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Messages - challengerX

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The Flood / Re: AMA Anything about life in the UK
« on: September 08, 2014, 06:37:17 PM »

ur a fukn fgt m8 ill fukin shank ya mum blud

Nobody in the UK speaks like that, for starters


I live in the south, so I know exactly what Chavs are like, and they don't speak like that
y u lyin

I've heard people talk like that in London.

No you haven't

Because I was born in Ealing, London, and I've spent a lot of time there over the years, as soon as i'm out of college i'm going straight to London for Uni
Seriously though, chavs talk like that. I don't care who you are or how long you've been in London, that's pretty much how they talk. It may be slightly exaggerated for comedic effect, but it's not complete fiction like you're making out to be. I've seen and heard it.

But what you said was just a really, really bad impression of then
No, no it wasn't.

Stay >:(

 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)

Serious / Re: This is a thread for Rocketman
« on: September 08, 2014, 06:34:34 PM »
Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to call him out or make him look like a douche. I put this in Serious because I think it's an issue which could do with addressing, and I'd like to discuss with him exactly where he thinks the issues lie.

As far as I can tell, I don't see any. I don't know why you insist on putting me in a group of friends, and I don't know why you criticise me for things I haven't done.

Now, honestly, can we keep this civil (everybody) because this is a conversation I want to have.

Well, you comment then Challenger comments right after for one. That's a group action.
I assume you are with the "other trolls" (meaning trussingDoor, Sentra, Challenger and RC) because you post around them and defend them. Not to mention the matching nameplates.

Your Serious threads just seem to give me the impression you think you are the most intelligent guy around.

I have no problem with you. But when you intentionally derail a thread I made trying to FIX a problem,
well that just pisses me off.

So what I said in my now-locked thread was a mix of anger, and the belief you were in that group.
I don't have much respect for you Challenger, and I don't care if that matters to you or not.
You hate me because I #Shrekt you in your own thread, son.

It's natural.  8)

The Flood / Re: AMA Anything about life in the UK
« on: September 08, 2014, 06:24:42 PM »

ur a fukn fgt m8 ill fukin shank ya mum blud

Nobody in the UK speaks like that, for starters


I live in the south, so I know exactly what Chavs are like, and they don't speak like that
y u lyin

I've heard people talk like that in London.

No you haven't

Because I was born in Ealing, London, and I've spent a lot of time there over the years, as soon as i'm out of college i'm going straight to London for Uni
Seriously though, chavs talk like that. I don't care who you are or how long you've been in London, that's pretty much how they talk. It may be slightly exaggerated for comedic effect, but it's not complete fiction like you're making out to be. I've seen and heard it.

The Flood / Re: AMA Anything about life in the UK
« on: September 08, 2014, 06:20:09 PM »

ur a fukn fgt m8 ill fukin shank ya mum blud

Nobody in the UK speaks like that, for starters


I live in the south, so I know exactly what Chavs are like, and they don't speak like that
y u lyin

I've heard people talk like that in London.

No you haven't

The Flood / Re: errybody hatin on sopo
« on: September 08, 2014, 06:17:53 PM »
Who the hell calls Slash "sopo"?
No one can pronounce or spell my username correctly :'^)
I thought it was "Sopoforic". I'm kind of dyslexic. I get words jumbled up. It's not exactly dyslexia, but you know what I mean.

The Flood / Re: errybody hatin on sopo
« on: September 08, 2014, 06:15:54 PM »
Who the hell calls Slash "sopo"?
real folk

The Flood / Re: AMA Anything about life in the UK
« on: September 08, 2014, 06:14:33 PM »

ur a fukn fgt m8 ill fukin shank ya mum blud

Nobody in the UK speaks like that, for starters


I live in the south, so I know exactly what Chavs are like, and they don't speak like that
y u lyin

I've heard people talk like that in London.

The Flood / Re: AMA Anything about life in the UK
« on: September 08, 2014, 06:12:40 PM »

How have you managed to not get beheaded by a muslim yet?

Yes, have you been mistaken for a black person and shot yet?


The Flood / Re: AMA Anything about life in the UK
« on: September 08, 2014, 06:12:12 PM »

ur a fukn fgt m8 ill fukin shank ya mum blud

Nobody in the UK speaks like that, for starters


The Flood / Re: AMA Anything about life in the UK
« on: September 08, 2014, 06:10:53 PM »
ur a fukn fgt m8 ill fukin shank ya mum blud

The Flood / Re: errybody hatin on sopo
« on: September 08, 2014, 06:09:27 PM »
u must b a meber of FaZe bcuz on a scael of 1 to 68 MLG points tihs thred is a 69
u no how I do it

The Flood / Re: errybody hatin on sopo
« on: September 08, 2014, 06:04:52 PM »
edgy as fuk shitpost m8 i r8 it 9 out of 11 :^)
yeah bro u gotta taek teh opprtoonity wen u see it so u can be wrld famouse and fuk bitches u no

The Flood / errybody hatin on sopo
« on: September 08, 2014, 06:02:18 PM »
and im just sittin here fukin ur moms while ur busy FUKIN LEL

The Flood / Re: Please stop
« on: September 08, 2014, 05:57:35 PM »
I would say though, if people find it that annoying, how about an Anime board?

Not like that would stop twats from trying to rustle jimmies over something they don't need to look at.
But it might help the analmadness from this thread spreading further.
The anal madness that is Truss, Dustin, and Challenger.
You realize we're not mad and it's just that we find it annoying that you guys derail threads over and over with a little circle jerk?

That's what chats are for. By all means, continue to spam and think people are mad. But that isn't the reality.

Serious / Re: Chic-Fil-A Founder Dead
« on: September 08, 2014, 05:47:01 PM »
Why is everybody spelling Chick-Fil-A wrong?
Because RC goes to a hood rip-off of it
>being different anywhere

>pacific ocean

>great barrier reef

>marianas trench

>your head
It isn't a joke though, because you're a racist.

inb4 assmad reply
But I'm Hispanic who wouldn't mind gay sex; I can't be racist. Jay and Tumblr says only white cis-gender males can  be racist
Seeing how I'm not Jay and I don't have a Tumblr account, you're still racist.

And why exactly do you think we care if you like it up the ass? That couldn't have been more irrelevant. LOL

Serious / Re: This is a thread for Rocketman
« on: September 08, 2014, 05:43:36 PM »
I did actually do my math correctly pal.
I said: My pointless threads < Your pointless threads

That implies you make more pointless threads than I do.
Whether that is reality or not, I do not care.

2 < 6
2 is less than 6.

I'm done playing math teacher for you now.
And you guys successfully turned this thread into a pointless argument once again.

I don't make threads, especially not pointless ones. I think we need to teach him "advanced" math.

The Flood / Re: SoCal weather
« on: September 08, 2014, 05:34:57 PM »
Best weather in the world.

Serious / Re: Chic-Fil-A Founder Dead
« on: September 08, 2014, 05:33:21 PM »
Why is everybody spelling Chick-Fil-A wrong?
Because RC goes to a hood rip-off of it
>being different anywhere

>pacific ocean

>great barrier reef

>marianas trench

>your head
It isn't a joke though, because you're a racist.

inb4 assmad reply

The Flood / Re: Mods, I think we need to make a "Shit-Posting" Cap
« on: September 08, 2014, 05:31:16 PM »
It's about the stupidly high number of pointless threads RC and TrussingDoor have made over and over.

If you don't like them then don't post in them and they'll fall of the page quicker.
That might be too "advanced" for him.

The Flood / Re: Mods, I think we need to make a "Shit-Posting" Cap
« on: September 08, 2014, 05:30:39 PM »
I agree. You should be banned.

My pointless threads < Your pointless threads.

Think again Challenger.
Exactly. I am greater than you.

I'm referring to quantity, but you wouldn't have figured that out on your own.
It's too "advanced" for you.
You realize you positioned the greater than sign the wrong way and failed big time?

Or is that too "advanced" for you?

Sorry bub, this thread ain't about you anyways.
So self-centered.
>gets rekt
>tries to change the subject


The Flood / Re: Mods, I think we need to make a "Shit-Posting" Cap
« on: September 08, 2014, 05:27:33 PM »
I agree. You should be banned.

My pointless threads < Your pointless threads.

Think again Challenger.
Exactly. I am greater than you.

I'm referring to quantity, but you wouldn't have figured that out on your own.
It's too "advanced" for you.
You realize you positioned the greater than sign the wrong way and failed big time?

Or is that too "advanced" for you?

The Flood / Re: Mods, I think we need to make a "Shit-Posting" Cap
« on: September 08, 2014, 05:25:35 PM »
I agree. You should be banned.

My pointless threads < Your pointless threads.

Think again Challenger.
I don't think I've ever seen Challenger create a thread.
I made one a few weeks ago saying the most member we've ever had online was 69 and that somebody should screencap it.

Then I posted a thread months ago about how the LAPD are using better tactics by patrolling on foot and getting in touch with communities and there has been 2 gang related murders in Watts since 2011. Huge improvement.

And a few troll threads in #Density a month or two ago.

But yeah, I don't really make threads.

The Flood / Re: Mods, I think we need to make a "Shit-Posting" Cap
« on: September 08, 2014, 05:22:40 PM »
I agree. You should be banned.

My pointless threads < Your pointless threads.

Think again Challenger.
Exactly. I am greater than you.

The Flood / Re: Black man makes 220 mile commute to work
« on: September 08, 2014, 05:19:46 PM »

Why is the fact that he's black even the slightest bit relevant?
Because people think black people all collect welfare checks and multiply.
Those "people" aren't going to change their minds because of this thread. They'll say it's an exception. They'll say "that's the difference between a black man and a nigger" all while thinking they're not being racist and denying it.

We can post thread after thread of accomplishments of black Americans and black Africans. They aren't going to change their mentality.

The Flood / Re: according to, we do not exist
« on: September 08, 2014, 05:15:47 PM »
So is 4chan a black hole?

no it's more like a parasite of youtube
Mother of god. YouTube is fucking huge.
well obviously, it's the third most popular website on the internet
Which is number 1?
google, with facebook in second
Oh, right. What a tard.

You almost take Google for granted.

The Flood / Re: Mods, I think we need to make a "Shit-Posting" Cap
« on: September 08, 2014, 05:14:52 PM »
I agree. You should be banned.

The Flood / Re: Black man makes 220 mile commute to work
« on: September 08, 2014, 05:14:16 PM »
Why is the fact that he's black even the slightest bit relevant?
It isn't.
Then I'd be interested to know why it's in the title.
Because Gasai is either racist or thinks he's funny by saying "nigger" all the time.

Either way it's retarded.

Serious / Re: Chic-Fil-A Founder Dead
« on: September 08, 2014, 05:12:10 PM »
Why is everybody spelling Chick-Fil-A wrong?
Because RC goes to a hood rip-off of it
>being different anywhere

The Flood / Re: according to, we do not exist
« on: September 08, 2014, 04:34:04 PM »
So is 4chan a black hole?

no it's more like a parasite of youtube
Mother of god. YouTube is fucking huge.
well obviously, it's the third most popular website on the internet
Which is number 1?

The Flood / Re: according to, we do not exist
« on: September 08, 2014, 04:32:47 PM »
"So what do you do for fun?"

"I post on a forum that doesn't exist."

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