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Messages - Luciana

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The Flood / Re: Guys, lets be honest
« on: January 30, 2016, 12:40:23 AM »
Uhh... is this against the rules? I'm not sure...

The Flood / Re: Why are dub actors almost always terrible?
« on: January 29, 2016, 10:03:24 PM »
Also TTGL has a good dub. I think the Japanese sounds way more hot blooded but the English one is enjoyable. I watched it dubbed first so I just stick with that.
Anything with Yuri Lowenthal in it gets me off.

That mans voice is orgasmic to me. He delivers every role he gets cast in.
he did the english voice for riddhe in gundam unicorn and it was SO GOOD
He did ever voice in New Vegas ever and won the LOTTERY

The Flood / Re: Why are dub actors almost always terrible?
« on: January 29, 2016, 10:03:02 PM »
Thanks for the info. Also, sorry if you construed my post as misinformed. I don't watch anime very often.
Nah, I just had an excuse to rant about an issue that annoys me. Sub vs dub draws out all of the elitist assholes you'd think of.

The best part about losing your souls is that you don't have to walk on eggshells anymore.

I mean, you still do, but some of the tension is gone, because you don't have anything to lose anymore.
Yeah having a crap ton of souls can be a burden. My rule of thumb is that after I beat a boss, I spend them.

The Flood / Re: Why are dub actors almost always terrible?
« on: January 29, 2016, 09:57:33 PM »
Also TTGL has a good dub. I think the Japanese sounds way more hot blooded but the English one is enjoyable. I watched it dubbed first so I just stick with that.
Anything with Yuri Lowenthal in it gets me off.

That mans voice is orgasmic to me. He delivers every role he gets cast in.

Kyle Hebert too. Can't believe I didn't realize it was Gohan for the longest time.
You mean Kamina


God that had to be one of my favorite shows of all time across any form of media. It captured me so amazingly and the ending made me cry like a baby.

The Flood / Re: Why are dub actors almost always terrible?
« on: January 29, 2016, 09:55:48 PM »
I wish Troy Baker would go back though. After Bioshock Infinite he's suddenly too good to play Kanji again. But whatever, Matthew Mercer did a terrific job coming in mid-season when Troy was on his honeymoon, and taking over.


No one knows what I'm on about.

The Flood / Re: Why are dub actors almost always terrible?
« on: January 29, 2016, 09:53:43 PM »
Also TTGL has a good dub. I think the Japanese sounds way more hot blooded but the English one is enjoyable. I watched it dubbed first so I just stick with that.
Anything with Yuri Lowenthal in it gets me off.

That mans voice is orgasmic to me. He delivers every role he gets cast in.

The Flood / Re: Why are dub actors almost always terrible?
« on: January 29, 2016, 09:53:11 PM »


You can't watch this and tell me the English sound better.

It's impossibru
Dub sounds better.
Don't get too excited. I'd recommend watching anything Fate related in sub because the consistency with voice actors dubbed is so awful. Sub keeps the same voice actors across the entire field, yet in dub they change it every freaking installment. In fact I wouldn't be surprised if dubbed Archer for Unlimited Blade Works was different than her movie counterpart soon.

The Flood / Re: Why are dub actors almost always terrible?
« on: January 29, 2016, 09:50:49 PM »
Honestly though, when I see that dub vs sub debate, it makes me want to kill myself. Not because people talk about why they like one or the other, but because it apparently refers to the entire field of it. If a dub is bad, all dubs are bad. If a sub has a woman crying over something, then it's so emotional and powerful and 10/10 voice acting.

It's just an autistic mess. It reminds me of some Dark Souls fans going on about how amazing Dark Souls is without ever taking some criticism or something.

I don't think I've EVER seen an intelligent long discussion of why someone prefers one or the other, because it's always "Oh I can't listen to dub lol". Yet you do when you play video games, sooo.... I dunno.

People are fucking retarded. You circle jerk over Troy Baker, yet when he's in Persona 4 with an all star cast, it's suddenly bad.

The Flood / Re: Why are dub actors almost always terrible?
« on: January 29, 2016, 09:44:07 PM »
This is objectively false.

There are a lot of times when the dub sounds better than the sub.

I wouldn't say "better" because detecting a language, especially Japanese, is hard. People don't take in the tone, pacing (which is the hardest one), and emotion. Loud =/= good. Especially when a lot of Japanese people have said that in anime, a lot of the voice actors are over dramatic and energetic. You know Dynasty Warriors dubbed and how it's silly and over the top, but in a good way? Basically that.

Examples of great dubs though?

Gurren Lagann
Dragon Ball Z (Goku subbed is horrible)
Full Metal Alchemist
Persona 4 (it was a game, but an anime too so shut up)
Berserk the movie
Spice and Wolf
Space Dandy
Cowboy BeBop

There are countless examples of dubbed things actually being good. It's just the quality of the voice actor/actress and the direction they want them to take the characters.

Anyone who says all dubs sound like shit and all of Japanese stuff is great, clearly don't know a lick about voice acting, and how they can't even listen to another language and see if it's good or bad for almost 90% of it. Now is it true that more Japanese voice actors are more talented in the field of anime? I would say yes since they have a large industry and schools focused on it. But they are just as hit and miss as dubs can be.

Edit: At the end of the day, it almost ALWAYS falls to preference. I enjoy both, and will swap it up with dub and sub with a few things. However when I do run into anime/games that are just awful in dubbed voice acting, I will make every effort to change that language to Japanese.

It is in PvP

Doesn't Big Boss do the descriptions?
He did a couple and I still consult him but I've done the majority of them.
Wanna do mine <3?

Doesn't Big Boss do the descriptions?

Someone did my card. Dunno if they did the description though.

The Flood / Re: Luci's avatar gets my dick hard
« on: January 29, 2016, 07:44:00 PM »

The Flood / Re: Luci's avatar gets my dick hard
« on: January 29, 2016, 07:41:33 PM »

Gaming / Re: Some new Dark Souls 3 screenshots
« on: January 29, 2016, 05:14:44 PM »
Looks like another Crestfallen Knight. Hope we don't have Emerald Herald 2.0. But the Doll was better than Emerald, so that should help.





Okay, I was going to update last night because I'm trying to actually record one video per update or two as a "fight of the day" kinda thing. Ran into recording issues and the video MIGHT be a little choppy. Bear with me, I'll sort it out soon. I just feel I need to get an update. Anyway, let's get started.



From its heartland in central England, Mercia extends its reach to every corner of the island. As the most powerful of the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms, the Mercians dominate the land south of the River Humber.

In the late 6th century AD, the five English shires of Derbyshire, Leicestershire, Nottinghamshire, Staffordshire and Warwickshire were united under a single leader, giving rise to the Kingdom of Mercia. Creoda of the Iclingas is most often cited as the first Mercian ruler and the founder of its capital at Tamworth. Yet opinion on the issue is divided; the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle does not refer to him as a king and some scholars question if he was nothing more than the product of a monk's fevered imaginings!

Nevertheless, it is the Iclingas dynasty, beginning officially with the reign of Penda in approximately AD625, that has given rise to a period of untold stability. Although their line has been plagued by assassinations, betrayals and deaths in battle, the Iclingas have been able to expand Mercian borders to encompass most of the midlands and the south of England too.

In AD757, Offa became king, following a civil war in the wake of King Aethelbald's murder. Consolidating his midland provinces, he looks upon the southern kingdoms avariciously, desiring to bring them under Mercian control. Respected by the Franks across the channel, and rightly feared by Englishmen everywhere, Mercia is poised to become the single greatest power in the British Isles - a single, united kingdom under the rule of a mighty king!

Words from Adviser

"The Anglo-Saxon lands fall, submissive to your rule - the Mercian Kingdom dominates. Yet the island is not yet fully conquered...

To the southeast, Wssex lingers - weak but undefeated - and to the west the pernicious Welsh remain a thorn.

Subjugating both will secure your borders, yet Northumbria poses your greatest thread. It threatens to overthrow the Picts and become a powerful enemy - the only answer is its absorption into your own realm.

Across the waves, Ireland offers promising territory but should be approached with caution - its people are unruly and more than a little dangerous.

And to the east, vicious men seeking blood and plunder cast voracious eyes upon your shores - be ever vigilant of the Viking Danes.

Despite these challenges, control of the isles shall be yours - take up your sword and make Mercia great!"

So basically, what I got from this is I need to unite England ASAP before the ever pesky Vikings come over to mess things up. Not on my watch.


Preparations for war

Let's take a look at my starting territory


To the North is my biggest concern, Northumbria. They're easily the one that rivals me in strength and territory, but we don't want to attack them both at once. For you see, I start this game at war with two factions to my West in Wales. So let's make sure our borders are protected.


I managed to get a Non-Aggression pack with Northumbria and Wessex secured, and the province to the South-East of Wessex is my puppet state. I gave them a few gifts of gold to get on my good side, lest they revolt (and they can) and give me 3 wars. I was even more lucky a few turns later for Northumbria to ask for a trade route and offer 200 gold for it too. Seems they need some money.

And lastly, I forged a Non-Aggression pack with Charlemagne, the most important deal in the long run. You see, with him, he is the most powerful faction starting off and only a channel away from my borders, so I don't want to upset him. The other reason, is if you take a look at his traits, you can see 2 important things. Loyal, and Admires strong empires.

Non-Aggression is the first way to forging alliances, which can open you up to trade agreements, and military access/pact. Now once I unite England, and eventually the English Isles, I will be a very powerful Kingdom. Since he likes that, it will get on my good side even more, so if I can have #1 on my side, I think I'm pretty much set.

Now that that's done, let's do some research


As you can see here, you can either research into the Military tree, or Civic tree. Basically, one is for how your units perform on the field/off the field, where as Civic helps you with public order, research rate, and buildings for your cities. Buildings can unlock many a thing, from spies, to additional, and more powerful units. Still, our goal here is to try and unite England before the Norsemen pop over, so let's focus on Military for now.



So as mentioned before, the Kingdoms to my west are at war with me. Gwynedd being my first. So let's invade first and catch them off guard.

Forces are just about even, give or take. It'll take the skills of the generals on the field to win this one.

Battle 1


INSTANTLY I am at the advantage. They are making the charge towards me, and just look at the terrain.

and therefore, I already have a massive advantage before our forces even begin to attack.

As you can see, they're attacking uphill, so that instantly gives my men the advantage. It wasn't long before their first units broke while my archers pelted the forces from behind. My cavalry quickly swarmed them and they broke. First skirmish belongs to Luci.

That was the story of the day it seemed though. Beating the enemy back, flanking them, and then overwhelming them. Naturally, I won.

I pursued down his remaining forces in the snow and once more, overwhelmed a beaten and broken faction.


So, now that that Kingdom is dealt with, we need to push South to the other foolish Kingdom at war with me.

The Kingdom of Powys, fighting outside of their capital town. They have everything to fight for here. A loss and their aspirations for a great kingdom are all but destroyed.

Battle 2


As you can see, our forces are on even ground this time, however they are outnumbered more than 500 people.


My enemy forces began to engage. Sadly I was STUPID here and completely forgot one of my cavalry, so they died to spears rather quick. Still, They all funneled in the middle, so once more, I was able to slowly flank around to their sides.

It eventually led to all the men throwing down their weapons and running. Basically how my battles have gone so far can be summarized in this video.


Rip +2

So that's where we leave it off for now. In two quick years we've taken out the smaller Kingdoms on our side. With our borders in the north secured, and our puppet state warming up to us, I can begin the push on Wessex.



Battle of the Post (again, will fix this laggy issue. Just for anyone curious)


Thanks for reading! Any input/opinions/suggestions are welcome!

Don't remind me...

Quote from: Azure
Well, I'm excited to see where you go with this

-That is, if you keep with it
Updating now~

Serious / Re: GOP Debate HAPPENING
« on: January 29, 2016, 04:11:55 AM »
I love how the Republican party thinks the only problem facing this country is terrorism and healthcare. These people are idiots. They never talk about education, infrastructure (I swear Trump is the only one who mentioned that), and various other things.

God I hope none of these backwards people win. People who think the "good ole days" is a relevant thing are idiots.

Trump makes a point at every rally to say something along the lines of "I'm ending common core"
I more so meant everyone but Trump. That's why I was saying stuff like I'm glad Trump is bringing up issues the party otherwise has been ignoring forever.

Gaming / Re: Age of Charlemagne: England belongs to the English!
« on: January 29, 2016, 02:11:48 AM »
Gonna update soon before bed. I feel I need to kick this off. Actually get SOME people involved.

Serious / Re: GOP Debate HAPPENING
« on: January 29, 2016, 02:07:38 AM »

The Flood / Re: why aren't you here
« on: January 29, 2016, 02:02:01 AM »
It’s one of life’s great mysteries isn't it? Why aren't we here? I mean, are we the product of some cosmic coincidence, or is there really a God watching everything? You know, with a plan for us and stuff. I don’t know, man, but it keeps me up at night.

Serious / Re: FBI video of Burns Refuge occupiers getting BTFO
« on: January 29, 2016, 12:03:46 AM »
He died fighting for what he believed in!!!

Too bad what he believed in was insanely stupid. Rip

Gaming / Re: Metal Gear Rising was a fun game
« on: January 28, 2016, 11:59:37 PM »
We seem to be hung up on the stealth issues. The only one I can think of again was the box mechanics in the sewers and I'm more than certain Kojima wanted that in so they shoehorned it in (meaning it took away from the entire point of the game).

And no Verb I didn't say that >:I

It's just a stupidly fun game with amazing quotes. I got more enjoyment out of it than I did MGS V I think. Both during the game and the lasting effects. MGS V left me with a "phantom pain" heueue...

Serious / Re: GOP Debate HAPPENING
« on: January 28, 2016, 10:24:47 PM »
Sorry, I'm just upset ever so slightly.
Why, baby?
The contradictory statements and a lot of crap.

It's fine though. My father asked me to make him popcorn so he let me rant to him about it and engaged with me in politics a little. So I thanked him, gave him is popcorn, and turned down the heat on the way back to my room because it's so hot.

Serious / Re: GOP Debate HAPPENING
« on: January 28, 2016, 10:10:28 PM »
Sorry, I'm just upset ever so slightly.

Serious / Re: GOP Debate HAPPENING
« on: January 28, 2016, 10:07:59 PM »
I love how the Republican party thinks the only problem facing this country is terrorism and healthcare.
That's what the voting base considers the most important issues.
I got news for them

It's not. Healthcare is, yeah. That's a big one. Terrorism isn't nearly as big as their scare tactics try and make it out to be.

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