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Messages - Luciana

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Gaming / Re: Should I get a PS4 or Xbox One?
« on: August 29, 2015, 04:53:46 PM »
I got PS4 for exclusives, more indie games, and other various things however.

You have a PS4?!
Y...Yes? >.>

Gaming / Re: Should I get a PS4 or Xbox One?
« on: August 29, 2015, 04:28:54 PM »
I'd say go PC, but if you want FPS's more so like Halo and CoD, I'd go Xbone. You also have people here in Septagon you could play with as well, and playing with friends is always a bonus.

I got PS4 for exclusives, more indie games, and other various things however.

> PS4


just kidding :^(

Serious / Re: Virginia News Team Killed While On the Air
« on: August 29, 2015, 02:47:13 PM »
I'm not racist. I'm just realistic. Sorry not sorry.
Gay black man kills 2 white people.

Wheres the riots? Oh yeah, our people aren't fucking animals.

No, you're pretty racist.

Pointing out facts is racist now? Lol guess so.
> facts

Please keep going. You're only hurting your case and further proving mine.

The Flood / Re: Race war! Race war!
« on: August 29, 2015, 02:45:34 PM »
Radicals of anything should be put down

However to say they're all like that only shows your ignorance just like them.

Serious / Re: Virginia News Team Killed While On the Air
« on: August 29, 2015, 11:13:10 AM »
I'm not racist. I'm just realistic. Sorry not sorry.
Gay black man kills 2 white people.

Wheres the riots? Oh yeah, our people aren't fucking animals.

No, you're pretty racist.

The Flood / Re: Why the hell can't I hear Gifs
« on: August 29, 2015, 02:46:56 AM »

Gaming / Re: My Metal Gear/Solid Marathon (MGS2 complete)
« on: August 29, 2015, 02:24:03 AM »
Well yeah, we all know now. But put it into context at the time and it's amazing. It's also amazing how Raiden is supposed to represent the player and seem shallow and boring.

Then suddenly towards the end we learn he has probably the darkest past of ANY protagonist in the Metal Gear series, and find out he has depth. And he directly rejects the player by throwing away those dog tags at the end.

And how Kojima gave the message at the end that he wants his team to go on without him with this series and that they don't need him. Sadly, they DO need him.

Gaming / Re: My Metal Gear/Solid Marathon (MGS2 complete)
« on: August 29, 2015, 02:16:11 AM »
I wanna go over your review with MGS 2 so I'll spoiler it for... whoever wants to play.

Yeah, Campbell was supposed to sound robotic in 2 because he's GW. As for the story itself. It is easily one of the riskiest games ever I think. It is VASTLY underrated what Kojima did. Keep in mind that this was THE game that was getting hyped for its time, and literally everything shown to the audience, game reviewers, etc, was the Tanker.

You also have to keep in mind that Kojima made Raiden whiny and bitchy on purpose until the very end. He was supposed to represent the player. The game is basically a huge message, both to players in real life, and to events in the real world. I want to link you a review that I highly recommend you watch. It will open your eyes to the genius writing that MGS 2 is.

Bear in mind you need to set aside time for it, but yeah. It's worth it.

and this starting from here as well. But you can watch this all too. I sure as hell did.

The internet bit really hit home for me around 31 mins. I just find it amazing that he could predict everything so accurately back in 2001.

The Flood / Re: Miss Universe
« on: August 28, 2015, 11:42:52 PM »
Intensely stupid, exceedingly pointless, and a colossal waste of time.

Gaming / Re: 4 Days Left | A Hideo Kojima Thread
« on: August 28, 2015, 11:22:10 PM »
Just tried online in Peace Walker.

Basically everyone just fucking around and tea bagging people and just goofing off.

That was an experience.

The Flood / Re: The Fallen of WW2 (amazing site you guys need to see)
« on: August 28, 2015, 10:19:12 PM »
60 Million was around the total. Russia lost around 20 million I believe. It's only a number until you really see it presented to you in a manner like that.

Like Stalin said: "The death of one man is a tragedy. The death of a million is a statistic."

Can't say the cold hearted bastard was wrong.


Click this and enjoy. It's about 20 mins in length to anyone curious. This was something pretty amazing someone linked. Pretty touching and sad.

As for my onions on it all

Well unrelated to Google, I wish the NSA didn't snoop into so much stuff under the auspices of "stopping terrorism" even though there hasn't been a single documented case of them actually preventing any attacks due to what they're doing.

If there is one thing from Republican's I can support, it's their hate for how big the NSA is.

It would be irrational to care about such minutiae.
do we not have a right to privacy?
You do, but I have absolutely no use for it.

Because, uh, I'm not a criminal.

    First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
    Because I was not a Socialist.

    Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
    Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

    Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
    Because I was not a Jew.

    Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

Did we really hit Godwin's law only two pages in?

I'm disappointed in you all. I was hoping 4 or 5 pages in we'd hit it.

Gaming / Re: 4 Days Left | A Hideo Kojima Thread
« on: August 28, 2015, 06:57:53 PM »
Just beat the chopper boss. It was annoying, but I learned you can just get close enough to them once the soldiers deploy and they're all together. So I just chained combo's, whisked them all away, and took cover.

Got 19 soldiers plus the leader.

Gaming / Re: 4 Days Left | A Hideo Kojima Thread
« on: August 28, 2015, 06:57:14 PM »
I figure I'm the only one getting TPP on PC because I don't have a PS4, right? ;_;

IIRC Luciana is as well.

Gaming / Re: 4 Days Left | A Hideo Kojima Thread
« on: August 28, 2015, 05:40:01 PM »
It sounds like he's always grumbling on cock

And yeah maybe I shall invite you.

Gaming / Re: 4 Days Left | A Hideo Kojima Thread
« on: August 28, 2015, 05:31:01 PM »
Update on Peace Walker

I recruited Kojima (so glad I went back to that mission cuz I didn't have enough Fulton's to get the PoW's), which I thought was funny how he was just chilling in a van. And the whole "Metal...Gear?!" thing was funny.

At the part now where I have to take out the chopper.

Also hate David Hayter's voice in this game. He did horrible. I don't understand why he went even MORE gritty than MGS4.

Serious / Re: How would you help gun control in the U.S.
« on: August 28, 2015, 04:34:59 PM »
I agree with most of it, minus the random check ups. Renewing isn't so bad.

Don't mind semi-auto sticking around either.

Serious / Re: How would you help gun control in the U.S.
« on: August 28, 2015, 04:29:40 PM »
I went to a gun show with my brother and he purchased a firearm and they ran a background check (I'm in Virginia, a conservative state by law, so I was suprised). Only took about 5 minutes before he was good to go.

Serious / Re: How would you help gun control in the U.S.
« on: August 28, 2015, 04:27:05 PM »
I think taking them all away is stupid.

Any idea that is radical on controversial issues is retarded to begin with.

Much like how this country was founded, you need to compromise, and I have always suggested classes should be mandatory, or at least promote education and training of firearms before you get them. Also focus on mental issues as well.

Jesus what an exhausting discussion lol.

Serious / Re: How would you help gun control in the U.S.
« on: August 28, 2015, 04:21:01 PM »
Its un-American to say we should abolish a freedom that the country was founded upon. Its not like voicing your opinion over healthcare for instance. You're saying that we should throw away a founding principle of the whole country, its part of our culture.
Which abolished freedom are we talking about?
The freedom to own a firearm
I don't think anyone here was talking about getting rid of them entirely though.

And even then, the 2nd Amendment is debated anyway because of how it's interpreted.

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

Many argue that they are talking about a militia being kept up in order to not let the federal government take over. Others say it is what we have now.

In the end, it was the founding fathers fault for not making it more clear.

Serious / Re: How would you help gun control in the U.S.
« on: August 28, 2015, 04:18:42 PM »
Its un-American to say we should abolish a freedom that the country was founded upon. Its not like voicing your opinion over healthcare for instance. You're saying that we should throw away a founding principle of the whole country, its part of our culture.
Which abolished freedom are we talking about?

Serious / Re: How would you help gun control in the U.S.
« on: August 28, 2015, 04:18:17 PM »
once again

>implying human rights is the only aspect of freedom
Alright I'll bite

What other things would you consider freedom?
the freedom to do what i please as long as its not infringing upon another being's rights

doing what i want may consist of owning a gun and i have that freedom until i use it to harm someone else in an unjustified manner and infringe upon their rights
What you described sounds something just short of anarchy.
Because that would be so bad
And that explains this all

Serious / Re: How would you help gun control in the U.S.
« on: August 28, 2015, 04:16:06 PM »
once again

>implying human rights is the only aspect of freedom
Alright I'll bite

What other things would you consider freedom?
the freedom to do what i please as long as its not infringing upon another being's rights

doing what i want may consist of owning a gun and i have that freedom until i use it to harm someone else in an unjustified manner and infringe upon their rights
What you described sounds something just short of anarchy.

Serious / Re: How would you help gun control in the U.S.
« on: August 28, 2015, 04:15:19 PM »
This post strikes me as a little odd, as an American aren't people allowed to express their voices and wish for change in their country? Isn't that covered by free speech. Surely it's Un-American to tell people to leave the country for voicing their opinion on a matter.
It is

it's just irony.

Serious / Re: How would you help gun control in the U.S.
« on: August 28, 2015, 04:09:38 PM »
They're still a thing. They're fighting with their own party though.

Serious / Re: How would you help gun control in the U.S.
« on: August 28, 2015, 04:08:51 PM »
And really, if you have to actually train kids from where they're 5 years old to take cover under desks and shut off lights because intruders with guns might come around, or to keep your head below the window

well, that alone already tells you the situation we're in. And the fact 20 some odd children can get massacred and nothing gets done.

It is more so cultural than just guns, but whenever the issue is brought up people get all uppity and quick to discount everything. Much like racism in today's America, for whatever stupid reason.

Serious / Re: How would you help gun control in the U.S.
« on: August 28, 2015, 04:06:21 PM »
once again

>implying human rights is the only aspect of freedom
Alright I'll bite

What other things would you consider freedom?

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