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Messages - Mox

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Gaming / Re: Lasky is such a fanboy
« on: November 30, 2014, 10:25:51 AM »
Who the hell is Lasky?

the guy you meet up with after hearing the distress signal when the infinity crashes on the shield world

The Flood / Re: what the hell are you faggots doing in here
« on: November 30, 2014, 10:22:48 AM »
and why are you not in anarchy?

because we have to wait for a mod or admin to give us a pointless nameplate before even seeing anarchy.
You applied though?

yeah, I enjoy watching people show their stupidity. I rarely post anything in there.

Septagon / Re: so apparently the anarchy forum is off limits to me?
« on: November 30, 2014, 10:20:53 AM »
Did you request the nameplate "Beyond the Sea"?

so now we have to get a nameplate(which we might not even get) to post in anarchy?
This is beyond retarded.
That's how it worked for Penguin Party last time too.
It was to be expected.

I was gone while "penguin party" happened

The Flood / Re: what the hell are you faggots doing in here
« on: November 30, 2014, 10:19:31 AM »
and why are you not in anarchy?

because we have to wait for a mod or admin to give us a pointless nameplate before even seeing anarchy.

The Flood / Re: who wants to start a new UN game?
« on: November 30, 2014, 10:18:04 AM »
No, thank you.

b-but why?  :(
I glanced inside one once and I just could not tell what was happening, or how, or why... it didn't look organised enough.

that's usually near the end of the game when people start calling godmod on everything. For the most part its still fun.

Septagon / Re: so apparently the anarchy forum is off limits to me?
« on: November 30, 2014, 10:16:48 AM »
Did you request the nameplate "Beyond the Sea"?

so now we have to get a nameplate(which we might not even get) to post in anarchy?
This is beyond retarded.

The Flood / Re: who wants to start a new UN game?
« on: November 30, 2014, 10:14:20 AM »

Septagon / so apparently the anarchy forum is off limits to me?
« on: November 30, 2014, 10:11:12 AM »
I'd like to ask why?

The Flood / who wants to start a new UN game?
« on: November 30, 2014, 10:08:29 AM »
I have some ideas. But I think we should try something we've never done before. Input what time periods you think we should have, what rules there are, and the objective of the game. I will post my ideas later(didn't want to fill the op with massive paragraphs)

Gaming / Re: when kids use the " its only 20% done" arguement
« on: November 28, 2014, 05:42:22 PM »
When my two desticles at school get mad at me for the smallest things.

Me: (Joins in) Hey guise.
Friend 1: Lol, Jude (My name) is a lvl. 20 and has all uncommon items. (Guy apparently thinks it's a big deal.)
Friend 2: You're probably a terrible gamer and you only play Super Smash Bros on Wii.
Me: I..... I play Halo, Borderlands, and AC4/Unity for a reason.
Friend 2: Whatever.... (looks at Friend 1) So I just got a new Exotic weapon!
F1: Cool, I'm trying to work my way there through strikes and raids. But I only got a rare item.
Me: What's the difference?
*Both of them look at me mad*
F1: Oh yeah, Jude only has uncommon Items and is a lvl. 20.
Me: When did the type of arsenal and level you are matter when going up against another player matter?
F1: I'm a warlock and I'd shred you by how higher I am than you.
Me: The desticle is REAL inside of you, huh?
F2: What's a desticle? Learn proper english..
F1: get lost, Halo fanboy. Density FTW.
Me:Learn to get a life, virgins.

These Guys think that when you get exotic weapons, you get a one-shot a everything, and that they are more better than rare or legendary. There is no difference, it just adds a different color and model and makes you think it's practically more superior than anything else. They also think that applies to level and class.

It terribly gets me mad.
And they're your friends?

Well I don't have much of a choice, huh?

They're the stupid ones of 6th grade and I help them with all subjects, even though one of them are smart. Then that's when they start talking to me about this Density nonsense.

You write on a 3rd grade level

>Is insulting my typing because I'm 13 and in 6th grads.

You're mentally cancer when you insult a kid.
>insulting someone by calling them a virgin when you are 13 and in 6th grade.

You're mentally cancer.

>Is insulting a kid for calling desticles virgins (Because it's true)

So are you for calling a kid cancer, you cancerous pleb.
>implying you yourself are not a virgin
>implying being a virgin at that age is wrong anyway

And yeah, you're 13. I'll insult you if I please.

I want you to ask me this. Lol.

If a Desticle who is an atheist and a Christian meet at a church, which one actually capable of going to heaven?
I'm done.
I can feel my IQ dropping into single dgits just from reading your posts.

Then stop reading them.

You're practically an idiot for thinking you even have an IQ.

But every human being has an iq, no matter how low it is.

Your post doesn't make any sense.
and judging by your posts, you are in no position to insult another person's iq

Gaming / Re: Best next gen games at the moment? >.>
« on: November 24, 2014, 09:20:57 PM »

Gaming / when kids use the " its only 20% done" arguement
« on: November 24, 2014, 09:19:10 PM »
every time I tell a friend that plays destiny that the game is shit. They use this as an argument. Shit like this wants to make me scream.

What is the most annoying thing desticles do that pisses you off?
I mean, everything they do is annoying. Just list your top five or something.

The Flood / Re: Did the Matrix have Dinosaurs?
« on: November 23, 2014, 02:44:24 PM »
no. there were smiths, only smiths

The Flood / Re: Saw Fury Tonight
« on: November 23, 2014, 02:40:02 PM »
Go watch it as soon as you possibly can. This may be the best movie I've seen all year.

yes, I agree. Interstellar is great isn't it?

Gaming / Re: Halo 3 is the best game in the MCC
« on: November 23, 2014, 10:31:04 AM »
I think the main reason halo 3 sucks story wise is because they were forced to do that cliffhanger in halo 2 when h3 and h2 were meant to be the same game. They even had to cut out a couple of missions that led up to the start of halo 3. When I first played h3 it just made me feel like the halo 3 campaign was half assed and needed more(which was bungie's original plan for it)

The Flood / Re: I hate some of you
« on: November 23, 2014, 10:13:18 AM »
you don't hate me though...right?

Gaming / Re: Halo Game Night (Sun, 23 Nov.)
« on: November 23, 2014, 10:03:58 AM »
Damn, I missed Saturday. Maybe next time

The Flood / Re: What is your Sanghelli name?
« on: November 16, 2014, 08:00:10 PM »
Eopl 'Nenasee

The Flood / Get in here!
« on: November 16, 2014, 07:38:23 PM »

you're missing all of the jimi!

The Flood / Re: Alright guys, honest opinion time
« on: November 16, 2014, 01:31:43 PM »
I gave you three months of xbawks live on a whim in my gut.

So, you can't be too bad.

easily one of the best users here. Glad you're not sick anymore.

The Flood / Re: Alright guys, honest opinion time
« on: November 16, 2014, 01:31:00 PM »
You a-okay.

you are pretty cool, and I don't know why a lot of people bitch about your posts.

The Flood / Re: Alright guys, honest opinion time
« on: November 16, 2014, 01:29:01 PM »
You're cool, very chill and laid back.

same to you

The Flood / Re: Alright guys, honest opinion time
« on: November 16, 2014, 01:24:47 PM »
Who... Are you?

oh, you must be the admin that replaced focnr right? I believe I was gone when this happened, so I don't really know you.

The Flood / Re: Alright guys, honest opinion time
« on: November 16, 2014, 01:22:56 PM »
My younger cat is named Neo.

barely know you, but you seem to be pretty cool.

The Flood / Re: Alright guys, honest opinion time
« on: November 16, 2014, 01:22:02 PM »
Barely spoken to you, but you seem cool.

You seem to have a good sense of humor that doesn't involve spamming shitposts. And you seem to be one of the non-bitchy users here, which is good in my book.

The Flood / Re: Alright guys, honest opinion time
« on: November 16, 2014, 01:20:06 PM »
You've been gone so long, I've forgotten how you act.

All around a good user, and pretty awesome at UN games

The Flood / Re: Alright guys, honest opinion time
« on: November 16, 2014, 01:19:27 PM »
That's not how this game works OP, we tell you ours then you tell each of us your opinions, despite what the posters opinion of you is.

OT: I  barely know you... Do I have you on xbl?

you are a better mod than what most people say. And no, you don't have me on xbl

The Flood / Re: Alright guys, honest opinion time
« on: November 16, 2014, 01:18:11 PM »
You have no idea how disappointed I am that you're not handing out honest opinions.

alright, you act very....cringy sometimes. But most of the time you seem cool.

Nah Naruto is.

nah bruh fairy tail all the way


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