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Messages - challengerX

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Serious / Re: Holy shit look at this fucking cancer
« on: September 29, 2014, 09:42:33 AM »

Gotta love how Kinder's trying to make himself look like the good guy so people stop hating him. A for effort.
Nah, you just have some unwarranted hate and false assumptions of me made up in your head

Bro, nobody hates you. You're just disgustingly uneducated and in severe denial of your racism.

The Flood / Re: Sandtrap, I have a br
« on: September 29, 2014, 08:41:46 AM »
As if we needed more proof Sentra has no life.

The Flood / Re: Bungie servers are down again?!
« on: September 29, 2014, 07:13:17 AM »
Density is ok. Kinda bored already, it's extremely repetitive. I'm waiting for Ghost Recon 2 to arrive in the mail and I'm back to playing GTA V.

What a way for Bungie to go out. It's really a shame. They got taken over by Activision and made a generic FPS. It's almost unreal. If somebody told me this was going to happen years ago, I'd laugh in their face and call them crazy.

The Flood / Re: Royal-blooded Floodians unite!
« on: September 29, 2014, 07:06:48 AM »
It's the name of some king or prince. Don't give a shit, aristocrats can all go to hell.

The Flood / Re: Why Do Meteors Always Land In Craters?
« on: September 29, 2014, 07:05:26 AM »
We should get Scoob on the case.

Serious / Re: Holy shit look at this fucking cancer
« on: September 29, 2014, 07:03:28 AM »

Gotta love how Kinder's trying to make himself look like the good guy so people stop hating him. A for effort.

The Flood / Re: Any nickname from your significant other?
« on: September 29, 2014, 05:09:07 AM »
Liefje en schatje, pretty much.
What does that mean?
According to Google translate it means "Honey and honey"
Can we let Flee say cause he prolly know more about what it means than google translate. Google translate is shitty and Flee is pretty smart.
They're pretty general pet names really. "Lief" is Dutch for sweet, so I suppose "liefje" would just be sweetie. "Schat", on the other hand, means "treasure". When you call someone your schatje, you're basically calling them your treasure. To me, it implies a certain degree of uniqueness and a promise to greatly cherish someone as you consider them your greatest treasure and most valuable thing about your life. It's a pretty sweet pet name that I quite like. :)
That's so sweet. You two are just amazing.
Thanks, hearing that means quite a bit to me. And just a brief reminder, if you'd ever want to talk about anything, feel free to hit me up on Skype. Absolutely no pressure though, just saying that I'm there if you'd ever need me.
Thank you, and the same to you. If you ever want to talk, you feel free to message me.
Will do, thanks man.
Holy shit. That is literally the first thing I typed out before I amended it and added the part where you could message me back. Lol.
Well, you know what they say. Great minds think alike. ;)
Get a room, guys.
Only if you join bby

Serious / Re: Conspiracy Theories that you think might be, or are true.
« on: September 29, 2014, 05:05:38 AM »
Whilst we don't have access to the cores, there is nothing stopping individuals from taking their own samples - apart from the funding to drag their ass across the arctic, the scientific knowhow to take, record and interpret the data themselves and the will to do it.
Except for the government which would stop you and sweep the "incident" under the rug as instrumentation failure that got you and your group killed.

It's not rational to think that the only place you can get information on climate is in the most hazardous, unreachable, and unsurvivable place on earth... too much of a coincidence IMO. Why can't we find this information elsewhere, like in rock patterns and formations? Why does it have to only exist in a place that we cannot have access to?

Because most rocks don't have air bubbles in them and there aren't many other places where ice can build up and not melt.
Sure there are, what about the permafrost in Russia?

At this point I don't think it's really worth arguing with you, but for the sake of giving some of those reading this thread some neat trivia I'll elaborate on why that question makes you look incredibly ignorant of the topic.

First, permafrost is frozen dirt. Underground. Where there isn't air.

Second, since permafrost is solid dirt it doesn't tend to build up layers annually, and if it did it would be through erosion which wouldn't trap samples of the atmosphere and happens over much larger timescales.

Third, permafrost only occurs in hazardous, unreachable-to-you places, which kind of defeats the purpose of you suggesting it as an alternative.

Fourth, we do get ice cores from Russia. Only problem is the only places out of the arctic where surface ice doesn't melt in the summer is at high altitudes, so Antarctica and Greenland are actually easier to set up research stations at.

Fifth and where many would misuse the word ironically, in recent years permafrost in Siberia and Alaska has been melting at an accelerated rate, often cited as one of the direct effects of climate change.

Lastly, you only needed to Google 'permafrost' to have this information provided to you, so there isn't really an excuse for being so uninformed.


The Flood / Re: What a night. I think I might snap.
« on: September 29, 2014, 05:01:34 AM »
Challenger, please, out of respect. Stop.

My mind is made. It won't change, and all you are doing is adding stress where no more can fit.

Out of respect, I will tell you this: Mrs Charlie and I both come from broken homes. I had brothers, she was an only child. My brothers and I were able to turn to one another for support, and at the end of the day we were better for it. She was alone, and to this day bears the scars of that loneliness.

For me the lesson is simple, if there is going to be pain, companionship eases it.

Now, I won't discuss this any further. Let it go.
Alright. Good luck.

The Flood / Re: Any nickname from your significant other?
« on: September 29, 2014, 05:00:23 AM »
Liefje en schatje, pretty much.
What does that mean?
According to Google translate it means "Honey and honey"
Can we let Flee say cause he prolly know more about what it means than google translate. Google translate is shitty and Flee is pretty smart.
They're pretty general pet names really. "Lief" is Dutch for sweet, so I suppose "liefje" would just be sweetie. "Schat", on the other hand, means "treasure". When you call someone your schatje, you're basically calling them your treasure. To me, it implies a certain degree of uniqueness and a promise to greatly cherish someone as you consider them your greatest treasure and most valuable thing about your life. It's a pretty sweet pet name that I quite like. :)
That's so sweet. You two are just amazing.
Thanks, hearing that means quite a bit to me. And just a brief reminder, if you'd ever want to talk about anything, feel free to hit me up on Skype. Absolutely no pressure though, just saying that I'm there if you'd ever need me.
Thank you, and the same to you. If you ever want to talk, you feel free to message me.
Will do, thanks man.
Holy shit. That is literally the first thing I typed out before I amended it and added the part where you could message me back. Lol.
Well, you know what they say. Great minds think alike. ;)
Get a room, guys.

The Flood / Re: What a night. I think I might snap.
« on: September 29, 2014, 04:54:33 AM »
I knew it.

That sucks man. You shouldn't adopt another kid. I won't tell you to divorce or stay, that's up to you. But you shouldn't force another kid to have to deal with this.

Its a wee bit late to back out now. He is being born as we type this. I have a cab here in 3 hours and 9 minutes to take me to the airport for the flight to Jacksonville.

What a great night to break the news to me, eh?
It's never late. You're not forced to go get the baby. Nobody's holding you at gunpoint.

Your wife has broken her wedding vows and has been sneaky about it too. Is this really the type of person you want to raise kids with? Is she really the person who should mother these children, when she has already shown no interest in doing so? Let me tell you something, a lot of women adopt because they think they're supposed to have kids.

Please, don't do this. It's not right. It's not right for the kids to live like this, and it's not right for you to have to eventually take care of two kids on your own. Cut your losses and give this one kid the best you can.

I know your heart is in the right place, but stop. Just stop. If I go it alone, I am pushing through with this. My son will have a brother.
I strongly disagree and I think you're just going to get even more grief from this plus an extra kid growing up in a broken home, but it's your life. It's not the fact that the kid might be ok, it's that his childhood will be sad. You shouldn't force another kid to live in your life, with a woman who barely cares and cheated on you.

Whatever. Do what you gotta do.
Can I use your time machine for a bit? Because clearly you know the future.
Oh, so the kids WON'T be sad when they grow up without a mom?
You don't know that they will be sad. It's up to Charlie to determine that. I sure as hell wasn't sad that my parents were divorced because of how well I was treated. My father had full custody.
A little kid won't be sad he doesn't have a mom/dad? Come on man.

If you have the financial stability and you think you can get custody, it won't be that bad. But what if she gets custody? You'll barely be there for them, no matter how much you want to be. That's torture for yourself and the kids.

I just don't see it. I get that it was your dream and your plan to have kids, but I don't know. Fucking bitch couldn't have told you before? Why the fuck does she even want the kids?
Will the kid be bummed put out his parents don't live together? Maybe. But you're acting like they will grow up without their mother and will have miserable lives.

That is just bullshit.
Most do have miserable childhoods. There's no bullshit about it, it's a fucking fact.

This is nonsense. It is solely up to the parents if they have a good childhood or not. Not if they don't live in the same house. Before the advent of modern medicine did kids have fucking miserable lives when lots grew up without their mother because she died during childbirth? No. Statistics mean nothing because it's up to the parents to determine if their kids have happy lives or not.

I'm done with this conversation.
Yes they were miserable, that's why medicine is so important.

You're getting way too emotional about this and you're not seeing what's wrong with what Charlie's doing.

The Flood / Re: What a night. I think I might snap.
« on: September 29, 2014, 04:47:21 AM »
I knew it.

That sucks man. You shouldn't adopt another kid. I won't tell you to divorce or stay, that's up to you. But you shouldn't force another kid to have to deal with this.

Its a wee bit late to back out now. He is being born as we type this. I have a cab here in 3 hours and 9 minutes to take me to the airport for the flight to Jacksonville.

What a great night to break the news to me, eh?
It's never late. You're not forced to go get the baby. Nobody's holding you at gunpoint.

Your wife has broken her wedding vows and has been sneaky about it too. Is this really the type of person you want to raise kids with? Is she really the person who should mother these children, when she has already shown no interest in doing so? Let me tell you something, a lot of women adopt because they think they're supposed to have kids.

Please, don't do this. It's not right. It's not right for the kids to live like this, and it's not right for you to have to eventually take care of two kids on your own. Cut your losses and give this one kid the best you can.

I know your heart is in the right place, but stop. Just stop. If I go it alone, I am pushing through with this. My son will have a brother.
I strongly disagree and I think you're just going to get even more grief from this plus an extra kid growing up in a broken home, but it's your life. It's not the fact that the kid might be ok, it's that his childhood will be sad. You shouldn't force another kid to live in your life, with a woman who barely cares and cheated on you.

Whatever. Do what you gotta do.
Can I use your time machine for a bit? Because clearly you know the future.
Oh, so the kids WON'T be sad when they grow up without a mom?
You don't know that they will be sad. It's up to Charlie to determine that. I sure as hell wasn't sad that my parents were divorced because of how well I was treated. My father had full custody.
A little kid won't be sad he doesn't have a mom/dad? Come on man.

If you have the financial stability and you think you can get custody, it won't be that bad. But what if she gets custody? You'll barely be there for them, no matter how much you want to be. That's torture for yourself and the kids.

I just don't see it. I get that it was your dream and your plan to have kids, but I don't know. Fucking bitch couldn't have told you before? Why the fuck does she even want the kids?
Will the kid be bummed put out his parents don't live together? Maybe. But you're acting like they will grow up without their mother and will have miserable lives.

That is just bullshit.
Most do have miserable childhoods. There's no bullshit about it, it's a fucking fact.

I think it's ridiculous they're rushing off to go get a kid when she just told him she cheated on him. Their lives are a mess right now, and it's bad enough for the one kid they have. It's almost selfish how they're getting another kid while they don't know if they're going to divorce or stay together, or if she might just leave.

The Flood / Re: What a night. I think I might snap.
« on: September 29, 2014, 04:41:13 AM »
I knew it.

That sucks man. You shouldn't adopt another kid. I won't tell you to divorce or stay, that's up to you. But you shouldn't force another kid to have to deal with this.

Its a wee bit late to back out now. He is being born as we type this. I have a cab here in 3 hours and 9 minutes to take me to the airport for the flight to Jacksonville.

What a great night to break the news to me, eh?
It's never late. You're not forced to go get the baby. Nobody's holding you at gunpoint.

Your wife has broken her wedding vows and has been sneaky about it too. Is this really the type of person you want to raise kids with? Is she really the person who should mother these children, when she has already shown no interest in doing so? Let me tell you something, a lot of women adopt because they think they're supposed to have kids.

Please, don't do this. It's not right. It's not right for the kids to live like this, and it's not right for you to have to eventually take care of two kids on your own. Cut your losses and give this one kid the best you can.

I know your heart is in the right place, but stop. Just stop. If I go it alone, I am pushing through with this. My son will have a brother.
I strongly disagree and I think you're just going to get even more grief from this plus an extra kid growing up in a broken home, but it's your life. It's not the fact that the kid might be ok, it's that his childhood will be sad. You shouldn't force another kid to live in your life, with a woman who barely cares and cheated on you.

Whatever. Do what you gotta do.
Can I use your time machine for a bit? Because clearly you know the future.
Oh, so the kids WON'T be sad when they grow up without a mom?
You don't know that they will be sad. It's up to Charlie to determine that. I sure as hell wasn't sad that my parents were divorced because of how well I was treated. My father had full custody.
A little kid won't be sad he doesn't have a mom/dad? Come on man.

If you have the financial stability and you think you can get custody, it won't be that bad. But what if she gets custody? You'll barely be there for them, no matter how much you want to be. That's torture for yourself and the kids.

I just don't see it. I get that it was your dream and your plan to have kids, but I don't know. Fucking bitch couldn't have told you before? Why the fuck does she even want the kids?

The Flood / Re: What a night. I think I might snap.
« on: September 29, 2014, 04:29:01 AM »
I knew it.

That sucks man. You shouldn't adopt another kid. I won't tell you to divorce or stay, that's up to you. But you shouldn't force another kid to have to deal with this.

Its a wee bit late to back out now. He is being born as we type this. I have a cab here in 3 hours and 9 minutes to take me to the airport for the flight to Jacksonville.

What a great night to break the news to me, eh?
It's never late. You're not forced to go get the baby. Nobody's holding you at gunpoint.

Your wife has broken her wedding vows and has been sneaky about it too. Is this really the type of person you want to raise kids with? Is she really the person who should mother these children, when she has already shown no interest in doing so? Let me tell you something, a lot of women adopt because they think they're supposed to have kids.

Please, don't do this. It's not right. It's not right for the kids to live like this, and it's not right for you to have to eventually take care of two kids on your own. Cut your losses and give this one kid the best you can.

I know your heart is in the right place, but stop. Just stop. If I go it alone, I am pushing through with this. My son will have a brother.
I strongly disagree and I think you're just going to get even more grief from this plus an extra kid growing up in a broken home, but it's your life. It's not the fact that the kid might be ok, it's that his childhood will be sad. You shouldn't force another kid to live in your life, with a woman who barely cares and cheated on you.

Whatever. Do what you gotta do.
Can I use your time machine for a bit? Because clearly you know the future.
Oh, so the kids WON'T be sad when they grow up without a mom?

This is wrong. These people shouldn't have a single kid. It's bad enough when people who have been married for a while with a kid they actually had get divorced because one of the parents cheated, but to willingly force a kid to go through this? It's cruel and selfish. You may be a very good parent Charlie, but your wife doesn't seem like she's going to be around. You shouldn't force yet another kid to live that experience.

The Flood / Re: What a night. I think I might snap.
« on: September 29, 2014, 04:21:58 AM »
I knew it.

That sucks man. You shouldn't adopt another kid. I won't tell you to divorce or stay, that's up to you. But you shouldn't force another kid to have to deal with this.

Its a wee bit late to back out now. He is being born as we type this. I have a cab here in 3 hours and 9 minutes to take me to the airport for the flight to Jacksonville.

What a great night to break the news to me, eh?
It's never late. You're not forced to go get the baby. Nobody's holding you at gunpoint.

Your wife has broken her wedding vows and has been sneaky about it too. Is this really the type of person you want to raise kids with? Is she really the person who should mother these children, when she has already shown no interest in doing so? Let me tell you something, a lot of women adopt because they think they're supposed to have kids.

Please, don't do this. It's not right. It's not right for the kids to live like this, and it's not right for you to have to eventually take care of two kids on your own. Cut your losses and give this one kid the best you can.

I know your heart is in the right place, but stop. Just stop. If I go it alone, I am pushing through with this. My son will have a brother.
I strongly disagree and I think you're just going to get even more grief from this plus an extra kid growing up in a broken home, but it's your life. It's not the fact that the kid might be ok, it's that his childhood will be sad. You shouldn't force another kid to live in your life, with a woman who barely cares and cheated on you.

Whatever. Do what you gotta do.

The Flood / Re: What a night. I think I might snap.
« on: September 29, 2014, 04:18:58 AM »
Women almost always get custody, especially in California.

Serious / Re: Is fundamentalism growing?
« on: September 29, 2014, 04:10:43 AM »
>Using isolated 'mini-examples' to try and make it seem like atheists as a whole are oppressed
Atheists are murdered in African and Arab countries. They're mocked and not allowed to hold certain offices in certain parts of America, and have been killed by Christian extremists.

Nice alt, by the way.

Serious / Re: You CAN prove a negative
« on: September 29, 2014, 04:07:58 AM »

The Flood / Re: What a night. I think I might snap.
« on: September 29, 2014, 04:01:27 AM »
I knew it.

That sucks man. You shouldn't adopt another kid. I won't tell you to divorce or stay, that's up to you. But you shouldn't force another kid to have to deal with this.

Its a wee bit late to back out now. He is being born as we type this. I have a cab here in 3 hours and 9 minutes to take me to the airport for the flight to Jacksonville.

What a great night to break the news to me, eh?
It's never late. You're not forced to go get the baby. Nobody's holding you at gunpoint.

Your wife has broken her wedding vows and has been sneaky about it too. Is this really the type of person you want to raise kids with? Is she really the person who should mother these children, when she has already shown no interest in doing so? Let me tell you something, a lot of women adopt because they think they're supposed to have kids.

Please, don't do this. It's not right. It's not right for the kids to live like this, and it's not right for you to have to eventually take care of two kids on your own. Cut your losses and give this one kid the best you can.

The Flood / Re: What a night. I think I might snap.
« on: September 29, 2014, 03:50:50 AM »
I knew it.

That sucks man. You shouldn't adopt another kid. I won't tell you to divorce or stay, that's up to you. But you shouldn't force another kid to have to deal with this.

The Flood / Re: Lol
« on: September 28, 2014, 06:40:59 PM »

The Flood / Re: Lol
« on: September 28, 2014, 06:35:04 PM »
Someone from the real flood  8) 8)

Who are you?
You mean the one full of cringy newfags who call themselves Floodians when they're 1 year members?

Just saying that I post there instead of this place
Looks like I
*puts on sunglasses*
changed your tune.


The Flood / Re: Lol
« on: September 28, 2014, 06:32:56 PM »
Someone from the real flood  8) 8)

Who are you?
You mean the one full of cringy newfags who call themselves Floodians when they're 1 year members?

The Flood / Re: Today I learned I've been pronouncing "forbade" wrong
« on: September 28, 2014, 06:31:07 PM »

I though I forbade you from being such a bitch ass nigga.

The Flood / Re: Lol
« on: September 28, 2014, 06:27:24 PM »
Gay as fuck m9.

The Flood / Re: I've started yet another shit storm (part 2)
« on: September 28, 2014, 06:18:49 PM »

The Flood / Re: I've started yet another shit storm (part 2)
« on: September 28, 2014, 06:16:48 PM »
Cool it or I'm locking this thread.

Serious / Re: Conspiracy Theories that you think might be, or are true.
« on: September 28, 2014, 06:09:14 PM »
Nobody planned 9/11 other than Osama Bin Laden. Bush administration knew something was going to happen, expected a few hundred dead at worst, and they'd go on their little crusade with the entire nation ready to kill some mooslims.

As far as it actually being orchestrated by Americans, that's a load of shit.

Serious / Re: Is fundamentalism growing?
« on: September 28, 2014, 06:06:13 PM »
Take a look at Islam. Take a look at the Tea Party, or just the entire Bible Belt.
I'm speaking about society as an aggregate.

I imagine the Muslims ashamed of ISIS or the citizens generally fed up with the polarisation of American politics outnumber those more ideological loyalists.
do they do anything to stop it? No
Except the Kurds, a predominately  Islam majority ethnic group, are trying to stop them. And don't forget the Arab coalition being led by the U.S to fight ISIS
Hey buddy, I know who the fuck the Kurds are. Don't talk to me as if you inform me of anything when you're the most uneducated person on this site.

My point is Muslim society does not discourage these types of radical extremists, if anything it encourages it. Poverty and a society focused on religion over real education leads to this shit.
So mad :^]

Turkey, Morocco, Iran, Suadi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, and other countries don't encourage radical extremists or have them running around. They're countries I would also love to visit. Know what encourages extremism? Fear. When your village is surrounded by men with guns and are known to kill anybody in their way, people won't do shit
Not mad at all. I'm just informing you to watch your tone, because you're very uneducated and it would be very out of place for you to think you inform others, especially when said other person is actually from that region and actually knows his history.

Muslim/Arab society encourages extremism by encouraging ignorance. School is unimportant and science is not seen as important at all. While at the same time religion is regarded as extremely important. Group ignorance, poverty, and fundamentalism together and you have what we see today. Of course Western meddling made things far worse and is still making them far worse, but it is up to the Arabs to stand up to the extremists that tarnish their beloved religion and Prophet.

Don't group Iran in with Arab countries, they're two very different societies. As you can see, there are little Iranian terrorists in the Middle East, and zero outside of that region. As for the government being one of the largest sponsors of terrorism, that's true. But then, the government is hated or at least disliked by most Iranians. There are revolutionaries that regret ever revolting against the Shah and are embarrassed by the state of Iran today.
Wtf is this, the damn Middle-Ages. Bro, I'm highly intelligent and educated, especially when it comes to the areas of history and geography. I know what I'm talking about. You watch your tone

And as I pointed out, there's several Arab countries that don't encourage extremism. What encourages it is fear. Lack of education is part of it but fear is where the blunt force of it is really at. Even if everybody was educated, men with guns watching them and threatening to kill them won't change anything
No you aren't. I'm not even trying to insult, you just aren't.

What men with guns? What are you talking about? Fear of who? You seem to be missing the point.
Nah, you're just an idiot. No need to say any more

Ever hear a group called ISIS? They're this group of crazy Muslims that have guns and everybody is scared of them
Right, and Muslim society along with poverty breeds groups like ISIS.

How is this so difficult for you to understand?
Because there are Muslim countries that don't have groups like ISIS

How is this so difficult for you to understand?
And yet it is ONLY Muslim countries/societies that breed these groups in this day and age.

Every Arab country has an AQ group, plus tons of other similar groups, along with the Taliban and Hezbollah. There's like 30 different groups in Palestine alone. Or did you think ISIS is the only Arab terrorist group?
And I did say lack of education is a factor but not fear is the bigger of the two. Saudi Arabia is ranked at #110 on the education index, making it a very uneducated country but it's not under the disarray as Pakistan, Syria, or Iraq

Fear is the biggest factor, followed by low education and poverty. And when you have a group of people threatening everybody in your village, nobody will try to fight back
We're going in circles.

Saudi Arabia is not as bad as others because it's rich as shit. Everything comes down to money. Fear has nothing to do with what we're discussing, which is the root of the problem. Which is poverty, ignorance, and religious fundamentalism.

The Flood / Re: Cheat, why do you have a black man spying on me?
« on: September 28, 2014, 06:02:39 PM »

This one time in Anarchy there was an ad of this dude looking down at the topics and taking his glasses on and off with a surprised face. Hilarious.

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