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Messages - Luciana

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How the fuck has no one posted Giant Dad yet with "The Legend" in the title? COME ON!!!!


Why is Solaire a panda girl?

How the fuck has no one posted Giant Dad yet with "The Legend" in the title? COME ON!!!!


Thank you

The Flood / Re: What color is this dress?
« on: February 27, 2015, 03:09:31 AM »
It's blue and black

the photo had shit contrast and overexposure to light. It doesn't take a rocket scientists to figure out the quality wasn't good.



How the fuck has no one posted Giant Dad yet with "The Legend" in the title? COME ON!!!!


The Flood / Re: let's talk about rape culture, girls
« on: February 27, 2015, 02:57:51 AM »

The Flood / Re: ‘You Are Not Your Job,’ Obama Reminds Himself
« on: February 27, 2015, 02:41:49 AM »
Some Aussie shit trying to talk American Politics. Country is literally founded from the bong undesirables.

Well the US was as well.

Which reminds me of an old joke.

The British Empire sent all of their religious nuts to the US and their criminals to Australia.

Australia got the better deal.
Oh, man, that reminded ME of a joke.

Your life.
Y-you leave him alone! Das meen!

The FCC is not Congress.
And thank Zeus for that

I'm allowed to go around the internet without monopolistic TV companies trying to make bits and pieces of it faster and slower.

So in the end, we are maintaining the status quo of "slow as shit compared to other first world western countries" internet.

Not entirely true.

Companies like Google and can now bypass all the red tape that was previously preventing them from throwing up fiber optic cables and providing gigabit internet everywhere since they're now being labeled as a utility.

It won't be instant, but shit should be changing here in the next few years.
That makes me soooooooooo happy. All your posts bring good news or agreement for me.

She looks like she has Down Syndrome. Her chin is too big and squared, and elves in Dragon Age are shit for whatever reason.

And this is coming from a high elf loving slut.

But space elves are adorable.

Eldar women are just as good as human women!
I have a love/hate relationship with those delicious space elves

on one hand, I fuckin love elves and Eldar (though they are bony in a lot of places, even their tits and ass)

on the other, a person who I've grown to... detest, loves them too and shared his love and fan fics with me constantly. So I associate them with him.

Oh lord...

Fan fiction.... How have you survived?
I don't mind some 40k fan fiction from the funny website, it was just his OWN writing. Like, even when it wasn't 40k, he used the same terms like "God-emperor/empress" and "banshees" and other shit. It was horrible. I cut him off recently though. You know when you stop talking to someone, then talk to them again after a while and remember why you disliked em?

yeah that was me

She looks like she has Down Syndrome. Her chin is too big and squared, and elves in Dragon Age are shit for whatever reason.

And this is coming from a high elf loving slut.

But space elves are adorable.

Eldar women are just as good as human women!
I have a love/hate relationship with those delicious space elves

on one hand, I fuckin love elves and Eldar (though they are bony in a lot of places, even their tits and ass)

on the other, a person who I've grown to... detest, loves them too and shared his love and fan fics with me constantly. So I associate them with him.

Gaming / Re: Just beat Ornstein and Smough solo in Dark Souls.
« on: February 27, 2015, 12:39:56 AM »
I beat them the 2nd try on my first playthrough

Then on my most current one (I only ran through it twice since I beat it right before DS2 came out) with Giant Dad, I couldn't fucking beat them, so I needed help from Brolaire.

I'm allowed to go around the internet without monopolistic TV companies trying to make bits and pieces of it faster and slower.

So in the end, we are maintaining the status quo of "slow as shit compared to other first world western countries" internet.

Serious / Re: Who are you voting for in 2016
« on: February 27, 2015, 12:31:00 AM »
I'm not sure who I will be voting for, but I'm definitely voting Democrat.
This is literally why this country is in the state it is in. You should vote for who is best for the fucking job, regardless of political allegiance. The political race hasn't even happened yet and you're already picking sides? Treating it like a sports team is why this country is so divided and fucked over.

That's a problem with Democracy. Not everyone (this isn't directed at you personally) should be allowed to vote because an ignorant or misinformed vote is cancer to the system.

Serious / Re: ISIS destroys ancient history
« on: February 27, 2015, 12:29:39 AM »
Yeah well.... I'm better than them ;~;

Serious / ISIS destroys ancient history
« on: February 27, 2015, 12:26:02 AM »

New video released by ISIS shows militants smashing what they say are antiquities at a museum in Mosul, Iraq.

Men shove statues off pedestals, and use hammers and drills to destroy what's left.

An unnamed militant offers the following explanation: "These antiquities and idols behind me were from people in past centuries and were worshiped instead of God.

"When God Almighty orders to us destroy these statues, idols and antiquities, we must do it, even if they're worth billions of dollars," he says.

ISIS destroys Assyrian monuments, including the statue of Lamassu, which belong to one of the oldest empires in the history of mankind.

Well congratulations, ISIS, you've officially won the title of, "Worse than the Nazis" you fucking shitfucks.

This is both depressing and infuriating.

Serious / Re: FCC to vote on net neutrality today
« on: February 26, 2015, 09:40:11 PM »
This is good news. TV companies don't need to get their monopolistic hands on this shit.

Gaming / Re: Is Assassin's Creed: Unity unfucked yet?`
« on: February 26, 2015, 10:40:55 AM »
I really wish they'd stop going for the cinematic feel
You mean Ubishit saying "We do 30 fps because it's more cinematic."

No one should buy that shit, and I'm glad their not. People thought Activision was a shit company? Ubisoft has literally been trying their best to ruin their image the past 2 years, and it sucks.

I loved AC Black Flag too because it really saved the AC series after the blunder 3 was, but then they take away everything people loved about Black Flag, and then go to Unity about the French Revolution, which was LITERALLY JUST AFTER THE AMERICAN ONE. There was no point for that timeline OR game, and I hear the 360 version Rouge is far better.

Gaming / Re: Most valuable item you own in a game?
« on: February 26, 2015, 01:47:09 AM »
I think buying the special edition of MW2 with that book and CoD classic

and ever since then I don't get stupid add ons.

The Flood / Re: Wait till you see my dick
« on: February 26, 2015, 01:45:53 AM »
Are you a girl

Please say yes

If yes

Let's have kinky illegal sex
No  8)

Who needs consent?
As much as rape gets me going, I'll have to decline.

The Flood / Re: Wait till you see my dick
« on: February 26, 2015, 01:32:57 AM »
Are you a girl

Please say yes

If yes

Let's have kinky illegal sex
No  8)

The Flood / Re: Wait till you see my dick
« on: February 26, 2015, 01:28:23 AM »
I get turned on by everything, why not

Serious / Re: ISIS To Execute 150 Christians...
« on: February 26, 2015, 01:21:38 AM »
I don't know just how willing German soldiers from that time period would be to commit some of the acts that modern extremists are capable of doing.
yeah dude, it takes a lot more balls to take a few heads than it does to shove hundreds of men, women, and children into a gas chamber.
>German soldiers
>running the concentration camps


That was a job reserved for SS goons.

The Wehrmacht, the real German army, was busy fighting a war.
Wehrmacht were bad ass. Germany's always known how to fight and always, for whatever god damn reason, overcome the odds of their country.

They're a fascinating race of people.

The Flood / Wait till you see my dick
« on: February 26, 2015, 01:18:17 AM »

Hey bitch

Gaming / Re: Fuck you! And Fuck your Marker!
« on: February 26, 2015, 01:15:12 AM »
I think I need to get one eventually as well. Rome II's been lagging like crazy for me even on the lowest possible settings, and it's onlygoing to get worse with all the fire they've added to Atilla.
Rome 1 is regarded as the better one for quite a few reasons. The speech being one and they actually keep formation. May not be as pretty but yeah.

She looks like she has Down Syndrome. Her chin is too big and squared, and elves in Dragon Age are shit for whatever reason.

And this is coming from a high elf loving slut.
I've actually made a freaking adorable elf in inquisition with much more feminine and elflike features than the jar head that he posted
You better link so I can see then
my ps4 is 2 hours away
Well whenever you can, PM me or sumthin

She looks like she has Down Syndrome. Her chin is too big and squared, and elves in Dragon Age are shit for whatever reason.

And this is coming from a high elf loving slut.
I've actually made a freaking adorable elf in inquisition with much more feminine and elflike features than the jar head that he posted
You better link so I can see then

She looks like she has Down Syndrome. Her chin is too big and squared, and elves in Dragon Age are shit for whatever reason.

And this is coming from a high elf loving slut.

Gaming / Re: Fuck you! And Fuck your Marker!
« on: February 25, 2015, 05:55:04 PM »
Anything from Total War: Rome, really


I'm especially fond of this one:

Today we march against those necrophiliac monsters, the Egyptians. I feel nothing but revulsion for these dangerous people, especially if they are victorious!

Got to love Rome's brand of xenophobia.

And while arguably not actual gaming quotes, they appear in the loading screen or Medieval II: Total War: Kingdoms: Britannia, so I'll say they are.

We shall then defeat the whole lot of them in one go!
- King Edward I of England upon hearing of his Welsh allies threats to desert to the Scots'

If you're lucky enough to be Irish, then you're lucky enough.
- Irish quote

It is easy to be brave behind a castle wall.
- Welsh proverb

In a fight, anger is as good as courage.
- Welsh proverb

Drink is the curse of the land. It makes you fight with your neighbour. It makes you shoot at your landlord and it makes you miss him.
- Irish proverb

Twelve highlanders and a bagpipe make a rebellion
- Scottish proverb

I do love reading the quotes. I just recently really got into the game. Gonna save money over the summer for a better PC.

The Flood / Re: Hey Flood guess what!
« on: February 25, 2015, 05:48:32 PM »
As long as you're not that young. A 22 year old from my high school graduating class got married recently. Lol, like that is going to last.
Well we're both 19, maybe for some people it does or doesnt work, but that's really for them to decide, we, have something very different, something very close. I cant entirely explain it, only time can really tell.

Oh....and it's not a kid if that's what youre thinking xD

*sips tea*
Good luck.

Serious / Re: 3, non-negotiable things you look for in a spouse
« on: February 25, 2015, 03:30:03 PM »
Snake goes on in MGS2 about passing genes

If you don't listen to him you HATE MGS.

He's actually talking about memes, which are things you pass on through experiences and stories. The speech at the end is actually a way for Kojima to communicate with the Metal Gear team on how to create Metal Gear games without him.

That's deep, yo.

Also, I read your post about pain and what not. You strike me as a glass half empty kind of guy.

That's why I think MGS2 is the most complex narrative video games have every produced.

Actually, I look at life in a lot better light than most people. Don't judge me before you get to know me man, XD.
Kojima: "Guys... it's time to understand I can't always be here, ya know? Here..."

MGS4: "This will be my last game, then I'm done."

*a few installments later*

"I can't let go of my baby."

Well after MGS2, he WAS finished with Metal Gear... but after MGS3 started to fail, he stepped in and created something fantastic.

After creating Big Boss's origins, I think Kojima realised how much more he liked BB to SS. Pair that with the death threats he was getting from fans to follow up MGS2, he wanted to finish SS's story so he could devote his time to Big Boss.

Which is unfortunate because if lolMGS4 wasn't created, Peace Walker probably would've been on PS3 and been way better.
I never finished Peace Walker, simply because it just felt... lacking. In like, every degree. It's the only MGS game I haven't finished.

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