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Messages - challengerX

Pages: 1 ... 134913501351 13521353 ... 1398
Serious / Re: Is Religious Tolerance on a large scale possible at all?
« on: September 16, 2014, 01:27:57 PM »
Even if it were a hypercritical statement (which it isn't), claiming it is the mists hypocritical statement in the entire planet shows you harbor some sort of grudge or dislike towards me.

In other words: Hop off my dick.

It isn't hypocritical at all. I'm not close minded or intolerant. Not tolerating fascism should be a civic duty.
So attacking someone for their beliefs, and completely dismissing their world views as bigoted with out even giving them a chance to explain their world views, and then saying they are the ones who are intolerant and close minded isn't hypocritical? jesus christ I would LOVE to have whatever you're smoking.

Also, of your asinine claims that I'm holding a grudge? yeah, you're insane if you think I hold ANY opinion of you, you're just a random guy on the internet to me.
You seem to be misinformed. I've known of Kinder's so called world views for a few years now. Which is why I'm calling him a closed minded bigot.

If you don't hold a grudge, and I'm a random person to you, how is it my statement (which is completely irrelevant to your life remember, as I am nothing but a random person on the internet and you surely must have come across enough people to see something equally as hypocritical in your eyes if not more so) is THE MOST hypocritical on the planet? In comparison to who? This won't do at all my boy, you simply must give me an explanation at once old chap.

Serious / Re: Would you support American troops returning to Iraq?
« on: September 16, 2014, 01:23:10 PM »
The CIA funded and armed the FSA knowing it would end up in ISIS hands so they could have another excuse to go over there.

Pass. Although I'd like to go murder those motherfuckers.
But what was the motive to go back if ISIS is just an excuse?
Oil. Go back a hundred years and all Western meddling in the Arab nations and Iran are all tied to oil.
And putting our military back into a friendly nation gives us more oil how?
By taking control of oil from the Iraqi government under the pretense that ISIS controls it. ISIS actually does control a lot of Iraqi oil.
And we take exclusive control of the oil fields how in this plot?
"Plot"? Do I detect disbelief and sarcasm? Why, such an intelligent individual such as yourself would never do such a thing, would he?

My word.

By assisting Iraqi forces in a coalition ISIS is defeated and the oil is either secured by America, or gotten from extremely low prices from the Iraqis. Why? Because you just helped them get their oil back. They're able to start selling again, and you get far cheaper prices.

Serious / Re: Is Religious Tolerance on a large scale possible at all?
« on: September 16, 2014, 01:11:41 PM »
You're intolerant and closed minded. Don't lie to yourself.
if that isn't the most hypocritical statement on the planet, then I'll be genuinely impressed at how stupid the internet really is.
Even if it were a hypercritical statement (which it isn't), claiming it is the most hypocritical statement on the entire planet shows you harbor some sort of grudge or dislike towards me.

In other words: Hop off my dick.

It isn't hypocritical at all. I'm not close minded or intolerant. Not tolerating fascism should be a civic duty.

Serious / Re: Would you support American troops returning to Iraq?
« on: September 16, 2014, 01:07:13 PM »
The CIA funded and armed the FSA knowing it would end up in ISIS hands so they could have another excuse to go over there.

Pass. Although I'd like to go murder those motherfuckers.
But what was the motive to go back if ISIS is just an excuse?
Oil. Go back a hundred years and all Western meddling in the Arab nations and Iran are all tied to oil.
And putting our military back into a friendly nation gives us more oil how?
By taking control of oil from the Iraqi government under the pretense that ISIS controls it. ISIS actually does control a lot of Iraqi oil.

Serious / Re: Is Religious Tolerance on a large scale possible at all?
« on: September 16, 2014, 01:05:18 PM »
The shit-slinging, while fun at first, is incredibly boorish now.
I don't see why Kinder should be given a pass to lie about himself when we all know full well he's lying. Had anybody wrote that comment I would have had the same reaction.
No, it's fine, I'm not criticising you.
I know I'm just saying.

Serious / Re: Political compass thread? Political compass thread.
« on: September 16, 2014, 12:51:48 PM »
Never seen that movie. Communities will exist. Just like they did thousands of years ago. Difference is they'll be violent and run by tyrants. Everybody will fight each other.
Smart communities would work to establish trade with other communities and, at times, would work together against any "rogue" entities.
If you seriously think people won't start attacking each other, you're the delusional one. We barely have any peace now, what the fuck do you think is going to happen if there are no repercussions to murdering all your neighbors who don't give you everything they have?
Implying people in the surrounding community can't do anything the police can.  There are repercussions.  Common law is a thing.
We're still extremely violent and primitive. Fear is one of the only things that keep us in line.
Not really.  History has shown that those that work well with others prosper while tyrants and warmongers end up dead or isolated.
If our society were to devolve into anarchy, there would be no place for compassion and mercy. I'd murder every motherfucker in a building and turn it into a fortress. Why? Because I know if I don't drop my sense of morals and do what I have to do to survive, somebody else will do it and kill me. That's how it was in the past, that EXACTLY how it would be now. We haven't changed.
So you have to murder to ensure your survival?  Are you that much of a mindless drone?  Surely you don't mean to insult your own intellect?
People like you don't understand basic human nature, so I won't waste my time.

If you see how much violence and hatred there is in the world, and you think we can all get along and establish trade and team up against tyrants when we don't do it now, this discussion is a colossal waste of time.

Fantasize all you want about a world with no laws yet perfect harmony. But that's all it is. A fantasy. Take away structure and a new structure will be built in its place. Something worse than we have now. Create an opportunity from someone ambitious enough to grab power, and he'll take it. And he will do ANYTHING to get that power. Humans are greedy, ambitious, and violent. But that isn't exactly bad, it's why we're now the dominant species.

Serious / Re: Would you support American troops returning to Iraq?
« on: September 16, 2014, 12:32:20 PM »
The CIA funded and armed the FSA knowing it would end up in ISIS hands so they could have another excuse to go over there.

Pass. Although I'd like to go murder those motherfuckers.
But what was the motive to go back if ISIS is just an excuse?
Oil. Go back a hundred years and all Western meddling in the Arab nations and Iran are all tied to oil.

Serious / Re: Is Religious Tolerance on a large scale possible at all?
« on: September 16, 2014, 12:30:45 PM »
The shit-slinging, while fun at first, is incredibly boorish now.
I don't see why Kinder should be given a pass to lie about himself when we all know full well he's lying. Had anybody wrote that comment I would have had the same reaction.

Serious / Re: Is Religious Tolerance on a large scale possible at all?
« on: September 16, 2014, 12:27:26 PM »
Nobody should ever tolerate religion. saying that for real?

I'm sorry there, but it sounds like you are supporting intolerance.
Nope. Religion supports intolerance and religion makes society backwards. Religion should be abolished so that people can be more open minded and humanity can actually advance.
>is religious
>is open minded
>isn't intolerant

It's bad enough you lie to us, but don't lie to yourself like that.
"hur he sed sumtheng bad on da inturnet. he mus be raecest"

What people post on the internet. You're taking it too seriously
What are you even trying to say?

You're intolerant and closed minded. Don't lie to yourself.
Try something called reading, then you'll understand what I'm trying to say. Oh wait, forgot you're diagnosed with challenged X. What I'm trying to say is this


Now, is that easier for your incoherent mind to understand?

And that's really hilarious saying that I'm "intolerant" and "close minded" coming from your outh. I'm not the one who thinks homosexuality and transgenderism/transsexualism is unnatural and a mental disability or whatever you think
"challenged X"? Is that seriously all you can come up with?

What's a joke? What are you even talking about? You're intolerant and closed minded. It's funny, but it's not a joke.

Transgenderism and homosexuality are perfectly natural. Doesn't change the fact that gender dysphoria is a mental disorder.
Or I can call you Space Shuttle Challenger if that makes you happier

Yeah, I'm not intolerant or close-minded. I make simple jokes and jabs at others but that doesn't mean I'm a hateful individual. I have a large, multi-cultural and multi-racial family, all with different ideas and stances. I'm FAR from being what you claim with no evidence

Lol, that damage control. Just yesterday, or the day before, you were going on how it was a mental disorder and that shit. You need that narcissism and memory loss checked out
LOL You realize these schoolyard insults make you look desperate to try and get back at me. You've been in a downward spiral ever since you lost your shit in that thread. You going to have an episode every time you see an Obama speech?

You are extremely intolerant and close minded. Your beliefs and and attitude show that. You're also incredibly insecure.

Why do you keep saying "damage control"? You realize it just shows how much I bothered you by saying that to have you saying it every chance you get, right? The hilarious part is you have no idea what it means and you use it every time somebody corrects your posts.

Narcissism? What the hell?

As for what I said (which was yesterday, might want to stop sniffing glue so you don't lose your memory), there's nothing wrong with it. Gender dysphoria is a mental disorder. Fact. You can stop white knighting for Noelle now.
This is just too rich, especially coming from your retarded mouth. So it's perfectly fine for you to use schoolyard insults on me, like "Kinder Surprise", but I can't call you Space Shuttle Challenger? Talk about being desperate and butthurt. No, I don't get mad at Obama speeches. What I get mad at is your inability to tolerate a person who doesn't think what you think. You've not only criticized, belittle, and show hatred to my beliefs but you do so to everybody else that doesn't think like you. What you are is a worthless, pathetic life form who can't handle the fact others have something called opinions and beliefs. You seriously need some help

Actually, my beleifs and attitudes display the opposite of what you claim. I respect every race, ethnicity, culture, religion, sexuality, and everything else. I don't go around saying homosexuality or transsexualism s a mental disorder or do I not go around with some edgy, angsty attitude that "hur gawd aent rel. ur st00ped if u beleve it" Your actions show FAR more intolerance than I ever will display

Yes, narcissism. A disorder extreme and excessive self-centeredness. You're viable angry that I point out where you lie and make a fool of yourself to the point of trying to make what you say sound entirely different

How desperate you are to show dislike by getting all huffy-puffy that I don't remember exactly when something had taken place. Your boner for me is showing. And it's even more showing when you think me actually having a higer moral view on something means I'm being a "white knight". Get over yourself already
LOL Are you seriously asking for equal treatment with insults? Man you really are retarded Kinder Egg.

I criticize and belittle you because you have no knowledge of anything and you think you're the expert. I don't have to tolerate fascism, I think it's hilarious you think I have to. I don't tolerate your racism and bullshit because it has no place in our society.

You respect every race and culture? Gee I guess that's why you insult blacks all the time and called me a terrorist and woman beater.

Gender dysphoria is a mental disorder. That is a scientific fact.  Homosexuality isn't a mental disorder and I never even talked about homosexuality yesterday. Get that through your head because I never claimed otherwise. In fact, I invite you to point where I have ever said that. Fun Fact: I didn't.

God isn't real. Never claimed people who do believe in god are stupid. Ever. I've called it a mass delusion and a fairy tale because that's what it is, but far be it from me to restrict what somebody chooses to believe. As long as it doesn't get involved with government, I don't care. But when it does, then I will call the politician basing a law off the bible or Quran an idiot, because he is one. Religion has no place outside of someone's mind or home.

I haven't lied about anything. You're twisting what I said about transgenderism and then adding in homosexuality for some reason when that wasn't even discussed. Do you honestly expect people will believe your bullshit when that thread is still on the front page? When everybody saw what I wrote? Nice try, but you've failed yet again.

Moral value? Your feelings have no place in a scientific discussion, nor does anybody else's. Noel/Noelle may believe he is a woman, but he isn't. He's a man. He has a mental disorder called gender dysphoria which I hope can be cured one day. I wish those who are homosexual could be cured one day as well. Does this make me a bigot? No. I recognize that these things are not the way humans are intended to be and I'm being scientific about it. Otherwise, I have no problem with homosexuals or transgender people. They're regular people, and there's only something "wrong" with them from an evolutional standpoint.

Go ahead write another wall of text projecting your insecurities and bigotry onto me, but you won't get anywhere with it.

Serious / Re: Is Religious Tolerance on a large scale possible at all?
« on: September 16, 2014, 11:23:10 AM »
Nobody should ever tolerate religion. saying that for real?

I'm sorry there, but it sounds like you are supporting intolerance.
Nope. Religion supports intolerance and religion makes society backwards. Religion should be abolished so that people can be more open minded and humanity can actually advance.
>is religious
>is open minded
>isn't intolerant

It's bad enough you lie to us, but don't lie to yourself like that.
"hur he sed sumtheng bad on da inturnet. he mus be raecest"

What people post on the internet. You're taking it too seriously
What are you even trying to say?

You're intolerant and closed minded. Don't lie to yourself.
Try something called reading, then you'll understand what I'm trying to say. Oh wait, forgot you're diagnosed with challenged X. What I'm trying to say is this


Now, is that easier for your incoherent mind to understand?

And that's really hilarious saying that I'm "intolerant" and "close minded" coming from your outh. I'm not the one who thinks homosexuality and transgenderism/transsexualism is unnatural and a mental disability or whatever you think
"challenged X"? Is that seriously all you can come up with?

What's a joke? What are you even talking about? You're intolerant and closed minded. It's funny, but it's not a joke.

Transgenderism and homosexuality are perfectly natural. Doesn't change the fact that gender dysphoria is a mental disorder.
Or I can call you Space Shuttle Challenger if that makes you happier

Yeah, I'm not intolerant or close-minded. I make simple jokes and jabs at others but that doesn't mean I'm a hateful individual. I have a large, multi-cultural and multi-racial family, all with different ideas and stances. I'm FAR from being what you claim with no evidence

Lol, that damage control. Just yesterday, or the day before, you were going on how it was a mental disorder and that shit. You need that narcissism and memory loss checked out
LOL You realize these schoolyard insults make you look desperate to try and get back at me. You've been in a downward spiral ever since you lost your shit in that thread. You going to have an episode every time you see an Obama speech?

You are extremely intolerant and close minded. Your beliefs and and attitude show that. You're also incredibly insecure.

Why do you keep saying "damage control"? You realize it just shows how much I bothered you by saying that to have you saying it every chance you get, right? The hilarious part is you have no idea what it means and you use it every time somebody corrects your posts.

Narcissism? What the hell?

As for what I said (which was yesterday, might want to stop sniffing glue so you don't lose your memory), there's nothing wrong with it. Gender dysphoria is a mental disorder. Fact. You can stop white knighting for Noelle now.

The Flood / Re: ITT: We post what triggers us
« on: September 16, 2014, 11:11:48 AM »
ChallengerX posting about president Obama
ChallengerX posting.
You faggots need to hop off my dick.

Dustbin needs to stop projecting his pedophilia on people and Verbatim needs to stop telling DTL to kill himself.

#rekt #Shrekt now stop making me kek

Serious / Re: Would you support American troops returning to Iraq?
« on: September 16, 2014, 10:57:30 AM »
The CIA funded and armed the FSA knowing it would end up in ISIS hands so they could have another excuse to go over there.

Pass. Although I'd like to go murder those motherfuckers.

Serious / Re: Do you tip servers?
« on: September 16, 2014, 10:54:17 AM »
In America, yes. People actually make an effort there so you want to tip them. In Europe I couldn't give less of a shit. Germany and UK is similar to America in terms of service, but not the same. But everywhere else the service is shitty.

So to answer your question: Sometimes.

Have you been to Italy? <.<

Frogs I can understand though >.>
Folks in Italy were cool. There was this one restaurant called Gaitanos or something in Florence. Really cool dude. Tipped the hell out of him.

Frogs are horrible. This one restaurant I went to had this really nice woman so I have her a great tip. But otherwise holy shit are they rude.

Spain is just... Let's not even go there.

The Flood / Re: Help Flood
« on: September 16, 2014, 09:41:24 AM »
Press the "Windows button + R"

Type "cmd' and hit enter

Then type "delete system32"
This isn't funny man. Especially as a mod.
Mods aren't allowed to have a sense of humor now?
That joke was never funny. We've already had this conversation. I know you like to be all edgy and shit, but shut the fuck up.

It's not right to mess with people like that.
Uh, we actually haven't. Or maybe we have, you're not that memorable of a person. And yeah, of course I'm edgy by this forum's standards. But how the hell is thinking that mods should be able to joke around edgy in the slightest?

Please tell me that you don't actually believe anyone has ever fallen for the "delete system 32" trick. No one's messing with anyone, you seriously need to sit down and take a fucking chill pill.
We've already had this conversation. LOL Trying to insult me by saying I'm not memorable. inb4 I wasn't trying to insult you

People have fallen for that trick. Why the hell do you think people did it in the first place?

I'm calm. You're the one arguing and telling me I need to laugh at what you laugh at. Put down that mirror.

The Flood / Re: Help Flood
« on: September 16, 2014, 09:38:26 AM »
Press the "Windows button + R"

Type "cmd' and hit enter

Then type "delete system32"
This isn't funny man. Especially as a mod.
Mods aren't allowed to have a sense of humor now?
That joke was never funny. We've already had this conversation. I know you like to be all edgy and shit, but shut the fuck up.

It's not right to mess with people like that.
Calm down. It's just a joke, no need to get your panties all riled up. So how about you unlodge that stick and just enjoy a simple joke.
Boy did that sound rehearsed. Where you copy and paste that from?

I'm totally calm bro. Just informing him that the joke isn't funny.

That does sound rehearsed, but it's like a dark joke. Some people find it funny, others don't.
What the fuck? I said your post sounds rehearsed. I'm well aware the Delete System 32 joke is supposed to be dark humor. But it's retarded.

The Flood / Re: Help Flood
« on: September 16, 2014, 09:33:43 AM »
Press the "Windows button + R"

Type "cmd' and hit enter

Then type "delete system32"
This isn't funny man. Especially as a mod.
Mods aren't allowed to have a sense of humor now?
That joke was never funny. We've already had this conversation. I know you like to be all edgy and shit, but shut the fuck up.

It's not right to mess with people like that.
Calm down. It's just a joke, no need to get your panties all riled up. So how about you unlodge that stick and just enjoy a simple joke.
Boy did that sound rehearsed. Where you copy and paste that from?

I'm totally calm bro. Just informing him that the joke isn't funny.

Serious / Re: Is Religious Tolerance on a large scale possible at all?
« on: September 16, 2014, 09:29:24 AM »
Nobody should ever tolerate religion. saying that for real?

I'm sorry there, but it sounds like you are supporting intolerance.
Nope. Religion supports intolerance and religion makes society backwards. Religion should be abolished so that people can be more open minded and humanity can actually advance.
>is religious
>is open minded
>isn't intolerant

It's bad enough you lie to us, but don't lie to yourself like that.
"hur he sed sumtheng bad on da inturnet. he mus be raecest"

What people post on the internet. You're taking it too seriously
What are you even trying to say?

You're intolerant and closed minded. Don't lie to yourself.
Try something called reading, then you'll understand what I'm trying to say. Oh wait, forgot you're diagnosed with challenged X. What I'm trying to say is this


Now, is that easier for your incoherent mind to understand?

And that's really hilarious saying that I'm "intolerant" and "close minded" coming from your outh. I'm not the one who thinks homosexuality and transgenderism/transsexualism is unnatural and a mental disability or whatever you think
"challenged X"? Is that seriously all you can come up with?

What's a joke? What are you even talking about? You're intolerant and closed minded. It's funny, but it's not a joke.

Transgenderism and homosexuality are perfectly natural. Doesn't change the fact that gender dysphoria is a mental disorder.

The Flood / Re: Help Flood
« on: September 16, 2014, 09:22:23 AM »
Press the "Windows button + R"

Type "cmd' and hit enter

Then type "delete system32"
This isn't funny man. Especially as a mod.
Mods aren't allowed to have a sense of humor now?
That joke was never funny. We've already had this conversation. I know you like to be all edgy and shit, but shut the fuck up.

It's not right to mess with people like that.

The Flood / Re: Help Flood
« on: September 16, 2014, 08:26:50 AM »
Press the "Windows button + R"

Type "cmd' and hit enter

Then type "delete system32"
This isn't funny man. Especially as a mod.

The Flood / Re: Help Flood
« on: September 16, 2014, 08:23:32 AM »
What happened exactly? Did your computer shut off by itself?

The Flood / Re: Trussing Door logic
« on: September 16, 2014, 08:22:16 AM »
Can someone do me? I'm curious as to know my own logic.

"I'll tell people I hate gays. 1. They'll tell me why I'm a bad person, and that gays are alright. 2. I will get to know their stance on homosexuality 3. Something IRL has happened, and I feel the need to write that about homosexuals, and politics at some times."
RC is gay. He just says those things to mock homophobes.

Serious / Re: Political compass thread? Political compass thread.
« on: September 16, 2014, 08:19:23 AM »
You don't seem to understand.

What's to stop 10 guys running into people's houses and acting like savages? Your redneck friends will be engaged in an all out war with people. Eventually people will make explosives and just eradicate those who resist. The toughest and meanest people will get together and start raiding whole towns then cities.

Anarchy will send us back thousands of years into the past.
You're assuming that in an anarchist society communities will cease to exist, that everyone will turn on their neighbors.  The real world isn't The Purge.  People have a moral compass.  You're delusional if you think that fear is the only thing keeping people in check.
Never seen that movie. Communities will exist. Just like they did thousands of years ago. Difference is they'll be violent and run by tyrants. Everybody will fight each other.

If you seriously think people won't start attacking each other, you're the delusional one. We barely have any peace now, what the fuck do you think is going to happen if there are no repercussions to murdering all your neighbors who don't give you everything they have?

We're still extremely violent and primitive. Fear is one of the only things that keep us in line. If our society were to devolve into anarchy, there would be no place for compassion and mercy. I'd murder every motherfucker in a building and turn it into a fortress. Why? Because I know if I don't drop my sense of morals and do what I have to do to survive, somebody else will do it and kill me. That's how it was in the past, that EXACTLY how it would be now. We haven't changed.

Serious / Re: Is Religious Tolerance on a large scale possible at all?
« on: September 16, 2014, 08:13:58 AM »
Nobody should ever tolerate religion. saying that for real?

I'm sorry there, but it sounds like you are supporting intolerance.
Nope. Religion supports intolerance and religion makes society backwards. Religion should be abolished so that people can be more open minded and humanity can actually advance.
>is religious
>is open minded
>isn't intolerant

It's bad enough you lie to us, but don't lie to yourself like that.
"hur he sed sumtheng bad on da inturnet. he mus be raecest"

What people post on the internet. You're taking it too seriously
What are you even trying to say?

You're intolerant and closed minded. Don't lie to yourself.

The Flood / Re: >Be Greybeard
« on: September 16, 2014, 08:12:01 AM »
It was my supreme pleasure, in the name of the Imperial Blades, to do justice upon that loathsome wyrm, Paarthurnax.
People actually killed Paarthurnax? He's awesome.

The Flood / Re: ITT: Things you're slacking off on
« on: September 16, 2014, 07:01:36 AM »

The Flood / Re: Do you care if your pet sees you naked?
« on: September 16, 2014, 06:42:51 AM »
LOL This thread is perfect for a title change.

The Flood / Re: Smoking cigarettes
« on: September 16, 2014, 06:37:57 AM »
Pleasure is just a torture put in place to tease human beings with delicacies just to punish them and make them miserable when they inevitably fail and become sad or depressed later on. There's really no point in letting the cycle continue.

The Flood / Re: Trussing Door logic
« on: September 16, 2014, 06:37:00 AM »
Dustbin logic: Anybody who disagrees with me about anything is a pedo.

The Flood / Re: Anyone want Mr Psychologist's real life name?
« on: September 16, 2014, 06:34:22 AM »
This is messed up. Reported.

It's fine, I cleaned up and locked down my profile after the last three times that he's done it.

There wasn't exactly a lot on there in the first place though <.<
He's done this more than once?

What the fuck. Get a life Comms.
It's a joke. And I don't see why I suddenly have no life just because I posted somebody's real life information on here. Haha.
There's nothing funny about revealing someone's personal information without their permission. And you have no life because this the fourth time you've done this apparently.

For somebody who hates the NSA I think you'd fit right in there.
wut. 3 times and I don't have a life all of a sudden. Arbitrary much? Lol

And yeah, I'm pretty contradictory.

The Flood / Re: Anyone want Mr Psychologist's real life name?
« on: September 16, 2014, 06:32:20 AM »
This is messed up. Reported.

It's fine, I cleaned up and locked down my profile after the last three times that he's done it.

There wasn't exactly a lot on there in the first place though <.<
He's done this more than once?

What the fuck. Get a life Comms.
It's a joke. And I don't see why I suddenly have no life just because I posted somebody's real life information on here. Haha.
There's nothing funny about revealing someone's personal information without their permission. And you have no life because this the fourth time you've done this apparently.

For somebody who hates the NSA I think you'd fit right in there.
lol no

The NSA wouldn't hire anyone who defends acts of child of abuse over the internet.
Oh fuck off already.

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