbelievably easy.
The controls were fine, what? The only thing I disliked was the block/parry mechanic, but the game can be challenging on the hardest of difficulties.

Serious / Re: GOP Debate HAPPENING
« on: January 28, 2016, 09:50:54 PM »
I used to like Rand Paul but that comment on abortion really pissed me off and reminded me how contradictory the Republican Party is in this country.

Serious / Re: GOP Debate HAPPENING
« on: January 28, 2016, 09:47:49 PM »
Nah. I don't need to be entertained, I need to understand the candidates as they stand on various issues.
They're all a bunch of fucking idiots minus Jeb and Kasich

Serious / Re: GOP Debate HAPPENING
« on: January 28, 2016, 09:35:44 PM »
God, this debate sucks

Bush is literally the only one I actually like out of this bunch, but got shut down my radical far right fuck faces like Cruz

I hate Cruz
cruz has been getting hammered all night, though im not sure we'll actually see much of a difference in the polls. i personally didnt think anything he's said had any potency.
NOTHING he says has any potency. The guy is a snake who looks like a fucking dictator. I get a bad feeling just looking at him, and no one likes him. I don't want him anywhere near the power of a president.

Serious / Re: GOP Debate HAPPENING
« on: January 28, 2016, 09:34:07 PM »
Abortion thing made me sick. Leave it to the states and if a liberal state wants to legalize it?

Nah, introduce a federal bill to stop it all. Just forget letting women make their own choice. Nah, let's let old white outdated men in office stop us from how women handle themselves.

Fuck this party. A bunch of double standard words just make me sick to my stomach. Small government? Yeah, only when you want it to be.

Serious / Re: GOP Debate HAPPENING
« on: January 28, 2016, 09:24:58 PM »
God, this debate sucks

Bush is literally the only one I actually like out of this bunch, but got shut down my radical far right fuck faces like Cruz

I hate Cruz

The Flood / Re: I am a female trapped in a mans body
« on: January 28, 2016, 09:23:11 PM »
I'm a girl too

wanna hug?
Glad you've finally accepted it

Gaming / Re: What game do you 'rage' in everytime?
« on: January 28, 2016, 07:01:05 PM »

you just suck at something and you know it's because you suck, and it makes me just drop the controller and go away

Keep in mind you don't really NEED to use humanity, Verb. I personally don't use it until I'm ready to kindle a bonfire or summon help/invade. It's not worth the trade off for the potential loss if you ask me. Like BB said, just save them in your inventory until you kindle.

Gaming / Re: Metal Gear Rising was a fun game
« on: January 28, 2016, 06:25:12 PM »
Never played it, but the friends I know irl that have played it say it's meh. Watches one of them play it once and it it seemed alright.
The combat, which is the main focus of it all, is really good.
I don't mean this in a rude way, but I'm bad at phrasing things so it might seem that way
, but this thread seems hypocritical if you compare it to your guy's opinion on mgsv

imo I believe the main focus of V is the gameplay, which it does very well, and it lacks in the story- the one thing I believe it really isn't trying to accomplish.

And ITT your all saying it's okay mgr had a bad story because it was more focused on the fighting.
just a thought

also sorry for any typos or anything like that, I'm on my phone and multitasking.

Because MGR wasn't trying to be a Solid game, it was it's own action focused spinoff, set in the MGS universe years after 4. If it was set in between 2 and 4 like it was originally supposed to be then we'd care a lot more about the story, and see how it fits in but since it's set in the future it doesn't really matter.
This as well. It allowed more creative freedom, and it wasn't trying to be a Solid game, yeah.

Gaming / Re: Metal Gear Rising was a fun game
« on: January 28, 2016, 06:22:45 PM »
Never played it, but the friends I know irl that have played it say it's meh. Watches one of them play it once and it it seemed alright.
The combat, which is the main focus of it all, is really good.
I don't mean this in a rude way, but I'm bad at phrasing things so it might seem that way
, but this thread seems hypocritical if you compare it to your guy's opinion on mgsv

imo I believe the main focus of V is the gameplay, which it does very well, and it lacks in the story- the one thing I believe it really isn't trying to accomplish.

And ITT your all saying it's okay mgr had a bad story because it was more focused on the fighting.
just a thought

also sorry for any typos or anything like that, I'm on my phone and multitasking.
No I'm saying the story to Revengeance is good. I enjoyed it. MGS was over the top anyway, this just went to another level. The soundtrack was amazing as well. MGS V was supposed to tell a story, but it failed. MGR didn't.

Serious / Re: GOP Debate tonight at 9PM EST
« on: January 28, 2016, 06:15:38 PM »
Is Trump gonna be streaming his thing? Anyone know?

Gaming / Re: Metal Gear Rising was a fun game
« on: January 28, 2016, 05:26:37 PM »
Never played it, but the friends I know irl that have played it say it's meh. Watches one of them play it once and it it seemed alright.
The combat, which is the main focus of it all, is really good.

Gaming / Re: Metal Gear Rising was a fun game
« on: January 28, 2016, 05:15:03 PM »
The story was better than whatever MGS V tried to pass. The combat and music were amazing though, who thinks it's a bad game?

No, it's when you use it that it makes that noise. You can tell if you're human Verb by looking at the numbers in the corner. It looks different.
Not if I'm human, but if I have any humanity in my possession. Like, unused.

Unless that's what you're saying.

And how exactly do you get it, anyway? Is it just a random drop like everything else?
You pick it up like souls. Just check your inventory.

No, it's when you use it that it makes that noise. You can tell if you're human Verb by looking at the numbers in the corner. It looks different.

And good, glad you found it.

Look for shortcuts to your bonfires, Verb. The entire map is intricate. There is a ladder you can kik down if you look above that bonfire in Undead Burg.

I know people didn't wanna spoil it but I felt that was a freebie I had to give, so forgive me.

The Flood / Re: And there it goes
« on: January 28, 2016, 02:49:45 AM »

Serious / Re: GOP Debate tomorrow night at 9PM EST
« on: January 28, 2016, 02:07:22 AM »
I have mad props to Fox News for standing up against Trump's desire to have Kelly removed from the moderating panel.
>Trump was scared off by a woman

He's reacting like this because she called him out on his misogynistic shit, and he tried to joke about it saying "Just Rosie O'Donnell", and she remained firm for an answer.

Trump has said a lot of fucked up things and got the support of a lost of racist politicians. It's scary and weird. I wonder if he means the stuff he says about Muslims just to appeal to his base, or if he really means it. He seems like an enigma.

Like, on one hand he says ban all muslims

but on the other he's the only one there who I think is actually an advocate for equal treatment of LGBT in the business world (I would think so considering he's a business mogul and realizes discrimination is bad for bznz), and said the marriage for gays is the law of the land and to move on.

The Flood / Re: What's the best Anime that's come out lately?
« on: January 28, 2016, 01:49:49 AM »
For real though, Cory in the House is the best anime hands down.




The Flood / Re: What's the best Anime that's come out lately?
« on: January 28, 2016, 01:47:45 AM »
Luci is a fucking slut
High maintenance slut*

Gaming / Re: Age of Charlemagne: England belongs to the English!
« on: January 28, 2016, 01:21:39 AM »
Angles are better than Saxons anyways.
Why not combine them together and have it be the ANGLO-SAXONS!

Why not build a dyke and make the Saxons pay for it?
I'm not Roman enough.

Gaming / Re: Age of Charlemagne: England belongs to the English!
« on: January 28, 2016, 01:15:49 AM »
Angles are better than Saxons anyways.
Why not combine them together and have it be the ANGLO-SAXONS!

Gaming / Age of Charlemagne: Let's build a Kingdom together! *Update 1*
« on: January 28, 2016, 12:15:20 AM »

So for anyone who was around before, you may have seen/contributed to my playthrough of Attila with the Teutons. Sadly, the faction/mod glitched out, so all progress was lost, and thus, our thread.

BUT REST ASSURED it's back for another, and this time it will be in Age of Charlemagne as

*drum roll*

The Kingdom of Mercia!

"But Luciana, wasn't Wessex the one to unite England?" you may ask in a stupid voice. Well yes it was, but that mod has no objectives for it yet so shut up, we play pretend. So replace Wessex with Mercia and there you go.

What is this, exactly?

Age of Charlemagne is an epic expansion for Total War: ATTILA, set in the Middle Ages on an sprawling new campaign map of Europe. There have been kings and kingdoms before, but this is a time where truly great men united entire nations, built lasting legacies and defined what it meant to be a king. Can you be counted amongst them?

You’ll face a new age, but an exhausted world, weary of conflict and battle. New technologies and new ways of waging war will only get you so far. A good king is a shrewd man, who knows precisely how far his people can be pushed. Do not mistake a reluctance to go to war as a sign that a nation is unprepared for it. Europe remains a melting pot of conflicting ideologies and long held distrust. While the old Empire is now a fading memory, the threats and consequences of its passing echo, resonating in new dangers and pressures for fledgling nations.

Gone are the days of mighty Rome, or the ever intimidating Huns. Instead we are at the beginning stages of the Medieval Ages. Naturally, the Medieval Ages means more colorful armor, banners, and units.

Opportunity presents itself in tying together vast new kingdoms, powerful new states that can be marshaled under a banner of civilization drawn from ashes. Greatness awaits you, if you have the steel and vision of Charlemagne.

What is the objective?

Naturally the objective here is to unify all of England under the Kingdom of Mercia, and transform it into the Kingdom of England (the game actually changes that title too once you do, how cool). After that, we will consolidate our forces and push north and east to take over the rest of the British Isles. It won't be easy, and we'll face stiff opposition from many of the surrounding Kingdoms who are also vying for rule over the Isles. But they don't have the glory of Wessex Mercia behind them. They will be crushed beneath us.

What's the point of this?

Well since my car is dead and I'm not job hunting anytime soon because of it, I wanted to try this again. It was fun to do with you guys, and Verbs Dark Souls threads made us all interact, so I'm hoping this has some varying degree of the same effect. I'll update the OP with my updates so you can easily catch up, and a good reminder. YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE AN EXPERT ON ANY OF THIS TO OFFER YOUR OPINIONS. I WELCOME ANYTHING. I'm trying to make our empire a little interactive. Like I said in the old thread. We either fly together, or sink together.

Few tidbits of info for this DLC that makes it different
- War Weariness: Basically always going to war is a bad thing. Rome has fallen and your people are tired of all the constant fighting. So over time if you keep attacking one after another, your moral will drop and you'll slowly fall apart. I think this is an interesting mechanic. It makes you actually think tactically on wars you will enter. Maybe attacking a huge empire isn't such a good idea, or a faction with a lot of allies.

- Unique Kingdom and Story Events: As I said before, it will transform us from the Kingdom of Mercia into the Kingdom of England. It will also feature cool story events that will help play into the more cinematic experience I hope to provide with this. It's another reason I went for Mercia, rather than the 'correct' Wessex. Until someone adds story/objectives for them like they have a few other modded factions, I'll stick to this.


So! With our stupid anthem at our side, and our delicious cup of tea

let's do this.

The Flood / Re: What's the best Anime that's come out lately?
« on: January 27, 2016, 11:23:26 PM »
Kara no Kyoukai

Kuroinu: Kedakaki Seijo wa Hakudaku ni Somaru
What do you think about them?
First one is good for story

second is good for my fetishes
Nice, I'm in to good stories.
And fetishes? So, it's a porno with weird sex? Dunno if I'm into that lol different strokes for different folks
It's just hentai

The Flood / Re: What's the best Anime that's come out lately?
« on: January 27, 2016, 09:57:35 PM »
If you've read the VN the UBW adaptation was pretty good since you can pick up on a lot of the subtle story telling. If you haven't you might be a little lost since it's the middle part of a 3 part VN.

Part 1 was given away for free in Japan so it assumes you've read it and part three is getting a movie adaptation.
Think Heaven's Feel will show a bit more violence (and lewdness) since it'll be a movie(s)?

Oh :(

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