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The Flood / Re: Has anyone seen #Garning lately?
« on: September 13, 2014, 01:35:24 PM »
I was wrong.

Destiny isn't the forum on the Internet with the highest population of autistic betas.

You shouldn't feel offended by that.

And why shouldn't I be? I'm autistic myself.

The Flood / Re: Has anyone seen #Garning lately?
« on: September 13, 2014, 01:32:41 PM »
I was wrong.

Destiny isn't the forum on the Internet with the highest population of autistic betas.


#­gaming is proof that autism is contagious

-_- Really internet? Come on people, grow the fuck up. We can't keep using this word as an insult. Would any of you actually say this kind of shit in real life right in front of an actual autistic person?

We're not so different from you, ya know.

Septagon / Re: Do we get custom nameplates at Heroic?
« on: September 13, 2014, 05:30:33 AM »
Honestly if I just earn my Legendary in here, that will be fine for me. I'm not someone that's likely to break the rules here, unless I'm hungry as hell and haven't eaten in awhile, then I get mad.
Basically just be a likable and active member and you should have no problem getting there.

Sounds next to impossible. People naturally hate me on the internet no matter what. I actually had to not only quit but have my Newgrounds account voluntary deleted by the staff due to severe harassment from it's community. Thank goodness that was under a different alias, which was close to Decimator Omega but not exact. It was under the name "Decimating"

The Flood / Re: That one time DeeJ #rekt me
« on: September 13, 2014, 05:25:53 AM »
Let's face it. The Bungie we know and love is dead. Especially after Marty got fired. :/

What's wrong?

The Flood / Re: What did Henry VIII say to the prostitute?
« on: September 13, 2014, 05:21:07 AM »

That's quite a useless feature if you ask me.

Serious / Re: Anita Sarkeesian getting absolutely BTFO
« on: September 13, 2014, 05:15:14 AM »
I fucking hate her.

Always have, always will.

She's a fucking embarrassment to all Armenians

I'm Armenian and I agree with this.

The Flood / Re: Why does nobody love my Syria threads?
« on: September 13, 2014, 04:43:33 AM »
Nobody loves me either.

So I just roll with it and not let it bother me. After all, I love me...


The Flood / Re: That one time DeeJ #rekt me
« on: September 13, 2014, 04:40:55 AM »
Of course, knowing them, that's never gonna happen. >.>

Yep, Bungie *coughs* Activision's butt-slave *coughs* has managed to fuck up the site for good.

At first, they were Microsoft's butt-slave. Now their ass belongs to Activision. If money wasn't the case, perhaps Bungie would have been all like...


But since they most likely got a truck full of $$$$

"Activision, we may own our game, but our ass on what we do with us belongs to you!"

Let's face it. The Bungie we know and love is dead. Especially after Marty got fired. :/

The Flood / Re: That one time DeeJ #rekt me
« on: September 13, 2014, 04:33:11 AM »
At least he replied to your PM.

I'm just the plague to Bungie Employees.
I'll bet, especially if you have real concerns.

Actually, Achronos was nice enough to reply to my concerns, but with DeeJ, I Pmed him 2 days ago in regards to the legacy emblems that I'm certain I'm suppose to have, no response from him. Even with other crap in the past year, never responded once to me.

If his job title is community manager, he needs to get fired because he's terrible at it. Never thought I'd say this but I liked Urk more.
What was Urk like?

Better than Deej. Urk was a douche alright since he rigged Bungie Favorites to one private group to have it's content displayed, while others who worked hard at their creations were rejected and buried. Let's just say me not winning Recon in a 2009 screenshot contest was total bullshit. Should have one that day. I didn't unlock Recon until late 2011, and now I don't even play Halo 3 anymore, so it's pretty much too late. I wanted the Armor so I could use it in a short film but now it's all forgotten history.

Here's the thing. No real staff member from Bungie was really nice. They're all dicks at the end. Urk and Shishka were possibly the biggest dicks for awhile, then I meant DeeJ.

Seems to me that in order to be a Bungie Employee or Ninja, you have to have one qualification, be a douchbag.

Achronos is the worst however. He's the one that ruined the site completely and he doesn't give 2 fucks if your private group dies or died because of it either, and he certainly didn't care that veteran members such as myself where threatening to leave and not buy any of Bungie's shit.

...You know something? I'm changing my nameplate. I don't think Iike Bungie's logo anymore.
What I loved about the new update is that they said they would fix stuff such as groups, but they made the groups even worse than they were on And not to mention that after nearly 3 months, the site is STILL broken.

Yeah, even if it all got fixed, it would be too late. Nothing can revive the groups I was in anyway.

The Flood / Re: AMA about my current activities on
« on: September 13, 2014, 04:31:21 AM »


The Flood / Re: That one time DeeJ #rekt me
« on: September 13, 2014, 04:24:59 AM »
At least he replied to your PM.

I'm just the plague to Bungie Employees.
I'll bet, especially if you have real concerns.

Actually, Achronos was nice enough to reply to my concerns, but with DeeJ, I Pmed him 2 days ago in regards to the legacy emblems that I'm certain I'm suppose to have, no response from him. Even with other crap in the past year, never responded once to me.

If his job title is community manager, he needs to get fired because he's terrible at it. Never thought I'd say this but I liked Urk more.
What was Urk like?

Better than Deej. Urk was a douche alright since he rigged Bungie Favorites to one private group to have it's content displayed, while others who worked hard at their creations were rejected and buried. Let's just say me not winning Recon in a 2009 screenshot contest was total bullshit. Should have one that day. I didn't unlock Recon until late 2011, and now I don't even play Halo 3 anymore, so it's pretty much too late. I wanted the Armor so I could use it in a short film but now it's all forgotten history.

Here's the thing. No real staff member from Bungie was really nice. They're all dicks at the end. Urk and Shishka were possibly the biggest dicks for awhile, then I meant DeeJ.

Seems to me that in order to be a Bungie Employee or Ninja, you have to have one qualification, be a douchbag.

Achronos is the worst however. He's the one that ruined the site completely and he doesn't give 2 fucks if your private group dies or died because of it either, and he certainly didn't care that veteran members such as myself where threatening to leave and not buy any of Bungie's shit.

...You know something? I'm changing my nameplate. I don't think Iike Bungie's logo anymore.

The Flood / Re: What could you possibly be doing that's better
« on: September 13, 2014, 04:14:56 AM »
Oh god.... SHUT UP!  >:(


The Flood / Re: That one time DeeJ #rekt me
« on: September 13, 2014, 04:10:13 AM »
At least he replied to your PM.

I'm just the plague to Bungie Employees.
I'll bet, especially if you have real concerns.

Actually, Achronos was nice enough to reply to my concerns, but with DeeJ, I Pmed him 2 days ago in regards to the legacy emblems that I'm certain I'm suppose to have, no response from him. Even with other crap in the past year, never responded once to me.

If his job title is community manager, he needs to get fired because he's terrible at it. Never thought I'd say this but I liked Urk more.

The Flood / Re: That one time DeeJ #rekt me
« on: September 13, 2014, 04:03:45 AM »
At least he replied to your PM.

I'm just the plague to Bungie Employees.

The Flood / Re: Please, play this game with me
« on: September 13, 2014, 03:59:40 AM »
No thanks.

The Flood / Re: Would you go to a casual sex/swingers club?
« on: September 13, 2014, 03:57:42 AM »
That sounds really grimy.

I'd never set foot there.

Gaming / Re: How many Steam games do you have?
« on: September 13, 2014, 03:49:19 AM »

I don't have that much money to spend so I can't always get games.

Gaming / Re: Halo Custom Edition
« on: September 13, 2014, 03:46:14 AM »
I have it. :^)
I'm down for a game on Coldsnap or a dogfight on Hugeass.

I need to get those maps again. Hugeass however is so huge that it actually had clipping issues, so I'll get it's fix.

The Flood / Re: If you had to have sex with a guy.
« on: September 13, 2014, 01:39:21 AM »

Secret option C. Chris Hansen.

Gaming / Re: Destiny Codes
« on: September 13, 2014, 01:32:26 AM »
I already have all of them, but thanks.

Gaming / Re: pleh density wiff meh
« on: September 13, 2014, 01:31:28 AM »
>can still not get past the title screen

That's really weird. I'm able to play the game just fine.

Gaming / Re: Halo Custom Edition
« on: September 13, 2014, 12:55:35 AM »
I might install it again once I have a working PC.

Your PC crapped out? that's unfortunate. :/
Yeah, after I got kicked out and tried setting it back up again it just didn't want to work anymore. That's why I haven't been doing much outside of Warframe, because the computer I play it on isn't mine.

Damn. That sucks. :/

Gaming / Re: Halo Custom Edition
« on: September 13, 2014, 12:34:47 AM »
I might install it again once I have a working PC.

Your PC crapped out? that's unfortunate. :/

Gaming / Re: Replace a word from a video game quote with "balls".
« on: September 13, 2014, 12:33:23 AM »
Master Chief: "Sir, requesting permission to leave the station."

Lord Hood: "For what purpose Master Chief?"

Master Chief: "To give the Covenant back their balls!"

Lord Hood: "Permission Granted."

Gaming / Re: Destiny
« on: September 13, 2014, 12:27:46 AM »
>Having a "Story"


*picks both*


Gaming / Halo Custom Edition
« on: September 13, 2014, 12:10:58 AM »
I'm about to reinstall it since I lost it in my last Windows install. I will also install OpenSauce and all the good stuff.

Does anyone here have it? If not, you can get it from here:

As for the product key.... It's really easy to get when from a YouTube video of some guy using a keygen. That's how I did it, but if you have an actual copy of Halo PC, you can use it's key as well.

We should play sometime. Anyone agree?

Edit: Here's a working one. I cannot guarantee that it will work for everyone though. This key actually allows me to host a game on the internet compared to keygen keys.


Gaming / Re: Destiny
« on: September 12, 2014, 11:18:32 PM »
It's fun.

But you can tell Activision has forced Bungie to make Disk Locked Content and stall the story big time so they can really milk it. Just take a look at the sales.
So the Bungie-Activision deal was really a "Bungie will be Activision's butt slave" deal. What a surprise.

So Bungie owns the rights to Destiny, but under the condition of getting screwed? That sounds like a horrible deal.

The Flood / Re: Fartmonkey is visiting the offsite
« on: September 12, 2014, 09:00:02 PM »
Of course you won't know anyone. This offsite is not for people that joined  bnet because of destiny. This subforum is called THE FLOOD for fuck's sake. What the fuck did you expect?

Was called The Flood. They now call it #OffTopic.

You know who we need in here? Stosh. The Flood was his creation technically. I wonder what happened to that guy? Is he still even around?

Well I was talking about the name of the subforum here on this site. It's pretty obvious the flood isn't going to have any one he recognizes. And to answer your question, I don't really know.
I see.

The Flood / Re: Fartmonkey is visiting the offsite
« on: September 12, 2014, 08:58:14 PM »
To be honest I only see a few familiar faces here. Most of my generation from 2008 or 2009 is long gone. I have 1 face from the group RA that I used to be in, and some I recognize from the 2010-2012 era.
'06 master race

I lurked around 2007 at least.
I signed up right before Halo 3 got released, but I didn't post often enough for anyone to really recall me. I was a hardcore lurker in the beginning.

Was your name Cheat back then or did you change it?

I raped the shit out of him in MK8 that was 2 months ago


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