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Messages - Luciana

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I haven't seen that one

This is the one I refer to. Good thing there was a short video on it lol.

I'll get back to you on that tomorrow, I have to sleep so I can get up in time for work.
I eagerly await your news then.


Well I don't see a cinematic camera.  There is a tactical camera though <. <

I've never actually played any of the Total War games before. I used to watch my Dad play Rome 1 & Medieval 2 when I was younger. Is it worth getting in to? The only other stratergy games I've played are Halo Wars which I thought was garbage, Civilization & X-Com, I fucking love X-Com.

If you like building massive armies to go crush your enemy, then ye.
I meant tactical I think. The one where it's kind of over their shoulders like a movie almost.

Serious / Re: "You should trust police, most of them are good people"
« on: March 02, 2015, 12:02:17 PM »
You guys get upset about anything .-.

I need to continue my FF9 playthrough lol
FF9 is overrated af

Good game but compared to VII it's mediocre. It's about equal to X but I prefer X.
I thought it was vastly underrated? But I guess as time went on, it was viewed my favorably.

The Flood / Re: The market, it seems, is not without a sense of irony.
« on: March 02, 2015, 01:01:53 AM »
I feel stupid for not getting the joke


We should do some sort of Total War party some time.
I can only run Rome 1 sadly. I'm working this summer for a better PC.

Serious / Re: CA expected to pass vaccination law
« on: March 01, 2015, 11:35:47 PM »
"Gubbermint is bad"
But is seriously is. Government in it's modern form is no more ethical than the mafia, and I am 100% happy to elaborate on that if you'd like.
Uhm.... eh, how about tomorrow? I'm tired. I cannot guarantee a rational or well typed out reply back if you do.

I need to continue my FF9 playthrough lol
Never again.
It's a good game. Goes back to the original FF roots. The ones who disliked it were the new fans of 7 and 8 who knew nothing of the older stuff.

I was one of those people but have been binging on FF recently again.

Serious / Re: CA expected to pass vaccination law
« on: March 01, 2015, 11:33:42 PM »
]Hardly. A vaccine goes into your body just like any drug.

Also like choosing to vaccinate or not, drug usage does impact those around you. If I start tweaking, or get ripped, and I decide to go outside, I could very well do something stupid and get myself or others hurt. If I drive drunk, I am putting lives at risk.

EDIT: If i'm not clear here, I'm not actively advocating legalization of drunk driving. It is, however, an inevitability when alcohol is publicly available.
Sorry, I more so meant if someone if infected with say, measles and they spread it around. Not the vaccine.

Serious / Re: CA expected to pass vaccination law
« on: March 01, 2015, 11:32:38 PM »
Americans are so "muh freedomz" that it is cancerous. It's a terrible excuse for quite a lot things in our country.
You're right, we'd all be so much happier with a gun pointed to your head telling you how to live your life.

Let me guess, you're also a Christian, right? Need that structure to keep yourself from shitting your pants and killing people?

Collectivism is a fucking cancer. Anyone who fails to respect the rights and dignity of the individual is dysfunctional at best and a threat to his fellow man at worst.
A little assuming aren't you?

No, not Christian. Not religious at all. I could go on a long list of why I despise the Catholic Church if you'd like.

Sorry if I wasn't clear. My main point was that we're so focused on being too independent, that it stops a lot of common sense things from happening. Or how "Gubbermint is bad", but really in this day and age, a national government isn't too bad.

We should have government regulated healthcare payed via tax instead of having people to go bankrupt because of an illness they cannot help. Health Care is an insurance and not a right and that annoys me a bit, mainly because they can deny you coverage based on your health, so it sounds like they treat you more like a car than a human being.

That's why I think a pure capitalist society, much like pure communism/socialism/whatever the hell, is bad. Everything has to have a profit in this country, even human lives.

I need to continue my FF9 playthrough lol

Serious / Re: CA expected to pass vaccination law
« on: March 01, 2015, 11:26:10 PM »
So is smoking, so is alcoholism, so is cocaine usage and marijuana.

But reasonable people advocate for the legalization of these activities. Why?

Because you have no right to dictate what I do with my body any more than I have the right to dictate what you do with yours.
I understand what you're saying, and I understand your first post to me a few posts above, but you're comparing things you put into your body, to a disease that can spread from a simple cough or sneeze.

I think the comparison is a bit different, right?

Serious / Re: CA expected to pass vaccination law
« on: March 01, 2015, 11:24:22 PM »
Mandatory Vaccines =/= Freedom
Yeah, it's more so common sense for being healthy.

Americans are so "muh freedomz" that it is cancerous. It's a terrible excuse for quite a lot things in our country. Things like health care being the primary one. We have the most expensive health care in the world and it's not even that great.

Edit: Sorry if that little shift makes no sense. Luci is tired u c :(

Dark Souls 2 has the same 3 moves, it's easy.
This. It has terrible bosses.
Yeah B team rushed a lot of them. Only "guy in armor" boss I really liked was the Mirror Knight, simply for that atmosphere, the look, and the music.

I'll get back to you on that tomorrow, I have to sleep so I can get up in time for work.
I eagerly await your news then.


You find her harder than O&S.

That's pretty bad. Like... you must.. not be able to dodge or something.

My point is, locking on doesn't help in that fight.
Hey now, don't be meen :(

Thing with Dark Souls is "easy" bosses are hard for some people, and then hard are easy for them. and vice versa. Happened with my friend. He had trouble on the gargoyles in DS1 who I thought was easy, yet was able to beat Capra Demon first go, who, at the time of my first playthrough, I thought was a real butt hole.

It's just how people play that changes it.

I thought Lost Sinner was hard at first but once you realize every boss in Dark Souls 2 has the same 3 moves, it's easy.

Left, right, overhead/thrust.

OT: I would have to say Manus from Dark Souls 1. That guy was a reaaaaaaaaaaal challenge for me. That or uhh... Emerald Weapon from Final Fantasy 7.

I know there was probably others, but that's all in my memory.

The Flood / Re: do you ever randomly have really gay thoughts
« on: March 01, 2015, 10:28:33 PM »
I sometimes like to imagine Luci has a dick while I fantasize about fucking her in the butt.
We should all be so lucky.
I can't really help it, since you're a white girl with the ass of a black chick.

I bought Rome 2 thinking that everything would have been fixed a year after release when it was like $15. It's the only Total War game that I just haven't been able to get into.

It's good to hear that Atilla fixes everything Rome 2 fucked up,

Shogun 2 and it's expansions remain my all time favorite Total War games. How does Atilla stack up to them?
Shogun 2 did EVERYTHING right (I've been diving into all of this and know a friend who plays it a lot :P). One thing I noticed back in Atilla that was in Shogun 2 was, as I mentioned in the other post, the whole animations with your men running into the enemies shields when you charge them.

That kind of stuff is just so cinematic looking and amazingly intense. The fact they all just ran and stopped RIGHT before the men in Rome 2 just killed any sort of hype of that game for me. That and formations just didn't work.

Only thing I liked about Rome 2 was the Spartan design and cinematic camera.

Speaking of which, is that camera back in Attila?

Gaming / Re: I don't like Pokemon
« on: March 01, 2015, 10:22:13 PM »
Being partially Native American, I can empathise.
Well I am too, but I really don't feel I can.


It happened so long ago and we're all generally aware they got fucked over. I don't think that background really helped my opinion on the game.

I dont know, then. My family is pretty in tune with that side.
Yeah that might be it. Only one really in tune is my uncle.

The Flood / Re: do you ever randomly have really gay thoughts
« on: March 01, 2015, 10:21:21 PM »
I sometimes like to imagine Luci has a dick while I fantasize about fucking her in the butt.
We should all be so lucky.

Serious / Re: CA expected to pass vaccination law
« on: March 01, 2015, 10:13:59 PM »
Public schools are terrible anyway, but it's a shame that this essentially means many parents will be forced to give up their children's right to bodily autonomy.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, fuck California.
Eh, I disagree really.

Measles was declared completely gone in our country at some date (I'm too lazy to look it up) but is now coming back because (some) parents are listening to some former playboy bunny who got her degree on Google.

Serious / Re: CA expected to pass vaccination law
« on: March 01, 2015, 10:13:01 PM »
there wasn't already a law against it? there should always be laws in place like this to prevent stupid people from endangering others.
nope, previously you could claim "personal belief" exemption and not need to vaccinate your kid.
That's... rather stupid. I know in other states you must get your vaccines before enlisting in school.

The Flood / Re: do you ever randomly have really gay thoughts
« on: March 01, 2015, 10:11:18 PM »
Never have, that's just fucking gross
Gays are evil, amiright?

So it's demanding. Alright, good to know. Yeah I'm gonna blow hopefully like $800 to $1000 on a new PC after saving up over the summer. IF I get that much. If not, I can always slowly upgrade, but anything is better than this 2005 PC I got from a friend.

The Flood / Re: do you ever randomly have really gay thoughts
« on: March 01, 2015, 09:55:02 PM »
I'm bisexual

you tell me

M or f?
I'm actually Dragonkin okay?

That hurt to type. Female.

The Flood / Re: do you ever randomly have really gay thoughts
« on: March 01, 2015, 09:53:17 PM »
I have gay thoughts but I'm not confused.
Not the only one!

Male or female?
As in which gender I have le ghey thoughts on? Fem.

Interesting. I'm male in case you were wondering.

Do you consider yourself gay, though?
I'm bisexual so I don't consider myself gay.
Oh great, you too? Way to steal my thunder >:C

The Flood / Re: do you ever randomly have really gay thoughts
« on: March 01, 2015, 09:52:05 PM »
I'm bisexual

you tell me

Gaming / Re: The brilliant fighting game community
« on: March 01, 2015, 09:29:26 PM »
That white guy talking shit to that big black dude tho. I'm surprised he didn't get his ass beat.

Games are srs bznz
I know I loved the white guy's face change so quickly, yeah he was basically asking for it
Yeah he tried to look tough but instead looked scared. Honestly I wouldn't mind if he did, it's just... silly. And then the last taunt at the end.
The one where the Asians said he was making easy money?
No no, the same white guy.

Gaming / Re: The brilliant fighting game community
« on: March 01, 2015, 09:06:08 PM »
That white guy talking shit to that big black dude tho. I'm surprised he didn't get his ass beat.

Games are srs bznz
I know I loved the white guy's face change so quickly, yeah he was basically asking for it
Yeah he tried to look tough but instead looked scared. Honestly I wouldn't mind if he did, it's just... silly. And then the last taunt at the end.

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