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Messages - challengerX

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Serious / Re: Do you like Living in America?
« on: September 10, 2014, 05:24:52 PM »
Never have I set foot in America. Maybe one day I will, maybe not. On the bright side I live in a place that's not as much of a nuke target.
Nobody should be worried about getting nuked. It isn't going to happen. Wars just aren't fought like that anymore.
That's a naive thought
Not at all. No one's stupid enough to start a nuclear war.
There are plenty of people stupid enough to start a nuclear war. Especially when nuclear technology becomes more readily available to terrorists. Do you really think any extremist terrorist would refrain from using a nuclear weapon if given the opportunity?
I meant country.

As for terrorists, I don't think they could do worse than a dirty bomb which wouldn't really count as a nuke per se. Either way, I'm talking about countries and war. Not terrorism.

Serious / Re: Sometimes I sympathize with Kiyo
« on: September 10, 2014, 05:22:10 PM »
>Sympathizing with someone who wants all your countrymen killed and refers to them as animals on a daily basis

So when's the next AQ party going to be hosted at your house?

There are intelligent and valid criticisms to make on America and there's the bullshit that Kiyo says. If you can't criticize and love your country at the same time, leave. If you sympathize with somebody who says things that literally make him an enemy of the state, you don't love your country. I can sympathize with an Afghani villager tired of American soldiers messing with him and his crops, but I can't sympathize with a member of the Taliban. People make a choice, and when that choice is to wish death and misery upon the country you were born in and all the people you know, you don't sympathize with that person. Ever. There is nothing any nation has done different from the next one to deserve that type of blind hatred, so there's no point trying to understand where that person is coming from.

Putting aside all the "HURR DURR MURICA IS GREAT" trolling this was one of the most reasonable posts in this thread.
What trolling? America is a great country, the best if you ask me. That's not to say it doesn't have huge problems that need addressing. A real patriot loves his country but is not blinded by his love.

The Flood / Re: Post your three favourite historical figures
« on: September 10, 2014, 05:15:20 PM »
>not calling zoroaster "zarathustra"
u w0t m8?

As if not even half of the people here even know who he is
Isn't Zoroastrianism well known to anyone who has even a slight interest in ancient mythologies?
Why's he in your list though?
You'd be surprised how little people know of Iran's history and think it's just some shithole in the Middle East. Ask the average person what Zoroastrianism is and they won't know.

Serious / Re: Michael Moore: Obama ‘A Huge Disappointment
« on: September 10, 2014, 02:41:46 PM »
>Michael Moore

Not even once. 

Serious / Re: What's your prediction for the midterms this year?
« on: September 10, 2014, 01:42:09 PM »
>lives in California
>lives in Santa Clara County (the most Democrat county in the state)
>views lean most toward Democrat

No need for me to. At all. Not gonna waste my time going to vote in a pre-determined election.
Holy shit you're far from LA. How long is the drive?
8 hours if you pick the long, but very scenic coastal route.
5 hours if you go through the boring-as-fuck route through Central Valley.
And about 40 minutes if you're a fucktard who actually decided to waste that much money to take a plane.
Damn. So you don't get down there much, huh? How come you live all the way up there?
I know some people down there so we try to get down there once every so often. Like this coming December. And I live all the way up there cause of muh innovations (Silicon Valley). The place is only good if you're into tech stuff. If you're not into tech, the place is a complete shithole. Pretty much, take LA, and give it half the population while removing the fact that it's LA. So you're left with a gigantic boring suburbia with tons of traffic and pollution. And the downtown here is shit as well. It's a crime-infested pisshole.
Sucks. You should move down to LA.
If I was forced to remain in California, I'd probably go down to LA. Or Lake Tahoe. Anywhere but the fricking Silicon Valley.

But…. nobody's forcing me to remain in California. *wink* *wink* *nudge* *nudge*
Shoot if it was possible I'd give you my European citizenship for your American citizenship.
Already a European citizen, so no need to worry. But which European country are you a citizen of? You give up your American citizenship to avoid taxes?
You're a European citizen? I thought you weren't.

I'd rather not put all my info out in the internet, sorry.

Serious / Re: ARMY officer denied access to daughters school.
« on: September 10, 2014, 01:35:08 PM »

The Flood / Re: I stole a cat today gentlemen(Bad News)
« on: September 10, 2014, 01:33:46 PM »
That's a shame.

Serious / Re: What's your prediction for the midterms this year?
« on: September 10, 2014, 01:27:21 PM »
>lives in California
>lives in Santa Clara County (the most Democrat county in the state)
>views lean most toward Democrat

No need for me to. At all. Not gonna waste my time going to vote in a pre-determined election.
Holy shit you're far from LA. How long is the drive?
8 hours if you pick the long, but very scenic coastal route.
5 hours if you go through the boring-as-fuck route through Central Valley.
And about 40 minutes if you're a fucktard who actually decided to waste that much money to take a plane.
Damn. So you don't get down there much, huh? How come you live all the way up there?
I know some people down there so we try to get down there once every so often. Like this coming December. And I live all the way up there cause of muh innovations (Silicon Valley). The place is only good if you're into tech stuff. If you're not into tech, the place is a complete shithole. Pretty much, take LA, and give it half the population while removing the fact that it's LA. So you're left with a gigantic boring suburbia with tons of traffic and pollution. And the downtown here is shit as well. It's a crime-infested pisshole.
Sucks. You should move down to LA.
If I was forced to remain in California, I'd probably go down to LA. Or Lake Tahoe. Anywhere but the fricking Silicon Valley.

But…. nobody's forcing me to remain in California. *wink* *wink* *nudge* *nudge*
Shoot if it was possible I'd give you my European citizenship for your American citizenship.

Serious / Re: Wait, didn't Germany take France in just two weeks?
« on: September 10, 2014, 01:04:13 PM »
Still basing things on race? toplel. Bet you think only blacks can be African-American, huh?

Obama has set up and is setting up a heavy internet surveillance.

DHS has special spy technology capable of seeing through walls and has vans cruising city streets, spying on Americans indiscriminately.

Obama signed the National Defense Authorization Act into law, a bill granting him the power to detain for an unlimited time anyone he deems engaged in terrorism.  Given the DHS definition of terrorism, that could be anybody.  American citizens are not exempt

A fascist allows you to own your business, but tells you how to run it. So under President Obama, the government CONTROLS the economy through burdensome taxes and regulations, but does not OWN it. Because he controls the economy, he can take credit for anything that goes right. But because he doesn't own it, he can blame somebody else for anything that goes wrong.
Nope. They're black Americans. If anybody thinks that's racist they can kiss my ass. That African American bullshit is for people afraid of being labeled racist. They're not first generation immigrants, they've been there since the beginning.

You realize all these programs were STARTED by Bush, right? Dat selective memory.

As for the rest if what you said, it's too stupid to even try and pick apart. He isn't a fascist. He's the democratically elected president of America. Or do you seriously think there's some sort of conspiracy here with all the hatred he gets from ignorant motherfuckers like you and Republitards in office? Do you seriously think a black man is the one pulling all the strings in America? FUCKING LOL

You fascists are really something. You hate him because he's black, then act like HE'S the fascist and wants to make YOU a minority and destroy America. You're terrified that a black man is your president. Absolutely terrified, because you know what your ancestors have done to the blacks, and what you fuckers STILL do today. Good. You deserve to be afraid.
Yep, still basing everything on race.  fun fact #1: Obama is half-white. Fun-fact #2: I have black cousins. Fun-fact #3: 1.25 million whites were enslaved along the North African coast. Fun-Fact #4: I'm Irish and Irish people were sold into slavery and treated the same as blacks.

You're sounding like Tumblr militant-feminazi who spews idiotic rhetoric without using any common sense or factual information

And yes, I do know Bush started some and that's why I hate his guts equally as Obama's. I've said it countless times but your selective and delusional memory makes you forget. Here's another fun-fact: Obama has the power to stop the things Bush started and not do the things he's doing. But guess what? He continues to do so and should be held just as accountable

I fucking love how you still call me Republican when I'm not. How about you shut your Demtard mouth and break your party's tradioton and educate yourself for once?

Oh, the president isn't elected by the people. The president is elected by the Electoral College; they get together and cast votes on how becomes president. Some guy can win all the states when the people vote but the electors can pick the "loser" as president. Just another point that you're too ignorant
Fun Fact: That's irrelevant.

I'm talking about black slavery. I'm well aware whites were enslaved and even worked in cotton fields, but to act like it's anything compared to the systematic oppression and slavery of the blacks is fucking hilarious.

LOL Starting to sound like Camnator there amigo. Obama can't shut that shit down. There's a lot of shit going on behind the scenes that don't allow him to. Not to mention, the NSA is necessary and useful for American security.  Is spying on American civilians necessary? Probably not, but you guys should have been protesting a decade ago when Bush did all this instead of bashing Obama.

Yes, you are a Republican. What you call yourself is irrelevant. You always support the Republicans and you never support the Democrats and you especially don't support Obama. Any time somebody brings up the rampant corruption in the GOP you scramble to find one corrupt Democrat as if it makes it ok that the Republicans are corrupt because HEY THERE'S THIS ONE CORRUPT DEMOCRAT.

Everybody knows about the electoral college. I'm not sure why you brought that up at all.

You're a joke. Go educate yourself and realize how much the Republicans are fucking you up your ass. The Democrats too, but at least it's to a lesser extent.
It's not irrelevant. You're making this blind accusations and I'm proving you wrong

And now you're trying to move the goal posts and play the no-true Scotsman type of fallacy by trying to limit it to a certain group of people. Slavery is wrong, no matter who was subjected to it. And there were also black slave owners that treated white and blacks slaves the same as other white slave owners did

We were protesting against the government and the Patriot Act but people like you laughed us off till last year when it became fact that the government was over-stepping it's boundaries. Make up your mind: You laugh at people in the beginning then later you yell at them for speaking up earlier. What logic does that make? And Obama has the power. His role as president is to enforce the Constitution of the United States. The government obtaining information without a warrant is unconstitutional and Obama knew about it but just shrugged it off til Snowden leaked everything.

I support very few Republicans but would rather have the moderate, non-tea party Republicans in office than Democrats. I can give you a list of Democrats that I support if you want:

Mark Beich (Alaska)
Max Baucus (Montana)
Mark Pryor (Arkansas)
Mark Warner (Virginia)

Just 4 from the top of my head. I only find Democrat corruption because people try so hard to find Republican corruption. If you're going to get pissy about your precious party having corruption, and not just the Republicans, then you're pathetic. And I don't support Obama. I did in 2008 and 2012 but I've taken the time to educate myself on politics and realized he's a scumbag, no different than Bush. And no, it's not because he's black. I don't judge a person on an archaic type of thinking. But of course you'll still go feminazi and believe delusional falsifications. If your whole argument is that I somehow hold a bias of his color then you're an idiot with no knowledge of me

Why did I bring up the Electoral College? Because you said this

He's the democratically elected president of America

Democratically means the PEOPLE elect him, when they don't politicians elect the president

Go on, reply some more with your hilarious accusations, damage control, and goal post moving and I'll continue to laugh at the tool you are
That cherry picking.

>black slave owners in America
>implying whites had it as bad as blacks
>sides have entered another universe

 Make up my mind? FUCKING LOL YOU'RE RETARDED. I said a decade ago. When Bush started the programs. Not when the whistle blower informed all your ignorant asses.

I don't love the Democrats. I don't even like them. I'm just smart enough to know they're better than the Republicans. "IM NOT A REPUBLICAN BUT I SUPPORT THEM 100%" 2 thumbs up

Wait, I'm a feminist because I support Obama? I think you're confusing him with someone else due to all that tranny porn you watch.

Yes. Democratically elected. Educate yourself on the democracy you live in. Good golly you are one stupid motherfucker.
Not cherry picking. You're the one cherry picking here. You originally made a piss-poor statement about what my ancestors did to blacks as slaves. I then proved your ass wrong by saying blacks enslaved whites along the African coast and blacks were slave owners in the Americas. Then you moved the goal posts by trying to work it in your favor and now you're doing so and picking a few examples. Top fucking lol

Yeah, sure you did. Just like how you laugh at conspiracy theorists, I bet you laughed at the people saying the government was mass-collecting phone calls and targeting innocent civilians. Stop your damage control bro

Guess what? I'm the same exact way. I don't love or  like the Republicans but I know they're a better alternative than Democrats. What you're doing is literally the definition of the pot calling the kettle black. Get over your high and mighty attitude

No, I'm comparing you to a feminazi because you make wild and falsified accusations without pulling up any facts

How about you educate yourself? A Democracy is a system of government where the people vote. There's no elected persons to represent a person. The word Democracy isn't even used in the Constitution. The form of government you and I live in is a Republic where the people elect officials to represent them and vote for them instead of doing it themselves. With that, tell me how the Electoral College is any shape or form a policy fo Democracy when it's officials selecting the president?
Moved the goal posts? I just don't even know what you're going for anymore. Are you implying slavery wasn't as bad because there were a few whites enslaved along with millions of blacks? That it wasn't racially motivated? You're retarded if you think that.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA WHAT? I was putting tape over webcams in 2005. Why are you making these retarded assumptions when I've stated time and time again that I've known about this for a decade?

Republicans are garbage and destroy the country just to line their pockets with money.

Wild and falsified claims? Nothing but facts from me my friend.

You live in a democracy. The electoral college has almost never done the opposite of popular vote. You're blowing things way out of proportion as usual.

The Flood / Re: So Flood
« on: September 10, 2014, 12:56:45 PM »
Says you registered June 9 and were last online June 9. I think you're confused because we upgraded sites.
On BE? It is definitely a problem on your end then.
Weird. Mind checks it on your end? I'm not using that tapatalk app I'm just viewing directly.

Whatever, point is you said I hadn't even joined the site and I had. That's what I'm trying to explain to you.

The Flood / Re: So Flood
« on: September 10, 2014, 12:52:58 PM »
Says you registered June 9 and were last online June 9. I think you're confused because we upgraded sites.

The Flood / Re: So Flood
« on: September 10, 2014, 12:51:13 PM »
Goodnite Kiyo.
Since this thread has no discussion value: You realize I joined BE a day after you and have been active ever since where as you haven't been active since the day you joined?
That is hilarious, seeing as how I have more posts than you on BE.
It's what it says on your account. Then again I'm on mobile so I may not be able to see everything.

Either way, I was there when Verbatim was kicked and was even talking to DTL about it. Ask him yourself if you don't believe me.

The Flood / Re: So Flood
« on: September 10, 2014, 12:41:42 PM »
Goodnite Kiyo.
Since this thread has no discussion value: You realize I joined BE a day after you and have been active ever since where as you haven't been active since the day you joined?

Serious / Re: What's your prediction for the midterms this year?
« on: September 10, 2014, 12:37:33 PM »
>lives in California
>lives in Santa Clara County (the most Democrat county in the state)
>views lean most toward Democrat

No need for me to. At all. Not gonna waste my time going to vote in a pre-determined election.
Holy shit you're far from LA. How long is the drive?
8 hours if you pick the long, but very scenic coastal route.
5 hours if you go through the boring-as-fuck route through Central Valley.
And about 40 minutes if you're a fucktard who actually decided to waste that much money to take a plane.
Damn. So you don't get down there much, huh? How come you live all the way up there?
I know some people down there so we try to get down there once every so often. Like this coming December. And I live all the way up there cause of muh innovations (Silicon Valley). The place is only good if you're into tech stuff. If you're not into tech, the place is a complete shithole. Pretty much, take LA, and give it half the population while removing the fact that it's LA. So you're left with a gigantic boring suburbia with tons of traffic and pollution. And the downtown here is shit as well. It's a crime-infested pisshole.
Sucks. You should move down to LA.

Serious / Re: Wait, didn't Germany take France in just two weeks?
« on: September 10, 2014, 12:35:37 PM »
Still basing things on race? toplel. Bet you think only blacks can be African-American, huh?

Obama has set up and is setting up a heavy internet surveillance.

DHS has special spy technology capable of seeing through walls and has vans cruising city streets, spying on Americans indiscriminately.

Obama signed the National Defense Authorization Act into law, a bill granting him the power to detain for an unlimited time anyone he deems engaged in terrorism.  Given the DHS definition of terrorism, that could be anybody.  American citizens are not exempt

A fascist allows you to own your business, but tells you how to run it. So under President Obama, the government CONTROLS the economy through burdensome taxes and regulations, but does not OWN it. Because he controls the economy, he can take credit for anything that goes right. But because he doesn't own it, he can blame somebody else for anything that goes wrong.
Nope. They're black Americans. If anybody thinks that's racist they can kiss my ass. That African American bullshit is for people afraid of being labeled racist. They're not first generation immigrants, they've been there since the beginning.

You realize all these programs were STARTED by Bush, right? Dat selective memory.

As for the rest if what you said, it's too stupid to even try and pick apart. He isn't a fascist. He's the democratically elected president of America. Or do you seriously think there's some sort of conspiracy here with all the hatred he gets from ignorant motherfuckers like you and Republitards in office? Do you seriously think a black man is the one pulling all the strings in America? FUCKING LOL

You fascists are really something. You hate him because he's black, then act like HE'S the fascist and wants to make YOU a minority and destroy America. You're terrified that a black man is your president. Absolutely terrified, because you know what your ancestors have done to the blacks, and what you fuckers STILL do today. Good. You deserve to be afraid.
Yep, still basing everything on race.  fun fact #1: Obama is half-white. Fun-fact #2: I have black cousins. Fun-fact #3: 1.25 million whites were enslaved along the North African coast. Fun-Fact #4: I'm Irish and Irish people were sold into slavery and treated the same as blacks.

You're sounding like Tumblr militant-feminazi who spews idiotic rhetoric without using any common sense or factual information

And yes, I do know Bush started some and that's why I hate his guts equally as Obama's. I've said it countless times but your selective and delusional memory makes you forget. Here's another fun-fact: Obama has the power to stop the things Bush started and not do the things he's doing. But guess what? He continues to do so and should be held just as accountable

I fucking love how you still call me Republican when I'm not. How about you shut your Demtard mouth and break your party's tradioton and educate yourself for once?

Oh, the president isn't elected by the people. The president is elected by the Electoral College; they get together and cast votes on how becomes president. Some guy can win all the states when the people vote but the electors can pick the "loser" as president. Just another point that you're too ignorant
Fun Fact: That's irrelevant.

I'm talking about black slavery. I'm well aware whites were enslaved and even worked in cotton fields, but to act like it's anything compared to the systematic oppression and slavery of the blacks is fucking hilarious.

LOL Starting to sound like Camnator there amigo. Obama can't shut that shit down. There's a lot of shit going on behind the scenes that don't allow him to. Not to mention, the NSA is necessary and useful for American security.  Is spying on American civilians necessary? Probably not, but you guys should have been protesting a decade ago when Bush did all this instead of bashing Obama.

Yes, you are a Republican. What you call yourself is irrelevant. You always support the Republicans and you never support the Democrats and you especially don't support Obama. Any time somebody brings up the rampant corruption in the GOP you scramble to find one corrupt Democrat as if it makes it ok that the Republicans are corrupt because HEY THERE'S THIS ONE CORRUPT DEMOCRAT.

Everybody knows about the electoral college. I'm not sure why you brought that up at all.

You're a joke. Go educate yourself and realize how much the Republicans are fucking you up your ass. The Democrats too, but at least it's to a lesser extent.
It's not irrelevant. You're making this blind accusations and I'm proving you wrong

And now you're trying to move the goal posts and play the no-true Scotsman type of fallacy by trying to limit it to a certain group of people. Slavery is wrong, no matter who was subjected to it. And there were also black slave owners that treated white and blacks slaves the same as other white slave owners did

We were protesting against the government and the Patriot Act but people like you laughed us off till last year when it became fact that the government was over-stepping it's boundaries. Make up your mind: You laugh at people in the beginning then later you yell at them for speaking up earlier. What logic does that make? And Obama has the power. His role as president is to enforce the Constitution of the United States. The government obtaining information without a warrant is unconstitutional and Obama knew about it but just shrugged it off til Snowden leaked everything.

I support very few Republicans but would rather have the moderate, non-tea party Republicans in office than Democrats. I can give you a list of Democrats that I support if you want:

Mark Beich (Alaska)
Max Baucus (Montana)
Mark Pryor (Arkansas)
Mark Warner (Virginia)

Just 4 from the top of my head. I only find Democrat corruption because people try so hard to find Republican corruption. If you're going to get pissy about your precious party having corruption, and not just the Republicans, then you're pathetic. And I don't support Obama. I did in 2008 and 2012 but I've taken the time to educate myself on politics and realized he's a scumbag, no different than Bush. And no, it's not because he's black. I don't judge a person on an archaic type of thinking. But of course you'll still go feminazi and believe delusional falsifications. If your whole argument is that I somehow hold a bias of his color then you're an idiot with no knowledge of me

Why did I bring up the Electoral College? Because you said this

He's the democratically elected president of America

Democratically means the PEOPLE elect him, when they don't politicians elect the president

Go on, reply some more with your hilarious accusations, damage control, and goal post moving and I'll continue to laugh at the tool you are
That cherry picking.

>black slave owners in America
>implying whites had it as bad as blacks
>sides have entered another universe

 Make up my mind? FUCKING LOL YOU'RE RETARDED. I said a decade ago. When Bush started the programs. Not when the whistle blower informed all your ignorant asses.

I don't love the Democrats. I don't even like them. I'm just smart enough to know they're better than the Republicans. "IM NOT A REPUBLICAN BUT I SUPPORT THEM 100%" 2 thumbs up

Wait, I'm a feminist because I support Obama? I think you're confusing him with someone else due to all that tranny porn you watch.

Yes. Democratically elected. Educate yourself on the democracy you live in. Good golly you are one stupid motherfucker.

Serious / Re: Do you like Living in America?
« on: September 10, 2014, 12:24:53 PM »
Never have I set foot in America. Maybe one day I will, maybe not. On the bright side I live in a place that's not as much of a nuke target.
Nobody should be worried about getting nuked. It isn't going to happen. Wars just aren't fought like that anymore.
That's a naive thought
Not at all. Thinking any country will launch nukes is.


The Flood / Re: Kick Verbatim.
« on: September 10, 2014, 12:17:20 PM »
Lel ur such a joke, I bet Mickey Mouse wears a picture of you on his watch
You can sling insults all you like, I know what I'm talking about.

He's like a tumor that needs to be removed.

The Flood / Re: Kick Verbatim.
« on: September 10, 2014, 12:16:25 PM »
>coming from someone who's an even worse shitposter
I made a couple of jokes and I'm a shitposter?

All this coming from an SJW. Get a grip.

The Flood / Re: Kick Verbatim.
« on: September 10, 2014, 12:10:59 PM »
>making a thread about this instead of PMing a mod
I don't want to be an asshole, but what part of "I want to say this publicly" didn't you understand?

The Flood / Kick Verbatim.
« on: September 10, 2014, 12:09:08 PM »
Don't make the same mistake DTL did in waiting to see if his behavior changes. It won't, and he's going to ruin the atmosphere here just like he used to in BE. Why do you guys think he's been kicked out of so many groups?

Don't care if I get banned. Kick him before he makes this place shitty with his retarded ideologies and hostility to anybody that even slightly disagrees or just has a different opinion.

Your move Cheat. I'm guessing you'll ban me and lock the thread, but I wanted to say this publicly so none of you could say you weren't warned.

The Flood / Re: Oh things are about to get spicy on the Sep7agon....
« on: September 10, 2014, 12:00:32 PM »
No. That's what the stupid fucker CLAIMED that I did.

I did NOT do it. And I PROVED that I didn't by posting the very thread broaching the discussion.

That's my entire point. Glad you missed it. It was a basic one, so you look extra stupid.

And by the way, even if I did do it, that's completely irrelevant to the entire issue, isn't it? We're talking about my ban from BE, which had nothing to do with the accusation. It was my reaction TO the accusation that got me banned. Some shithead made that accusation and it pissed me the fuck off because it was a complete and total LIE designed to malign me. And you believe it. So you're proving my point. You're just here to be petty and to slander, as always.
LOL DTL had been planning to kick you for a while. And don't deny that you were an asshole to the dude who's baby died.

It really is pathetic how all you do is start trouble and act like the victim. I feel sorry for your parents.

There have been ZERO arguments since you've been kicked. I'm not exaggerating. You're a fucking cancer. Absolutely nobody misses you, BE is actually what DTL intended it to be, a laid back place with no bullshit.

The Flood / Re: Oh things are about to get spicy on the Sep7agon....
« on: September 10, 2014, 11:08:05 AM »
You're calling him dumb because you're a hostile person that argues all the time?

Again, you deserve what you got. And I'm not telling him a thing. Nobody there cares about your opinion on why you think you should've been allowed to keep dragging the place down.
And again, if being a victim of slander means I'm dragging the place down, then the website deserves to be dragged down. When someone tells others that I reacted with malice and apathy upon hearing the news of the tragic death of a fellow user's newborn child, how the FUCK am I supposed to react? I'm gonna run him through. That's right. I'm gonna feed him the shit he's attempting to peddle to others at my expense.

And then proceed to get banned for it, because I might have called him a lying cunt.

I didn't do anything. Keep thinking I deserve to get banned because all my posts have the "Verbatim" sticker on it. You're a petty weasel.
"I berated a guy who's baby died"


Go drink some bleach.

The Flood / Re: Oh things are about to get spicy on the Sep7agon....
« on: September 10, 2014, 09:13:42 AM »
If he's too thick to realize that some rules really ought to be broken sometimes, then fuck him. I really don't care to be a part of his little club. You can tell him that.
You're calling him dumb because you're a hostile person that argues all the time?

Again, you deserve what you got. And I'm not telling him a thing. Nobody there cares about your opinion on why you think you should've been allowed to keep dragging the place down.

Serious / Re: Do you like Living in America?
« on: September 10, 2014, 09:08:21 AM »
Never have I set foot in America. Maybe one day I will, maybe not. On the bright side I live in a place that's not as much of a nuke target.
Nobody should be worried about getting nuked. It isn't going to happen. Wars just aren't fought like that anymore.

Serious / Re: Wait, didn't Germany take France in just two weeks?
« on: September 10, 2014, 09:06:02 AM »
Still basing things on race? toplel. Bet you think only blacks can be African-American, huh?

Obama has set up and is setting up a heavy internet surveillance.

DHS has special spy technology capable of seeing through walls and has vans cruising city streets, spying on Americans indiscriminately.

Obama signed the National Defense Authorization Act into law, a bill granting him the power to detain for an unlimited time anyone he deems engaged in terrorism.  Given the DHS definition of terrorism, that could be anybody.  American citizens are not exempt

A fascist allows you to own your business, but tells you how to run it. So under President Obama, the government CONTROLS the economy through burdensome taxes and regulations, but does not OWN it. Because he controls the economy, he can take credit for anything that goes right. But because he doesn't own it, he can blame somebody else for anything that goes wrong.
Nope. They're black Americans. If anybody thinks that's racist they can kiss my ass. That African American bullshit is for people afraid of being labeled racist. They're not first generation immigrants, they've been there since the beginning.

You realize all these programs were STARTED by Bush, right? Dat selective memory.

As for the rest if what you said, it's too stupid to even try and pick apart. He isn't a fascist. He's the democratically elected president of America. Or do you seriously think there's some sort of conspiracy here with all the hatred he gets from ignorant motherfuckers like you and Republitards in office? Do you seriously think a black man is the one pulling all the strings in America? FUCKING LOL

You fascists are really something. You hate him because he's black, then act like HE'S the fascist and wants to make YOU a minority and destroy America. You're terrified that a black man is your president. Absolutely terrified, because you know what your ancestors have done to the blacks, and what you fuckers STILL do today. Good. You deserve to be afraid.
Yep, still basing everything on race.  fun fact #1: Obama is half-white. Fun-fact #2: I have black cousins. Fun-fact #3: 1.25 million whites were enslaved along the North African coast. Fun-Fact #4: I'm Irish and Irish people were sold into slavery and treated the same as blacks.

You're sounding like Tumblr militant-feminazi who spews idiotic rhetoric without using any common sense or factual information

And yes, I do know Bush started some and that's why I hate his guts equally as Obama's. I've said it countless times but your selective and delusional memory makes you forget. Here's another fun-fact: Obama has the power to stop the things Bush started and not do the things he's doing. But guess what? He continues to do so and should be held just as accountable

I fucking love how you still call me Republican when I'm not. How about you shut your Demtard mouth and break your party's tradioton and educate yourself for once?

Oh, the president isn't elected by the people. The president is elected by the Electoral College; they get together and cast votes on how becomes president. Some guy can win all the states when the people vote but the electors can pick the "loser" as president. Just another point that you're too ignorant
Fun Fact: That's irrelevant.

I'm talking about black slavery. I'm well aware whites were enslaved and even worked in cotton fields, but to act like it's anything compared to the systematic oppression and slavery of the blacks is fucking hilarious.

LOL Starting to sound like Camnator there amigo. Obama can't shut that shit down. There's a lot of shit going on behind the scenes that don't allow him to. Not to mention, the NSA is necessary and useful for American security.  Is spying on American civilians necessary? Probably not, but you guys should have been protesting a decade ago when Bush did all this instead of bashing Obama.

Yes, you are a Republican. What you call yourself is irrelevant. You always support the Republicans and you never support the Democrats and you especially don't support Obama. Any time somebody brings up the rampant corruption in the GOP you scramble to find one corrupt Democrat as if it makes it ok that the Republicans are corrupt because HEY THERE'S THIS ONE CORRUPT DEMOCRAT.

Everybody knows about the electoral college. I'm not sure why you brought that up at all.

You're a joke. Go educate yourself and realize how much the Republicans are fucking you up your ass. The Democrats too, but at least it's to a lesser extent.

The Flood / Re: Oh things are about to get spicy on the Sep7agon....
« on: September 10, 2014, 08:50:42 AM »
You mean BE where DTL kicked you out?

I was under the impression that he was trying to keep the place private to avoid idiots, but I suppose if you were a member there, he wasn't all that concerned.

Especially considering that he, himself, is an idiot.

I still did absolutely nothing to get banned. Nothing.
It's private bro. Nobody knows what I mean by BE unless you're part of it, and I've seen both DTL and CamCamm say BE multiple times on It's not supposed to be some sort of secret. You just can't get in unless invited.

DTL isn't an idiot. If anything, he was extremely forgiving for allowing you to talk so much shit for such a long time. Nice to know you repay that kindness by calling him an idiot. I'm glad he kicked you out, you're nothing but negativity and hatred. I've tried being nice to you and having a regular conversation, it isn't possible. You end up spazzing out over the smallest thing. He was completely justified in kicking you out.

I really do wish you'd act differently for your and everybody else's sake, but I don't see it happening.

Serious / Re: What's your prediction for the midterms this year?
« on: September 10, 2014, 07:40:37 AM »
>lives in California
>lives in Santa Clara County (the most Democrat county in the state)
>views lean most toward Democrat

No need for me to. At all. Not gonna waste my time going to vote in a pre-determined election.
Holy shit you're far from LA. How long is the drive?
8 hours if you pick the long, but very scenic coastal route.
5 hours if you go through the boring-as-fuck route through Central Valley.
And about 40 minutes if you're a fucktard who actually decided to waste that much money to take a plane.
Damn. So you don't get down there much, huh? How come you live all the way up there?

Serious / Re: What's your prediction for the midterms this year?
« on: September 10, 2014, 03:29:53 AM »
>lives in California
>lives in Santa Clara County (the most Democrat county in the state)
>views lean most toward Democrat

No need for me to. At all. Not gonna waste my time going to vote in a pre-determined election.
Holy shit you're far from LA. How long is the drive?

The Flood / Re: Oh things are about to get spicy on the Sep7agon....
« on: September 10, 2014, 03:25:04 AM »
When the fuck did you join? Or is this even really him?
You're so flustered about it... Come on, we got along in that other place that shall go nameless...
You mean BE where DTL kicked you out?


The Flood / Re: Which company has fallen further?
« on: September 10, 2014, 01:47:08 AM »
Hey guys, how about we remove the images when we're quoting somebody?

That would be FAAAN-tastic.
Butthurt already.

You're a cancer to every site you join. Here's to hoping you get kicked here too.

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