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Messages - Luciana

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Serious / Re: 3, non-negotiable things you look for in a spouse
« on: February 25, 2015, 12:57:54 AM »
You must not want to have kids--at least, biologically. That's a given. You must be okay with adoption.
Can you please... explain to me what this means? Are you saying you want a sterile woman? Because you threw in the word "biologically" and I'm really wondering what you mean.

Serious / Re: 3, non-negotiable things you look for in a spouse
« on: February 25, 2015, 12:55:59 AM »
Alright well putting retarded things aside and assuming I love them, here are 3.

1. Be intelligent.

I can't stand idiots and a smart man/woman (whoever I end up with) is something that really is amazing. Engaging with your significant other in meaningful conversations is great

2. Be independent

I don't need you constantly relying on me or being clingy to me. You're your own person. Have fun, do what you love to do so long as you're safe, and maybe I'll enjoy some of those things you have too.

3. Sense of humor

This one is pretty much obvious for people, but being able to take a joke or make a serious situation defused by just realizing it's stupid and relaxing, is something I really love.

And those are 3 things. They're general things too, so some of you idiots tying in religion and other things is simply childish and you wonder why you don't get dat puss puss. Or boy pussy. Whatever your kink is.

Serious / Re: 3, non-negotiable things you look for in a spouse
« on: February 25, 2015, 12:53:01 AM »
Half of you people saying non religion/must be religious is rather cringy. You can believe in god without forcing your children to go to church, igit. My parents took me when I was younger but when I was like 10? They said I could or couldn't go and I didn't go since.

Or you can not believe and be cool with it and not force your views on them

Put that fedora down, people.

You say you want an open person or someone to compromise and yet you saying something like religion is just... wow.

Gaming / Re: Quitting in games
« on: February 25, 2015, 12:50:17 AM »
Play good games like Gears of War, where others can join if someone leaves. And in the meantime, those dropped players become bots in multiplayer until someone else joins.
One thing Gears of War 3 does right is make dedicated serves.

Something you'd think Activision, EA, Microsoft, and other big companies would do, but noooo that costs MONEY!

The Flood / Re: I tell my gf I'm not feeling well, this is her response
« on: February 25, 2015, 12:48:40 AM »
I tell my mistress I don't feel well

out comes the whip

"Psh, nothing personnel, kid..."

Artorias of the abyss

Iron Bull
Ah yes, Guts really did go Berserk.

And yes, I DO wanna ride the bull.

Gaming / Re: GTA V On PC got delayed, again. *sigh
« on: February 24, 2015, 05:01:49 PM »
Consoles are better than PC.
Lel. At what? Having far weaker hardware, online fees and having limited games?
I think Noell is trolling. I've kinda caught that pattern when it comes to her and games. She even said she doesn't care what you like and finds the arguing stupid. I think, idk!



Gaming / Re: GTA V On PC got delayed, again. *sigh
« on: February 24, 2015, 03:16:08 PM »
Consoles are better than PC.
Lemme in on sum of that b8, m8. Looks delicious.

Gaming / Re: GTA V On PC got delayed, again. *sigh
« on: February 24, 2015, 03:15:27 PM »
Same thing.

It's a dumbed down PC.
Brits are dumbed down Americans.
Wouldn't it be the other way around since American's came from them?

The Flood / Re: Man City vs Barcelona
« on: February 24, 2015, 03:13:42 PM »
Man City is my team in the EPL

they're losing

I am cry

There are quite a few, but I'll throw up a lesser known one.

Bazett Fraga McRemitz

Her animations in BMW are pretty damn good. Her normal attack one just oozes badass.

More Bazett images

She also isn't afraid to beat up and old people or lolis that get in her way

I like her better in the suit when her bust size isn't ridiculous. Personally, I think she should have smaller tits, because making them as big as Sakura for some reason looses the appeal for me. I like her more boyish look.

Going to be honest, I didn't even notice the size of her titties until you pointed it out.
And the same with me until someone pointed out she's bigger or equal to Sakura's bust.

And then I got a little sad.


I think the CP proportions might be a bit exaggerated though.

This is the only official CG of her without her coat and her Bazetts in KL aren't nearly as... pronounced from what I remember.
Yeah I know, and I was fine with how she looked in the VN (adorable in that pic) but for some raising, her tits are Sakura's size, and we know how big those are.

Well, at least they're not Rider's size. She is in a special class of her own.

There are quite a few, but I'll throw up a lesser known one.

Bazett Fraga McRemitz

Her animations in BMW are pretty damn good. Her normal attack one just oozes badass.

More Bazett images

She also isn't afraid to beat up and old people or lolis that get in her way

I like her better in the suit when her bust size isn't ridiculous. Personally, I think she should have smaller tits, because making them as big as Sakura for some reason looses the appeal for me. I like her more boyish look.

Going to be honest, I didn't even notice the size of her titties until you pointed it out.
And the same with me until someone pointed out she's bigger or equal to Sakura's bust.

And then I got a little sad.


i don't think Lightning qualifies for bad ass so much as she does horribly written. At least in the 2 sequel games.

The Flood / What time period in history would you like to live in and Y?
« on: February 24, 2015, 08:53:45 AM »
If you had to have a choice to live in any time in history for say... 5 years (or forever, whatever gets you going), any place in the world, where would it be? And no don't say modern times.

One key note:

You could speak the language 100% fine and understand it during said time if you choose someplace foreign.

And if you somehow got sick, you have access to modern medicine because space magic, and only you know about it. This way you're not scared to die of the Black Death or some shit.


Take me back to Roman times. I wanna see what it was like first hand.

Gaming / Re: Is there something wrong with me?
« on: February 24, 2015, 08:44:10 AM »
It's a common factor of solid/good gameplay, compared to shit/lacking story/content.

It goes to show gameplay really is the most important thing.

Not that I'm defending the brutal gutting Destiny got before release or anything.

The Flood / Re: Do we need more Christians on Sep7?
« on: February 24, 2015, 08:42:37 AM »
The amount of intolerance some of you exhibit, even if you're not being series, only goes to show why you're retarded.
The sad thing is; my family is religious. They didn't raise me up religious because they wanted me to decide for myself as I got older.

ot: what difference does it make if they're religious or not?
Same here. Back when I was like 16 I thought it was cool and edgy to be atheist and disagree with people on religion and tell them why they're wrong.

Now at 21 I realize I was an idiot and am agnostic, and honestly you can believe what you want to believe in so long as you're tolerant of others and don't push their views down each others throats. Sadly, I've seen more Atheists do this than religious people.

Taking that into account, when you watch things like Religious with a more open and grown up mind, you realize Bill Maher sounds less an intelligent guy and more an edgy fedora tipping cunt.

The Flood / Re: Witnessed a Police shooting...
« on: February 24, 2015, 08:40:05 AM »
Pro Tip: If you don't wanna die, don't attack cops, and stay put when they tell you to.

I remember they tried to make a big deal out of the (black) cop shooting another black dude who walked towards him with his hands kinda up.

What they forgot to mention was the cop was saying "DON'T FUCKING MOVE!" over 20 times and warning the other cop he was reaching for something, THEN comes out.

Seriously, why are people so retarded?

You can fight like a Krogan and run like a Leopard but you'll never be better than Commander Shepard.
There are battle worn Batarians lacking in humility

The Turians are bragging 'bout their reach and flexibility~

There are quite a few, but I'll throw up a lesser known one.

Bazett Fraga McRemitz

Her animations in BMW are pretty damn good. Her normal attack one just oozes badass.

More Bazett images

She also isn't afraid to beat up and old people or lolis that get in her way

I like her better in the suit when her bust size isn't ridiculous. Personally, I think she should have smaller tits, because making them as big as Sakura for some reason looses the appeal for me. I like her more boyish look.

Idk if that would be counted as YOUR guy or just one of the rangers. Regardless, I like.
Why do you always have good opinions?
I can't hate you if you keep doing this.
Stop it.
Because I'm awesome? :^)

Gaming / Re: The Order 1886 - Brute Review *Worst Game of The Year So Far?*
« on: February 24, 2015, 08:34:03 AM »
More proof that getting hyped for games is wrong. I haven't been since... younger. But yeah, Bloodborne and Dark Souls 2 are the games I've only looked "forward" to since then. Not really blind hype.

Serious / Re: How do we prevent gerrymandering?
« on: February 24, 2015, 08:32:44 AM »
You don't

We hopefully wait for a modern day Julius Caesar to take office and get rid of the Republic for an empire, because the Roman Republic suffered the same things we're dealing with today


I can't wait for the collapse, I can finally shoot people in "self defense" during the anarchy chaos
I'm sure you'll be one of the people who hypes it up, only to get shot during a drive by.

The Flood / Re: Do we need more Christians on Sep7?
« on: February 23, 2015, 08:12:31 PM »
The only person who could eradicate religion is the God-Emperor of Mankind.

And sadly, none of you are on the level of bad ass he is.

The Emperor Protects, but even the Emperor couldn't stamp out religion <.<

He personally burns the last church and the last priest on Terra, only to march into the stars and find a new one springing up in his footsteps e.e
Yeah life is strangely ironic like that huh? I love how GW worked that out. The original guy who promoted science and logical thinking becomes the god of blind space war crusades.

Idk if that would be counted as YOUR guy or just one of the rangers. Regardless, I like.

Gaming / Re: Favorite girls?
« on: February 23, 2015, 08:08:03 PM »
lightning from FF
put that mirror down
Sorry you like a shit character :(

I bet Cloud is your favorite male then while we're at it.

Seriously, she was only decent in 13 and the other two games just made her even worse of a character you could never sympathize with. Thank god that horrible trilogy is over.
jokes on you the only final fantasy games I like are tactics I just think she's hot

You went 0- butthurt real quick
My butt is so hurt, you don't even know.

I liked tactics too c:

Gaming / Re: Why aren't you playing Dragon Age?
« on: February 23, 2015, 08:06:41 PM »
Because I left my PS4 at home ;_;
Poor Fwoot ;~;

Gaming / Re: The Order 1886 - Brute Review *Worst Game of 2015?*
« on: February 23, 2015, 06:25:21 PM »
Worst game? We're not even 1/4th of the way through the way through. Let's give SOME games a chance at such a glorious title to have.

Gaming / Re: Favorite girls?
« on: February 23, 2015, 06:20:09 PM »

The Flood / Re: Do we need more Christians on Sep7?
« on: February 23, 2015, 06:19:35 PM »
The only person who could eradicate religion is the God-Emperor of Mankind.

And sadly, none of you are on the level of bad ass he is.

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