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Messages - Luciana

Pages: 1 ... 199200201 202203 ... 442
Serious / Re: I do not understand how people support Trump
« on: March 24, 2016, 06:06:45 AM »
Did you ever consider that that is exactly the point of all this? you liberals are so arrogant in your beliefs that you can't comprehend somebody being opposed to you forcing your "progressive" ideals on people. We don't want immigrants, we don't want white guilt, we don't want  forced diversity, we don't want the hypocrisy of us being the only group on earth capable of being racist, we don't want to be labelled worse than Hitler for simply voicing our opinions. And we don't want your fetish for blacks and muslims.
You know, regardless of where you lean, this is a pretty ignorant statement. Saying Trump doesn't have any plans isn't a liberal idea. It's a correct observation. Regardless of where you lean on immigrants, gay rights, and refugee things, it is more than correct to say Trump has no message behind 90% of his messages. They're all just slogans. If the "point" is to just go against "the man", then good job? I guess you can have your cookie behind all the racist rhetoric and un-American things behind it.

The Flood / Re: Rome is still alive, guys.
« on: March 24, 2016, 03:32:55 AM »
Rome died with the Byzantines

Rome is now near viking land? NO!
>Filthy Fucking Finns
>Glorious Bearded Vikings

Pick one
>rapist snowniggers

get a load of this barbarian
They didn't JUST pillage :(

The Flood / Re: Told her how I felt Monday night
« on: March 24, 2016, 02:53:50 AM »
Ugh. I told you, she just wanted to have fun. I said just relax and go with it. Stop being so formal about it. She knows you're into her. She let you finger her. Now... I dunno. You made it serious. If she wants that, you'll be ok. If she didn't , well... Welcome to the friendzone.

You'll have other ones come along. Just relax and let things happen. You will NEVER be able to control the situation. The best you can do is be like a surfer. You pick your wave and go with it. You can't control women any more than a surfer can control the wave. You just paddle out, pick one you think you can do and have fun.

That's my two cents
That's a somewhat good analogy. Though I kinda got it was a "just fuck it and be done" vibe from it.

The Flood / Re: This is my avatar.
« on: March 24, 2016, 02:52:47 AM »
Reminds me of Bungie's stuff

« on: March 24, 2016, 02:52:19 AM »
I just woke up, have mercy.

« on: March 24, 2016, 02:48:31 AM »
You made scrolling an effort on the 2nd comment of a new page. I cut it down.

I think we should be pressuring countries such as Saudi Arabia and Jordan to be pulling their weight more. So far they've done next to nothing in aiding the migrant crisis and yet Europe shoulders both the blame and responsibility for reasons beyond me
That's honestly for almost anything that involves the Middle East.

The Flood / Re: Rome is still alive, guys.
« on: March 23, 2016, 08:33:29 PM »
Rome died with the Byzantines

Rome is now near viking land? NO!

The Flood / Re: Would you fuck Amy Schumer?
« on: March 23, 2016, 08:33:06 PM »
Nah, reminds me if Tonya Harding.


Why wut
It's what Tonya Harding screamed when she got her leg bashed in by her teammates boyfriend.


Nancy Kerrigan got her leg smashed in by Tonya's boyfriend. Also, ouch.
Oh whatever

that whole thing confused me

The Flood / Re: H3H3 vs Leafy
« on: March 23, 2016, 08:29:48 PM »

The Flood / Re: I don't understand Anime.
« on: March 23, 2016, 07:00:57 PM »
Pre timeskip ttgl was okay
post skip is easily droppable.

and hey, what do you know, I did drop it!
Really? I felt the post time skip was fantastic. If you want a bad drop off, try Sword Art Online. I thought TTGL's pacing throughout the entire thing was great.
I started watching SAO when toonami first aired it. The first two eps were pretty cool, except for me yelling at the TV because NOBODY IS EVER FUCKING GENRE SAVVY JESUS FUCKING CHRIST GUYS, YOU'RE LIKE THE FUCKING PEOPLE IN HORROR MOVIES WHO HAVE OBVIOUSLY NEVER SEEN A HORROR MOVIE IN THEIR FICTIONAL LIFE... but then halfway through episode 3, I turned to my brother (who had watched the subs way back when) and asked if Kirito ever stops being an edgelord. He said "No, he's a pretty static character". I said "dropped", and went back to playing some shitty VN.
Your first problem was watching it dubbed. It sounds so awful.

The Flood / Re: I don't understand Anime.
« on: March 23, 2016, 07:00:28 PM »
Uh I was just messing around

I have no idea what you're talking about sorry

The Flood / Re: I don't understand Anime.
« on: March 23, 2016, 06:33:20 PM »
Pre timeskip ttgl was okay
post skip is easily droppable.

and hey, what do you know, I did drop it!
Really? I felt the post time skip was fantastic. If you want a bad drop off, try Sword Art Online. I thought TTGL's pacing throughout the entire thing was great.

The Flood / Re: I don't understand Anime.
« on: March 23, 2016, 06:32:15 PM »
TTGL is probably going to be you're best bet in terms of shōnen-y type anime, but it's by far the worst of the bunch, in my HUMBLE opinion.

Meme reactions aside, the only thing I hate with TTGL is how they mange to make Yoko badass, but still subject her to the same fanservice crap. The story, characters, and almost everything else are still far better than the other animes you listed. Far better.
hmm agreed
I didn't mind it at first when watching, but after thinking about it, yeah. She easily plays one of the most vital roles, if not THE most vital one aside from the main protag, and yet they made her even worse when she pops back in with the 2nd half of the season. That space suit outfit was a horrible fanservice mess.

Her character and actions easily could have carried her beyond just the looks the animators were so intent on flashing in our faces.

The Flood / Re: Would you fuck Amy Schumer?
« on: March 23, 2016, 06:27:33 PM »
Nah, reminds me if Tonya Harding.


Why wut
It's what Tonya Harding screamed when she got her leg bashed in by her teammates boyfriend.


The Flood / Re: I don't understand Anime.
« on: March 23, 2016, 06:25:37 PM »
Meme reactions aside, the only thing I hate with TTGL is how they mange to make Yoko badass, but still subject her to the same fanservice crap. The story, characters, and almost everything else are still far better than the other animes you listed. Far better.
In what way(s)? Just humor me.
The animation is lovely (I like the artstyle it has), along with just the whole Mass Effect thing it has going on (at least in the 2nd half). The action wasn't too bad, the ost is fantastic (that one you'll have to listen to on your own), the top of the line moments were climactic. It captured a good feeling of despair and hopelessness when it needed to.

I feel these things DBZ easily never did. It was always everyone getting ass kicked, Goku coming in to save the day. All the time. One Piece is just something I never got into, the characters were obnoxious to me along with the way it looked. Apparently the manga is fine.

Naruto drags on for way too damn long and is riddled with so much filler you'd want to kill yourself. TTGL tells a story quickly, easily, and powerfully if you ask me. Plus Simon's (Yuri Lowenthal is amazing) speech at the end was great.

I just felt it did an amazing job at people discovering a brand new world, full of all sorts of mysteries, life, and adventure, very very well.

Gaming / Re: Lol Verb got sucked into Dark Souls
« on: March 23, 2016, 04:52:16 PM »
Oh nice, great job. Can't wait for the review.

The Flood / Re: Would you fuck Amy Schumer?
« on: March 23, 2016, 04:49:03 PM »
Nah, reminds me if Tonya Harding.


Serious / Re: Terrorist attack in Brussels, 26 killed 100+ injured
« on: March 23, 2016, 01:13:09 PM »
Let's not descend into ad hominem, fam.

Remember we're not in the flood
Fuck off to bungle faggot
Only if you simile and don't a condescending

Serious / Re: Terrorist attack in Brussels, 26 killed 100+ injured
« on: March 23, 2016, 01:11:22 PM »
Let's not descend into ad hominem, fam.

Remember we're not in the flood

The Flood / Re: I don't understand Anime.
« on: March 23, 2016, 01:03:37 PM »
TTGL is probably going to be you're best bet in terms of shōnen-y type anime, but it's by far the worst of the bunch, in my HUMBLE opinion.

Meme reactions aside, the only thing I hate with TTGL is how they mange to make Yoko badass, but still subject her to the same fanservice crap. The story, characters, and almost everything else are still far better than the other animes you listed. Far better.

Serious / Re: Terrorist attack in Brussels, 26 killed 100+ injured
« on: March 23, 2016, 12:19:20 PM »
So does anyone here think Belgium/Europe as a whole will get a wake up call from this? By that I mean actually cooperating with their departments that deal with this crap, sharing intel, etc. Much like the US didn't have the FBI and CIA share shit before 9/11, Belgium's police department and... some other one (can't think of the name) didn't share either. Along with that, they were insanely slow to act, only just apprehending the terrorist recently who was hiding in plain sight.

I wish Euro countries, maybe Nato (fuck turkey) would do that more.

The Flood / Re: I don't understand Anime.
« on: March 23, 2016, 12:13:12 PM »
Maybe we'll watch other

or Kill la Kill tomorrow.
What can you learn from KLK other than obscene fanservice left and right?

Gaming / Re: You mods need to talk to meh.
« on: March 23, 2016, 03:45:13 AM »
I don't have that bad console

The Flood / Re: Pick a song to describe your day today
« on: March 23, 2016, 03:12:57 AM »
Well at least my relationship is still going well

silver linings

The Flood / Re: Pick a song to describe your day today
« on: March 23, 2016, 03:00:46 AM »

Arguing with one friend who snapped at me, broke the trust of another, and feel like I'm being left behind or pushed aside at the same time.

This about sums up my day. My avatar has never been more accurate.

Serious / Re: Terrorist attack in Brussels, 26 killed 100+ injured
« on: March 23, 2016, 12:39:01 AM »
Wasn't the Judaism thing already refuted on like page 1 or something?

And no, I think because it's so old and outdated, it's easier to manipulate. That's all I'm saying. Romans aren't around, so there is no point in referencing them.

Rome is a good HBO show though, I like your avatar.

Serious / Re: Terrorist attack in Brussels, 26 killed 100+ injured
« on: March 22, 2016, 11:56:17 PM »
When I say renaissance, I mean just it being re-written and re-taught to fit a more modern age and modern way of thinking. The book is still written in the exact text it was when it was first around. That simply can't happen. If the Old Testament was still being taught, along with its practices, things would be a little odd.

Islam as a whole is very archaic and that's bad if you ask me.

« on: March 22, 2016, 11:22:20 PM »
The cucks are out in full force.

"yeah multiple terrorist attacks within the space of a year, thousands dead but can we please chill out with the islamophobia for two seconds jeez"
When large attacks start occurring on the daily, and millions of people are dying at the hands of Islamic terrorists, then maybe you could justify hating Muslims for the sake of being Muslims. But nope, not now. There's still a billion moderates.

I know lots of people who live in Brussels, Flee included. I can only hope they're all safe.
The argument has never been about bashing Muslims simply for being Muslims, and I'm sick to the fucking back teeth of regressive leftists framing it like it somehow is.

Islam is the youngest of the three Abrahamic religions and it's yet to go through a period of reformation as Christianity and Judaism did. When terrorists cite the Qu'ran (there is only one by the way, there is no Qu'ran 2.0 that is exclusive to peaceful Muslims) as justification for honour killings, suicide bombings and any of the other despicable shit they do and you fucks sit around, stick your fingers in your ears and blame it all on some pseudo political destabilization bullshit that's when I know society is truly fucking lost.
Well that's what you get when you have a religion that was founded by a Warlord and hasn't gone through a renaissance. Much easier to manipulate it's teachings.

Also, obligatory


Serious / Re: Do you disagree with scientific consensus on anything?
« on: March 22, 2016, 03:34:44 AM »
We very well could be alone, and it's not controversial to say that.
Yeah but there are so many galaxies and everything that I think it's just probably there is life someplace. If we truly are alone, that is both scary, and miraculous.

It's not even controversial to say. Probability dictates that life should be a reoccurring thing within a single galaxy like our, let alone the billions of galaxies out there. But that's just probability. Until we get hard-evidence (or at least a large enough sample size of stars), it's just as idiotic to say life does exist as to say it doesn't.
So I guess until we get something, it's a half glass empty/full thing.

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