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Messages - Luciana

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The Flood / Re: Can you still get the job done with 5inches?
« on: February 17, 2015, 10:04:52 AM »
Unless you're into BBW in which case damn nigga
That would be Meta.

Damn nigga

The Flood / Re: Remember Lucy from Narnia (2005)
« on: February 17, 2015, 10:02:52 AM »

The Flood / Re: Can you still get the job done with 5inches?
« on: February 17, 2015, 10:00:30 AM »
Was this in school? Because I think porn has put a misconceived (is that the word?) thought process into people's brains when it comes to sex.

Not every dude has a 9' dick who pulls out and finishes on your face

And not every girl moans like a fucking wail and wears a size 5

Unless you're into BBW in which case damn nigga

Except Slavery was a direct contradiction to the Declaration of Independence.. "That all men are created equal." Slaves were sub-human, how could they be equal to everyone else and still be a slave?
Well I mean

The founding fathers were a bunch of racist pigs with a handful of good ideas because they read a lot of Roman shit. Jefferson or Adams, forget which one, said gays should be castrated and dragged across the streets.

I bet they all shot each other a glance when they wrote "all men are created equal" because sadly in this GLORIOUS COUNTRY, it wasn't the case.

There is nothing in the old documents contradicting gun ownership, but actually promote it.
Actually the argument can be made that it should be a well armed militia and not every single citizen having a gun. If they installed the Electorate College because they couldn't trust the citizens to make the right voting decisions, what makes you think they could fully trust them with guns?

I'm too lazy to read the rest. Not disagreeing with you, just bringing up some points.

The Flood / Re: Can you still get the job done with 5inches?
« on: February 17, 2015, 09:50:01 AM »
No. You can't. The standard is 6. Though there are some women that prefer an 8, but most want the standard or at least more than half of the standard. Most I've talked to that is.

And most say size matters big time.

You're kidding, right? Stop listening to Peter North/Lex Steel.

The Flood / Re: Remember Lucy from Narnia (2005)
« on: February 17, 2015, 09:49:03 AM »
Remember Luci from the group?

What a bitch

I-I'll take one!

Empire Total War if it's available!
read the rules nig, you may get it, you may not.
I read

I just thought I'd try my luck ;~;

The Flood / Re: Final Jeopardy Mythology
« on: February 16, 2015, 10:03:40 PM »
And Toe Soccer is having sex with old men for money.

>Not knowing what that is...

That's adorable.

It's just a thing every Nasufag knows. It's a popular doijin that's become an inside joke at this point and everyone wants Luvia, Rin's rival, to just say it once episode/VN.
I didn't even realize the joke came from a doujin, but I suppose it makes sense.
See? Even people that don't get it, hear it. Time to google.

Gaming / Re: New Persona 5 trailer
« on: February 16, 2015, 09:54:18 PM »
At least it's not more Persona 4 shit, thank god.

The Flood / Re: Final Jeopardy Mythology
« on: February 16, 2015, 09:52:31 PM »
I'm just adding these to my folder.

The Flood / Re: Final Jeopardy Mythology
« on: February 16, 2015, 09:51:04 PM »
And Toe Soccer is having sex with old men for money.

>Not knowing what that is...

That's adorable.

It's just a thing every Nasufag knows. It's a popular doijin that's become an inside joke at this point and everyone wants Luvia, Rin's rival, to just say it once episode/VN.

I-I'll take one!

Empire Total War if it's available!

The Flood / Re: Final Jeopardy Mythology
« on: February 16, 2015, 09:42:40 PM »

But then you got this and it legit felt good.
It felt even more sad because that music played after I had that bit, and then I was faced with the fact that it was all over.

But Rider being there with them is the best thing ebbur

It was more of a bitter sweet ending for me.

Well every good or true ending in F/SN is like that. There isn't a single ending where everyone makes it out alive or unscathed.
I thought it was depressing. Sakura shelters herself more than she already did, she ends up alone, Rin branches off on her own, Rider and Shirou are dead, etc.

She dies all alone and fools herself into thinking he'll come back.


I was referring to the True End when I said that. Yeah, the normal one is depressing as fuck.

Yeah True End is fine because Sakura is still a slut to Shirou and Rider is just seducing him.

And Toe Soccer is having sex with old men for money.

The Flood / Re: This is the most powerful scene i will never forget in WW2.
« on: February 16, 2015, 09:38:38 PM »
I got nothing but mad respect for all the brave souls that went through hell that day.
Meanwhile the guys at Utah beach just kinda casually strolled up shore thinking "hmm... this is easy."

The Flood / Re: Final Jeopardy Mythology
« on: February 16, 2015, 08:47:53 PM »

But then you got this and it legit felt good.
It felt even more sad because that music played after I had that bit, and then I was faced with the fact that it was all over.

But Rider being there with them is the best thing ebbur

It was more of a bitter sweet ending for me.

Well every good or true ending in F/SN is like that. There isn't a single ending where everyone makes it out alive or unscathed.
I thought it was depressing. Sakura shelters herself more than she already did, she ends up alone, Rin branches off on her own, Rider and Shirou are dead, etc.

She dies all alone.
Yeah, but nobody cares about wormslut.
I care about wormslut >:C

The Flood / Re: Final Jeopardy Mythology
« on: February 16, 2015, 08:46:19 PM »

But then you got this and it legit felt good.
It felt even more sad because that music played after I had that bit, and then I was faced with the fact that it was all over.

But Rider being there with them is the best thing ebbur

It was more of a bitter sweet ending for me.

Well every good or true ending in F/SN is like that. There isn't a single ending where everyone makes it out alive or unscathed.
I thought it was depressing. Sakura shelters herself more than she already did, she ends up alone, Rin branches off on her own, Rider and Shirou are dead, etc.

She dies all alone and fools herself into thinking he'll come back.

Anal beads yum

The Flood / Re: Final Jeopardy Mythology
« on: February 16, 2015, 07:36:41 PM »

But then you got this and it legit felt good.
It felt even more sad because that music played after I had that bit, and then I was faced with the fact that it was all over.

But Rider being there with them is the best thing ebbur

The Flood / Re: Final Jeopardy Mythology
« on: February 16, 2015, 07:32:46 PM »

The Flood / Re: Final Jeopardy Mythology
« on: February 16, 2015, 07:24:49 PM »
Someone told me Caster was Medusa >.>

Who told you that?
Yu or Yourself.
It was probably a mixup though.

._. I'd never tell you that Medusa is caster. It was probably Yutaka.

In fact I remember explicitly stating that Medeas buffs were to stronk and that's why Kuzuki killed Medusa.

she lives and helps Sakura and becomes a cool librarian type... person :S

All ends are canon. Rider dies in every outcome except for one. :3
All endings are canon, but one ending/story is the best one.

Even though the normal ending for Heaven's Feel actually depressed me legit for the next day and a half. Sakura waiting like that and eventually turning old literally made me depressed.

It's spring....

It's spring......

It's spring.......

It's spring.........

It's spring..........

The Flood / Re: Final Jeopardy Mythology
« on: February 16, 2015, 07:21:44 PM »
"Why aren't you turning to stone?"

I'm already rock hard, baby!

That was from a doujin or something. But that's all she's used for in the Fate community.

Reminds me of that awkward side story in F/HA where she accidentally uses gorgon her eyes on shirou in the bath and the lower half of his body is petrified.

I really need to just read that already.

The Flood / Re: Final Jeopardy Mythology
« on: February 16, 2015, 07:20:20 PM »
Someone told me Caster was Medusa >.>

Who told you that?
Yu or Yourself.
It was probably a mixup though.

._. I'd never tell you that Medusa is caster. It was probably Yutaka.

In fact I remember explicitly stating that Medeas buffs were to stronk and that's why Kuzuki killed Medusa.

she lives and helps Sakura and becomes a cool librarian type... person :S

All ends are canon. Rider dies in every outcome except for one. :3
All endings are canon, but one ending/story is the best one.

Even though the normal ending for Heaven's Feel actually depressed me legit for the next day and a half. Sakura waiting like that and eventually turning old literally made me depressed.

The Flood / Re: Final Jeopardy Mythology
« on: February 16, 2015, 07:16:40 PM »
Someone told me Caster was Medusa >.>

Who told you that?
Yu or Yourself.
It was probably a mixup though.

._. I'd never tell you that Medusa is caster. It was probably Yutaka.

In fact I remember explicitly stating that Medeas buffs were to stronk and that's why Kuzuki killed Medusa.

she lives and helps Sakura and becomes a cool librarian type... person :S

The Flood / Re: Final Jeopardy Mythology
« on: February 16, 2015, 07:15:57 PM »
"Why aren't you turning to stone?"

I'm already rock hard, baby!

That was from a doujin or something. But that's all she's used for in the Fate community.

The Flood / Re: Final Jeopardy Mythology
« on: February 16, 2015, 07:14:36 PM »
Someone told me Caster was Medusa >.>

That would be the glorious, lovely, best servant waifu Rider.
...Why is she in the Rider class?
That makes no sense.

Then again, I know how much the Japs love to buttfuck mythology.

Hell, if memory serves, there's something about Medusa having a bow.
Archer would've been a better fit.
Rider would be better suited for the Assassin class if anything, but yeah it's all weird shit.

Archer uses swords

But who cares, she's glorious

The Flood / Re: Can you still get the job done with 5inches?
« on: February 16, 2015, 07:10:11 PM »
I'm pretty confident a dude can. If not, you better get to work on your finger and mouth techniques.
Can we practice?
Maybe later

The Flood / Re: Can you still get the job done with 5inches?
« on: February 16, 2015, 07:09:06 PM »
I'm pretty confident a dude can. If not, you better get to work on your finger and mouth techniques.

The Flood / Re: Final Jeopardy Mythology
« on: February 16, 2015, 07:07:11 PM »
Someone told me Caster was Medusa >.>

That would be the glorious, lovely, best servant waifu Rider.

The Flood / Re: Final Jeopardy Mythology
« on: February 16, 2015, 07:06:50 PM »
Yeah, I was watching that. I have been watching Jeopardy pretty much almost every night since May.
It feels better that no one knew it and my parents were surprised.

There is my 5 mins of feeling smart

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