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Messages - challengerX

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Serious / Re: Do you Support the Students Protesting in Colorado?
« on: September 28, 2014, 04:14:06 AM »
Hell no. They just need to shut the fuck up and deal with it. If they want unbiased history they should learn it from sources outside of school.

But wait they wont. They are just going to sit on their pot smoking, entitled asses bitching about social injustices just for attention.
PSU can get away with obvious bait because he's been around forever and some people think he's for real.

You, however, have to at least try.

Eat shit faggot.

Serious / Re: People who are religious are all phonies
« on: September 28, 2014, 04:08:09 AM »
This is the Serioius section.

is not for zesty

The Flood / Re: So do I automatically get Ninja status on here??
« on: September 27, 2014, 06:41:32 PM »
In regards to impersonation, here's the loophole.

Recon isn't a member of this site, so the OP isn't really impersonating another Sep7agon user, just someone from the same community on a different site. It's really down to Cheat how he wants to go about things.
I think that the Ninjas and Monitors should approve new users' posts with more care so that everyone doesn't get confused. Making an account of someone that doesn't exist on this forum shouldn't warrant a ban.
Well considering this forum is directly linked to, it kinda should.

Technically we're our own entity, the gap between us and Bungie is growing.
"Technically" it doesn't matter. We all know who Recon is despite the fact that he doesn't have an account here.
So what?

If someone were to make an "Obama" account, should that person be banned for impersonation?
Stupid comparison... Given that I said "Considering this forum is directly linked with"
Perfectly valid comparison because of this, which I didn't think needed to be said:

No it's a shitty comparison because this site is not filled with pretty much only U.S. Government officials.
It's not going to be filled with moderators of either.

As for the impersonation deal, who the hell cares?
Not too many big names are going to be moving from there to here at this stage.
You're literally crying about internet names.

This is like what Decimator said about using someone else's username being the same as identity theft.
You fail so hard at comparisons.
So, I compare one group of people who will never join this site, to another group of people who will never join this site to each other. On the basis that they will never join this site.
Except that your preconception that ninjas will never join is completely unsubstantiated. Ninjas have joined BE, another offsite forum.
Really? Which ones?

The Flood / Re: So do I automatically get Ninja status on here??
« on: September 27, 2014, 06:13:04 PM »
Shit Cheat, give your admin powers to Zizzy, clearly he knows what to do with your site better than you do.
What's your fucking deal man? Can't handle a little conversation?

The Flood / Re: So do I automatically get Ninja status on here??
« on: September 27, 2014, 06:11:56 PM »
He's not gonna join, guys. He's barely on anymore as it is and he's a mod there. He doesn't have time to fuck around here.

Serious / Re: Police officer kills Walmart shopper for holding a BB gun
« on: September 27, 2014, 06:09:06 PM »
What annoys me is that white folk can walk into supermarkets with fucking rifles and no one gives a shit

There's a difference between the way a gun is handled. Over the shoulder in your picture is not intimidating what so ever. The way the guy was holding it in the video and the caller claiming he was pointing it is intimidating
This is just one of many examples available if you Google search.

This is proper rifle handling It's slung over the shoulder and pointing down and not being waved around. Notice that one of them is black. This has nothing to do with race and it's kinda arrogant to make it about it. What this is about is proper gun handling and reporting to police with the truth
LOL The black guy is the only one with a K.
A what?

He has a Yugoslavian Zastava M70 N-PAP (or O-PAP). They're fantastic rifles, especially for being around $559. Would rather have that than an AR-platform rifle any day of the week
He's the only one with an AK type rifle or AK platform, and black gangs in California are infamous for using full auto AK platform rifles, which as you well know resulted in a ban. Just funny to me.

Not sure why you're bringing up the AR platform and whether it's better or not.

The Flood / Re: So do I automatically get Ninja status on here??
« on: September 27, 2014, 05:17:54 PM »



M8, you don't even know what you are getting into.


o lawd

The Flood / Re: So do I automatically get Ninja status on here??
« on: September 27, 2014, 05:15:07 PM »



The Flood / Re: So do I automatically get Ninja status on here??
« on: September 27, 2014, 05:13:38 PM »
If you're going to fight just take it to PMs.
no, it's entertaining
No, it looks childish. This thread should be locked anyway, it has been derailed.

It seems to have stopped on it's own. If it continues down that path though I'll throw a lock on it.
ill throw a lock on ur faec m1911 .45 ACP

how about that u cheeky cunt

The Flood / Re: So do I automatically get Ninja status on here??
« on: September 27, 2014, 05:10:52 PM »


Serious / Re: Police officer kills Walmart shopper for holding a BB gun
« on: September 27, 2014, 04:54:39 PM »
What annoys me is that white folk can walk into supermarkets with fucking rifles and no one gives a shit

There's a difference between the way a gun is handled. Over the shoulder in your picture is not intimidating what so ever. The way the guy was holding it in the video and the caller claiming he was pointing it is intimidating
This is just one of many examples available if you Google search.

This is proper rifle handling It's slung over the shoulder and pointing down and not being waved around. Notice that one of them is black. This has nothing to do with race and it's kinda arrogant to make it about it. What this is about is proper gun handling and reporting to police with the truth
LOL The black guy is the only one with a K.

Serious / Re: Police officer kills Walmart shopper for holding a BB gun
« on: September 27, 2014, 04:51:21 PM »
I don't really want to get involved in this discussion, but some of you have absolutely no idea how police are actually trained.
Congratulations on Ninja  M'Lordy.

Serious / Re: "White people did not exist before 1681"
« on: September 27, 2014, 04:50:04 PM »
It's true.

Serious / Re: If you don't like "under God" don't say it
« on: September 27, 2014, 04:35:21 PM »
And that teacher will loose their job. 1st Amendment violation. Rights even apply to students

Just enforcing the school policy.

I still don't understand why atheists can't just stand for 50 seconds and not say it. Just stand, thats it. But then again 90% of atheists are miserable assholes so....
I've never been religious, and I'd always say everything.

However, I'd rather it's changed because America is a secular state which focuses on freedom. I should have the freedom to not have to swear loyalty to something I don't believe in. I'm sure you'd feel the same way if you had to swear loyalty to Allah or Mahmad.

I 100% agree.

But why can't someone stand for our troops/country and not say the pledge.

Half my class wouldn't say the pledge and they would just stand and be quiet.
Not standing is just plain rude. If you don't like America that much, fuck off to somewhere else.

My problem is just having to swear to god. Either way I'd say it because I'm not going to be a whiny little bitch, and I'm mostly swearing allegiance to my country.

The Flood / Re: I just had an epiphany
« on: September 27, 2014, 02:32:01 PM »

Serious / Re: If you don't like "under God" don't say it
« on: September 27, 2014, 02:30:06 PM »
And that teacher will loose their job. 1st Amendment violation. Rights even apply to students

Just enforcing the school policy.

I still don't understand why atheists can't just stand for 50 seconds and not say it. Just stand, thats it. But then again 90% of atheists are miserable assholes so....
I've never been religious, and I'd always say everything.

However, I'd rather it's changed because America is a secular state which focuses on freedom. I should have the freedom to not have to swear loyalty to something I don't believe in. I'm sure you'd feel the same way if you had to swear loyalty to Allah or Mahmad.

The Flood / Re: I just had an epiphany
« on: September 27, 2014, 02:19:59 PM »
remove zesty

Serious / Re: If you don't like "under God" don't say it
« on: September 27, 2014, 02:00:36 PM »
Hurr Durr In b5 PSU
fukn rekt m16a4

Serious / Re: If you don't like "under God" don't say it
« on: September 27, 2014, 12:58:48 PM »

Serious / Re: Are mentally ill people morally responsible?
« on: September 27, 2014, 12:57:03 PM »
Did I say "in all cases"? No.
Yes. "Anyone who disagrees" includes everyone who disagrees.
I was referring to THIS obvious thread, not every other issue ever -_-

But as I said, I got my fun out if it.
I'm done. Peace :)
Darn. Foiled by the tricksy banterman again.

Serious / Re: Are mentally ill people morally responsible?
« on: September 27, 2014, 12:53:02 PM »
Of course they are.


Is that your final answer?

*walks in holding bags of groceries*
.......why is there a game show in my house?
They make choices like everyone else. DUH they are responsible!

Good shrek have mercy.

Alrighty, well let's do this properly rather than with rustling and le raeg feces.

Do you know/understand the concept of Compos Mentis?
Basically being of sound mind, I might not be using it 100% correctly in a legal sense but the term and the meaning is the point here. Being in control of your mental faculties, i.e not having your mind warped and twisted into thinking something abnormal.

I'll give a few examples.

A seemingly normal person living their life, suddenly decides to kill someone. Are they morally responsible for their actions? Well, first you have to figure out why they did it.

In case one, the person does it to cover up a secret that they don't want revealing.
In case two, the person has been hearing voices, hallucinating and has been convinced that the person they just killed was out to get them.
In case three, the person was bored and wanted to see what it would be like to kill someone.

1 - Morally responsible, guilty and is a piece of shit.
2 - Likely to be suffering from Acute Schizophrenia, this removes the choice from their actions as they are not made under proper circumstances but under a warped and flawed set of thinking borne of intensive fear.
3 - Chances are that this person is a Psychopath*, I'll come back to this one in a moment.

The reason the Schizophrenic is not morally responsible or fully legally responsible is because their mind is not right. They are ill and instead of receiving the treatment they needed, they slipped under the radar and ended up killing someone.
Do you blame a cancer patient for dying of cancer? Are they morally responsible for the tumour?

Of course they aren't, they can't help it if they are genetically predisposed to such a condition/ailment. The same applies to many people with severe mental illness, they don't choose to go crazy and kill someone - Their mental imbalances are out of their control and to assign moral responsibility and thus guilt to them for their subsequent actions is just downright wrong.

By no means is what they did alright, but it isn't their fault that they are ill. So instead of punishment for their 'crime' they will end up sectioned to a psychiatric hospital until they it is determined that they are no longer a threat to the public or themselves.

The tl;dr is that you cannot blame people for circumstances that are out of their control, mental illness falls under this category.

That being said, severity plays into this. Someone with an eating disorder murdering someone over 'normal' circumstances doesn't give them a get out of jail free card. The situation plays a very important role in determining responsibility.

But as a rule of thumb, Mentally ill people are not morally responsible for their actions as they are not in direct control of what they do.

EDIT: Whoops forgot the psychopath bit. I'll do that in a separate comment.
You took me serious and typed all that?
He didn't fall for anything. He showed you how wrong you were, you understood, and to save face you're acting you weren't serious the whole time.

Why people insist on being so prideful instead of just saying "I see, I guess I was wrong.", I have no idea. Especially when he wasn't being rude.
Then it seems I fooled you as well
You haven't fooled anybody.

You see, this is why I have no interest in being civil and having a discussion. You guys go full retard and act like jackasses no matter what.

Please, continue to pretend you tricked people and that people should either not take you seriously, or the fact that you will not listen to reason. Your move, they're both bad.
Your mad when I wasn't even trying to make you mad. That's just a bonus.

The OP makes the answer obvious, so you taking me seriously is just your mistake
So people aren't being serious in the Serious section.


Serious / Re: Police officer kills Walmart shopper for holding a BB gun
« on: September 27, 2014, 12:50:32 PM »
I just don't even know what to say anymore. A little more common sense from the dude, and the cop could've shot a taser while he had his back turned. If you're just gonna shoot anyway, might as well incapacitate him on the off chance he's holding a BB gun.

Mostly I blame the faggot that called the cops. "He's like pointing it at people". Well is he fucking pointing it and acting crazy or are you just a pussy? God fucking damn it. The world is just FULL of idiots.

Serious / Re: Are mentally ill people morally responsible?
« on: September 27, 2014, 12:45:13 PM »
Why people insist on being so prideful instead of just saying "I see, I guess I was wrong.", I have no idea. Especially when he wasn't being rude.

I would say this bit puzzles me but it really doesn't.

It's very rare to see someone admit they were wrong or that they made a mistake online, but that applies to the real world too >.>

It doesn't really puzzle me, it just baffles me how stubborn some people are over absolutely nothing.

Serious / Re: Are mentally ill people morally responsible?
« on: September 27, 2014, 12:37:32 PM »
Of course they are.


Is that your final answer?

*walks in holding bags of groceries*
.......why is there a game show in my house?
They make choices like everyone else. DUH they are responsible!

Good shrek have mercy.

Alrighty, well let's do this properly rather than with rustling and le raeg feces.

Do you know/understand the concept of Compos Mentis?
Basically being of sound mind, I might not be using it 100% correctly in a legal sense but the term and the meaning is the point here. Being in control of your mental faculties, i.e not having your mind warped and twisted into thinking something abnormal.

I'll give a few examples.

A seemingly normal person living their life, suddenly decides to kill someone. Are they morally responsible for their actions? Well, first you have to figure out why they did it.

In case one, the person does it to cover up a secret that they don't want revealing.
In case two, the person has been hearing voices, hallucinating and has been convinced that the person they just killed was out to get them.
In case three, the person was bored and wanted to see what it would be like to kill someone.

1 - Morally responsible, guilty and is a piece of shit.
2 - Likely to be suffering from Acute Schizophrenia, this removes the choice from their actions as they are not made under proper circumstances but under a warped and flawed set of thinking borne of intensive fear.
3 - Chances are that this person is a Psychopath*, I'll come back to this one in a moment.

The reason the Schizophrenic is not morally responsible or fully legally responsible is because their mind is not right. They are ill and instead of receiving the treatment they needed, they slipped under the radar and ended up killing someone.
Do you blame a cancer patient for dying of cancer? Are they morally responsible for the tumour?

Of course they aren't, they can't help it if they are genetically predisposed to such a condition/ailment. The same applies to many people with severe mental illness, they don't choose to go crazy and kill someone - Their mental imbalances are out of their control and to assign moral responsibility and thus guilt to them for their subsequent actions is just downright wrong.

By no means is what they did alright, but it isn't their fault that they are ill. So instead of punishment for their 'crime' they will end up sectioned to a psychiatric hospital until they it is determined that they are no longer a threat to the public or themselves.

The tl;dr is that you cannot blame people for circumstances that are out of their control, mental illness falls under this category.

That being said, severity plays into this. Someone with an eating disorder murdering someone over 'normal' circumstances doesn't give them a get out of jail free card. The situation plays a very important role in determining responsibility.

But as a rule of thumb, Mentally ill people are not morally responsible for their actions as they are not in direct control of what they do.

EDIT: Whoops forgot the psychopath bit. I'll do that in a separate comment.
You took me serious and typed all that?
He didn't fall for anything. He showed you how wrong you were, you understood, and to save face you're acting you weren't serious the whole time.

Why people insist on being so prideful instead of just saying "I see, I guess I was wrong.", I have no idea. Especially when he wasn't being rude.
Then it seems I fooled you as well
You haven't fooled anybody.

You see, this is why I have no interest in being civil and having a discussion. You guys go full retard and act like jackasses no matter what.

Please, continue to pretend you tricked people and that people should either not take you seriously, or the fact that you will not listen to reason. Your move, they're both bad.

Serious / Re: Are mentally ill people morally responsible?
« on: September 27, 2014, 12:30:33 PM »
Of course they are.


Is that your final answer?

*walks in holding bags of groceries*
.......why is there a game show in my house?
They make choices like everyone else. DUH they are responsible!

Good shrek have mercy.

Alrighty, well let's do this properly rather than with rustling and le raeg feces.

Do you know/understand the concept of Compos Mentis?
Basically being of sound mind, I might not be using it 100% correctly in a legal sense but the term and the meaning is the point here. Being in control of your mental faculties, i.e not having your mind warped and twisted into thinking something abnormal.

I'll give a few examples.

A seemingly normal person living their life, suddenly decides to kill someone. Are they morally responsible for their actions? Well, first you have to figure out why they did it.

In case one, the person does it to cover up a secret that they don't want revealing.
In case two, the person has been hearing voices, hallucinating and has been convinced that the person they just killed was out to get them.
In case three, the person was bored and wanted to see what it would be like to kill someone.

1 - Morally responsible, guilty and is a piece of shit.
2 - Likely to be suffering from Acute Schizophrenia, this removes the choice from their actions as they are not made under proper circumstances but under a warped and flawed set of thinking borne of intensive fear.
3 - Chances are that this person is a Psychopath*, I'll come back to this one in a moment.

The reason the Schizophrenic is not morally responsible or fully legally responsible is because their mind is not right. They are ill and instead of receiving the treatment they needed, they slipped under the radar and ended up killing someone.
Do you blame a cancer patient for dying of cancer? Are they morally responsible for the tumour?

Of course they aren't, they can't help it if they are genetically predisposed to such a condition/ailment. The same applies to many people with severe mental illness, they don't choose to go crazy and kill someone - Their mental imbalances are out of their control and to assign moral responsibility and thus guilt to them for their subsequent actions is just downright wrong.

By no means is what they did alright, but it isn't their fault that they are ill. So instead of punishment for their 'crime' they will end up sectioned to a psychiatric hospital until they it is determined that they are no longer a threat to the public or themselves.

The tl;dr is that you cannot blame people for circumstances that are out of their control, mental illness falls under this category.

That being said, severity plays into this. Someone with an eating disorder murdering someone over 'normal' circumstances doesn't give them a get out of jail free card. The situation plays a very important role in determining responsibility.

But as a rule of thumb, Mentally ill people are not morally responsible for their actions as they are not in direct control of what they do.

EDIT: Whoops forgot the psychopath bit. I'll do that in a separate comment.
You took me serious and typed all that?
He didn't fall for anything. He showed you how wrong you were, you understood, and to save face you're acting you weren't serious the whole time.

Why people insist on being so prideful instead of just saying "I see, I guess I was wrong.", I have no idea. Especially when he wasn't being rude.

Serious / Re: Do you Support the Students Protesting in Colorado?
« on: September 27, 2014, 12:04:14 PM »
Do you think its funny to tell someone to kill themselves online?

You really need to take a look in the mirror and reevaluate your life. Even if you are joking, its still not something you say.
I gotta agree with you here. It's very pathetic.

Serious / Re: Is NASA a waste of money?
« on: September 27, 2014, 09:11:10 AM »
Seriously, you really need to consider killing yourself. How many people legitimately love you right now? Your parents don't count. I don't think you have much to look forward to in life.
get rekt m9

Are you Rose?

Sounds like kinder.
Yeah I'm thinking so because I got him banned.

The Flood / Re: Oh shit, I totally forgot!
« on: September 27, 2014, 08:54:46 AM »
Nobody cares.

inb4 lol you do because you posted

Apparently you cared enough to post.


I inb4'd you retard.
I don't care?
Apparently you cared enough to post.
I cared about argumenting, but not about your argument.
No, you care about me.

It's "arguing". Work on that English.
Just fuck already.
Nah, I'm having too much fun messing with him.

The Flood / Re: Oh shit, I totally forgot!
« on: September 27, 2014, 08:46:27 AM »
Nobody cares.

inb4 lol you do because you posted
Apparently you cared enough to post.


I inb4'd you retard.
I don't care?
Apparently you cared enough to post.
I cared about argumenting, but not about your argument.
No, you care about me.

It's "arguing". Work on that English.

Serious / Re: Is NASA a waste of money?
« on: September 27, 2014, 08:43:12 AM »
Seriously, you really need to consider killing yourself. How many people legitimately love you right now? Your parents don't count. I don't think you have much to look forward to in life.
get rekt m9

Are you Rose?

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