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Messages - Luciana

Pages: 1 ... 205206207 208209 ... 442
Serious / Re: I feel that people forget how important JFK really was
« on: February 27, 2016, 01:13:59 PM »
Kruschev also played a vital role in not letting nukes happen.

The Flood / Re: Bill Clinton gets called out by Marine Sgt
« on: February 27, 2016, 11:01:15 AM »
There are plenty of things to stick Hillary with, but beating the benghazi horse is beyond ridiculous at this point.
It's a valid point. I sure as fuck don't want someone like that as my commander in chief.
I'm sorry, but people act like it's the first time a politician lied and tried to cover something up. And even then it's not even proven she lied and covered up Benghazi.


How about 4,500 people dying in Iraq over some stupid lie that was PROVEN 100% false? People like to forget about that.

The Flood / Re: The South isn't racist
« on: February 27, 2016, 10:54:53 AM »
I'd just like to point out one thing.

The institution of slavery isn't racist.
The slaves were black because Africa sold the cheapest slaves.
Don't slip on that slope
It's true tho
Irish slaves were things.
So were Jews and Germanic people. I get that.

The Flood / Re: The South isn't racist
« on: February 27, 2016, 04:38:53 AM »
And on a random note before bed after reading up on Johnson on Wiki again, I still find it baffling how Republicans and Democrats did a literal 180 on each other after Roosevelt popped into office with his New Deal.

The Flood / Re: The South isn't racist
« on: February 27, 2016, 04:35:16 AM »
And lastly, you can argue the common man (who never owned slaves) was fighting for a war they thought was the preservation of all they knew, but it was twisted by their leaders. But to say the South wasn't fighting for slavery is a blatant and criminal ignorance of the entire reason they succeeded.

Their way of life was being threatened, sure, but they were oppressing an entire race to preserve that way of life. That is unacceptable.

There were heroes in the South fighting such as Stonewall Jackson, or Robert E. Lee. There are heroes on all sides of war, under all different banners. It doesn't make the root message and reason any less terrible though.

The Flood / Re: The South isn't racist
« on: February 27, 2016, 04:32:57 AM »
I'm not saying it's okay at all, like in the slightest, because it's not

but there is a difference between being racist, and molding your laws around racism

The Flood / Re: The South isn't racist
« on: February 27, 2016, 04:30:15 AM »
Jim Crow also happened when Johnson pulled the troops out of the South and let southern politicians put Jim Crow in place. It was basically another 100 years of slavery but under a new and less oppressive face.

It happened under the Union, yes, but that doesn't mean the South lawmakers and sympathizers suddenly vanished when the country was reunited. It's one of the reasons Johnson was impeached but saved by one vote.

The Flood / Re: The South isn't racist
« on: February 27, 2016, 02:12:31 AM »
I'd just like to point out one thing.

The institution of slavery isn't racist.
The slaves were black because Africa sold the cheapest slaves.
Don't slip on that slope
It's a slippery one, but I'm pretty confident in my footing in the subject.

Slaves can be any color, and there were definitely white slaves.
Of course. But to say slavery isn't racist for Americans, kinda completely invalidates a lot of things. You're talking about the suppression of an entire race, followed by another century of oppression via Jim Crow laws.

Pretty racist and suppressive.

The Flood / Re: Daily Reminder
« on: February 27, 2016, 02:11:28 AM »
Daily reminder America is the new Rome

« on: February 27, 2016, 01:39:33 AM »
This thread made me smile

The Flood / Re: The South isn't racist
« on: February 27, 2016, 01:38:03 AM »
I'd just like to point out one thing.

The institution of slavery isn't racist.
The slaves were black because Africa sold the cheapest slaves.
Don't slip on that slope

The Flood / Re: UK to NFL: Change the Redskins name or don't come here
« on: February 26, 2016, 04:14:52 AM »
the latter, because one could argue saying african american is a politically correct tumblr thing now a days, and saying "black" is seen as racist

The Flood / Re: UK to NFL: Change the Redskins name or don't come here
« on: February 26, 2016, 03:53:00 AM »
without getting cucked
Replacing fucked with cucked is not clever

it's annoying


Serious / Re: GOP Debate Tonight
« on: February 25, 2016, 11:40:44 PM »
I've given up at this point and just reluctantly accepted Trump as my future president.

Very good Choice.
Why did you capitalize choice?

cause I'm pro Choice
Then you can't be a Republican.
That's not true. That is too much of a grey area to dictate what party you stand for. I know Democrats who are pro life, and Republicans who are pro choice.

Serious / Re: GOP Debate Tonight
« on: February 25, 2016, 10:50:02 PM »
I've given up at this point and just reluctantly accepted Trump as my future president.

Very good Choice.
Why did you capitalize choice?

Serious / Re: GOP Debate Tonight
« on: February 25, 2016, 09:58:21 PM »

The Flood / Re: UK to NFL: Change the Redskins name or don't come here
« on: February 25, 2016, 09:53:38 PM »
Lol fuck the UK.

I hate the redskins. But I hate these PC fucktards even more
You should change that tone to "fuck all western europe".

ya know, the ones who support Democracy the most.
I think you mean "fuck the impotent husks that are all that's left of Western European nations."
It was honestly better when Rome was ruling them all.
Nah. 19th century best century. Long live the mighty German Empire
HRE was better tbh

The Flood / Re: UK to NFL: Change the Redskins name or don't come here
« on: February 25, 2016, 09:49:57 PM »
Lol fuck the UK.

I hate the redskins. But I hate these PC fucktards even more
You should change that tone to "fuck all western europe".

ya know, the ones who support Democracy the most.
I think you mean "fuck the impotent husks that are all that's left of Western European nations."
It was honestly better when Rome was ruling them all.

The Flood / Re: UK to NFL: Change the Redskins name or don't come here
« on: February 25, 2016, 09:49:15 PM »
They're sending one of the shittiest NFL teams to the UK lmao
They're not the Browns or Jaguars.
The Redskins are just as bad lol
They were pretty okay this year, but I don't really watch NFL anymore. I find I can't spare 3.5 hours anymore for one game.

The Flood / Re: UK to NFL: Change the Redskins name or don't come here
« on: February 25, 2016, 09:42:48 PM »
Lol fuck the UK.

I hate the redskins. But I hate these PC fucktards even more
You should change that tone to "fuck all western europe".

ya know, the ones who support Democracy the most.

Serious / GOP Debate Tonight
« on: February 25, 2016, 09:39:53 PM »
I'm surprised no one has mentioned it yet. I assume because we're getting a bit sick of all the debates. But I find this one interesting because it's basically a last gasp for Cruz and Rubio before Super Tuesday.

So yeah, CNN is streaming it if you're too lazy for TV.

Plus I just wanted to talk about it.

The Flood / Re: UK to NFL: Change the Redskins name or don't come here
« on: February 25, 2016, 09:38:21 PM »
They're sending one of the shittiest NFL teams to the UK lmao
They're not the Browns or Jaguars.

The Flood / Re: UK to NFL: Change the Redskins name or don't come here
« on: February 25, 2016, 09:31:51 PM »
I just want to say that I fucking hate the term "people of color". It sounds so fucking pretentious. Just say " African-Americans", or "native americans", etc. It's such a tumblr term.
Or just say blacks instead of African-Americans.

The Flood / Re: UK to NFL: Change the Redskins name or don't come here
« on: February 25, 2016, 09:10:51 PM »
Just chance the name already and end this stupid thing.

I'm sure you can find a much better name than "Redskins" anyway. I wonder if this will finally compelle the Comish to put more pressure on the owner who says he has "native american friends" (anyone who says "I have *insert race I'm insulting* friends" is almost always racist).

The Flood / Re: how do you pronounce japan?
« on: February 25, 2016, 08:59:24 PM »

The Flood / Re: how do you pronounce japan?
« on: February 25, 2016, 07:59:29 PM »


I like you

The Flood / Re: how do you pronounce japan?
« on: February 25, 2016, 07:59:14 PM »

The Flood / Re: What would happen if Trump was assassinated?
« on: February 25, 2016, 06:33:52 PM »
Liberals would celebrate, and conservatives would scramble for the moral high ground, decrying those "heartless, hypocritical leftists" for tarnishing the death of a "great man" and "a man who loved his country, and stood up for what he believed in."
People disagree with him, but I don't think anyone wants the man to die. And if anything, the conservatives are more afraid of him than the liberals are. No one there likes him because at first they brushed him off as a joke and laughed, and now those same people are terrified he may actually win their nomination, and potentially president.

Tell ya what, if he wins most states in Super Tuesday, I say there is no stopping him. Cruz and Rubio are managing horrible campaigns were they're thinking 2nd is better for whatever reason... and Rubio is even more than likely to lose in his home state.

Cruz on the other hand just got robbed of his base, because Evangelicals would rather have someone who actually has a message (albeit a kinda vague one), as opposed to someone just quoting bible verses.

Serious / Re: British referendum on EU membership set for 23rd of June
« on: February 25, 2016, 06:29:55 PM »
What will your vote be, Meta?
I'll probably vote to leave.
But why? I'm honestly curious what the benefits are to leaving, as compared to staying with the new deal they're working out.

Gaming / Re: Guess what, new Dark Souls 3 trailer!
« on: February 25, 2016, 04:40:27 AM »
Did I also see Seath's arm at 0:27?
Ehhhh that's being awfully generous. That arm could be plenty of anything.

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