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Messages - Luciana

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Gaming / Re: You know what I miss?
« on: July 26, 2015, 06:56:49 PM »
"generic military shooter"

That's literally what Battlefield is.
But Bad Company had humor to it in a lot of areas. It wasn't just the super serious "STOP THE NUKES! STOP THE BAD GUYS!!!" crap.

And obviously the older ones are WW2 shooters, which honestly needs to come back. We've had a long enough break, right? And I'm sick of this "near future" crap we're getting.

Gaming / Re: You know what I miss?
« on: July 26, 2015, 06:54:42 PM »
Yeah to compete to with cod is to become similar to it which is a no no for battlefield pls. I feel like that's what we got with hardline because it was so much more "arcade-like" than the previous installments.
It wasn't as dubby dubstep/UBER SERIOUS as BF4 was though, so I feel they both kinda went towards and away with CoD.

I dunno, it's weird. I hope the next main installment isn't just another generic military FPS.

Gaming / Re: You know what I miss?
« on: July 26, 2015, 06:51:43 PM »
FPS is an entire genre. One game maybe, but a whole genre? Now that's just silly.

Gaming / You know what I miss?
« on: July 26, 2015, 06:45:53 PM »

When this series actually had personality to it and not just dubby dubstep to "beat CoD" (which is literally what they said they wanted with Battlefield "broken for a while" 4.

I wish they'd go back to their roots, or at least a Bad Company 3, both of which are unlikely.

Hell, give us a WW2 game with the Frostbite engine, because it's a GOOD engine and looks lovely. Can't say the same for CoD which has been using the same one since 2002.

It shouldn't be a game that competes with Call of Duty, because I don't think any game really can. It should be its own thing with its own fanbase, like it was before.

Gaming / Re: Controversial opinions?
« on: July 26, 2015, 06:13:55 PM »
Also for the record, I was kidding about Fallout 3 being better than NV, and NV failing to capture the things the old ones did.

Though I DO still think FO1/2 had the best atmosphere and consistent since of "getting by" (if that makes sense. I don't wanna say dread or hopelessness) that the game wanted you to really feel.

The Flood / Re: are you sub or dom
« on: July 26, 2015, 05:00:32 PM »
I would hope the group knows which I prefer.
Defenceless little naive girl.

how wrong you are
Your false sense of security is cute!

Give your closet family member a big hug and say something ominous!
Can I get in on the flirting here?
You can flirt with Luci, since shes that easy. Sure.
Oh please

your legs fidget at the single thought of choking someone or pinning them to the wall.
You say that like it's a bad thing
I never said such a thing.

just saying what she does

The Flood / Re: are you sub or dom
« on: July 26, 2015, 04:51:10 PM »
I would hope the group knows which I prefer.
Defenceless little naive girl.

how wrong you are
Your false sense of security is cute!

Give your closet family member a big hug and say something ominous!
Can I get in on the flirting here?
You can flirt with Luci, since shes that easy. Sure.
Oh please

your legs fidget at the single thought of choking someone or pinning them to the wall.

The Flood / Re: are you sub or dom
« on: July 26, 2015, 03:10:07 PM »
I would hope the group knows which I prefer.
Defenceless little naive girl.

how wrong you are
Your false sense of security is cute!

Give your closet family member a big hug and say something ominous!

Gaming / Re: Controversial opinions?
« on: July 26, 2015, 03:07:04 PM »
Assassins Creed Revelations was good

AC3 still sets the benchmark for modern gaming...

The Flood / Re: are you sub or dom
« on: July 26, 2015, 03:04:52 PM »
I would hope the group knows which I prefer.
Defenceless little naive girl.

how wrong you are

The Flood / Re: are you sub or dom
« on: July 26, 2015, 03:04:03 PM »
No, see. I wouldn't ever do that stuff to Little Tru.

I'd just choke him slowly until the life nearly fades from his eyes.
I think I'm in love.

I find it cute you think you're so SURE of yourself.

Gaming / Re: Controversial opinions?
« on: July 26, 2015, 02:49:14 PM »
Assassin's Creed: Black Flag is the worst in the series.

AC3 is the most fun in the series.
I laughed because of how you followed that up

I think we identified the problem

Gaming / Re: Controversial opinions?
« on: July 26, 2015, 02:48:48 PM »
Enclave are trying to take over in Fallout 3 as well

what are you on about? That whole battle at the end was a battle.
Yes, but the focus was still shifted.
In Fallout 3 you have one guy and a radio channel until they come out of nowhere halfway into the game.
Even then the overwhelming theme in 3 is that mankind is trying to survive, not that a war is coming.
Well yeah, it had no government or force there to clean up, it was all anarchy. D.C. chapter was the only stabilizing thing that came in like 5 years ago.
Exactly. Thanks for agreeing with me.

Gaming / Re: Details on Fallout 4's skill system
« on: July 26, 2015, 02:43:38 PM »
Like what, having the same control scheme and character customizer?
More so the very gameplay in general. It was an overhead camera thing until Fallout 3, and it probably did save the series. After Fallout 2 it met nothing but shitty troubles.
And I believe I've mentioned before that the gameplay of Fallout 3 isn't what makes me dislike it. In fact, I felt like it was a good modernization for the series. The combat felt really simple, but NV did bring more depth into that.
Oh agreed. The combat was at least manageable in NV because of ADS. That's not to say it was... GOOD, but on PC at least you can fight without VATS.

Gaming / Re: Details on Fallout 4's skill system
« on: July 26, 2015, 02:28:17 PM »
Like what, having the same control scheme and character customizer?
More so the very gameplay in general. It was an overhead camera thing until Fallout 3, and it probably did save the series. After Fallout 2 it met nothing but shitty troubles.

Gaming / Re: Details on Fallout 4's skill system
« on: July 26, 2015, 02:00:30 PM »
It's like watching the downfall of Silent Hill again.
Not really
>Silent Hill
>Good game series
>eventually became shit because it was constantly given to the wrong devs
Yes, it's exactly like it, actually.
Yeah, no. If it wasn't for Bethesda, Fallout would have stayed a dead series.

And mind you, NV follows the same foundations 3 does, so yeah. You can dislike Fallout 3, but to say the devs and the game is shit is laughably wrong.

Gaming / Re: Controversial opinions?
« on: July 26, 2015, 12:48:50 PM »
Enclave are trying to take over in Fallout 3 as well

what are you on about? That whole battle at the end was a battle.
Yes, but the focus was still shifted.
In Fallout 3 you have one guy and a radio channel until they come out of nowhere halfway into the game.
Even then the overwhelming theme in 3 is that mankind is trying to survive, not that a war is coming.
Well yeah, it had no government or force there to clean up, it was all anarchy. D.C. chapter was the only stabilizing thing that came in like 5 years ago.

Gaming / Re: Controversial opinions?
« on: July 26, 2015, 12:40:08 PM »
Enclave are trying to take over in Fallout 3 as well

what are you on about? That whole battle at the end was a battle.

Gaming / Re: Controversial opinions?
« on: July 26, 2015, 12:39:04 PM »
It's weird when guys play as girls and vice versa.

If someone chooses to play as someone simply because they find them sexually attractive, they can go fuck themselves.
I play as a guy in games like Diablo and stuff because I feel a tank is much better as a big beefy dude than some chick.

Gaming / Re: Controversial opinions?
« on: July 26, 2015, 12:35:21 PM »
Fallout New Vegas fails to capture what the old Fallout games had, and 3 offers a better story

Sincerely asking, what is it that the old Fallout games had that the new ones fail to provide? I've played through about half of Fallout 2 (really didn't enjoy the gameplay so I never finished it) and I really don't see it.
NV actually lived up to the first two games in atmosphere, story and characters.
3 was a pretty pathetic Fallout game. It lacked the morally grey intrigue of the first games, it's atmosphere was way off, instead of being about the inevitably of war it was about the survival of mankind.
Uhh... no. The Fallout games never had that "inevitability of war" thing because the war already happened.

Gaming / Re: Controversial opinions?
« on: July 26, 2015, 12:31:51 PM »
Escapism is a waste of time in general

how it is spent is irrelevant
Agreed. I've always stated that I don't play games for escapism--I play them because there is a legitimate experience to be had.
True, but I think it's still escapism.

Gaming / Re: Controversial opinions?
« on: July 26, 2015, 12:31:10 PM »
Fallout New Vegas fails to capture what the old Fallout games had, and 3 offers a better story

Sincerely asking, what is it that the old Fallout games had that the new ones fail to provide? I've played through about half of Fallout 2 (really didn't enjoy the gameplay so I never finished it) and I really don't see it.
Atmosphere, humor, and guns.

Gaming / Re: Controversial opinions?
« on: July 26, 2015, 12:28:23 PM »
Sometimes, less is more.

If a game has crucial flaws, it's a waste of time to enjoy it.
Escapism is a waste of time in general

how it is spent is irrelevant

Gaming / Re: Controversial opinions?
« on: July 26, 2015, 12:27:19 PM »
Fallout New Vegas fails to capture what the old Fallout games had, and 3 offers a better story

The Flood / Re: How closely does your avatar represent you?
« on: July 26, 2015, 11:56:15 AM »
it's actually me

Yeah I noticed that too. They're really pushing the franchise lately. This, the Total Warhammer one, and Space Hulk as well.

3 big projects. They're ALSO still working on that MMO one that's been under wraps for the most part.

Edit: Warhammer: End Times is another

Gaming / Re: Little details in games that you enjoy?
« on: July 26, 2015, 09:06:04 AM »
I noticed in Fallout NV for the first time last night, how there was one of those dinosaur figure toy things, with a cigarette in his mouth along with a smoke pack by it. They had something similar in Fallout 3 where in the back of a metro, there is a teddy bear strapped to the railroad track by a rope.

I never noticed that in all my years of playing, and it is EASILY avoidable. I think the tiny details like that are what show a devs passion. The tiny little things you don't need to do, add up to a more rich product.

Another example is in Total War Attila. You have this cast army v army game, and can zoom all the way out and see the carnage. But if you zoom in as they march/stand idle, you can hear them banter between each other, and sneeze and cough and stuff. I just find it great how a game that promotes itself as big scale battles, adds little things like that in it.

Gaming / Re: I can't seem to finish FF7
« on: July 26, 2015, 09:03:41 AM »
7 is the best one.

Like LOL
It's a great game

but vastly overrated

I honestly think I prefer 4 over 7, which is saying a lot considering 7 was all of my PS1 childhood days

Gaming / Re: I can't seem to finish FF7
« on: July 26, 2015, 07:41:01 AM »
I honestly know a mod or two that'd give you updated graphics and music if that's what you want.

Not the Advent Children character models, thank god, but updated ones that still fit the style.

Problem with FF7 was the MOMENT FF8 came out, the graphics of 7 already looked outdated.

The Flood / Re: Fate/Kalied
« on: July 25, 2015, 03:08:28 PM »
I'm only in it for glorious Leysritt and Sella.

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