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Messages - challengerX

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Serious / Re: Is transgenderism a mental disorder?
« on: September 14, 2014, 05:22:54 PM »
Challenger thinks it is
I said it's possible it is. I never said anything for certain.

You can hop of my dick now.

Serious / Re: Opinions on this? (Gender and Sex)
« on: September 14, 2014, 05:20:43 PM »
Shouldn't this be in Serious?
If you want it to die.
But you have to understand that the people that are going to give you legitimate discussion are in Serious. The people that are going to give you retarded responses are here plus a lot of people would rather not have this topic in this board. That's kind of the point of the Serious board, a lot of people don't like Serious discussion.
Do what you gotta do man.

Serious / Re: Opinions on this? (Gender and Sex)
« on: September 14, 2014, 05:19:30 PM »
Think about what? Gender and sex are two completely different things, there is not really anything to discuss. If you think otherwise, you are a fucking idiot and the human race would be better off without you.
Did you read the articles?

Serious / Re: Opinions on this? (Gender and Sex)
« on: September 14, 2014, 05:18:56 PM »

Try harder.
>cited article with sources

There are more places with this information. I'm just using Wikipedia because it's easier.

Serious / Re: Opinions on this? (Gender and Sex)
« on: September 14, 2014, 05:17:51 PM »
Shouldn't this be in Serious?
If you want it to die.

Serious / Opinions on this? (Gender and Sex)
« on: September 14, 2014, 05:16:27 PM »

The Flood / Re: Has science gone too far?
« on: September 14, 2014, 05:13:10 PM »
Your thread isn't funny.
You understand that humor is subjective, right? I literally laughed out loud when I opened this thread.
I don't find it funny when I've seen a friend of mine taunted in the same way.


I don't find it funny. It's racist. Racism isn't funny to me. Just like jokes about domestic violence aren't funny.
Okay, that's great. So the image isn't funny to you. Don't come in here and say that it's universally unfunny. Some people find racist and domestic abuse jokes hilarious.
Then you've been lucky enough to not have to deal with intense amount of racism.

Some racist jokes are hilarious. Most aren't. This one here is just downright stupid and rude.

The Flood / Re: Has science gone too far?
« on: September 14, 2014, 05:09:29 PM »

The Flood / Re: Has science gone too far?
« on: September 14, 2014, 05:08:28 PM »
Your thread isn't funny.
You understand that humor is subjective, right? I literally laughed out loud when I opened this thread.
I don't find it funny when I've seen a friend of mine taunted in the same way.


I don't find it funny. It's racist. Racism isn't funny to me. Just like jokes about domestic violence aren't funny.

The Flood / Re: Has science gone too far?
« on: September 14, 2014, 05:02:57 PM »
Wow I don't get it at all until I realized it was you.

Not funny.
I'm not the black guy.
I meant until I realized you were the OP.

Ok and?
Your thread isn't funny. It's wrong.

The Flood / Re: Has science gone too far?
« on: September 14, 2014, 04:58:58 PM »
Wow I don't get it at all until I realized it was you.

Not funny.
I'm not the black guy.
I meant until I realized you were the OP.

The Flood / Re: Has science gone too far?
« on: September 14, 2014, 04:46:23 PM »
Wow I don't get it at all until I realized it was you.

Not funny.

The Flood / Re: Ask me anything and ill be %100 honest.
« on: September 14, 2014, 04:43:17 PM »
Until they get the surgery they cross dress and shit.
>people calling it "the surgery"


The Flood / Re: Ask me anything and ill be %100 honest.
« on: September 14, 2014, 04:39:11 PM »
Why are you actually a guy?
Yay for stupid questions. I am still wondering why you are a mod.
Typical butthurt.

Fucking deal with it. You guys are born as a specific gender and you have a disease that makes you think otherwise. Whether it's hormonal or a mental disease or both, it's weird.
The ignorance is strong with this one

Guess that means gays just have a disease and they're weird because they use their reporidctuve organs in a way not intended to reproduce
There is something wrong with homosexuals for them to be attracted to members of their own gender instead of the opposite. Doesn't mean I don't respect homosexuals, it just means I'm being scientific about it. We're supposed to insert our penises into a vagina to produce children. That's the purpose of our reproductive organs. There's nothing wrong with them having sex morally and it isn't unnatural, but it is technically wrong because that isn't the intended purpose.

But please, continue interpreting my posts for hostility and try to get some brownie points from the LGBT crowd here.

The Flood / Re: Ask me anything and ill be %100 honest.
« on: September 14, 2014, 04:35:18 PM »

Why are you actually a guy?
Yay for stupid questions. I am still wondering why you are a mod.
Typical butthurt.

Fucking deal with it. You guys are born as a specific gender and you have a disease that makes you think otherwise. Whether it's hormonal or a mental disease or both, it's weird.
Enough of the personal attacks.
Personal attack? I'm talking about transvestites in general. Don't act like it's a personal attack or that I've been making a lot of them because you have a hard on for trannies.
I think you mean trans people. Not cross dressers. It's sad you think the way you do, it honestly is. It's hard enough without people bringing their negativity and throwing out their opinions when they aren't called for.
Same difference. Until they get the surgery they cross dress and shit.

Call it sad all you want. It's something that needs to be cured because it causes these people a lot of mental anguish apart from the treatment they get from other people.
It's totally different actually. Some trans people don't start expressing their feminine side till they start treatment.
Some guys cross dress just because they like how it feels. It doesn't mean they're trans. It's really not a disease by the way. You can't contract it. It's just simply part of who you are and what you identify as.
I'm currently questioning my gender now and I'm hoping to transition when I move out. I can promise you it's not a disease. It's just part of who someone is.
I don't mean "disease" as in a flu. I mean a mental disease or disorder.

Something his wrong either hormonally or with your brain to make you think you're a different sex.
the only thing wrong is that my body isn't how I identify myself.
That's the real problem. And really, it's not a big deal if I change my body. It's so I'm happy with who I am. It's kinda like a cosmetic surgery but a little bit more important.
Your body is fine. Something happened to your brain when you were still in the womb or you have a hormonal problem.
nothing happened to me in the womb. For 17 years I identified as a man but last year I became a bit more self aware of who I am. And a really good friend helped me discover myself.
Love how you think you know if something happened during the development of your brain or not or if doctors could even tell 20 years ago if something did happen. If it's something that can even be found without specifically looking for it.

But of course, you found yourself. With the help of a friend.
im 18. 20 years ago my parents weren't even married.
If something happened to my brain last year I'd like to know what it was. Anyway I have a feeling you're not talking to me for an understanding of anything.
I said 20 because I assumed you were slightly under or over 20. I was right.

And I said something may have happened to your brain while you were in your mother's womb. We don't know what causes this exactly, mostly because instead of looking at it as something that needs to be fixed we're supposed to accept people for "who they are". Fantastic, I accept you and respect your decisions and would die for your freedom to make those decisions. That doesn't change the fact that there is something wrong with you we should try to fix.

Britain destroying the Middle East?

Wow who would have thought.

Serious / Re: Political compass thread? Political compass thread.
« on: September 14, 2014, 04:26:37 PM »
>no police
>thinking people won't go into your house and act like wild animals

>Having a state
>People still break into houses and act like animals
No shit Sherlock.

But remove the police and I'll run into your house and murder you where as I wouldn't right now because I don't want to live in a cage for the rest of my life. See the logic?

Serious / Re: "Moral Considerations" test - really fucking short.
« on: September 14, 2014, 04:25:03 PM »
5/5 bretty good

Serious / Re: Political compass thread? Political compass thread.
« on: September 14, 2014, 04:21:52 PM »
>no police
>thinking people won't go into your house and act like wild animals


It looks like a human because HOLY CRAP its a human baby. No duh.
So you're telling me that it looks human because it is human.

...As if anyone was trying to tell you anything different.

Patronizing prick.

By the way, this "right to choose" argument is really bogus. I'd have no problem with life itself if life itself was voluntary, so that's why I'm an anti-natalist. So, unless you declare yourself an anti-natalist, you can't make the "right to choose" argument. It's internally inconsistent and hypocritical to do so.

And I don't mean to change the subject or inject my philosophy into the discussion, but Jesus, that shit drives me UP the fucking wall.
Name calling will get you nowhere kid. And also yes, they WERE saying it isn't human, because murder is wrong but abortion isn't "up to a point". That point is when they think there is finally a human involved, when in fact its a human being the whole time.
Tons of scientists disagree.

Abortion is a much better alternative to having a kid and neglecting/abusing/giving him up for abortion immediately. Of course, only in the early stages.

We have enough people on this planet already. People need to slow their roll and stop having so many kids. We have a huge climate problem, wars that never seem to end, famine and all that other fun stuff. If you don't want the kid and you don't want to do everything in your power to give him a good life, you shouldn't have a kid. Too stupid to use protection or your cult doesn't allow it? Then get an abortion. We don't need yet another kid that is guaranteed to have a pretty shitty life because his parents are fucking retards.

The Flood / Re: Worst place you've ever visited?
« on: September 14, 2014, 01:37:30 PM »
I hear Niggaragua is shitty.

The Flood / Re: Worst place you've ever visited?
« on: September 14, 2014, 01:30:54 PM »
Gotta go with Spain.

The Flood / Re: Worst place you've ever visited?
« on: September 14, 2014, 01:29:24 PM »
Yeah it can get pretty hectic in some areas of Long Beach. A block makes all the difference.

Serious / Re: European Parliament buys 106 iPad minis for workers
« on: September 14, 2014, 01:24:56 PM »
>people seriously thinking the EU isn't an oligarchy




Serious / Re: Do you like Living in America?
« on: September 14, 2014, 01:22:52 PM »
I enjoy the place even though I live in a place were people die because of gangwars
nerp California
Yeah, that's where I live as well. Fucking sucks.
Ehh... I dont find it bad
What neighborhood?
My neighborhood? is there a reason that my neighborhood has to do with anything
(I don't mind posting it but, I needs reasons mangs
I'm just wondering. You said you don't find it "that bad" so I'm wondering where you're talking about.
1057 N. Sanborn

I was wondering what neighborhood because I thought you were in LA. But Salinas doesn't really have bad areas, does it?

Serious / Re: Political election in progress in Sweden
« on: September 14, 2014, 01:19:38 PM »
Are all the candidates communists?
Some are. They're not very popular though.

There's also socialists, social democrats, environmentalists, centers, moderates, Christian democrats, nationalists, feminists, etc.
I wouldn't know what its like to have more than two parties.
A shitshow.

Serious / Re: Conservative or Liberal?
« on: September 14, 2014, 01:02:35 PM »
This is why Serious can't have nice things.
Listen man its 12 pm on a Sunday morning I'm in bed and watching Netflix and slightly inebriated. I ain't got time for your novel of an OP.

Serious / Re: I honestly have no problem with what AP did...
« on: September 14, 2014, 10:13:48 AM »
Yeah, the kid was 4. Its a little over the top but not child abuse by any means.

I was beat by a belt almost daily when I was 8-12. I was a bad kid. I wish I had gotten beaten by a switch instead of a belt, would have been much better.

You also have to remember in the Black Culture this is a thing almost every family does.
Of course. Making a 4 year old child bleed isn't child abuse at all. He obviously deserved it for not eating his veggies or cleaning up his toys. It's a shame he didn't shoot him in both knee caps then sent him to bend without supper. Love the racism at the end there, too.

How are people still taking you seriously?

Wait, wait, wait. Racism? You've got that 100% wrong.

I actually LOVE the way the Black community parents their children. I wish more white families did it. You ever see a little black kid talk back to his mom in the store? Exactly.

If you don't take me seriously, then why even respond to me? Just ignore me.

When you're a parent, hit me back up kiddo
It's one thin to smack or spank a kid, and it's an entirely different thing to make them bleed. It's racist to say all black families make their kid bleed.

You don't make kids bleed kiddo, that's child abuse. Discipline =/= Making a kid bleed

The Flood / Re: Ask me anything and ill be %100 honest.
« on: September 14, 2014, 10:09:13 AM »

Why are you actually a guy?
Yay for stupid questions. I am still wondering why you are a mod.
Typical butthurt.

Fucking deal with it. You guys are born as a specific gender and you have a disease that makes you think otherwise. Whether it's hormonal or a mental disease or both, it's weird.
Enough of the personal attacks.
Personal attack? I'm talking about transvestites in general. Don't act like it's a personal attack or that I've been making a lot of them because you have a hard on for trannies.
I think you mean trans people. Not cross dressers. It's sad you think the way you do, it honestly is. It's hard enough without people bringing their negativity and throwing out their opinions when they aren't called for.
Same difference. Until they get the surgery they cross dress and shit.

Call it sad all you want. It's something that needs to be cured because it causes these people a lot of mental anguish apart from the treatment they get from other people.
It's totally different actually. Some trans people don't start expressing their feminine side till they start treatment.
Some guys cross dress just because they like how it feels. It doesn't mean they're trans. It's really not a disease by the way. You can't contract it. It's just simply part of who you are and what you identify as.
I'm currently questioning my gender now and I'm hoping to transition when I move out. I can promise you it's not a disease. It's just part of who someone is.
I don't mean "disease" as in a flu. I mean a mental disease or disorder.

Something his wrong either hormonally or with your brain to make you think you're a different sex.
the only thing wrong is that my body isn't how I identify myself.
That's the real problem. And really, it's not a big deal if I change my body. It's so I'm happy with who I am. It's kinda like a cosmetic surgery but a little bit more important.
Your body is fine. Something happened to your brain when you were still in the womb or you have a hormonal problem.
nothing happened to me in the womb. For 17 years I identified as a man but last year I became a bit more self aware of who I am. And a really good friend helped me discover myself.
Love how you think you know if something happened during the development of your brain or not or if doctors could even tell 20 years ago if something did happen. If it's something that can even be found without specifically looking for it.

But of course, you found yourself. With the help of a friend.

Serious / Re: I honestly have no problem with what AP did...
« on: September 14, 2014, 10:06:00 AM »
Yeah, the kid was 4. Its a little over the top but not child abuse by any means.

I was beat by a belt almost daily when I was 8-12. I was a bad kid. I wish I had gotten beaten by a switch instead of a belt, would have been much better.

You also have to remember in the Black Culture this is a thing almost every family does.
Of course. Making a 4 year old child bleed isn't child abuse at all. He obviously deserved it for not eating his veggies or cleaning up his toys. It's a shame he didn't shoot him in both knee caps then sent him to bend without supper. Love the racism at the end there, too.

How are people still taking you seriously?

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