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Messages - Luciana

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Is that not the entire point of laws in a liberal republic?
I've never seen a more self fulfilling prophecy than the social conservatives freaking out and passing these bills under the auspices of protecting their religious freedom when in reality it's just discriminating against people or beliefs they don't particularly feel comfortable with.

What happened to that one small line in the Deceleration of Independence people love to champion. The whole "All men are created equal" thing?

Also, can you elaborate on your liberal comment in an earlier post? I wanted to know what you meant.

There is literally nothing wrong with this, and if you think there is you have no business calling yourself a liberal.
I think anything that allows room for discrimination, left or right, is rather stupid. I personally think it's actually making religion a casualty and an excuse here.

Also, idk how disagreeing with it doesn't make someone a liberal. That's kind of confusing me. Could you elaborate?

Serious / Re: West is Best
« on: April 01, 2016, 03:08:53 PM »
I still kinda thought of China when he brought up technology. Not the west.

Though that was ancient stuff. If we're talking Renaissance and beyond then yeah.

The Flood / Re: What's up with the new mods?
« on: April 01, 2016, 03:08:22 PM »
Thanks for the pity like, Deci.


Basically another southern state passing one of those bills that allows businesses to openly choose how they handle some situations based on their "Religious Beliefs".

Seems to be cropping up in a lot of the southern states unsurprisingly.

Serious / Re: West is Best
« on: April 01, 2016, 02:53:29 PM »
Aside from the technology thing (if we're looking it it through the course of history), I think he brings up some good points.

Gaming / Re: Dark Souls Review
« on: April 01, 2016, 01:44:57 PM »
So the first part was serious and the 2nd was... something. I thought it was going to be some analogy, but now I'm not so sure. I'm both disappointed and humored at the same time. So a golf clap for you.

The Flood / Re: What's up with the new mods?
« on: April 01, 2016, 01:35:41 PM »
Now I can REALLY not do anything and relax.

The Flood / Re: What is this I don't even
« on: April 01, 2016, 04:06:27 AM »

The Flood / Re: >log on to sep7agon
« on: April 01, 2016, 04:03:33 AM »

The Flood / Re: What is this I don't even
« on: April 01, 2016, 02:26:38 AM »
I saw that

How do these people keep joining and doing this?

The Flood / Re: So why does Spiderman keep rebooting?
« on: April 01, 2016, 02:20:27 AM »
They're going for an even younger spidey
But... why? The Amazing Spiderman stuck to the actual comic canon and all that better than the last 3 did. You think they'd at least continue it. And apparently the 3rd movie got cancelled.

Andrew Garfield hated AS2 and skipped on a dinner event with Sony's executives. Suffice to say the odds of him reappearing in a Spider-Man-related film are nil.
Oh that would explain it. I wonder why he hated it though. I guess just the direction they were taking it.

The Flood / Re: Masturbation
« on: April 01, 2016, 02:19:20 AM »
I don't do it
You weren't supposed to post, which is why I said "almost everyone".

You're not my real mom
But I still look after you.

The Flood / Re: Masturbation
« on: April 01, 2016, 02:10:11 AM »
I don't do it
You weren't supposed to post, which is why I said "almost everyone".

The Flood / Re: oh
« on: April 01, 2016, 02:09:44 AM »
I forgot that place existed

I'm a bad mod

The Flood / Re: So why does Spiderman keep rebooting?
« on: April 01, 2016, 02:07:52 AM »
They're going for an even younger spidey
But... why? The Amazing Spiderman stuck to the actual comic canon and all that better than the last 3 did. You think they'd at least continue it. And apparently the 3rd movie got cancelled.
The actor did a bad and they got angry, honestly I have no idea. I really liked the last two films.
I just watched The Amazing Spiderman for the first time tonight and yeah, I was just curious why they switched so quick after 2 films in less than 5 years. He was so passionate about being the actor too.

The Flood / Re: Masturbation
« on: April 01, 2016, 02:06:15 AM »
Almost anyone who says they don't masturbate is lying. It's just a very personal and embarrassing thing to a lot of people, so naturally they won't talk openly about it.

The Flood / Re: Masturbation
« on: April 01, 2016, 02:04:27 AM »
Females masturbate just as much as males and think about sex just as much as males.

The double standard is in masturbating. When a female does it, it's seen as a blissful, almost angelic thing. When a guy does it, it's nasty, barbaric, and disgusting.

Point is, both sexes get their rocks off. Part of being human.

The Flood / Re: So why does Spiderman keep rebooting?
« on: April 01, 2016, 02:02:55 AM »
They're going for an even younger spidey
But... why? The Amazing Spiderman stuck to the actual comic canon and all that better than the last 3 did. You think they'd at least continue it. And apparently the 3rd movie got cancelled.

The Flood / So why does Spiderman keep rebooting?
« on: April 01, 2016, 02:01:26 AM »
I get they rebooted it after the Tobey Maguire thing, but why are they ALREADY rebooting it again after the 2nd one just came out in 2014? It seems the continuity is rather... not apparent with this, and I swear if it's another origin story I will kill myself.

Thor seems to be holding up fine with this, along with Batman spanning 3 films across almost a decade with Christopher Nolan/Bale. Just seems silly how they always seem to handle Spiderman like... the worst of the Marvel movies.

Gaming / Re: Total War: Warhammer Megathread - New battle gameplay
« on: April 01, 2016, 01:57:44 AM »
This and Dark Souls 3 are my games of 2016.

The Flood / Re: List of cool people
« on: April 01, 2016, 01:57:00 AM »
I'll make a serious list, while forgetting one or two people.

Tru, though he never seems to post here anymore

Oh so that's how it is huh? Its because I'm black isn't it?

it's because you forgot to put the apostrophe in 'it's'.


The Flood / Re: List of cool people
« on: April 01, 2016, 01:40:32 AM »
I'll make a serious list, while forgetting one or two people.

Tru, though he never seems to post here anymore

I agree with what you said, though I don't think I've ever heard it put that way. In that regard, I like that perspective very much so. It seems striving to be the male type we see in games is some self fulfilling prophecy, when really through a different lens, it suffers just as much as the male. At the core of it, it's our culture. You mentioned it in an earlier post, but magazines and other various forms of media have men out to be the sexy ripped musclebound guys we all know and love. It's sadly not a common thing, much like any woman you see on a magazine isn't the normal thing.


Also this is a low blow but to be honest I think Anita's reading level isn't high enough to be an authority on narrative and character quality.

for someone so talked acclaimed as an author and her research seems to stretch about as far as big title releases.
I hate bringing up a show as a quote, but I found this fitting.

I mention that because she proclaimed herself to be some leading voice of feminism or something before. I forget where, but I know I read or heard it.

The Flood / Re: List of Cool People
« on: April 01, 2016, 12:21:11 AM »
Saber is shit, Takuechi's obsession is cancer.
This x10000

So what im getting from this is: exaggeration = bad and that we should go by realism?
What you should get from this is that she is not a gamer and everything she says about games shouldn't be taken seriously by anyone
I dunno. I disagree with a lot of stuff she says, but to completely disregard someone's opinion just because she's not as into something as you, seems silly to me. She's clearly played some games such as Assassins Creed and various others, and while she may not be a hardcore gamer, I don't think that suddenly means her opinions are invalid.

Okay watched it. My thoughts.

She does her research and brings up some good points. It's obvious that women have more of a tendency to be sexualized in video games because of the apparent demographic. However I think as of 2016, we can safely say it's not just nerds in their parents basements playing these anymore. Video games aren't a "nerdy" thing these days. People of all genders, and sexualities play them. However it always seems to me the industry fails to break some habits it has acquired over the years, and it's not just games. Movies and especially anime are subjected to this. Appealing to the lowest common denominator rather than actually fleshing out a character with more than just looks. It can be, and has been done before, but obviously it's not always the case.

What is important to realize though is that it's not the video game industry as a whole. There are many developers who don't fall into this trap. Like someone above pointed out, it's more apparent in triple A titles, and for obvious reasons. Those are the money makes of the industry. That being said, I have a few things I want to nitpick at.

When she pointed out Assassins Creed Syndicate, I can't help but be reminded of her review of it beforehand and how it did such an incredible job at avoiding these stereotypes. How Evie was a strong, independent black woman who didn't do the things we're accustomed to seeing female characters do. However she critiques it here, if only for the walking animation. I get that complaint, as some of them do look like they walk like they're doing a photoshoot. However she says females can somehow walk like this, as it is to maintain balance (and she's right) and the hipbones in general.

However I feel she discards that when she brings up walks such as Evie. She has the sway, but if you ask me it is not exaggerated at all. Of course she's not going to walk like a man, she's a woman. I'd like to reference this video.


It's how a female walks. Her hips sway because females have a different bone structure than men do. It's not sexualizing it in that case, it's being natural. However the examples such as Bayonetta are correct. And when she brought up Elie, while her example was correct, I'd also like to remind people that she's like 12. They wouldn't dare sexualize someone of that age, so I'd like a better example from her that does it "correct".

Also my last thing. I mentioned this in my post above with Final Fantasy.

When male characters are depicted as shirtless or wearing little clothing–like the character sometimes dubbed “Hot Ryu” from Street Fighter V– their lack of clothing demonstrates their power and strength, rather than depicting them as erotic playthings or reducing them to sexualized body parts.

I'd argue men can be just as fan servicy as females can, though obviously not as frequent. I'd also like to add to what she says here. And as mentioned above, it is an attractive feature in men. A fit man with muscles is seen as the "best thing" in our culture as women in a bikini who are as skinny as a twig. Both are unrealistic and not the most common thing among men.

One reinforces preexisting oppressive ideas about women that are real and damaging to women in their everyday lives, the other does not reinforce anything.
Now this is one thing I really just outright disagreed with rather than just nitpicked at. I feel as though this is an open and shut case in her regard and I entirely oppose this. I hate to bring it up again, but Emma Watson said at her UN speech (or wherever she was), that both sexes, male and female, are horribly oppressed by such stereotypes.

Women for what was covered in this review, but males as well for almost the same examples she brought up, but failed to talk about. Males are supposed to be strong! Tough! Do everything and take care of the woman, don't show emotions, don't cry! It's because of those pictures she showed of buff men who are shirtless, that I felt she missed that point entirely.

Men do suffer from stereotypes just as much as women do. Though it may not be sexualized per say, it still is put to the forefront when I saw these pictures. I can only think of a few action games where the male character isn't some muscle head or someone lithe but super ripped. The normal guy is nothing like these characters, and is just as exaggerated as the female in their own regard.

Men don't HAVE to be muscle heads, emotionally distant, always cool with the ladies. Men CAN cry, they can be emotional, they can be physically weak. I'd argue a lot of pressure is on men in our society just as much as a woman, though of course in different ways as I explained. That's not to discount what the women in video games, or in general go through, but to ignore one side, to me, is just very silly and an injustice.

Because of this, I think she should follow her own advice and listen when she says:
The path towards equality and liberation does not lie in equally reducing men and women to objectified parts, but by treating people of all genders and with all types of bodies as full and complete human beings.
Those are just my thoughts. Let me conclude by saying that I agree with a lot of what she said, and she clearly has a point to much of her examples. She does her research for the point she's trying to push, and says it in a clear and elegant tone, not straying from the topic she's presenting.

However I do disagree with her on some points, and feel she uses one example, without abiding to the same examples or critical thinking process when talking about the male counterparts. I understand that's not the point of the video. After all, it's not "Tropes vs Men in Video Games".

Thanks for reading!

P.S. Quiet sucks. Nothing but a fanservice slut who has no character. The End in Metal Gear Solid 3, who had a total of about 15 minutes of cutscenes, had more depth to him than her if you ask me. Shame on you Kojima for your poor excuse "you'll understand why" when talking about her lack of clothes, even though the character I just mentioned has the same EXACT condition. Also, your game failed in many regards. At this point I wonder if he was trolling or just saying screw it, because he's shown that even a sexualized character like Eva can have character to her and actually use that whole plot point for a reason. But I digress...

I'll give this a watch/read and not come in with my usual hot headness when it involves her.

However I can say from reading the title alone, that tropes themselves are just bad in general since the characters who have them usually has little to no depth with them. I can think of what has happened to Fire Emblem in this regard, as opposed to the earlier games where it didn't rely on waifu mechanics.

Body language wise, women have obviously been sexualized (though for some reason a series like Final Fantasy likes to make the males just as sexualized, so hey) with looks alone, though I like to think there is an abundance of actual characters with character and depth to counteract this. Especially in the indie market.

Anyway, that post didn't mean much and it's probably not accurate. Just in the middle of a movie and thought I'd throw in my 2 cents before diving into it and reading the comments.

Edit: Though I'd like to add that tropes seem far worse in anime (and shows/movies in general), along with fanservice. Gotta appeal to the lowest common denominator. It's actually in a sad state of things if you watch a show and are SURPRISED there is no fanservice (I felt this way after watching one a few months back). Miyazaki was right. Anime is DEAD!

Just thought I'd add that random thought.

Reminder that we're in serious, kids.

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