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Messages - Luciana

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Serious / Re: Do you disagree with scientific consensus on anything?
« on: March 22, 2016, 03:28:32 AM »
We very well could be alone, and it's not controversial to say that.
Yeah but there are so many galaxies and everything that I think it's just probably there is life someplace. If we truly are alone, that is both scary, and miraculous.

Serious / Re: I do not understand how people support Trump
« on: March 22, 2016, 12:14:28 AM »
I legitimately don't really comprehend why people vote for politicians in the first place anyway.
Well who else are we supposed to vote for? Did you word that wrong?

No. I didn't. I don't think we're supposed to vote for anybody, frankly. Personally, I think that a lot of our modern day society has a lot of holes in it. People might argue that the current system is what has helped us get so far, which is a fair point. But that's no reason to keep a failing system in place.

And you can't look at current western governments and seriously suggest to me that they aren't turning into failures if they already aren't. As it stands, right now, I'd say that governments exist and operate for the wrong reasons and they have far too much jurisdiction and tread in places they shouldn't.

Who else are you supposed to vote for? Nobody. It's a rigged game and continuing to play it is childish.
Well then what's the better alternative? There needs to be some people running the nation, right?

Unless you're an anarchist.

Serious / Re: Do you disagree with scientific consensus on anything?
« on: March 22, 2016, 12:03:13 AM »
I always like to think the Big Bang theory is false and that the universe has always been there. Humans and life as we know is all based with time, and that's how we think. It's hard to ever think anything can be "infinite". Everything has to have a beginning and end, as the human mind can't comprehend something being there forever, always.

Of course that's most likely not true because evidence for Big Bang is quite a bit. I just like to fancy the idea.

That's invalidated by our old pal einstein figuring out that time is a functioning aspect in the universe and influenced by the universe, rather than existing outside of it as some constant.

Your idea might not be so far off though. Think of it like this. Our whole universe is based off renewal and dispersal. Cycles of creation and destruction and so on. I like to think of the big bang as the kickstarter. Renewal. Some time along the line, as our universe ages, and the bonds between matter break down until everything is too distant and everything exists in a near zero energy state, something happens to start the process again.

I know that current models predict that we'll just reach a cold death and nothing more. But the existence of the big bang invalidates this if you think about it. An infinitely dense, singular point does not come from nowhere. I think it's foolish to assume that a definite end can result to a universe when the universe itself spontaneously showed up from nothing.

Plus, we sure don't know everything about how the universe works either. The theories we have today will no doubt change in the future.
An interesting perspective, and yeah, we don't even know anything about Dark Matter, so... yeah it'll change.

What if the Big Bang was just another mass recycle in the infinite cycle of events in the universe? Like it fades away, boom. And just keeps repeating at one point or another? In that sense, it could be infinite, no?

« on: March 21, 2016, 11:53:17 PM »
"Dear lord my beautiful chocolate eyes."
I wanted to put something stupid
A flawless ten, If I do say so myself
You flatter me

« on: March 21, 2016, 11:50:55 PM »
"Dear lord my beautiful chocolate eyes."
I wanted to put something stupid

Serious / Re: Do you disagree with scientific consensus on anything?
« on: March 21, 2016, 11:50:20 PM »
I always like to think the Big Bang theory is false and that the universe has always been there. Humans and life as we know is all based with time, and that's how we think. It's hard to ever think anything can be "infinite". Everything has to have a beginning and end, as the human mind can't comprehend something being there forever, always.

Of course that's most likely not true because evidence for Big Bang is quite a bit. I just like to fancy the idea.
That's actually an interesting perspective on it.

But it doesn't really pan out.
My friend brought it up when I was in my mid teens, and it's just something cool that makes my mind kinda lose itself. To think something could be around forever. Of course you'd have to break our dimension and rip the fabric of time for that to happen, so it can't really work that way.

Serious / Re: I do not understand how people support Trump
« on: March 21, 2016, 11:49:18 PM »
I legitimately don't really comprehend why people vote for politicians in the first place anyway.
Well who else are we supposed to vote for? Did you word that wrong?

« on: March 21, 2016, 11:46:10 PM »
Sorry for the late response.

« on: March 21, 2016, 07:55:08 PM »

Serious / Re: Do you disagree with scientific consensus on anything?
« on: March 21, 2016, 07:50:13 PM »
I always like to think the Big Bang theory is false and that the universe has always been there. Humans and life as we know is all based with time, and that's how we think. It's hard to ever think anything can be "infinite". Everything has to have a beginning and end, as the human mind can't comprehend something being there forever, always.

Of course that's most likely not true because evidence for Big Bang is quite a bit. I just like to fancy the idea.

Gaming / Re: Star Wars Battlefront (Outer Rim DLC details)
« on: March 21, 2016, 05:28:30 PM »
Honestly, if they keep doing updates like this then I'd be inclined to get it at some point

It's a fun game
tfw you cant play BF with Fruit, Fear and Luci on glorious PC
You'd really love to play with me, huh?

The Flood / Re: I don't understand Anime.
« on: March 21, 2016, 04:26:57 PM »
Full Metal Alchemist is a good one

Brotherhood was better, objectively
Well yeah, but when I say FMA I just mean both. They're both fantastic.

The Flood / Re: >go to Sapphire
« on: March 21, 2016, 02:28:08 PM »
I actually wouldn't mind debating there because I really don't agree with a lot of the arguments they espouse. It's just a shame how discussions get shut down because Harlol can't handle dissent.
I meant to throw in the censoring thing. It's just stupid. The internet is a cesspit in a lot of places because it does this. People surrounded by only the opinions they want to hear, censoring out anything they don't like.

My oh my the real world will be hell for them.

The Flood / Re: >go to Sapphire
« on: March 21, 2016, 02:23:03 PM »
Maybe because all you're doing is trying to stir shit
All I'm doing is asking questions and challenging their opinions, which surprise surprise, are malleable and can change over time if you are exposed to different arguments. Shocker of a concept, I know.

The irony of it all is that they're pretty much proving my point. I told Harlow in some political thread that it isn't surprising to me that he's never heard of these kinds of viewpoints before due to how much of a hugbox the place is, in which his response was to nuke my account. It's actually pretty funny how they're ending up with the opposite of their intended outcomes.
I really don't understand the point of everybody having and agreeing on the same stuff. Sure it's nice to agree with things, but when there are no conflicting viewpoints or different perspectives offered, it tends to have a stagnant feel to it.

I welcome arguments and different outlooks on things. It makes discussions interesting.

The Flood / Re: >go to Sapphire
« on: March 21, 2016, 02:05:15 PM »
I still haven't even bothered. I've heard stories of that place for years and have no desire to go, along with being incredibly lazy to re-introduce myself. It was enough effort coming over here and stealing mod powers.
Nobody would notice if you left tbh
Now now, dear, no need to be so mean.

The Flood / Re: >go to Sapphire
« on: March 21, 2016, 02:04:52 PM »
I still haven't even bothered. I've heard stories of that place for years and have no desire to go, along with being incredibly lazy to re-introduce myself. It was enough effort coming over here and stealing mod powers.
they are just that, stories
Well I mean, if you're from there, you're not exactly setting up a good example considering the stuff you posted last night.

The Flood / Re: >go to Sapphire
« on: March 21, 2016, 01:01:08 PM »
I still haven't even bothered. I've heard stories of that place for years and have no desire to go, along with being incredibly lazy to re-introduce myself. It was enough effort coming over here and stealing mod powers.

Yeah, that little excerpt only further proves my point.

Honestly, people say Trump supporters are stupid, but huge Bernie supporters are just as retarded.

"If my ideal candidate doesn't win, I'll go on the exact opposite end of the spectrum!"

It only proves how much they didn't really support Sanders, or the similar stances to begin with.

Yeah that's what I was thinking of. It just shows that both sides, left and right, are equally retarded if you look hard enough.
what was she alluding to
There have been quite a few people who have donated to Bernies campaign, which is fine and all. What's not fine is that they actually used their "rainy day" money/college funds/paycheck when they're tight on money.

And now that he's almost certainly not getting the nomination, they're getting all upset and going "WELL IF NOT HIM! TRUMP BECAUSE SCREW THIS COUNTRY!"

It's just so stupid.

Yeah, that little excerpt only further proves my point.

Honestly, people say Trump supporters are stupid, but huge Bernie supporters are just as retarded.

"If my ideal candidate doesn't win, I'll go on the exact opposite end of the spectrum!"

It only proves how much they didn't really support Sanders, or the similar stances to begin with.

Yeah that's what I was thinking of. It just shows that both sides, left and right, are equally retarded if you look hard enough.

Serious / Re: So, I'm kinda in a spot of trouble
« on: March 21, 2016, 12:05:47 PM »
Well that's heavy.

I don't know what to say.

Yeah, that little excerpt only further proves my point.

Honestly, people say Trump supporters are stupid, but huge Bernie supporters are just as retarded.

"If my ideal candidate doesn't win, I'll go on the exact opposite end of the spectrum!"

It only proves how much they didn't really support Sanders, or the similar stances to begin with.

I just want November to come already so we can stop fucking talking about it.
I'm going dark for the week before and after the election so I don't have to hear about it
I don't understand that. It's not a movie or video game, so you won't get spoilers. You'll just hear about it EVERYWHERE regardless of what you do anyway. I enjoy politics, but this one is just something of a special annoyance due to the racism and shit slinging that's in it, along with people treating it like a damn sports team, and if you somehow have an opposing opinion from them then YOU'RE A FUCKING IDIOT HOW DARE YOUOHFHOFDB!!!


Serious / Re: I do not understand how people support Trump
« on: March 21, 2016, 11:53:56 AM »
How is he going to do that?
Answer: He's not

He's running on emotion and ignorance and the "tough guy" stance, but the fact of the matter is congress has the final say in a lot of things. Even his healthcare description says something around the lines of "we'll ask Congress to..." a few times over, going entirely against his message. Of course Trump supporters don't really care about that, because they're so sick with their own party and government in general, that it's overriding the actual plans to do anything.

If there is one good thing coming out of this, it's that Trump has proven that Republicans following the whole Reagan "cut taxes/free enterprise" isn't something their people anymore. It's warped into them supporting big business rather than free enterprise, which is something Rubio pointed out in his going away speech.

But I digress.

I just want November to come already so we can stop fucking talking about it.

The Flood / Re: I don't understand Anime.
« on: March 21, 2016, 11:47:44 AM »
Full Metal Alchemist is a good one

The Flood / Re: I don't understand Anime.
« on: March 21, 2016, 12:57:48 AM »
Oh right, I was actually thinking of the story and music, that I forgot how much they ruin Yoko at times. LC's play down of the story is a crime though.

Never mind.

The Flood / Re: I don't understand Anime.
« on: March 21, 2016, 12:46:55 AM »
Try Gurren Lagann >_>

The Flood / Re: I don't understand Anime.
« on: March 21, 2016, 12:18:44 AM »
I get that some of you really like it. I just see cartoons. Some well drawn, others meh. But just cartoons. On top of this there's a giant cultural barrier that prevents me from really getting half the material.

Overall I prefer other forms of entertainment. Might be just me.
Well I mean, by using the logic "but just cartoons", doesn't that entire sweeping statement say that anything that's not real is something you don't get?

It's just another form of media people tend to like. Some people don't get games, some people don't get anime. I just think sweeping statements is the wrong way to go about it. Keep in mind that it's a medium, not a genre.

If you mean like some of the typical cancerous things you see like fan service and all that, yeah I can get that. But there is easily more serious and mature things out there for you to see other than school girls blushing over someone groping their breasts.

Gaming / Re: Need a casual game to play
« on: March 21, 2016, 12:12:24 AM »
Rocket League is another one

The Flood / Re: Catching up on TWD. Question...
« on: March 21, 2016, 12:11:43 AM »
Because that would be accurate and TWD is anything but that.

I've forgiven some of the other weapon faux pas. This one is a little obvious. I mean a quick look on Wikipedia would have solved it. AT-4's would have been easy to fabricate.

The other bit that bugs me is where are they getting the 5.56 subsonic for those silenced A-4's? It's not standard issue. At the very most they would have found 600 rounds on the walker they looted (and that's if he died without firing a shot). They burst fire that shit constantly. So... Where are they getting the ammo from?
The one that really bugged me to a point I went "okay this is just stupid..." was when they were shooting The Guvna's invading people (or zombies, I forget) in the watch towers and through the fences.

And the muzzle flash happened and all that, but the actors themselves never made the guns kick back to simulate recoil, so it just looked... odd. It was only about 10 seconds total, but it was so bad to me.

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