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Messages - Luciana

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Gaming / Re: The new FIFA is actually great
« on: August 22, 2015, 05:06:34 PM »
Well... Technically, a patch could add new game mechanics, or re-worked AI, and just about anything else really...
It can change the AI behavior to some degree, but it cannot fix the fundamental flaw it had in the very first place with the engine. Rome 2, look at it. The patches help it but it doesn't stop it from still being a shit hole.

Gaming / Re: Anyone up for a Civ 5 / Medieval II: TW / EUIV game night?
« on: August 22, 2015, 05:05:22 PM »
I have Civ V and Attila

Gaming / Re: Warframe is a terrible game
« on: August 22, 2015, 03:39:48 PM »
It's a grind fest

Gaming / Re: The new FIFA is actually great
« on: August 22, 2015, 03:23:59 PM »
lol buying the same game each year
I'd argue that with any other sports game BUT FIFA honestly since they actually seem to be the only devs who put effort into their games.

But uhh, yeah, sports games are best bought every OTHER year.
What do they do for each game that can't be done in a simple update?
Mainly things that actually involve core gameplay mechanics being changed and re-working AI, and other things such as features with franchise and what not.

The best way to look at it is, you can put band-aids (updates) over a flaw, but it will still be there and show its ugly head. The best way to do it is to actually go back and re-work it from the root of the problem and allow for a more cohesive product.

Other things such as physics as well, cannot be fixed with simple updates.

Honestly, if you want the best example, just look at Total War Rome 2 and look at the patches it added on. While it fixes a lot of the issues, it still LOOKS like a mess and fails in comparison to the games prior, and even Attila.

Gaming / Re: So, the Fallout games.
« on: August 22, 2015, 03:19:54 PM »
A game should stick to a realism that is in their universe.

Like if magic was suddenly a thing, it'd be daft. It's the same for books or any other form of media.

You can have fantasy, but keep it grounded in the reality of the world you establish.

Gaming / Re: So, the Fallout games.
« on: August 22, 2015, 02:26:02 PM »
I'm not genius in this area. So correct me if I'm wrong. But aren't places with extreme levels of radiation supposed to be uninhabitable for a long time? Even 1000s of years. Like Chernobyl.
While they work on the same principles, the detonation of an atomic bomb and the meltdown of a nuclear plant are two very different processes.

An atomic bomb is based on the idea of releasing as much energy from a runaway nuclear fission reaction as possible in the shortest amount of time. The idea being to create as much devastating damage as possible immediately so as to nullify enemy forces or intimidate the opposing side into surrender. Both effectively ensuring the conflict ends quickly. Thus, it would be important that the area bombed does not remain uninhabitable long after the two sides make peace (Ok, that's my own speculation, but I think it's a nice ideal to work with).

A nuclear reactor is based on the idea of producing low amounts of power using a controlled and sustained nuclear fission reaction. The point being that it does not release all of the energy at once and slower reaction processes are used to ensure maximum lifetime of the nuclear fuel.

Gaming / Re: So, the Fallout games.
« on: August 22, 2015, 02:22:25 PM »
Why do we make multiple threads about the same thing?

Anyway, Fallout 4 seems to at least be colorful. Post apocalyptic games can have plants and color in it, and when done right it looks amazing.

Okay, that was really freaking funny.

The Flood / Re: Ellen Page and Ted Cruz debate
« on: August 21, 2015, 09:50:12 PM »
oh my god I hate this guy

so condescending and it's obvious he's not taking anything she's saying seriously

just waiting to get his next recited line out there
Eh, I don't think so.

I got rid of Destiny (finally), Advanced Warfare, FIFA 15, and FF Type-0 for this game.

Surprisingly, I'm only $4 short of the $60.

It's... not a big deal anyway. Normal is normal. Halo 3 said in the description for Heroic "This is how Halo is meant to be played."

That doesn't apply for any other game though really. If they don't say it, you don't need to worry about it. Just beat Halo 1 so you can actually get into the story with Halo 2.

Gaming / Re: Do You Give A Shit About Battlefront 3
« on: August 21, 2015, 03:58:51 PM »
Not really. Star Wars has never been compelling to me, I don't understand why people get so hyped up for it.
Because they are emotionally invested in it

Why is anyone hyped for anything? It's not a hard concept to grasp.

Gaming / Re: Halo 3 is best Halo
« on: August 21, 2015, 03:58:09 PM »
Unlike a game like Fallout or Elder Scrolls, there's just the main quest.  It's a linear game, and the only replay value is derived from modifiers and hunting down easter eggs.

Halo's multiplayer isn't some insignificant piece that was tacked on by the developers at the last minute, it has a massive amount of content.  You judge the game like that content doesn't exist, so it must be pretty depressingly short on content if you hold it to the same standards as any AAA game that focuses 90-100% on single player.

Your "it's literally the same thing again and again" is ironic, and just wrong on so many levels.

And I'd rather a game have hundreds of hours of replay value with an expiration date than have infinitely less, but can stand the test of time, personally.  I'd also rather a game like Battlefield put their resources into making their multiplayer (that is obviously their priority) that much more replayable, than to sink it into some lackluster campaign that no one cares about.

All I'm saying is that I'd be pretty disappointed with a game like Halo 3, too, if I kept myself sheltered from its booming multiplayer community.  Just like how I'd be disappointed with something like Fallout if I stuck to the main quests and ignored everything else.
Exactly this.
Pretty much hit the nail on the head

The Flood / Re: What the fuck is this shit
« on: August 21, 2015, 03:54:17 PM »
The lowest common denominator

that's what that is

Gaming / Re: The new FIFA is actually great
« on: August 21, 2015, 03:51:42 PM »
Why is it that people love to suck the Sports genre's dick so much?

"Hey guys, look! We updated our roster!"
"Oh EA thank you so very much! Please fuck me up the ass and mug me!"
*Looks at Call of Duty*


and idk about you, but I see way more people going "lol sports", be it game or real life, more so than people actually enjoying them.

Gaming / Re: The new FIFA is actually great
« on: August 21, 2015, 03:51:11 PM »
lol buying the same game each year
I'd argue that with any other sports game BUT FIFA honestly since they actually seem to be the only devs who put effort into their games.

But uhh, yeah, sports games are best bought every OTHER year.

I got that Foxdie easter egg in Ground Zeroes and laughed at Miller.

"Thanks Fox Engine!"

First review.

Embargo lifts Sunday btw.

I wish I hadn't read that.
Why? Spoilers?

No, nothing like that.

I don't want to say anything because I'd rather you not feel what I'm feeling right now. My experience isn't ruined but I still wish I hadn't read it.
I spent like 15 minutes struggling through that with my very rudimentary French skills and then scrolled down and saw it was translated

Also for reference this same French dude said watch dogs was amazing and gave it a 19/20
I'm more annoyed he used a 19/20 instead a 1 outta 10 system.

The Flood / Re: which group is better?
« on: August 21, 2015, 03:28:02 PM »
One made the largest contiguous land empire in history

The other were a bunch of bandits that caused the Romans a headache.

You tell me.
They fucked shit up, though.
Until their leader died of a nose bleed.

The Flood / Re: which group is better?
« on: August 21, 2015, 02:57:20 PM »
One made the largest contiguous land empire in history

The other were a bunch of bandits that caused the Romans a headache.

You tell me.

-This is Hayter's worst performance
I think Peace Walker would like to have a word with you.

His delivery is far better in Peace Walker, even if his voice is lolworthy.

There are times in Snake Eater where I'm like "lolwut".

At least he commits in Peace Walker.

It sounds like he gives up halfway through his sentences in Peace Walker. I don't understand why he kept making his voice deeper and deeper. I miss MGS 1/2 Snake.

Gaming / Re: Downloading Metal Gear solid: Ground Zeroes
« on: August 21, 2015, 12:49:08 PM »
Aside from here, I'm avoiding all MGS discussion

You can count on me to spoiler everything from The Phantom Pain until at least Christmas time.

That Cortana shit in Halo 4 has made me into a spoiler Nazi. I would hate to accidentally ruin a game for someone like that asshole did in that YouTube section.
YouTube will do that. Any place that isn't here, assume spoilers are around everywhere. And people got the game early, so I think it IS real.

I got who the killer was to Heavy Rain spoiled for me while visiting Game Trailers, and that was a day or two before release. Needless to say, I was disappointed. I knew the twist would have really shocked me, if not for that spoiler.

-This is Hayter's worst performance
I think Peace Walker would like to have a word with you.

The Flood / Re: It was the summer of 0 BBY...
« on: August 21, 2015, 02:36:29 AM »
Anything EU that's not KOTOR (to me) isn't canon, because EU, especially post ep 6 EU, is a bunch of convoluted bullshit that is hats off retarded
People can't just individually decide what canon is. It's literally what the people who have creative control over it say it is.
I dunno if they said KOTOR was or wasn't canon. Regardless, it's so far back that it has literally no impact to anything they're doing anyway.

The Flood / Re: It was the summer of 0 BBY...
« on: August 21, 2015, 02:27:40 AM »
Anything EU that's not KOTOR (to me) isn't canon, because EU, especially post ep 6 EU, is a bunch of convoluted bullshit that is hats off retarded

Gaming / Re: Downloading Metal Gear solid: Ground Zeroes
« on: August 21, 2015, 02:21:50 AM »
Sorry, sleep deprivation really gets me all insightful and emotional sometimes

Serious / Re: North and South Korea exchange artillery fire
« on: August 21, 2015, 01:58:50 AM »
Because it's Germany

they always overcome anything after getting their asses kicked.

Huge power? Asses kicked and economic strain

New dude comes in? Most technologically advanced nation and economic powerhouse, takes over all of Europe almost

Asses get kicked/split forever. Come back together, soon become an eco powerhouse again and basically run the EU.

Germany's entire history is being on top, getting fucked over, then climbing back up. Only now it seems they've learned their lessons lol.

I think he's just going for story

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