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Messages - challengerX

Pages: 1 ... 132613271328 13291330 ... 1398
The Flood / Re: Does anyone poke their head into anymore?
« on: September 29, 2014, 06:11:26 PM »
They might be just alts. Kinda like that one loser from #Destiny who made over 700 alts for the sole purpose of following his main.'ve got to be kidding...

He's not. Prior to the update Charlemagne was curious about him since he barely knew who the guy was and he had hundreds of followers. He took a look through his followers and saw that nearly all of them were accounts created within the same few days and had zero activity.

Cotu/Wolva Wonka/Crimson Howl/whateverthefuckhecallshimselfnow got extremely butthurt when this was pointed out and started crying about how he was lying and was trying to slander him. What's even more hilarious though is that when he reached 500 "followers" he went onto offtopic to congratulate himself. Of course nobody knew who the fuck he was so when people were asking "Who?" he got upset and claimed that people like CammCamm, Capiton Rendar, and other well known vets were just jealous of him.

Oh and then there was that time right after Marty was fired that he tried to capitalize on it to garner e-fame by making a "eulogy" for Marty. It ended up being a copy&paste from a wikipedia article, a bunch of people called him out on it, and he even told fucking Goji of all people that "nobody cares about plagiarism".
What a maroon.

The Flood / Re: Two more weeks
« on: September 29, 2014, 06:09:44 PM »

That's not Unlimited Blade Works.
That's not Attack On Titan or the new Dragonball series so its irrelevant and goes straight down the drain.

Attack on Titan should be renamed Attack on Average, and I'm looking forward to the new DB shit, but I can recognize it really isn't anything special. It's nostalgia that fuels my anticipation and enjoyment of the series.

Nasu's stuff easily surpasses DB, DBZ, and Attack on Titan.
Hahahaha...oh wait you're serious. Let me laugh even harder. Hahahahahaha!

That line should actually be used on you. You'd be hard pressed to find vets in the anime community that would share your sentiments and I'm being much nicer than they would be about this.

Here's some food for though for you. Liking something doesn't mean it's automatically good. I actually enjoy SnK (attack on titan), I've watched the anime twice and I casually keep up with the manga. A couple years ago I did a complete run through of the original Dragon Ball and watched through DBZ Kai. I'm looking forward to the localization of the new DB movie and anything that may come after it.

However with my 15 years spent engrossing myself in the medium watching both modern and classic anime I've been able to separate my personal enjoyment from an anime from the qualitative judgement I'd give one.

Hell I've already got things I don't like about UBW from the previews I've seen and I plan on knocking it for them in my first impression. I'm also currently reading Fate/Hollow Ataraxia and if I do a review on it there's some parts I'll tear into it for that I feel bring the whole thing down (namely the parts that were written by guest writers) even though I've very much enjoyed the read so far.

The fanboying you exhibit for the things you like is reminiscent of a desticle honestly. I'm not trying to be mean here and I'm willing to chalk it up to what seems to be a lack of experience in the medium.

*Air Horns*



The Flood / Re: Great. Now I have Hepatitis §ÿ^v
« on: September 29, 2014, 06:03:27 PM »
You'll make it through this man. Things could be a lot worse.

The Flood / Re: >E3 2077
« on: September 29, 2014, 06:01:25 PM »
>Call of Duty: Shit Warfare
>Call of Duty: Holy Warfare

a crusades based call of duty

where the whole point

is to kill mooslems

the ideal call of duty

cover art just released


The Flood / Re: Two more weeks
« on: September 29, 2014, 05:57:46 PM »

That's not Unlimited Blade Works.
That's not Attack On Titan or the new Dragonball series so its irrelevant and goes straight down the drain.

Attack on Titan should be renamed Attack on Average, and I'm looking forward to the new DB shit, but I can recognize it really isn't anything special. It's nostalgia that fuels my anticipation and enjoyment of the series.

Nasu's stuff easily surpasses DB, DBZ, and Attack on Titan.
Hahahaha...oh wait you're serious. Let me laugh even harder. Hahahahahaha!

That line should actually be used on you. You'd be hard pressed to find vets in the anime community that would share your sentiments and I'm being much nicer than they would be about this.

Here's some food for though for you. Liking something doesn't mean it's automatically good. I actually enjoy SnK (attack on titan), I've watched the anime twice and I casually keep up with the manga. A couple years ago I did a complete run through of the original Dragon Ball and watched through DBZ Kai. I'm looking forward to the localization of the new DB movie and anything that may come after it.

However with my 15 years spent engrossing myself in the medium watching both modern and classic anime I've been able to separate my personal enjoyment from an anime from the qualitative judgement I'd give one.

Hell I've already got things I don't like about UBW from the previews I've seen and I plan on knocking it for them in my first impression. I'm also currently reading Fate/Hollow Ataraxia and if I do a review on it there's some parts I'll tear into it for that I feel bring the whole thing down (namely the parts that were written by guest writers) even though I've very much enjoyed the read so far.

The fanboying you exhibit for the things you like is reminiscent of a desticle honestly. I'm not trying to be mean here and I'm willing to chalk it up to what seems to be a lack of experience in the medium.
fkn shrekt m8

Korra is kill

The Flood / Re: Does anyone poke their head into anymore?
« on: September 29, 2014, 05:24:51 PM »

I barely stay longer than 10 minutes. It's cringe town deluxe.

The Flood / Re: @Whoever is responsible for this
« on: September 29, 2014, 05:21:44 PM »
I don't think he's actually perma'd here <.<
Are you allowed to look at the list?

Nope but slash gives me updates <.<

Speaking of which, Verby is perma'd for death threats towards slash. So GG verbatim, his ban was going to expire today or tomorrow as well IIRC.

;_; Senpai never gives me anything.

Verby is pretty stupid for sending death threats to someone though. How in the hell did he think that was going to go over well?

All he does is act like an emotional 15 year old emo girl on her period.

Not exactly.

The Flood / Re: @Whoever is responsible for this
« on: September 29, 2014, 05:17:07 PM »


The Flood / Re: @Whoever is responsible for this
« on: September 29, 2014, 05:16:01 PM »
Actually he sent DTL death threats when he removed him from an offsite.

I tried telling him that his attitude will get him nowhere. He deserves it. Maybe this way he'll learn to stop being a cancer in every community he joins.

Serious / Re: Is Iran a threat?
« on: September 29, 2014, 05:03:35 PM »
Just read that a few hours ago. Fucking lol. When will America finally cut Israel loose? They've been a thorn in our side for way too goddamn long.
That's very untrue. Israel is America's greatest asset in the world.
I find the Israeli lobby in DC and us always backing Israel during the monthly bullshit with Gaza, whether they're in the right or wrong, to be more damaging to America than anything else. I think we should start taking a more neutral position on the Israel-Palestine conflict.
It's beneficial to the cockroaches in the US. The oil barons, corrupt politicians. People like that.

To the American people? It's a gigantic waste of money and destroys America's image in foreign countries. In my opinion Israel shouldn't even exist, and if it has to exist it should've been in America.

Serious / Re: "Don't judge a religion by its fundamentalists"
« on: September 29, 2014, 04:58:11 PM »
lel Irish plays too much TES

Serious / Re: Is Iran a threat?
« on: September 29, 2014, 04:55:49 PM »
Just read that a few hours ago. Fucking lol. When will America finally cut Israel loose? They've been a thorn in our side for way too goddamn long.
That's very untrue. Israel is America's greatest asset in the world.

Serious / Re: Is Iran a threat?
« on: September 29, 2014, 04:52:21 PM »
Only reason it's a "threat" is because it doesn't surrender to American imperialism
True, but that doesn't give the "government" the excuse to trample all over freedom and human rights, and threaten to destroy a country because it's full of Jews.
Freedom can't exist in the Middle-East till they get their shit together. You did say those countries are poor and uneducated and which are factors in breading extremism. Only way to keep extremism low and prevent groups from being formed is in the way of a government that is authoritarian. It's a necessary evil and will continue till society progresses over there

Israel also threatens to destroy Palestine
Iran was not poor before Khomieni and Iranians were not uneducated before the Islamic Revolution, and they still aren't now. Iran was perfectly fine until America toppled its democracy over oil and put a dictator in its place, then helped Khomeini overthrow him because he decided to do the same as Mossadegh with oil.

The things I said I said about Arab society. I made that very clear, and told you not to group Iran with Arab countries simply because of its geographic location. There wasn't extremism before the Islamic Revolution and there's barely any now. Iranians don't do the whole terrorist car bomb thing. They're a very small minority. 

There is absolutely no excuse for the actions of the Iranian government, and I hope they all have a slow death for destroying one of the oldest civilizations in the planet and reducing it to a 3rd world Muslim shithole.

Serious / Re: Is Iran a threat?
« on: September 29, 2014, 03:09:15 PM »
Only reason it's a "threat" is because it doesn't surrender to American imperialism
True, but that doesn't give the "government" the excuse to trample all over freedom and human rights, and threaten to destroy a country because it's full of Jews.

Serious / Re: Holy shit look at this fucking cancer
« on: September 29, 2014, 03:01:09 PM »

Gotta love how Kinder's trying to make himself look like the good guy so people stop hating him. A for effort.
Nah, you just have some unwarranted hate and false assumptions of me made up in your head

Bro, nobody hates you. You're just disgustingly uneducated and in severe denial of your racism.
I'm educated and far from racist. Making lies about people to feel better about your narcissism won't do jack shit. Instead of taking it out of me, I'm very sure Mr. P would love to have a guinea pig to practice in his field of study
You're uneducated and racist. It's just not even up for debate. The only person you can prove wrong is PSU, and that's not an achievement.

I'm not narcissistic. Again, you have no idea what that means further proving your ignorance. I don't take anything out on you, I prove you wrong and you lose your shit. Which is why when we have a conversation you get banned. Want to do a repeat performance?
Lol, I'm educated and not a racist. You're a narcissistic fuck who lives in a fantasy world where you're right and don't want to hear the facts. Get over yourself. You prove yourself to be an incoherent idiot by using ad hominem on me whenever I reply to a thread. Your stupidity derails said threads. You're a pathetic cancer to this forum
I haven't been using any ad hominem and I'm not a narcissist. All I get do is correct you.

Re read your post. You're the only one acting like a child hurling insults.
Yeah you have. You say untrue things, which is called libel meaning defamation of character. And you are a narcissist; you fail to understand that I'm not a racist and I am educated. You live in a fantasy world and refuse to believe reality, that's being narcissist

That's really pathetic from the guy who posts

LOLOLOLOLLOOOOOOOOOOL in nearly every thread
Oh my god. You have absolutely no idea what narcissist means. Me disagreeing with you and proving you wrong, or even laughing at stupid things you post is t ban worthy, and it certainly isn't narcissistic.

Why do you have this obsession with arguing? Any time I or anybody else disagrees with you, all you do is resort to name calling after a few posts. Seriously, it's getting old. Stop being such a little baby.

Serious / Re: Holy shit look at this fucking cancer
« on: September 29, 2014, 02:08:59 PM »
Can you guys just drop the argument? I don't want to ban both of you.
Or you can ban Challenger. His constant derailment and personal attacks makes this place a shit hole. Every thread I post in, he has to get ass hurt and attack me
No, I engage in debate. You getting defensive and insulting me does not me I'm attacking. Grow up and stop projecting.

Serious / Re: Holy shit look at this fucking cancer
« on: September 29, 2014, 02:06:27 PM »

Gotta love how Kinder's trying to make himself look like the good guy so people stop hating him. A for effort.
Nah, you just have some unwarranted hate and false assumptions of me made up in your head

Bro, nobody hates you. You're just disgustingly uneducated and in severe denial of your racism.
I'm educated and far from racist. Making lies about people to feel better about your narcissism won't do jack shit. Instead of taking it out of me, I'm very sure Mr. P would love to have a guinea pig to practice in his field of study
You're uneducated and racist. It's just not even up for debate. The only person you can prove wrong is PSU, and that's not an achievement.

I'm not narcissistic. Again, you have no idea what that means further proving your ignorance. I don't take anything out on you, I prove you wrong and you lose your shit. Which is why when we have a conversation you get banned. Want to do a repeat performance?
Lol, I'm educated and not a racist. You're a narcissistic fuck who lives in a fantasy world where you're right and don't want to hear the facts. Get over yourself. You prove yourself to be an incoherent idiot by using ad hominem on me whenever I reply to a thread. Your stupidity derails said threads. You're a pathetic cancer to this forum
I haven't been using any ad hominem and I'm not a narcissist. All I do is correct you.

Re read your post. You're the only one acting like a child hurling insults.

Serious / Re: Is Iran a threat?
« on: September 29, 2014, 01:54:15 PM »

Go suck a circumcised dick Netanyahu. ISIS slaughtering people like crazy and he's complaining about Iran when they're being bombarded with sanctions and are kind of cooperating on the whole nuclear thing.

Don't get me wrong, the Iranian government is a very real threat to Israel, as they fund, arm, and train Hezbollah whose sole purpose is to destroy Israel. Not to mention funding Hamas and a ton of other groups all over the Middle East. But get the fuck out of my face with this shit. Iran actually wants to help get rid of ISIS instead of saying "lol let us have nukes and we'll help epic trole", and he's crying about Iran during a time like this? Fuck off. Israel shouldn't even be a fucking country in the first place.

Serious / Re: Dear Christians
« on: September 29, 2014, 01:01:12 PM »
Just because he phrased it abrasively doesn't mean it isn't a good question.
Because assuming delusion is a fantastic way of opening a dialogue, right?
10/10 it's ok -IGN

Serious / Re: Why does a truth hold more value than a non-truth?
« on: September 29, 2014, 12:58:16 PM »
ur a fkn fgt m203

Serious / Re: Dear Christians
« on: September 29, 2014, 12:52:03 PM »


Serious / Re: Holy shit look at this fucking cancer
« on: September 29, 2014, 12:09:25 PM »

Gotta love how Kinder's trying to make himself look like the good guy so people stop hating him. A for effort.
Nah, you just have some unwarranted hate and false assumptions of me made up in your head

Bro, nobody hates you. You're just disgustingly uneducated and in severe denial of your racism.
I'm educated and far from racist. Making lies about people to feel better about your narcissism won't do jack shit. Instead of taking it out of me, I'm very sure Mr. P would love to have a guinea pig to practice in his field of study
You're uneducated and racist. It's just not even up for debate. The only person you can prove wrong is PSU, and that's not an achievement.

I'm not narcissistic. Again, you have no idea what that means further proving your ignorance. I don't take anything out on you, I prove you wrong and you lose your shit. Which is why when we have a conversation you get banned. Want to do a repeat performance?

Serious / Re: Holy shit look at this fucking cancer
« on: September 29, 2014, 10:32:59 AM »
Prepare to be killed, tortured, then sued for millions if not billions. In that order.

Good day sir.
>kinder when arguing


Serious / Re: Holy shit look at this fucking cancer
« on: September 29, 2014, 10:26:23 AM »
If you ever want to lose faith in humanity, go read some patriotic right wing conservative pro-gun facebook pages. The sheer amount of hatred, ignorance and utter stupidity among those people is staggering.
>implying all conservative gun owners are like that
Behold, a user of supposedly high intelligence!
Prepare to be killed, tortured, then sued for millions if not billions. In that order.

Good day sir.

Serious / Re: So I'm proposing to my girlfriend tonight
« on: September 29, 2014, 10:24:53 AM »

Gaming / Re: Destiny; The Tower Facelift!?
« on: September 29, 2014, 10:21:26 AM »
be brav gardens

Gaming / Re: I just got a Halo 2 Limited Edition
« on: September 29, 2014, 10:17:05 AM »
I got my limited edition a few days before release. It still has the orange DO NOT SELL BEFORE 11/09/04 sticker.

Gaming / Re: Destiny 'DLC' Is Locked On Disc
« on: September 29, 2014, 10:13:28 AM »
I already knew this when I heard there was a season pass. Bungie sold out.

Serious / Re: Occupy Hong Kong
« on: September 29, 2014, 09:43:59 AM »
Whatever happens, the people won't make a significant victory.

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