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Messages - Luciana

Pages: 1 ... 398399400 401402 ... 442
nah, morrowind is best :^)

that's what almost everyone says when they say both oblivion and skyrim are shit
IV and V are the only ones i've played, though, so
ye same here

i said "ALMOST everyone", silly

The Flood / Re: Tru is drinking
« on: May 23, 2015, 08:55:04 PM »
Or just let him drink in peace.
he's poking me tho
Why do I get the feeling the one who's doing most of the poking is you.
that's only when i'm in the mood, duh
So I've heard.

The Flood / Re: Tru is drinking
« on: May 23, 2015, 08:49:56 PM »
Or just let him drink in peace.
he's poking me tho
Why do I get the feeling the one who's doing most of the poking is you.
that's only when i'm in the mood, duh

The Flood / Re: Is there gonna be a south park season 19?
« on: May 23, 2015, 08:48:58 PM »
I'm surprised South Park hasn't gotten as bad as Family Guy has in the length it's been on.
>implying Family Guy is worse than South Park
its much worse lol

South Park is the bottom of the barrel. Family Guy is actually watchable.
I disagree, lad.

Family Guy up to season 5 was great to me. Then it just started doing the same things.

"We now return to *insert TV show*" every beginning of the ep

combat wasn't bad since it was dice roll stuff

it's just that the real time part of it is what ruined it

hence the swinging down at a crab 15 times before you hit happened

The Flood / Re: Tru is drinking
« on: May 23, 2015, 08:46:37 PM »
Or just let him drink in peace.
he's poking me tho

The Flood / Re: Is there gonna be a south park season 19?
« on: May 23, 2015, 08:46:18 PM »
I'm surprised South Park hasn't gotten as bad as Family Guy has in the length it's been on.

The Flood / Re: Tru is drinking
« on: May 23, 2015, 08:44:06 PM »
*sips coffee*
that doesn't actually sober you up

holy shit you're so stupid for realzies

The Flood / Re: Tru is drinking
« on: May 23, 2015, 08:43:25 PM »
a lot of thirsty septagon me thinks

The Flood / Tru is drinking
« on: May 23, 2015, 08:42:15 PM »
9:34 PM - Me: what are you drinking?
9:35 PM - Tru: i had whiskey
9:35 PM - Tru: then it was weh so i went to peach cider

someone tell him to like FUCK OFF, huh????

nah, morrowind is best :^)

that's what almost everyone says when they say both oblivion and skyrim are shit

dozens of threads bashing Dark Souls
I fucking wish

that's not gonna happen though

that would be like if people starting hating TF2 all of a sudden--it ain't happening

i know what you mean though

speaking of which but kinda off topic, I started DArk Souls 2 today and the game pissed me off.  Everything was going relitively fine until the game out of nowhere magically adjusted it's difficulty and enemies I was breezing through before suddenly became all but unkillable.

For example, This one ogre/turlte looking guy who normally lust blows himself up just started walking through the explosive barrels without detonating them, and I swear every other enemy just got 20 times faster , and on top of that the game placed a friendly AI in a place that made him look like an enemy, and now that I'm forced to kill him i'm fucked.

I don't mind the silly insta-kill booby-traps around corners, since it is Dark Souls after all, but when the game pulls crap like that, then I have a problem.
From what I gather, the opening areas to the new Dark Souls 2 (SOTFS) have terrible enemy placement. It gets better though, but I still haven't bought it. I'm not gonna play $60 for the same thing with more frames and enemies jumbled up (I get there is more to it but still. $25 at best).

Dark Souls 2 hit boxes are also shit. I assume you got caught in the Ogre's (that big fat thing) grab when you thought you rolled away? But then you suddenly teleported back?

Adaptability is the worst thing they could have added in the game because you need it to have more i-frames. Where as in DS1 it was tied to weight.

Oblivion was better than Skyrim, this is fact.

The moment Skyrim removed a few skill tree's from Oblivion, that was the red flag.

I've barely even heard of the first two. I assume that's for a reason.
i was keeping them under my pillow along with my other lewd stuff

I've barely even heard of the first two. I assume that's for a reason.
i bet youve never heard of charles barkley shut up and jam gaiden either, but its still a great game
oh snap, son

srsly tho, give em a try

You should play Fallout 1 and 2 if you can. They're pretty unique, and even though they're old (might take some time getting used to the mechanics), I think the atmosphere is just as good, if not better than 3/NV.

Serious / Re: Do you think WWIII will be fought over water?
« on: May 22, 2015, 03:24:59 PM »
Arthur 666 gave me some hope for mankind a bit in this thread tbh

well im a mighty mighty man, im young and im in my prime
yes im a mighty mighty man, im young and im in my prime
well, i dont pick my jobs, im ready for any ole kind

yes, im a real young man, a brand new twenty-five
yes, im a real young man, a brand new twenty-five
well im willing, im able, im practically much alive

well im six feet tall, i aint no hand me down
yes im six feet tall, i aint no hand me down
well, i got a gal in town who calls me good rockin brown
When I get my new PC I gotta throw some radio music mods on it (for NV). I have a list of mods set up, so yay.

You just make it sound like fact which is silly. That's all I was getting at.
Oh, boohoo. How insecure does one have to be to honestly let something like that shake you up? I just have conviction. You apparently don't.

no i was just pointing out how you sound and what not

i don't think someone who can't see the difference between 30 and 60 fps will shake me up

But what if I said Metroid was boring and shitty and Fallout is my favorite game?
Then that's your own shitty fucking dumbcunt opinion, but I certainly don't fucking share it.
cmon man you can do a better critique than "its boring and shitty."
can he though? without making it sound like "I dislike it so that means it's shit"?

But what if I said Metroid was boring and shitty and Fallout is my favorite game?
Then that's your own shitty fucking dumbcunt opinion, but I certainly don't fucking share it.
so I could say the same for you and Fallout then.

You just make it sound like fact which is silly. That's all I was getting at.

and really? shitty fucking dumbcunt? use more intelligent words, verby~

You're basically insulting me just because I hate Fallout. You poor baby.
I can insult you for not being able to understand 30 to 60 fps. That alone is bad.

Metroid is far from my favorite franchise...
Super Metroid just happens to be the best game ever, to me.

Open world. Doesn't hold your hand. And yet, I beat it with ~90% completion without using any guides.
And I hate the FUCK out of Fallout, because it is
1. Boring.
2. Shitty.
But what if I said Metroid was boring and shitty and Fallout is my favorite game?

I think the main thing we can gather is you don't know what to do in open world games because it scares you.
Ignore the fact that I literally just cited Super Metroid as my favorite game of all time.
there in lies the problem

your favorite franchise became the very thing you hated :^)

> trying to use subjective statements as facts

gg, verby

I pity the shit out of that small mind of yours  :'(

I was just using Verb logic and saying the same thing you were saying.

I think the main thing we can gather is you don't know what to do in open world games because it scares you.

So bad eyesight and needing a hand held. Are you sure you're not disabled?

I don't need someone to hold my hand to tell me what to do in games.
Neither do I. Super Metroid is my favorite game of all time, and it doesn't tell you jackshit about what to do or where to go.

Difference is, it's actually fun and compelling.

Fallout is boring and shitty, on top of me not knowing what to do.
Super Metroid is pretty boring and shitt, on top of me knowing what to do :^)

Seriously though, if you can't follow quest markers or hints, you're just and idiot. Regardless of the game.

How DARE I hate something that you like.
It was more a reference to the genre in general, lad. You just get lost (even though in modern day games there are quest markets. Not like the 90's) and I find it adorably pathetic.

I don't need someone to hold my hand to tell me what to do in games.

Hey, Verby Verb. It's okay, alright? You don't need to be scared anymore :(

We all understand you don't know how to function in games that let you explore.

I can't stand open-world games, because I never know what the fuck to do.
You poor thing :(

Gaming / Re: sep7aknights with the witcher 3
« on: May 22, 2015, 02:54:51 PM »
there's almost as many female gamers as there are male...


sorry, teenyboppers who only play candy crush don't count
Despite me hearing that a lot, there is literally no statistical evidence to prove that claim.

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