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Messages - challengerX

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The Flood / Re: Post a random fact about the user above you
« on: September 25, 2014, 04:52:31 AM »
Is a big baby.

The Flood / Re: What....The.....Fuck?
« on: September 25, 2014, 04:51:52 AM »
Almost makes you admire how the Muslim world doesn't have bullshit like this.

The Flood / Re: Fuck me sideways
« on: September 25, 2014, 04:27:59 AM »
Good luck.

Serious / Re: Why do you hold the political/social views that you do?
« on: September 24, 2014, 07:17:43 PM »
I can respect your opinion, but poor people don't like to be poor. That's fact, not opinion.

The Flood / Re: True Flood is in the worst crisis. Help.
« on: September 24, 2014, 06:55:24 PM »
Why do the fools stay?

We FIGHT TILL THE END. That is a true floodian.
I don't recognize you at all.

When did you join

The Flood / Re: True Flood is in the worst crisis. Help.
« on: September 24, 2014, 06:51:57 PM »
It's really in a sad state. I went there today, it's a circle jerk between the most cringy members there and this one faggot that pretends to be suicidal.

I wish we would all go back. I like it here, but I wish you guys would visit there and make threads too. It's just horrible now. It really does make me sad, because The Flood was like my internet home. I'm glad we all came here at least. But it's still sad.

Serious / Re: Why do you hold the political/social views that you do?
« on: September 24, 2014, 06:44:20 PM »

Serious / Re: Why do you hold the political/social views that you do?
« on: September 24, 2014, 06:43:41 PM »
I used to be an extreme liberal, mostly because of the social views, and because conservatives at the time seemed like religious zealots. Then I worked in a ghetto for a few years, and realized just how much I dislike them, and how much I completely disagree with some of their core beliefs. I realized that as a middle class, white American, that there are no good reasons or advantages for me being liberal. This morphed me into the extremely conservative, die hard Libertarian, ultracapitalist I am today.
How do you live in a ghetto and not understand it's conservative practices and politicians that have made the ghettoes the way they are? Cocaine brought in from South America by the CIA got put into black neighborhoods. People talk about Freeway Ricky, but where did he get such a large amount of coke? Who was his so called "friend" that was so well connected? Why was Rick so untouchable and why is he still so untouchable and powerful? If he was building an empire, why sell coke to Crips AND Bloods? That's horrible business. Doesn't anything about that seem fishy to you? Black Wall Street was burned down in a race riot, yet that is never taught in a classroom. Air still smelling clean? How about all the gun stores? Or maybe the fact that Raymond Washington was killed when he got out of jail and was trying to create peace? How is it his killer was never caught? How is it every time somebody's killed in the hood almost everybody knows who it was or at least which gang it was, yet this time the guy got away just like MLK's killer?

If you see all that, and you see the broken families and situation people live in and the fact that you're there too, how can you love your enemies?
Because I realized that liberals are the ones keeping them in the ghetto. Telling the poor people they're special and that they deserve all my money. Giving them no incentive to actually work and try to get out of the ghetto. Why would you ever want to work or achieve higher in life when Obama thinks you're special and gives you lots free stuff? If we ever want to get people out of the ghetto, we have to cut the welfare and let them either work for a higher place in society, like everyone else, or just off themselves because they'd be a drain on society otherwise.
Yeah, nobody in the ghetto wants to get ahead. That's why they're out there dealing drugs and killing each other, because they don't want to get ahead.

You know I asked a guy why he banged once. He said "Fuck am I supposed to do nigga? Beg? Fuck that shit. Ain't no motherfuckin handouts out here youngster, believe that." I have that burned into my brain.

You're delusional. Nobody gets free shit from the government. There's no fucking safety net. Keep living in a fantasy and completely ignoring what I wrote.
Then let them gangbang  and commit crimes and natural selection will have its way with them. It's their own damn fault they're still living in that ghetto. Hard work can achieve anything. If they want to be nonproductive members of society, fuck em. Let them wallow in their own shit.
The point is you don't have many choices. These kids don't have parents to show then the ropes so they hang around older kids who also don't have parents. They catch a case doing something stupid, it's impossible to get a job, and everybody's gangbanging as if means something so people are basically born into it. They drop out of school because what's the fucking point when none of your friends get ahead in life and you're poor as shit? They have the mentality that they won't get anywhere studying and working hard because they don't see it happen. They think it's a white thing. And then there's just so much violence and sex, kids grow up to become monsters. They actually take pride in killing another man for no reason at all.

It's not so much kids are physically forced into a gang as it is circumstances force them into the lifestyle. It's a lot more complicated than people think.

The Flood / Re: Foods Your Parents Ruined For You
« on: September 24, 2014, 06:36:38 PM »

But I can't believe you Americans eat that Mac and Cheese shit as an actual meal, that's not real food, it's junk food
It's usually a side. The only people who eat nothing but a box of Kraft for dinner are like, on welfare and shit.
Mac n Cheese is god's food, son.

The Flood / Re: You have a choice between having sex with...
« on: September 24, 2014, 06:33:40 PM »
Wouldn't it get boring with the same person?

How can you not want to be the guy who fucked a thousand bitches? You can even get a hat that says "Fuckthousand". People'll be like "Hey where'd you get that hat?" and I'd say "I fucked a thousand girls, wanna be the thousand and first?"

God, I hate men..
You're male tho.

Don't hat me because I have an awesome idea for a hat.
Actually a typo but I'm leaving it because I love terrible puns.

Serious / Re: Why do you hold the political/social views that you do?
« on: September 24, 2014, 06:26:33 PM »
I used to be an extreme liberal, mostly because of the social views, and because conservatives at the time seemed like religious zealots. Then I worked in a ghetto for a few years, and realized just how much I dislike them, and how much I completely disagree with some of their core beliefs. I realized that as a middle class, white American, that there are no good reasons or advantages for me being liberal. This morphed me into the extremely conservative, die hard Libertarian, ultracapitalist I am today.
How do you live in a ghetto and not understand it's conservative practices and politicians that have made the ghettoes the way they are? Cocaine brought in from South America by the CIA got put into black neighborhoods. People talk about Freeway Ricky, but where did he get such a large amount of coke? Who was his so called "friend" that was so well connected? Why was Rick so untouchable and why is he still so untouchable and powerful? If he was building an empire, why sell coke to Crips AND Bloods? That's horrible business. Doesn't anything about that seem fishy to you? Black Wall Street was burned down in a race riot, yet that is never taught in a classroom. Air still smelling clean? How about all the gun stores? Or maybe the fact that Raymond Washington was killed when he got out of jail and was trying to create peace? How is it his killer was never caught? How is it every time somebody's killed in the hood almost everybody knows who it was or at least which gang it was, yet this time the guy got away just like MLK's killer?

If you see all that, and you see the broken families and situation people live in and the fact that you're there too, how can you love your enemies?
Because I realized that liberals are the ones keeping them in the ghetto. Telling the poor people they're special and that they deserve all my money. Giving them no incentive to actually work and try to get out of the ghetto. Why would you ever want to work or achieve higher in life when Obama thinks you're special and gives you lots free stuff? If we ever want to get people out of the ghetto, we have to cut the welfare and let them either work for a higher place in society, like everyone else, or just off themselves because they'd be a drain on society otherwise.
Yeah, nobody in the ghetto wants to get ahead. That's why they're out there dealing drugs and killing each other, because they don't want to get ahead.

You know I asked a guy why he banged once. He said "Fuck am I supposed to do nigga? Beg? Fuck that shit. Ain't no motherfuckin handouts out here youngster, believe that." I have that burned into my brain.

You're delusional. Nobody gets free shit from the government. There's no fucking safety net. Keep living in a fantasy and completely ignoring what I wrote.

Serious / Re: Sexism against women is still extremely widespread
« on: September 24, 2014, 06:21:27 PM »
I could give two shits.

A woman has all the same rights that I do and that's what matters. You can't change how people think.



The Flood / Re: You have a choice between having sex with...
« on: September 24, 2014, 06:19:29 PM »
Wouldn't it get boring with the same person?

How can you not want to be the guy who fucked a thousand bitches? You can even get a hat that says "Fuckthousand". People'll be like "Hey where'd you get that hat?" and I'd say "I fucked a thousand girls, wanna be the thousand and first?"


Serious / Re: Why do you hold the political/social views that you do?
« on: September 24, 2014, 06:08:45 PM »
I used to be an extreme liberal, mostly because of the social views, and because conservatives at the time seemed like religious zealots. Then I worked in a ghetto for a few years, and realized just how much I dislike them, and how much I completely disagree with some of their core beliefs. I realized that as a middle class, white American, that there are no good reasons or advantages for me being liberal. This morphed me into the extremely conservative, die hard Libertarian, ultracapitalist I am today.
How do you live in a ghetto and not understand it's conservative practices and politicians that have made the ghettoes the way they are? Cocaine brought in from South America by the CIA got put into black neighborhoods. People talk about Freeway Ricky, but where did he get such a large amount of coke? Who was his so called "friend" that was so well connected? Why was Rick so untouchable and why is he still so untouchable and powerful? If he was building an empire, why sell coke to Crips AND Bloods? That's horrible business. Doesn't anything about that seem fishy to you? Black Wall Street was burned down in a race riot, yet that is never taught in a classroom. Air still smelling clean? How about all the gun stores? Or maybe the fact that Raymond Washington was killed when he got out of jail and was trying to create peace? How is it his killer was never caught? How is it every time somebody's killed in the hood almost everybody knows who it was or at least which gang it was, yet this time the guy got away just like MLK's killer?

If you see all that, and you see the broken families and situation people live in and the fact that you're there too, how can you love your enemies?

The Flood / Re: The Feminist Fight: Coming to a forum near you.
« on: September 24, 2014, 05:55:13 PM »
I knew it the whole time. Everything just fell into place.

I'll tell you, I don't know if it was the NSA or some rogue NSA guys, but this was seriously planned. The whole Quinnspiracy thing reeked of a smokescreen. That's why I never cared or payed attention. You could tell it was this random and obvious thing blown way out of proportion and people just lapped it up.

Whoever is behind this, they're pros.

Serious / Re: Sexism against women is still extremely widespread
« on: September 24, 2014, 05:33:48 PM »
isn't trusted.
I doubt many women would trust a man who sleeps with 3 girls a week either.
People shouldn't give a shit how many people you sleep with in general. People are way too uptight about sex these days.
It's not uptight to not want your partner to cheat on you.
Who said anything about cheating? I'm referring to uncommitted guys who sleep around versus uncommitted girls who sleep around. One is undoubtedly more shamed than the other.
I don't care either way. If people like to have sex, what exactly is the problem?

I don't mean people who cheat, of course.

Serious / Re: French Hostage Beheaded in Algeria
« on: September 24, 2014, 05:31:55 PM »
Fucking Muslims.

Serious / Re: Sexism against women is still extremely widespread
« on: September 24, 2014, 05:24:13 PM »
isn't trusted.
I doubt many women would trust a man who sleeps with 3 girls a week either.
People shouldn't give a shit how many people you sleep with in general. People are way too uptight about sex these days.
It's not uptight to not want your partner to cheat on you.

Serious / Re: Are mentally ill people morally responsible?
« on: September 24, 2014, 05:22:10 PM »
Absolutely. Unless she is severely mentally retarded, she is morally responsible. Her state of mind means jack shit when she has the circumstantial freedom to make the proper decision. Humans are condemned to freedom. She is responsible for every single one of her actions. I have zero sympathy for the depressed and mentally ill.
this edge

Serious / Re: Should women in the US have to sign up for the draft?
« on: September 24, 2014, 05:12:46 PM »
No. Not that there'd be a draft these days in the first place.

But men are just better at war. On the average. Some women may be better than some men, but on the whole I don't really trust the average woman to watch my back as much as the average man can.

Serious / Re: Do you agree with this picture?
« on: September 24, 2014, 05:00:23 PM »
I love when people shit on non-STEM degrees. Depending on where you live, the job market is still shitty for everyone, regardless of what you went to school for.
It's even shittier for people who get shit like women's studies or some such. You're not guaranteed a job with anything, but some degrees are better than others.

Serious / Re: Coach suspended for praying with students
« on: September 24, 2014, 12:55:16 PM »
Oh, turned into a make fun of religious people thread huh?

All good. The opinion of miserable people online doesn't phase me.
Apparently it does if you're giving it this much attention.

Shouldn't you be teaching the Arabs how to play hockey?

Serious / Re: Do you agree with this picture?
« on: September 24, 2014, 12:52:11 PM »
I'm going to go ahead and say that with economic trouble only the most dedicated and talented prosper. Especially if she went to go study something retarded, she's obviously gonna get stuck working in something else.

What RCnumbers said.

Serious / Re: Senator Tim Kaine attacks Syria strikes
« on: September 24, 2014, 12:41:51 PM »
So, why is Kinder bant?
He called me a "fucking retarded fascist mentally challenged racist space shuttle". Not exactly in that order, and he sprinkled his entire post with it but you get the drift.

I reported him for lols and he got #Rekt. Justice is served.

Serious / Re: Senator Tim Kaine attacks Syria strikes
« on: September 24, 2014, 12:27:03 PM »
>congress refuses to act on things
>El Presidente utilizes military assets already operating in area to quell a growing potential threat and important issue of international affairs

I don't see a problem.
You forgot the part where he's black.
>still thinking the color of a person's skin has ANYTHING to do with politics

Fucking lol. This is EXACTLY why racism and division among people still exists to this day
It has everything to do with it, unfortunately. Only a racist would dislike Obama attacking ISIL. Especially when they wanted this a minute ago.

This is nothing but a political play.
I'll pary that you get over your draconian and archaic thinking
You see the thing is I like and support Obama and am not a racist.

If deflection is all you can come up with, I fear for your future my boy. :(
You see the thing is that I'm not a childish and ignorant idiot who associates not liking a person's political ideals and actions as being "hur racest"

If playing the race card is all you can do to try to prove a point, the I fear for not only your future bu the world's future as your actions are the ones that promote racism and racial division
There's nothing childish about it. On the contrary, the children are the ones hating on Obama for doing something the Middle Eastern governments fully support.

There is no other reason to dislike what Obama is doing right now unless you're racist. Unlike you, I don't live in a fantasy where racism only exists if a person calling out racists brings their racism up. THEY'RE being racist and taking actions against him. Me? I'm sitting here supporting Obama and calling out racists.

Please, provide a reason other than "HURR DURR MUH ARCHAIC DEFINITION OF WAR OH GOD IM SO FUCKING RETARDED", and I'll take you seriously.

Till then, I'm not Surprised Kinder, and I demand a refund for your predictable posts.
There is something very childish about it because instead of looking at things that matter, your looking at things that have no effect on a person's character and political standing. News flash, blacks don't have to be Democrat. I support not only black politicians but black activists who reside with various groups like Libertarian Party, Republican Party, the NRA, etc

There is a reason to dislike what Obama is doing: He's going around what the Constitution clearly states but your fucking archaic and piss-poor thinking makes you mentally challenged into thinking I'm just a racist, when I stated above I support blacks that are not Democrat. You're a fucking retarded fascist by saying that because I disagree with somebody then I'm automatically a racist. I guess you're a racist for not supporting Bush, huh?

You're a fucking retreaded piece of race baiting shit who has no linguistic and political common sense. Just your typical Space Shuttle Challenger exploding like a mentally challenged fucktard. But guess fucking what: The dictionary says war is what I defined; how about you stop trying to edit and censor things for your own damn benefit>
Can one Kinder project this much?

There's nothing wrong with what Obama's doing. It isn't war by today's standards, and the Middle East welcomes the airstrikes with open arms, especially Iran. If that doesn't convince you, nothing will. You'll sit here playing "choose the definition" to try and paint Obama as this dictator, where if he had waited for congress it would have taken months and you'd call him weak.

Reported for ad hominem. Enjoy your 3 month ban.
Can you not fucking read? Congress only has the power to conduct war. America attacking a group within a nation is the dictionary definition of war. Doesn't matter how much you want to sugar coat it because at the end of the day it's still war. And as I said, it's good that other countries are wanting our help but there's no Clause that gives exemption for to Congress if asked for support by the international community. I'm not painting him as a dictator, I'm painting him as a power of person violating the fucking law and putting him on the same damn scale as Bush and Cheney as not only war criminals, but violators of U.S law

You use ad hominem all the time, especially when using your piss-poor tactic of calling me a racist. If you get all pissy over people calling you out then don't do the damn thing yourself
I haven't insulted you at all. You're racist, that's the truth. Me pointing it out doesn't mean I'm insulting you, I'm just pointing out the truth.

>war criminal
>isn't a war
>everybody wants America to do the air strikes
>congress talking shit and trying to ruin Obama as usual
>Kinder being a tea party republican as usual

So you gonna actually say anything important or are you just going to regurgitate the same thing for the 5th time in the hopes I'll take this ridiculously idiotic stance too?

Serious / Re: Coach suspended for praying with students
« on: September 24, 2014, 12:21:02 PM »

Because I have differing opinions than you? LOL I would never hate someone who has different opinions. Thats what Bigots do.

PSU has simply disagreed with others' opinions. Funny how people mock us for our belief, when we haven't provoked anyone.

Serious / Re: Senator Tim Kaine attacks Syria strikes
« on: September 24, 2014, 12:16:49 PM »
>congress refuses to act on things
>El Presidente utilizes military assets already operating in area to quell a growing potential threat and important issue of international affairs

I don't see a problem.
You forgot the part where he's black.
>still thinking the color of a person's skin has ANYTHING to do with politics

Fucking lol. This is EXACTLY why racism and division among people still exists to this day
It has everything to do with it, unfortunately. Only a racist would dislike Obama attacking ISIL. Especially when they wanted this a minute ago.

This is nothing but a political play.
I'll pary that you get over your draconian and archaic thinking
You see the thing is I like and support Obama and am not a racist.

If deflection is all you can come up with, I fear for your future my boy. :(
You see the thing is that I'm not a childish and ignorant idiot who associates not liking a person's political ideals and actions as being "hur racest"

If playing the race card is all you can do to try to prove a point, the I fear for not only your future bu the world's future as your actions are the ones that promote racism and racial division
There's nothing childish about it. On the contrary, the children are the ones hating on Obama for doing something the Middle Eastern governments fully support.

There is no other reason to dislike what Obama is doing right now unless you're racist. Unlike you, I don't live in a fantasy where racism only exists if a person calling out racists brings their racism up. THEY'RE being racist and taking actions against him. Me? I'm sitting here supporting Obama and calling out racists.

Please, provide a reason other than "HURR DURR MUH ARCHAIC DEFINITION OF WAR OH GOD IM SO FUCKING RETARDED", and I'll take you seriously.

Till then, I'm not Surprised Kinder, and I demand a refund for your predictable posts.
There is something very childish about it because instead of looking at things that matter, your looking at things that have no effect on a person's character and political standing. News flash, blacks don't have to be Democrat. I support not only black politicians but black activists who reside with various groups like Libertarian Party, Republican Party, the NRA, etc

There is a reason to dislike what Obama is doing: He's going around what the Constitution clearly states but your fucking archaic and piss-poor thinking makes you mentally challenged into thinking I'm just a racist, when I stated above I support blacks that are not Democrat. You're a fucking retarded fascist by saying that because I disagree with somebody then I'm automatically a racist. I guess you're a racist for not supporting Bush, huh?

You're a fucking retreaded piece of race baiting shit who has no linguistic and political common sense. Just your typical Space Shuttle Challenger exploding like a mentally challenged fucktard. But guess fucking what: The dictionary says war is what I defined; how about you stop trying to edit and censor things for your own damn benefit>
Can one Kinder project this much?

There's nothing wrong with what Obama's doing. It isn't war by today's standards, and the Middle East welcomes the airstrikes with open arms, especially Iran. If that doesn't convince you, nothing will. You'll sit here playing "choose the definition" to try and paint Obama as this dictator, where if he had waited for congress it would have taken months and you'd call him weak.

Reported for ad hominem. Enjoy your 3 month ban.

The Flood / Re: 10 white power song that don't suck
« on: September 24, 2014, 12:08:39 PM »
>still thinking having southern pride is white power

People seriously make me laugh. I've seen and known blacks that display Confederate battle flags and have pride as a southerner. It's not about racism; it's a culturally identity of restricting an over-reaching national government that contradicts what the Constitution says. Being pride of heritage shouldn't be something negative, it should be a positive
Nah it's just racism.
Lol no it's not. Heritage, not hate. Does that mean the North is equally as racist and it's racist to sing the Star Spangled Banner and wave Old Glory around? After all, before the War of Northern Aggression, northern states had slavery also. And what about Lincoln? He wanted to deport the freed slaves initially. Plus freeing the salves was ONLY for the purpose of winning a war. He wasn't concerned about it till he realized the North had the possibility of loosing as the South only had to conduct a defensive campaign, not an offensive one

The Flood / Re: I have discovered something!
« on: September 24, 2014, 12:04:15 PM »
Is it that I'm gay? Cause I'm wondering if I am.

Dead men tell no tales.
Perhaps it is better that they remain silent


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