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Messages - challengerX

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The Flood / Re: Ask me anything and ill be %100 honest.
« on: September 14, 2014, 10:00:47 AM »

Why are you actually a guy?
Yay for stupid questions. I am still wondering why you are a mod.
Typical butthurt.

Fucking deal with it. You guys are born as a specific gender and you have a disease that makes you think otherwise. Whether it's hormonal or a mental disease or both, it's weird.
Enough of the personal attacks.
Personal attack? I'm talking about transvestites in general. Don't act like it's a personal attack or that I've been making a lot of them because you have a hard on for trannies.
I think you mean trans people. Not cross dressers. It's sad you think the way you do, it honestly is. It's hard enough without people bringing their negativity and throwing out their opinions when they aren't called for.
Same difference. Until they get the surgery they cross dress and shit.

Call it sad all you want. It's something that needs to be cured because it causes these people a lot of mental anguish apart from the treatment they get from other people.
It's totally different actually. Some trans people don't start expressing their feminine side till they start treatment.
Some guys cross dress just because they like how it feels. It doesn't mean they're trans. It's really not a disease by the way. You can't contract it. It's just simply part of who you are and what you identify as.
I'm currently questioning my gender now and I'm hoping to transition when I move out. I can promise you it's not a disease. It's just part of who someone is.
I don't mean "disease" as in a flu. I mean a mental disease or disorder.

Something his wrong either hormonally or with your brain to make you think you're a different sex.
the only thing wrong is that my body isn't how I identify myself.
That's the real problem. And really, it's not a big deal if I change my body. It's so I'm happy with who I am. It's kinda like a cosmetic surgery but a little bit more important.
Your body is fine. Something happened to your brain when you were still in the womb or you have a hormonal problem.

The Flood / Re: iPad survives 1,300 foot drop onto concrete in G-form case
« on: September 14, 2014, 09:58:25 AM »

Fuck, the last time somebody dropped a nokia from 1,300 foot all the dinosaurs died.
Sauce on the existence of a Nokia at that time.
That was a joke. You know, when you say something to make people laugh?
you can tell he's not serious by how he says "sauce" and not source.
Yeah I can't tell with this dude.

If it was a joke he was making it's really dumb. God this kid is weird. Reminds of a kid I knew when I was 7. Total weirdo.

The Flood / Re: Ask me anything and ill be %100 honest.
« on: September 14, 2014, 09:56:33 AM »

Why are you actually a guy?
Yay for stupid questions. I am still wondering why you are a mod.
Typical butthurt.

Fucking deal with it. You guys are born as a specific gender and you have a disease that makes you think otherwise. Whether it's hormonal or a mental disease or both, it's weird.
Enough of the personal attacks.
Personal attack? I'm talking about transvestites in general. Don't act like it's a personal attack or that I've been making a lot of them because you have a hard on for trannies.
I think you mean trans people. Not cross dressers. It's sad you think the way you do, it honestly is. It's hard enough without people bringing their negativity and throwing out their opinions when they aren't called for.
Same difference. Until they get the surgery they cross dress and shit.

Call it sad all you want. It's something that needs to be cured because it causes these people a lot of mental anguish apart from the treatment they get from other people.
It's totally different actually. Some trans people don't start expressing their feminine side till they start treatment.
Some guys cross dress just because they like how it feels. It doesn't mean they're trans. It's really not a disease by the way. You can't contract it. It's just simply part of who you are and what you identify as.
I'm currently questioning my gender now and I'm hoping to transition when I move out. I can promise you it's not a disease. It's just part of who someone is.
I don't mean "disease" as in a flu. I mean a mental disease or disorder.

Something is wrong either hormonally or with your brain to make you think you're a different sex.

The Flood / Re: iPad survives 1,300 foot drop onto concrete in G-form case
« on: September 14, 2014, 09:50:24 AM »

Fuck, the last time somebody dropped a nokia from 1,300 foot all the dinosaurs died.
Sauce on the existence of a Nokia at that time.
That was a joke. You know, when you say something to make people laugh?

The Flood / Re: Ask me anything and ill be %100 honest.
« on: September 14, 2014, 09:46:34 AM »

Why are you actually a guy?
Yay for stupid questions. I am still wondering why you are a mod.
Typical butthurt.

Fucking deal with it. You guys are born as a specific gender and you have a disease that makes you think otherwise. Whether it's hormonal or a mental disease or both, it's weird.
Enough of the personal attacks.
Personal attack? I'm talking about transvestites in general. Don't act like it's a personal attack or that I've been making a lot of them because you have a hard on for trannies.
I think you mean trans people. Not cross dressers. It's sad you think the way you do, it honestly is. It's hard enough without people bringing their negativity and throwing out their opinions when they aren't called for.
Same difference. Until they get the surgery they cross dress and shit.

Call it sad all you want. It's something that needs to be cured because it causes these people a lot of mental anguish apart from the treatment they get from other people.

The Flood / Re: Ask me anything and ill be %100 honest.
« on: September 14, 2014, 09:44:03 AM »
Why are you actually a guy?
Yay for stupid questions. I am still wondering why you are a mod.
Typical butthurt.

Fucking deal with it. You guys are born as a specific gender and you have a disease that makes you think otherwise. Whether it's hormonal or a mental disease or both, it's weird.
Enough of the personal attacks.
Personal attack? I'm talking about transvestites in general. Don't act like it's a personal attack or that I've been making a lot of them because you have a hard on for trannies.
You directed your bigoted comment towards a member of the community that you were being bigoted towards. That's a personal attack.
Except I'm not directing anything at that user. I'm telling her to man up (lol) and stop getting offended any time somebody asks a question. Slash is a great mod and for her to be all like "WHY ARE YOU EVEN A MOD" because he said something she disagrees with is wrong.

I disagree with a lot of things you say, but you have yet to abuse your position of moderator so I don't say anything. That's my point.

The Flood / Re: Question to the people who know me at all
« on: September 14, 2014, 09:40:03 AM »
Person X Number 2?

What the fuck are you even trying to say?

The Flood / Re: DigitalZesty is a rare user
« on: September 14, 2014, 09:29:33 AM »
He is very, very weird
Exactly. He's really weird.

I can't put my finger on what it is exactly, but I guess it's just the extreme randomness and blandness of his posts.

The Flood / Re: Ask me anything and ill be %100 honest.
« on: September 14, 2014, 09:26:28 AM »
Why are you actually a guy?
Yay for stupid questions. I am still wondering why you are a mod.
Typical butthurt.

Fucking deal with it. You guys are born as a specific gender and you have a disease that makes you think otherwise. Whether it's hormonal or a mental disease or both, it's weird.
Enough of the personal attacks.
Its Challenger, thats what he does.
>acting like you know me

I don't say anything to anybody unless they insult me first. In this case I'm saying I'm tired of  noelle attacking people who have anything go to to say about trans people.

The Flood / Re: Ask me anything and ill be %100 honest.
« on: September 14, 2014, 09:24:24 AM »
Why are you actually a guy?
Yay for stupid questions. I am still wondering why you are a mod.
Typical butthurt.

Fucking deal with it. You guys are born as a specific gender and you have a disease that makes you think otherwise. Whether it's hormonal or a mental disease or both, it's weird.
Enough of the personal attacks.
Personal attack? I'm talking about transvestites in general. Don't act like it's a personal attack or that I've been making a lot of them because you have a hard on for trannies.

The Flood / Re: DigitalZesty is a rare user
« on: September 14, 2014, 09:21:57 AM »
I think he has a mental disorder.

The Flood / Re: Ask me anything and ill be %100 honest.
« on: September 14, 2014, 08:46:24 AM »
Why are you actually a guy?
Yay for stupid questions. I am still wondering why you are a mod.
Typical butthurt.

Fucking deal with it. You guys are born as a specific gender and you have a disease that makes you think otherwise. Whether it's hormonal or a mental disease or both, it's weird.

The Flood / Re: So who here haven't I pissed off yet?
« on: September 14, 2014, 06:15:30 AM »
I don't think you've pissed anyone off. More annoyed everyone than sincerely made us angry.
You're just mad because you can't go to sleep anxious about whether or not the feds are coming for you.
I've had that happen to me

Just replace feds with angry hood rats
Shit man.
Totally worth it by pissing them off. Like shit, I grew up in the hood; They were just wannabe gangbangers. Fucking white boy was too tough for them

LOL I'm sure you grew up in the hood.

Can't say I really care. Don't bring another being into this world if you're not going to do all you can for it.

Serious / Re: Germany officially bans ISIS
« on: September 14, 2014, 03:47:30 AM »

Anybody that thinks this is bad can go eat a dick. There's nothing "non violent" about supporting a terrorist group which is committing genocide. You can argue the technicalities all you want, but no key gives a shit.

The Flood / Re: Last thread on the subject
« on: September 13, 2014, 07:10:34 PM »
Everybody needs to chill out and not call people names.

Or I get to ban people. :)
ur a nonlifting fgt

The Flood / Re: Last thread on the subject
« on: September 13, 2014, 07:01:55 PM »
He's still butthurt from when Harlow posted screen ape of him begging to get into Sapphire.

inb4 crying and denial
Someone should really find that and post it.
Too bad it doesn't exist. I've received bans while I was in the group but when I finally left I just stopped posting. If you want to lie about it further go ahead, I guess I'm powerless to stop you aren't I?
Lying is my trigger. So don't even go there.

The Flood / Re: Last thread on the subject
« on: September 13, 2014, 07:00:23 PM »
So just stop.

K guys? You're gonna make him cry.

The Flood / Re: Last thread on the subject
« on: September 13, 2014, 06:59:06 PM »
He's still butthurt from when Harlow posted screen ape of him begging to get into Sapphire.

inb4 crying and denial
Someone should really find that and post it.
It was a long time ago. I think it was even on the old site. Not sure. I just remember Harlow posted the screencap and he was crying about it and denying it the whole thread.

The Flood / Re: Last thread on the subject
« on: September 13, 2014, 06:56:49 PM »
He's still butthurt from when Harlow posted the screen cap of him begging to get into Sapphire.

inb4 crying and denial

Seriously autocorrect? Screen ape?

Serious / Re: Ask an anti-natalist anything.
« on: September 13, 2014, 06:55:03 PM »
Huh. I thought it was because people attack perceived weakness out of an animal instinct for survival and betterment of the species.
You're giving people way too much credit.

We're just sadistic.
Nah it's a natural reaction. Not a good or necessary in sin this day and age, but there you have it.

Serious / Re: Ask an anti-natalist anything.
« on: September 13, 2014, 06:53:09 PM »
this is why autistics are bullied on the internet
Because you're a parrot?

Huh. I thought it was because people attack perceived weakness out of an animal instinct for survival and betterment of the species.

The Flood / Re: Haven't been on here in awhile
« on: September 13, 2014, 06:50:16 PM »
I had sex with everybody's moms.
so that's why she's not being a bitch today
>says the faggot hating


The Flood / Re: Last thread on the subject
« on: September 13, 2014, 06:49:21 PM »
Woah Dustbin is even worse than Kinder at damage control.

Serious / Re: Ask an anti-natalist anything.
« on: September 13, 2014, 06:16:38 PM »
Fist yourself.



*flails arms wildly*

Serious / Re: New Video Claims to show the Beheading of David Haines by ISIS
« on: September 13, 2014, 06:15:24 PM »
Well, as if there was any illusion that ISIS uses hollow threats.

They should just be exterminated with extreme prejudice immediately. But not by the west, that's what they want. It needs to be Iran/Syria/UAE and the rest of the bone idle fuckers.

If they put their own house in order then they can't claim that it's the west Vs Islam like they did in Iraq/Afghanistan.
Ah they'll find some way to pull the victim card. And they can't really claim anything if you wipe them out.

The Flood / Re: Mister Math is transgender
« on: September 13, 2014, 06:09:09 PM »
Funny how all the transvestites are always these uptight people. But yeah, whatever. Don't care.

inb4 die in a fire bigot

die in a fire bigot


But srsly, I did chuckle. It's probably just because they get sick of the shit being thrown at them 24/7 for who they are >.>
Yeah most likely. Cracks me up though.

inb4 you wouldn't laugh if you had our problems go die in a fire bigot

ur literaly hilter for laughing at something on the rinternet.

die in an bire figot.
fukn fite me blud



What the FUCK was going on there? Were they just randomly hitting people?

I have no idea but fuck me chavs are hilarious.

That bit where he's juttering forwards and puffing out his chest like some kind of ape. I laughed too hard and hurt my mouth :[
LOL I know he looks like he has down syndrome.





and it was only a few days ago when sprungli said that people in britbongistan don't talk like this.
Yeah he's even worse than libidopaul when it comes to blind love of the UK.

The Flood / Re: Mister Math is transgender
« on: September 13, 2014, 06:07:43 PM »
what the fuck is going on in here
shut the fuck you little paki fuck ill fuckin shank ya



« on: September 13, 2014, 06:06:13 PM »

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