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Messages - Luciana

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Gaming / Re: Fuck you! And Fuck your Marker!
« on: February 25, 2015, 03:27:17 PM »
Anything from Total War: Rome, really


Serious / Re: 3, non-negotiable things you look for in a spouse
« on: February 25, 2015, 01:41:52 PM »
Snake goes on in MGS2 about passing genes

If you don't listen to him you HATE MGS.

He's actually talking about memes, which are things you pass on through experiences and stories. The speech at the end is actually a way for Kojima to communicate with the Metal Gear team on how to create Metal Gear games without him.

That's deep, yo.

Also, I read your post about pain and what not. You strike me as a glass half empty kind of guy.

That's why I think MGS2 is the most complex narrative video games have every produced.

Actually, I look at life in a lot better light than most people. Don't judge me before you get to know me man, XD.
Kojima: "Guys... it's time to understand I can't always be here, ya know? Here..."

MGS4: "This will be my last game, then I'm done."

*a few installments later*

"I can't let go of my baby."

Serious / Re: 3, non-negotiable things you look for in a spouse
« on: February 25, 2015, 01:17:23 PM »
Snake goes on in MGS2 about passing genes

If you don't listen to him you HATE MGS.

He's actually talking about memes, which are things you pass on through experiences and stories. The speech at the end is actually a way for Kojima to communicate with the Metal Gear team on how to create Metal Gear games without him.

That's deep, yo.

Also, I read your post about pain and what not. You strike me as a glass half empty kind of guy.

The Flood / Re: The Walking Dead is terrible.
« on: February 25, 2015, 01:02:52 PM »
I think zombies as a whole are overdone and The Walking Dead is overrated, but I don't think it's a bad show. I just lost interest after the boring season 3. Though I hear seas 4 is better, I just have no motivation to watch it.

Serious / Re: 3, non-negotiable things you look for in a spouse
« on: February 25, 2015, 01:00:28 PM »
And for the generation getting worse and worse, well that's what EVERY generation says, silly.

And they say it for a reason.
I think our generation is certainly better than the baby boomers messing it up for America at least. We realize that our government is shit, and that tolerance and equal rights SHOULD be the way of things, and discrimination against sex and gender is wrong.

Heck, we don't even have to really think about it, it's how most of us just feel.

Serious / Re: 3, non-negotiable things you look for in a spouse
« on: February 25, 2015, 01:00:03 PM »
Snake goes on in MGS2 about passing genes

If you don't listen to him you HATE MGS.

Gaming / Re: Homeworld Remastered or Resident Evil Revelations 2?
« on: February 25, 2015, 12:54:12 PM »
The ignorance in those comments in that video are astounding.
It's YouTube. Did you expect anything else?
Sadly, no.

Serious / Re: 3, non-negotiable things you look for in a spouse
« on: February 25, 2015, 12:50:43 PM »
Alright well sorry for coming off defensive :(

On a more tame note, I just want to say one thing. I am open to the idea of god, but don't necessarily accept or believe him. And we cannot prove if a god is real or not. I personally believe that if there IS one, it is at a much greater and more fascinating level than what a simple book tells me. I refuse to accept it is so simple, you know?

And for the generation getting worse and worse, well that's what EVERY generation says, silly.

The Flood / Re: This thread contains delicious anime ass, nsfw, fucker
« on: February 25, 2015, 11:59:19 AM »
You made some weird comments to me actually, even if they were in a joking manner. Still kinda creepy that a 30 year old or whatever is doin that over the internet.
you had your chance, now you get nothing little man; you see that around my neck?


that's a chastity... thing. It means that nasty little trollops like you should stay away

For the love of god you 3DPD piece of shit, stop replying to him.
Okay ;~;

The Flood / Re: I tell my gf I'm not feeling well, this is her response
« on: February 25, 2015, 11:58:35 AM »
I tell my mistress I don't feel well

out comes the whip

No idea

Gaming / Re: Homeworld Remastered or Resident Evil Revelations 2?
« on: February 25, 2015, 11:54:17 AM »
The ignorance in those comments in that video are astounding.

Gaming / Re: Homeworld Remastered or Resident Evil Revelations 2?
« on: February 25, 2015, 11:45:43 AM »
Well.... fuck

I was looking forward to it too

The Flood / Re: This thread contains delicious anime ass, nsfw, fucker
« on: February 25, 2015, 11:45:15 AM »
You made some weird comments to me actually, even if they were in a joking manner. Still kinda creepy that a 30 year old or whatever is doin that over the internet.
you had your chance, now you get nothing little man; you see that around my neck?


that's a chastity... thing. It means that nasty little trollops like you should stay away

Gaming / Re: Homeworld Remastered or Resident Evil Revelations 2?
« on: February 25, 2015, 11:33:33 AM »
Well that's just great. Will there be some patch for this shit?

Serious / Re: ISIS To Execute 150 Christians...
« on: February 25, 2015, 11:30:33 AM »
So it only infuriates you when it's christians and not any of the other thousands they've killed in their camapign?

Right. Okay.
...I'm pretty sure that wasn't the message he was conveying. Calm down.

they've been killing people for months now, it'll probably get the same reaction as any other mass killing by them, which is to say; a lot of 'Oh no!' but nothing actually being done. unfortunately.
Pretty much

Serious / Re: 3, non-negotiable things you look for in a spouse
« on: February 25, 2015, 11:29:20 AM »
Yeah but he said not want to have kids, so... why? That makes no sense. Unless the rumors I heard about Verb thinking humans having kids is... weird or something. Which is more or less daft, so I refuse to believe he actually thinks that without at least hearing his reason.

Aren't women hotwired to want to kids, at least much more so than men?

Well, goodluck finding a woman who'll marry you who also doesn't eventually want to have kids. Part of getting married is to settle down and make a family. Bit redundant if that family's going to die off after your generation, so you might as well not even bother with that.

To be honest, I'm not too big on marriage anyway. It's nice, sure, but all the legal stuff involved with it just makes it a bit too undesirable to me, especially if you don't plan on having kids. It seems like it puts both parties under more pressure than they need to be, and for what?

Just doesn't seem worth the hassle in my eyes. Not that I'm opposed to marriage, mind you. If I ever found someone that I got along with flawlessly, was with for at least five years or so, I'd probably do a huge 180 on my current mindset.

Though knowing me, I'll wake up tomorrow and have changed my mind on it anyway.
Marriage usually goes wrong because society promotes the idea of getting married rather than the actual marriage itself. That's why divorce rates over her in America are like 49%.

Instead you should discuss the commitments you'd actually take, what you'd do when hardships hit (the 'for better or worse' part), and realizing that 100% of the time it won't be all "Oh I love you!"s. We also make people feel guilty for not getting married if they've been together for more than 4 years when you're in your mid to late 20's, and you're looked down upon.

It's rather strange.

The Flood / Re: This thread contains delicious anime ass, nsfw, fucker
« on: February 25, 2015, 11:23:30 AM »
That 2nd one in the OP is Rydia from Final Fantasy 4.

Great character but man she goes from a cute loli to a fan serviced slut.

It's a pity we didn't work out or you could have been my fan serviced slut  :-*
This is what I mean

The Flood / Re: This thread contains delicious anime ass, nsfw, fucker
« on: February 25, 2015, 11:21:21 AM »
I wonder what would happen if i reported Ele for pedophilia
You'd be laughed at
But thats what youre basically doing you creep fuck
You're so dumb lol
At least im not creeping on every single girl i see.
Last reply for you, becaaause there's not one actual female of the community that I've creeped on. Which is why you're so dumb, lol, and probably ugly too. If you had a little of the looks you'd probably be creeping.. you seem like the sad, lonely sort.


You made some weird comments to me actually, even if they were in a joking manner. Still kinda creepy that a 30 year old or whatever is doin that over the internet.

Serious / Re: ISIS To Execute 150 Christians...
« on: February 25, 2015, 11:19:41 AM »
It's safe to assume ISIS are as bad as the Nazi's, right? Only less organized and with no goal in mind.

Can we get a unified ground effort to exterminate them? I'm tired of the world relying on the US and Britain to do all the leg work.

Gaming / Re: Homeworld Remastered or Resident Evil Revelations 2?
« on: February 25, 2015, 11:14:06 AM »
Revelations 2 has poor optimisation on PS4
Wait really? How so? I don't to hear this.

Serious / Re: 3, non-negotiable things you look for in a spouse
« on: February 25, 2015, 11:11:46 AM »
You can believe in god without forcing your children to go to church, igit.
That isn't what it's about. I can't speak for anyone else, but for me, raising a child is the modt important thing I'll ever do. It is straight-up irresponsible to raise a child with someone who doesn't have the same philisophical views as you do, end of story. You will never convince me otherwise.

My parents took me when I was younger but when I was like 10? They said I could or couldn't go and I didn't go since.
That's nice but no one cares.
They already instilled in you the religious fundamentals at that point. It would take years of rewiring to get the notion of God out of your system.

Or you can not believe and be cool with it and not force your views on them
Or you can start taking comittments seriously and exercise some self-control.

You say you want an open person or someone to compromise and yet you saying something like religion is just... wow.

What..? Religion is the biggest thing in anyone religious person's life. If it isn't they're not religious anyways.

I find it really hard to believe you can honestly believe some of the things you're saying.
Let's break this down.

To the first one, I can agree with you on showing your child your points of views, but as they get older you should promote that they think on their own or be their own man or woman. Not confine them to your same beliefs.

2. I was just using an example you cunt. And no, believe it or not I was never one for being big on god. And even if I was, it literally had no influence on my life really. You treat religion like it's the devil when in reality, moderation in any and everything is the key to a lot of things. You make it sound like all people who believe in religion are bad, and if that's the case, you're no better than the radicals who try and promote it.

3. You're implying I don't take commitments seriously because of religion? You know nothing about me.

4. That was in general in both directions, a poor choice of words. What I was trying to say, was people saying they can't accept people who are religious/aren't religious, is rather silly to me. Both sides of this, not just anti religion.

I think it's silly that you guys paint being religious/not being religious, as some sin or something and I honestly think it is retarded. Someone can believe in a higher power and not push any and all things unto you. Same with people who DON'T believe in a god, but I honestly get more push from then than religious people, because it's the internet and being a fedora tipping Atheist is so cool.

Serious / Re: 3, non-negotiable things you look for in a spouse
« on: February 25, 2015, 11:07:03 AM »
You must not want to have kids--at least, biologically. That's a given. You must be okay with adoption.
Can you please... explain to me what this means? Are you saying you want a sterile woman? Because you threw in the word "biologically" and I'm really wondering what you mean.
He probably means he would be willing to adopt.
Yeah but he said not want to have kids, so... why? That makes no sense. Unless the rumors I heard about Verb thinking humans having kids is... weird or something. Which is more or less daft, so I refuse to believe he actually thinks that without at least hearing his reason.

Verb and I are anti-natalists.
Buy why? Why be negative against literally the thing that has kept our species alive and is essentially programmed into our brains? I heard he also dislikes human's attraction to breasts and asses.

Serious / Re: 3, non-negotiable things you look for in a spouse
« on: February 25, 2015, 01:42:53 AM »
You must not want to have kids--at least, biologically. That's a given. You must be okay with adoption.
Can you please... explain to me what this means? Are you saying you want a sterile woman? Because you threw in the word "biologically" and I'm really wondering what you mean.
He probably means he would be willing to adopt.
Yeah but he said not want to have kids, so... why? That makes no sense. Unless the rumors I heard about Verb thinking humans having kids is... weird or something. Which is more or less daft, so I refuse to believe he actually thinks that without at least hearing his reason.

The Flood / Re: Do You Remember These?
« on: February 25, 2015, 01:26:51 AM »
You're probably not even 25 years old yet.

Calm down, it was only the 90's, and I assure you it wasn't as great as the nostalgia glasses make you think it was.

Gaming / Re: Quitting in games
« on: February 25, 2015, 01:19:25 AM »
I died a little inside at just learning this. I kinda lost interest after 3 when I heard they took away the down/revive option and Cliffy left.
Black Tusk Studios, owned by Microsoft Gaming Studios, is now going to work on Gears, and they have Rod Fergusson leading the development on the new Gears games, so hopefully thinks will actually turn out okay. Rod worked on the original Gears games. As long as Microsoft lets them do their thing and does not let that shit studio People Can Fly make another Judgement, things should turn out well.

There have also been rumors of a Marcus Fenix Collection coming to the Xbox One, and a Gears themed Xbox One with a 1TB hard drive.
Oh sounds fun. I'd be looking forward to it but I don't have a Xbox One. PS4 for me. I hope the TB isn't TOO much, because you can just buy one and throw it in on the PS4.

Though, I don't expect Microsoft NOT to cash in on it. Probably $400.

The Flood / Re: This thread contains delicious anime ass, nsfw, fucker
« on: February 25, 2015, 01:12:35 AM »
That 2nd one in the OP is Rydia from Final Fantasy 4.

Great character but man she goes from a cute loli to a fan serviced slut.


Serious / Re: Why is religion still relevant?
« on: February 25, 2015, 01:05:45 AM »
Because the human race would be lost and devoid of morality without it.
Do you really believe that?
Considering the kind of laws that exist in secular nations today, yes.
Couldn't you easily counter that with laws that exist in non secular governments?

Sharia law is the prominent one that kinda comes into play, and religious run governments have typically been more oppressive than secular ones. Why do you think Turkey is probably the only muslim country that isn't oppressing women left and right or blowing shit up?

Gaming / Re: Quitting in games
« on: February 25, 2015, 01:03:31 AM »
Play good games like Gears of War, where others can join if someone leaves. And in the meantime, those dropped players become bots in multiplayer until someone else joins.
One thing Gears of War 3 does right is make dedicated serves.

Something you'd think Activision, EA, Microsoft, and other big companies would do, but noooo that costs MONEY!
And now Microsoft owns the Gears franchise. Bye bye dedicated servers.
I died a little inside at just learning this. I kinda lost interest after 3 when I heard they took away the down/revive option and Cliffy left.

Serious / Re: 3, non-negotiable things you look for in a spouse
« on: February 25, 2015, 01:02:46 AM »
4 posts of good ole Luci being a cheeky and opinionated cunt

Serious / Re: 3, non-negotiable things you look for in a spouse
« on: February 25, 2015, 01:01:23 AM »
-Willing to practice abstinence and have a Catholic wedding
Yes, let's listen to what some random old man in the old days suddenly said was wrong, and not was Jesus said at all. Let's also listen to them saying women having any power in the Catholic church being wrong, and then turn a Saint into a whore because women are bad!

Let's also have an expensive wedding and then get divorced in 4 years because we focused on the idea of marriage rather than the marriage itself, and what we'd do if the other suddenly came down with a disease or the first wave of "excitement" in the relationship fades away.

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