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Messages - Luciana

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Serious / Re: Iowa Caucus' are Today (Cruz Called as Winner)
« on: February 01, 2016, 09:51:18 PM »
Goodness me it's literally split right down the middle 50/50. This could go either way, how exciting.

Serious / Re: Iowa Caucus' are Today (Cruz Called as Winner)
« on: February 01, 2016, 09:47:20 PM »
Well we shall see. I'm sick of this 88% thing though. Just tell us pls ;~;

Serious / Re: Iowa Caucus' are Today (Cruz Called as Winner)
« on: February 01, 2016, 09:37:26 PM »
Bernie & Hilldog are getting so painfully close.

It is going to end, in all things considered, a statistical tie.
Do you think this helps or hurts Burnies chances going into the other states?

Serious / Re: Iowa Caucus' are Today (Cruz Called as Winner)
« on: February 01, 2016, 09:35:45 PM »
Huckabee to Suspend Campaign
I'd post that shitty Queen song in celebration, but.
He was easily a shit face. I'm glad he's out. After next week, you'll start seeing other drop out rapidly too.

I tried to play a console FPS again (Battlefront) after months of doing it on mouse and keyboard and goodness me was autoaim definitely shown as more of necessity if anything else.

Even then I couldn't aim for crap, which is worrisome, but yeah. Analogs are obvious more imprecise for obvious reasons. Still, no doubt when you get used to one, you get worse for the other.

Still, trying to play consoles without aim assist is a challenge.

Serious / Re: Iowa Caucus' are Today (O'Malley has Suspended Campaign)
« on: February 01, 2016, 09:31:33 PM »
Looks like Cruz stumped Trump. Please, please, please let Trump be out.

Rubio is quickly gaining ground in Trump's second place title - within 3 percentage points.

You're funny though, if you think Trump is done.
Yeah this is gonna be a looooooong fight for both parties I think.

Serious / Re: Iowa Caucus' are Today (Cruz Called as Winner)
« on: February 01, 2016, 09:30:41 PM »
Mike Huckabee suspended his campaign, so regardless of who wins, that's the best news all night.

And if Cruz ever did get the nomination, it would guarantee he loses the general election. So win win.

Serious / Re: Iowa Caucus' are Today
« on: February 01, 2016, 07:11:32 PM »
Alright, caucuses are closed. We'll start getting some trends within 30 mins to an hour I think. Probably know who wins by 11 est.

The Flood / Re: This might be the reason why Recon got demoted.
« on: February 01, 2016, 07:10:06 PM »
I still forget you guys are from old Flood. I love the roots of that since I used to go. We're all just growing up now instead of being edgy 15 year olds who thought saying they didn't believe in god was cool.

Anyway yeah, seems kinda weird.


This picture does not match my quote at all lol

The Flood / Re: Anyone stand up so fast they kinda pass out?
« on: February 01, 2016, 02:43:51 PM »
That said, how is your head?
My left side of my brow still slightly hurts, but i'm fine thanks.
I think what Tru meant was:

what dat mouth do

that didn't even cross my mind...

Gaming / Re: Dark Souls Impressions - ON HOLD
« on: February 01, 2016, 01:45:47 PM »
I need to play ds2
If you do it on the 360 I'll play with ya, but you should play sotfs
tfw no 360

you want the Xbone/PS4 Scholar of the First Sin version anyway

Gaming / Re: Dark Souls Impressions - ON HOLD
« on: February 01, 2016, 01:45:06 PM »
Am I the only one that really likes dark souls 2?



Dark Souls 2 does a lot well, and has more content. The DLC returned to the intricate world design as well.

The Flood / Re: Anyone stand up so fast they kinda pass out?
« on: February 01, 2016, 01:41:26 PM »
That said, how is your head?
My left side of my brow still slightly hurts, but i'm fine thanks.

Serious / Re: Iowa Caucus' are Today
« on: February 01, 2016, 01:40:05 PM »
I hope Cruz doesn't win

No one likes Cruz

The Flood / Re: Anyone stand up so fast they kinda pass out?
« on: February 01, 2016, 03:10:24 AM »
100% can relate. Use to happen a lot, now it's fairly rare. Its if I bolt up and it usually happened when I was getting out of my car or off my couch celebrating a goal.

Never fainted as a result but have gotten pretty close
I guess I was lying down at a weird angle and texting, so when I got out blood just rushed to my head

it actually kinda scared me after I was aware what happened

I usually see stars and I hear a ringing in my ears. The best thing to do is try and lay down or put your head down. Try and be careful next time it happens. If you feel your body reacting like that again, take a seat and put your head down. If needed rest against something so you don't slouch over or fall.
Yeah I know. I don't know what I was thinking, and kinda beat myself up over not doing that. Just kinda thought

"oh this feels funny... and kinda nice", and that was it

It's okay, your fine now and now you know. Just be careful next time
Yes sir!

the only thing hurt was my pride and the toilet seat

The Flood / Re: Anyone stand up so fast they kinda pass out?
« on: February 01, 2016, 03:08:17 AM »
100% can relate. Use to happen a lot, now it's fairly rare. Its if I bolt up and it usually happened when I was getting out of my car or off my couch celebrating a goal.

Never fainted as a result but have gotten pretty close
I guess I was lying down at a weird angle and texting, so when I got out blood just rushed to my head

it actually kinda scared me after I was aware what happened

I usually see stars and I hear a ringing in my ears. The best thing to do is try and lay down or put your head down. Try and be careful next time it happens. If you feel your body reacting like that again, take a seat and put your head down. If needed rest against something so you don't slouch over or fall.
Yeah I know. I don't know what I was thinking, and kinda beat myself up over not doing that. Just kinda thought

"oh this feels funny... and kinda nice", and that was it

The Flood / Re: Anyone stand up so fast they kinda pass out?
« on: February 01, 2016, 02:49:38 AM »
100% can relate. Use to happen a lot, now it's fairly rare. Its if I bolt up and it usually happened when I was getting out of my car or off my couch celebrating a goal.

Never fainted as a result but have gotten pretty close
I guess I was lying down at a weird angle and texting, so when I got out blood just rushed to my head

it actually kinda scared me after I was aware what happened

The Flood / Re: Anyone stand up so fast they kinda pass out?
« on: February 01, 2016, 02:48:51 AM »

I mean, I've stood up only to then realize that my leg is asleep and almost fall because of it, but I can't say that I've ever done that.
I was once late for school, so I shot out of bed, not knowing my leg was asleep

so I took one step forward to quickly get out, and my leg just buckled under me and I collapsed on the floor

It hurt for a few days after and I had a slightly funny walk due to limping sort of

The Flood / Re: Don't see this "mod bias"
« on: February 01, 2016, 02:44:30 AM »
I will say as a mod for only like... what, a month now?

That I've seen a lot of reports are people acting like babbies rather than actual offenses. Of course there are real ones worthy of actually taking action with (to which I've messed up once or twice), but yeah.

But would you say you genuinely messed up or that it could have gone both ways (meaning there was logic behind your decision)
As in I'm still learning my way about a few things.

Which is a valid excuse, to a certain extent obviously. And if things were fixed quickly I don't see why it would be made a big deal.
Don't listen to me

we're all evil meanies

The Flood / Anyone stand up so fast they kinda pass out?
« on: February 01, 2016, 02:43:49 AM »
This happened a few days ago but like, I went to get out of the bath as I normally do, but I guess I got up too fast. Blood rush to head and all that

so as I was drying off, I kinda feel my body go all tingly and fuzzy, and my vision slowly fade in the corners of my eyes, and before I know it I hear a loud clang and I come to on the floor. Turns out I spilled my drink in the still draining bath, hit my brow against either the toilet or the tub (still sort of hurts lol), and broke the base of the toilet ever so slightly (thank god I didn't break it or something).

Anyway, I've had the small vision fade thing happen before, but never to the point I actually lose balance and somewhat "pass out" for a few seconds.

I dunno, just felt like sharing that. I'm fine btw, no gash or anything thank god. I'd hate to go to the ER and go in debt.

The Flood / Re: Don't see this "mod bias"
« on: February 01, 2016, 02:40:41 AM »
I will say as a mod for only like... what, a month now?

That I've seen a lot of reports are people acting like babbies rather than actual offenses. Of course there are real ones worthy of actually taking action with (to which I've messed up once or twice), but yeah.

But would you say you genuinely messed up or that it could have gone both ways (meaning there was logic behind your decision)
As in I'm still learning my way about a few things.

The Flood / Re: Don't see this "mod bias"
« on: February 01, 2016, 02:40:10 AM »
and since someone mentioned loli's

The Flood / Re: Don't see this "mod bias"
« on: February 01, 2016, 02:38:35 AM »
I will say as a mod for only like... what, a month now?

That I've seen a lot of reports are people acting like babbies rather than actual offenses. Of course there are real ones worthy of actually taking action with (to which I've messed up once or twice), but yeah.

The Flood / Re: Why I'm seriously beginning to dislike the black population
« on: February 01, 2016, 12:27:07 AM »
I'm enjoying how many people are biting this

The Flood / Re: Ronaldo is a fraud
« on: February 01, 2016, 12:23:59 AM »
> gunball

that's american football since we're the only ones in the world who play it

Gaming / Re: Dark Souls Impressions - ON HOLD
« on: February 01, 2016, 12:05:31 AM »
If you reply tonight, I'll actually reply tomorrow. I'm rather pissed off at irl events, so I don't want to convey that into my posts.

Gaming / Re: Dark Souls Impressions - ON HOLD
« on: February 01, 2016, 12:02:32 AM »
Calling the ring an "easy factor" would imply that losing your souls makes the game more difficult. The game isn't difficult--it's fake difficult, because the punishment of losing your souls is based around tedium. Therefore, the ring is more of an anti-tediousness mechanic. That's what I'd call it.
I will have to quote this though

First, please just say artificial difficulty. It sounds better.

Second, I don't find the souls aspect the difficult or easy part at all. That is the actual combat of the damn game and the only difficulty is by your own mistakes. The souls are an additional aspect.

Artificial difficulty are the examples of Dark Souls 2 I used. I don't find gaining/losing souls a "hard" factor at all, because if you're sitting in the same spot grinding for souls for whatever reason, I personally don't think you're playing the game right. You should always be moving forward.

Gaming / Re: Dark Souls Impressions - ON HOLD
« on: January 31, 2016, 11:59:49 PM »
I'm not gonna quote the whole thing, but weapon degradation in games never bothered me. It helped immerse me more, knowing I had to keep my weapons sharp and in top tier condition. In fact I felt it played more into Skyrim's shallowness that no matter what armor or swords you had, they were always in top condition, all the time. It was stupid for me.

As for the free time thing, idk why you keep saying free time. When I lose souls I don't go grinding again, I carry on, because you don't necessarily NEED the souls you lost. One level up won't change anything, and upgrading your weapons and armor is far more important.

So by the time you reached the next bonfire, you'd already have enough to do whatever. Any RPG if you ask me preys on your free time. Every. Single. One. You need to invest time for an actual outcome for them if they follow them by the basic book of an RPG.

It's not like a quick pickup game of sports where everything is handed to you, or Call of Duty where the playing field is always even.

That's how I feel about it at least. I don't think there is a right or wrong answer for this topic.

Gaming / Re: Dark Souls Impressions - ON HOLD
« on: January 31, 2016, 09:37:44 PM »
Weapon degradation is not a problem I ran into at all in DS1. Idk what you were doing honestly.

If you want "artificial difficulty", play Dark Souls 2. Adds on bosses, random enemies bursting out of walls with no warnings, bad hit boxes, etc.
Well, I'm sorry to break it to you, but the soul system in this game is an example of fake difficulty
not that i'm saying you're wrong

but how? I like the idea of losing your souls when you die (which you can pick up, and there is a ring to prevent this. Basically a subtle way of adding an "easy" factor, much like being a mage, without having a difficulty slider) because it makes bonfires exactly what Miyazaki intended them for. You remember what I said about the thought process of continuing on/pulling back to it, and the relief on finding one.

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