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Messages - challengerX

Pages: 1 ... 132813291330 13311332 ... 1398
Serious / Re: Is fundamentalism growing?
« on: September 28, 2014, 05:53:51 PM »
Because there are Muslim countries that don't have groups like ISIS

Yes, but those Muslim countries tend not to be dirt poor.

The UAE and Saudi Arabia being two examples.

Well fook my ignorance, I genuinely thought that the two were the same country and that it was an interchangeable name. Bladdy hell.

Serious / Re: Is fundamentalism growing?
« on: September 28, 2014, 05:50:58 PM »
Take a look at Islam. Take a look at the Tea Party, or just the entire Bible Belt.
I'm speaking about society as an aggregate.

I imagine the Muslims ashamed of ISIS or the citizens generally fed up with the polarisation of American politics outnumber those more ideological loyalists.
do they do anything to stop it? No
Except the Kurds, a predominately  Islam majority ethnic group, are trying to stop them. And don't forget the Arab coalition being led by the U.S to fight ISIS
Hey buddy, I know who the fuck the Kurds are. Don't talk to me as if you inform me of anything when you're the most uneducated person on this site.

My point is Muslim society does not discourage these types of radical extremists, if anything it encourages it. Poverty and a society focused on religion over real education leads to this shit.
So mad :^]

Turkey, Morocco, Iran, Suadi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, and other countries don't encourage radical extremists or have them running around. They're countries I would also love to visit. Know what encourages extremism? Fear. When your village is surrounded by men with guns and are known to kill anybody in their way, people won't do shit
Not mad at all. I'm just informing you to watch your tone, because you're very uneducated and it would be very out of place for you to think you inform others, especially when said other person is actually from that region and actually knows his history.

Muslim/Arab society encourages extremism by encouraging ignorance. School is unimportant and science is not seen as important at all. While at the same time religion is regarded as extremely important. Group ignorance, poverty, and fundamentalism together and you have what we see today. Of course Western meddling made things far worse and is still making them far worse, but it is up to the Arabs to stand up to the extremists that tarnish their beloved religion and Prophet.

Don't group Iran in with Arab countries, they're two very different societies. As you can see, there are little Iranian terrorists in the Middle East, and zero outside of that region. As for the government being one of the largest sponsors of terrorism, that's true. But then, the government is hated or at least disliked by most Iranians. There are revolutionaries that regret ever revolting against the Shah and are embarrassed by the state of Iran today.
Wtf is this, the damn Middle-Ages. Bro, I'm highly intelligent and educated, especially when it comes to the areas of history and geography. I know what I'm talking about. You watch your tone

And as I pointed out, there's several Arab countries that don't encourage extremism. What encourages it is fear. Lack of education is part of it but fear is where the blunt force of it is really at. Even if everybody was educated, men with guns watching them and threatening to kill them won't change anything
No you aren't. I'm not even trying to insult, you just aren't.

What men with guns? What are you talking about? Fear of who? You seem to be missing the point.
Nah, you're just an idiot. No need to say any more

Ever hear a group called ISIS? They're this group of crazy Muslims that have guns and everybody is scared of them
Right, and Muslim society along with poverty breeds groups like ISIS.

How is this so difficult for you to understand?
Because there are Muslim countries that don't have groups like ISIS

How is this so difficult for you to understand?
And yet it is ONLY Muslim countries/societies that breed these groups in this day and age.

Every Arab country has an AQ group, plus tons of other similar groups, along with the Taliban and Hezbollah. There's like 30 different groups in Palestine alone. Or did you think ISIS is the only Arab terrorist group?

Serious / Re: Conspiracy Theories that you think might be, or are true.
« on: September 28, 2014, 05:47:20 PM »
We never landed on the sun
I saw it live on television. Are you blind or just fucking retarded?

Serious / Re: Conspiracy Theories that you think might be, or are true.
« on: September 28, 2014, 05:46:36 PM »

Serious / Re: Is fundamentalism growing?
« on: September 28, 2014, 05:45:15 PM »
Play nice m80s, the discussion is fine but kerb the AdHoms pls.


Serious / Re: Is fundamentalism growing?
« on: September 28, 2014, 05:44:06 PM »
Take a look at Islam. Take a look at the Tea Party, or just the entire Bible Belt.
I'm speaking about society as an aggregate.

I imagine the Muslims ashamed of ISIS or the citizens generally fed up with the polarisation of American politics outnumber those more ideological loyalists.
do they do anything to stop it? No
Except the Kurds, a predominately  Islam majority ethnic group, are trying to stop them. And don't forget the Arab coalition being led by the U.S to fight ISIS
Hey buddy, I know who the fuck the Kurds are. Don't talk to me as if you inform me of anything when you're the most uneducated person on this site.

My point is Muslim society does not discourage these types of radical extremists, if anything it encourages it. Poverty and a society focused on religion over real education leads to this shit.
So mad :^]

Turkey, Morocco, Iran, Suadi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, and other countries don't encourage radical extremists or have them running around. They're countries I would also love to visit. Know what encourages extremism? Fear. When your village is surrounded by men with guns and are known to kill anybody in their way, people won't do shit
Not mad at all. I'm just informing you to watch your tone, because you're very uneducated and it would be very out of place for you to think you inform others, especially when said other person is actually from that region and actually knows his history.

Muslim/Arab society encourages extremism by encouraging ignorance. School is unimportant and science is not seen as important at all. While at the same time religion is regarded as extremely important. Group ignorance, poverty, and fundamentalism together and you have what we see today. Of course Western meddling made things far worse and is still making them far worse, but it is up to the Arabs to stand up to the extremists that tarnish their beloved religion and Prophet.

Don't group Iran in with Arab countries, they're two very different societies. As you can see, there are little Iranian terrorists in the Middle East, and zero outside of that region. As for the government being one of the largest sponsors of terrorism, that's true. But then, the government is hated or at least disliked by most Iranians. There are revolutionaries that regret ever revolting against the Shah and are embarrassed by the state of Iran today.
Wtf is this, the damn Middle-Ages. Bro, I'm highly intelligent and educated, especially when it comes to the areas of history and geography. I know what I'm talking about. You watch your tone

And as I pointed out, there's several Arab countries that don't encourage extremism. What encourages it is fear. Lack of education is part of it but fear is where the blunt force of it is really at. Even if everybody was educated, men with guns watching them and threatening to kill them won't change anything
No you aren't. I'm not even trying to insult, you just aren't.

What men with guns? What are you talking about? Fear of who? You seem to be missing the point.
Nah, you're just an idiot. No need to say any more

Ever hear a group called ISIS? They're this group of crazy Muslims that have guns and everybody is scared of them
Right, and Muslim society along with poverty breeds groups like ISIS.

How is this so difficult for you to understand?

The Flood / Re: Sandtrap, I have a brief message.
« on: September 28, 2014, 05:41:28 PM »
You know Sentra, there are people who have lost all their siblings and parents then been diagnosed with cancer in the span of a month.

Seems unreal, but it isn't. If you don't believe him, don't click on his threads.
I'll click on what threads I please, thanks.
Then don't tell people not to berate you when you act like an asshole.
I never told anyone to not berate me.
"Or you can fuck off and get over the differing opinions people have over the internet.

I would mute you but seeing as that feature still isn't working I won't bother."

You do nothing but enter Sandtrap's threads and act like a dick, get berated, then turn the thread into an argument.
Oh boo fucking hoo. I choose not to sympathize and everyone loses their shit.

Don't even know why you're still beating this horse.
You're too immature to reason with. At first I thought people antagonized you and that's why you are the way you are. But I can see now you're just a lonely, attention seeking, depressed individual trying to make other people feel your misery.

You can go straight to hell. When a member of our community is on his way out, the very fucking least we can do is give him our condolences. If I had the money I'd help him, but I don't. Continue living your life full of anger and fear.

The Flood / Re: Sandtrap, I have a brief message.
« on: September 28, 2014, 05:30:30 PM »
You know Sentra, there are people who have lost all their siblings and parents then been diagnosed with cancer in the span of a month.

Seems unreal, but it isn't. If you don't believe him, don't click on his threads.
I'll click on what threads I please, thanks.
Then don't tell people not to berate you when you act like an asshole.
I never told anyone to not berate me.
"Or you can fuck off and get over the differing opinions people have over the internet.

I would mute you but seeing as that feature still isn't working I won't bother."

You do nothing but enter Sandtrap's threads and act like a dick, get berated, then turn the thread into an argument.

The Flood / Re: Sandtrap, I have a brief message.
« on: September 28, 2014, 05:21:56 PM »
You know Sentra, there are people who have lost all their siblings and parents then been diagnosed with cancer in the span of a month.

Seems unreal, but it isn't. If you don't believe him, don't click on his threads.
I'll click on what threads I please, thanks.
Then don't tell people not to berate you when you act like an asshole.

The Flood / Re: Sandtrap, I have a brief message.
« on: September 28, 2014, 05:17:39 PM »
You know Sentra, there are people who have lost all their siblings and parents then been diagnosed with cancer in the span of a month.

Seems unreal, but it isn't. If you don't believe him, don't click on his threads.

The Flood / Re: What's your ethnic background?
« on: September 28, 2014, 05:09:06 PM »

The Flood / Re: Waffles are better than pancakes
« on: September 28, 2014, 05:07:39 PM »
You and I, a date, that place. Tomorrow.
Agreed, pancakes are shit. Waffles are much better.

A place opened up near my house, they serve stuff like this.

Yeah I'm a fat motherfucker deal with it faggot
I'm down
she got ass?
I don't know but I'll find out bruh
my nigga my nigga my nigga

The Flood / Re: I've started yet another shit storm (part 2)
« on: September 28, 2014, 05:04:42 PM »
You did good. This guy is being tricked by a manipulative bitch and he has a kid which he's raising by himself. Uncool. Do everything you can to fuck her over.

The Flood / Re: as requested by the Figger King, here's a shitpost
« on: September 28, 2014, 05:01:57 PM »
Never underestimate the power of shekels.

Serious / Re: Is fundamentalism growing?
« on: September 28, 2014, 04:56:10 PM »
Take a look at Islam. Take a look at the Tea Party, or just the entire Bible Belt.
I'm speaking about society as an aggregate.

I imagine the Muslims ashamed of ISIS or the citizens generally fed up with the polarisation of American politics outnumber those more ideological loyalists.
do they do anything to stop it? No
Except the Kurds, a predominately  Islam majority ethnic group, are trying to stop them. And don't forget the Arab coalition being led by the U.S to fight ISIS
Hey buddy, I know who the fuck the Kurds are. Don't talk to me as if you inform me of anything when you're the most uneducated person on this site.

My point is Muslim society does not discourage these types of radical extremists, if anything it encourages it. Poverty and a society focused on religion over real education leads to this shit.
So mad :^]

Turkey, Morocco, Iran, Suadi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, and other countries don't encourage radical extremists or have them running around. They're countries I would also love to visit. Know what encourages extremism? Fear. When your village is surrounded by men with guns and are known to kill anybody in their way, people won't do shit
Not mad at all. I'm just informing you to watch your tone, because you're very uneducated and it would be very out of place for you to think you inform others, especially when said other person is actually from that region and actually knows his history.

Muslim/Arab society encourages extremism by encouraging ignorance. School is unimportant and science is not seen as important at all. While at the same time religion is regarded as extremely important. Group ignorance, poverty, and fundamentalism together and you have what we see today. Of course Western meddling made things far worse and is still making them far worse, but it is up to the Arabs to stand up to the extremists that tarnish their beloved religion and Prophet.

Don't group Iran in with Arab countries, they're two very different societies. As you can see, there are little Iranian terrorists in the Middle East, and zero outside of that region. As for the government being one of the largest sponsors of terrorism, that's true. But then, the government is hated or at least disliked by most Iranians. There are revolutionaries that regret ever revolting against the Shah and are embarrassed by the state of Iran today.
Wtf is this, the damn Middle-Ages. Bro, I'm highly intelligent and educated, especially when it comes to the areas of history and geography. I know what I'm talking about. You watch your tone

And as I pointed out, there's several Arab countries that don't encourage extremism. What encourages it is fear. Lack of education is part of it but fear is where the blunt force of it is really at. Even if everybody was educated, men with guns watching them and threatening to kill them won't change anything
No you aren't. I'm not even trying to insult, you just aren't.

What men with guns? What are you talking about? Fear of who? You seem to be missing the point.

Serious / Re: Is fundamentalism growing?
« on: September 28, 2014, 04:09:44 PM »
Take a look at Islam. Take a look at the Tea Party, or just the entire Bible Belt.
I'm speaking about society as an aggregate.

I imagine the Muslims ashamed of ISIS or the citizens generally fed up with the polarisation of American politics outnumber those more ideological loyalists.
do they do anything to stop it? No
Except the Kurds, a predominately  Islam majority ethnic group, are trying to stop them. And don't forget the Arab coalition being led by the U.S to fight ISIS
Hey buddy, I know who the fuck the Kurds are. Don't talk to me as if you inform me of anything when you're the most uneducated person on this site.

My point is Muslim society does not discourage these types of radical extremists, if anything it encourages it. Poverty and a society focused on religion over real education leads to this shit.
So mad :^]

Turkey, Morocco, Iran, Suadi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, and other countries don't encourage radical extremists or have them running around. They're countries I would also love to visit. Know what encourages extremism? Fear. When your village is surrounded by men with guns and are known to kill anybody in their way, people won't do shit
Not mad at all. I'm just informing you to watch your tone, because you're very uneducated and it would be very out of place for you to think you inform others, especially when said other person is actually from that region and actually knows his history.

Muslim/Arab society encourages extremism by encouraging ignorance. School is unimportant and science is not seen as important at all. While at the same time religion is regarded as extremely important. Group ignorance, poverty, and fundamentalism together and you have what we see today. Of course Western meddling made things far worse and is still making them far worse, but it is up to the Arabs to stand up to the extremists that tarnish their beloved religion and Prophet.

Don't group Iran in with Arab countries, they're two very different societies. As you can see, there are little Iranian terrorists in the Middle East, and zero outside of that region. As for the government being one of the largest sponsors of terrorism, that's true. But then, the government is hated or at least disliked by most Iranians. There are revolutionaries that regret ever revolting against the Shah and are embarrassed by the state of Iran today.

Can they beat Belgium's record, this is the question.
What has happened in Belgium?
they went about 500 days and change, without a government (2010-11 ish). funny thing is that no one reported on it at all because there wasnt a big revolution or revolt and people didnt go batshit insane because Big Brother wasnt there to watch over them.
It's almost like people don't need a government to tell them right from wrong...
You're hardcore stupid if you got that from what he said.

They had an active and functioning government. It wasn't some sort of anarchist utopia where laws were abolished, policemen and civil servants fired, with peace and love for all. Things went as normal, they just technically didn't have a government.

Serious / Re: Is fundamentalism growing?
« on: September 28, 2014, 03:48:55 PM »
Take a look at Islam. Take a look at the Tea Party, or just the entire Bible Belt.
I'm speaking about society as an aggregate.

I imagine the Muslims ashamed of ISIS or the citizens generally fed up with the polarisation of American politics outnumber those more ideological loyalists.
do they do anything to stop it? No
Except the Kurds, a predominately  Islam majority ethnic group, are trying to stop them. And don't forget the Arab coalition being led by the U.S to fight ISIS
Hey buddy, I know who the fuck the Kurds are. Don't talk to me as if you inform me of anything when you're the most uneducated person on this site.

My point is Muslim society does not discourage these types of radical extremists, if anything it encourages it. Poverty and a society focused on religion over real education leads to this shit.

Serious / Re: What if the South had won the Civil War?
« on: September 28, 2014, 02:08:19 PM »
i can smell it...

You can blame Challenger, as this is always expected from him. Just look at his comment



That just reeks of derailment
LOL Trying to get revenge.

I'm not derailing anything. We're discussing how the South winning would be terrible. I already posted my serious replies, and now I'm making some jokes. What are you going to do? Kill me, torture me, then sue me for millions if not billions of dollars?

Serious / Re: What if the South had won the Civil War?
« on: September 28, 2014, 02:05:58 PM »
>Admits South started war
>it was a defensive declaration of aggression

That stupid lol shit makes you look incredibly stupid and a waste of time to have a civil discussion with. Really, either actually make some sense and contribute to the thread or fucking don't

It was a defensive declaration. And actually, the South simply seceded and only attacked because Unions troops were illegally in their territory
I already was serious. There's nothing more to say, and you just got BTFO by Icy.

Serious / Re: Is fundamentalism growing?
« on: September 28, 2014, 02:03:20 PM »
The fundies don't outweigh the rest of us, no.

Serious / Re: What if the South had won the Civil War?
« on: September 28, 2014, 01:56:43 PM »
Quote from: Kinder_
The South

there were black plantation owners that owned slaves, including white slaves.

In dire need of man

Uh, yeas
u avin a giggle m9

The Flood / Re: Waffles are better than pancakes
« on: September 28, 2014, 01:49:27 PM »
You and I, a date, that place. Tomorrow.
Agreed, pancakes are shit. Waffles are much better.

A place opened up near my house, they serve stuff like this.

Yeah I'm a fat motherfucker deal with it faggot
I'm down
she got ass?

Serious / Re: Is fundamentalism growing?
« on: September 28, 2014, 01:47:27 PM »
Take a look at Islam. Take a look at the Tea Party, or just the entire Bible Belt.
I'm speaking about society as an aggregate.

I imagine the Muslims ashamed of ISIS or the citizens generally fed up with the polarisation of American politics outnumber those more ideological loyalists.
They may be ashamed, but do they do anything to stop it? No. And in the meanwhile fundamentalism grows.

Serious / Re: What if the South had won the Civil War?
« on: September 28, 2014, 01:45:45 PM »
>Admits South started war
>it was a defensive declaration of aggression


Serious / Re: Is fundamentalism growing?
« on: September 28, 2014, 01:42:47 PM »
Take a look at Islam. Take a look at the Tea Party, or just the entire Bible Belt.

Serious / Re: What if the South had won the Civil War?
« on: September 28, 2014, 01:38:57 PM »
Countless possibilities really

The South was fighting a defensive war and won many battles. If Jackson wasn't killed and Lee not attack Gettysburg on a uphill battle then the Union, especially the citizens, would have lost great moral and call for an end to hostilities.
By this time a cease-fire would take place and both sides would meet and work out a treaty. The Union realizing it has western lands that would be suitable enough for agriculture would be okay with the Confederacy leaving and forming their own nation. However it could be in the next couple years or decades where Texas would leave the Confederacy and form their own nation, leaving three nations in the lower 48

Now head back to the South fighting a defensive war. Key loses such as Gettysburg ended any hope of France and Britain to aid support to the South and give it recognition. If the South did win these key battles then these European powers would put pressure on the Union, aiding in the ability of the war ending shortly. However, Europe would also put pressure on the South to outlaw slavery

Slavery wouldn't exist into the 20th century, that's for sure. The South even allowed blacks to serve in the military and there were black plantation owners that owned slaves, including white slaves. In dire need of man power along with pressure on foreign powers and introduction of technology, slavery could have very well ended during the war or transition to the point where slaves were still such but imitated ancient world civilizations where slaves could own land, make money, and buy themselves out of freedom; indentured servants would be the best way to explain

Oh, Lincoln wouldn't have been assassinated since Booth had no motivation to do so and the KKK wouldn't exist because it was created after the Civil War. Eventually equal right would have occurred in the South the same way it was in South Africa. The North and South would also form a union similar to the E.U

Actually it's not

For one, this is a "what-if" situation and there's no way to prove if anything in the situation is fact. That means saying aliens will invade and build giant dildo statues is just as credible as what a person that's profound to study the Civil War will now

Secondly, I don't see you giving an opinion as to what will happen so you really have no room to talk. I;m basing this as of what I know about the South and the Civil War, which is probably far more in-depth than what you know

Thirdly, get reported. Enjoy your 3 month ban :^)
I didn't personally insult you, so I'm not getting banned.

What you know about the civil war is biased southern bullshit. That's why I'm laughing. You literally called it the "War of Northern Aggression".

And no, somebody saying aliens will invade is not as credible as saying something that actually makes sense, like slavery continuing and the U.S. not being a superpower.
Yeah, you did

Boo-hoo, I call a war a certain name. That makes me the most biased person ever. The North was being aggressive to the South by trying to enforce high taxation that Southerners couldn't afford, along with trying to expand big government and quell the concept of a limited central government. What you know of the civil war is biased northern bullshit

Except slavery wouldn't continue till the 20th and 21st century. That is the end-result of a biased learning institution. The facts are Europe would put pressure on the South to deal away with slavery if they wanted their help, along with the introduction of machinery that could do the job of an entire plantation in a shorter amount of time

Do I need to remind you about the "Great Emancipator's" decision to free the slaves for the benefit of a military victory? Or how about his initial plan to send them all to Africa?
I called what you wrote stupid, I didn't call you stupid. Better luck next time.

Yes, you're biased. No, the world would not be better had the South won. Slavery would have continued and America would not be the super power it is today. Regardless of what Lincoln believed, he freed the slaves. Something the South had no intention of doing.

And I love how you think an America that could be pressured into doing something by Europe is better than what we have today. You literally just said European tyranny is preferable to what we have today. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL

Serious / Re: What if the South had won the Civil War?
« on: September 28, 2014, 12:53:20 PM »
Countless possibilities really

The South was fighting a defensive war and won many battles. If Jackson wasn't killed and Lee not attack Gettysburg on a uphill battle then the Union, especially the citizens, would have lost great moral and call for an end to hostilities.
By this time a cease-fire would take place and both sides would meet and work out a treaty. The Union realizing it has western lands that would be suitable enough for agriculture would be okay with the Confederacy leaving and forming their own nation. However it could be in the next couple years or decades where Texas would leave the Confederacy and form their own nation, leaving three nations in the lower 48

Now head back to the South fighting a defensive war. Key loses such as Gettysburg ended any hope of France and Britain to aid support to the South and give it recognition. If the South did win these key battles then these European powers would put pressure on the Union, aiding in the ability of the war ending shortly. However, Europe would also put pressure on the South to outlaw slavery

Slavery wouldn't exist into the 20th century, that's for sure. The South even allowed blacks to serve in the military and there were black plantation owners that owned slaves, including white slaves. In dire need of man power along with pressure on foreign powers and introduction of technology, slavery could have very well ended during the war or transition to the point where slaves were still such but imitated ancient world civilizations where slaves could own land, make money, and buy themselves out of freedom; indentured servants would be the best way to explain

Oh, Lincoln wouldn't have been assassinated since Booth had no motivation to do so and the KKK wouldn't exist because it was created after the Civil War. Eventually equal right would have occurred in the South the same way it was in South Africa. The North and South would also form a union similar to the E.U

Actually it's not

For one, this is a "what-if" situation and there's no way to prove if anything in the situation is fact. That means saying aliens will invade and build giant dildo statues is just as credible as what a person that's profound to study the Civil War will now

Secondly, I don't see you giving an opinion as to what will happen so you really have no room to talk. I;m basing this as of what I know about the South and the Civil War, which is probably far more in-depth than what you know

Thirdly, get reported. Enjoy your 3 month ban :^)
I didn't personally insult you, so I'm not getting banned.

What you know about the civil war is biased southern bullshit. That's why I'm laughing. You literally called it the "War of Northern Aggression".

And no, somebody saying aliens will invade is not as credible as saying something that actually makes sense, like slavery continuing and the U.S. not being a superpower.

The Flood / Re: Sapient Cactus
« on: September 28, 2014, 12:49:53 PM »
It takes you a few hundred extra words just to write something not longer than a few sentences.

Descriptions descriptions. Half the fun is the idea. By all means, I could just say, hey, here's a fucking cactus. It's got legs.

But what fun would that be? Give it some form and function, something you could actually visualize. Then again, not really my fault. It's not my fault that I sat down on a fucking bench and looked over at the cactus sitting there, and suddenly this created itself.
I know, I was just making an observation.

The Flood / Re: It truly is the end of the world.
« on: September 28, 2014, 12:25:04 PM »
If you say something stupid and negative about me, then yes he is going to agree. He is one of the many people that despises me for no reason.
No, he has very valid reasons. The reason I don't bombard everybody here with insults is because I value coming here to laugh more than I do to cuss people out.
I like you too, challenger.
Dont get me wrong, I like almost everybody here.

But there are times where I just want to say things, but I don't because I don't want to be the negative guy that comes here for basically no reason. It's not healthy, and it's not fun. If you're not having fun on an online forum, what the fuck is the point?

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