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Messages - Elai

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The Flood / Re: I'm lightning the rain transformed
« on: February 21, 2015, 10:25:12 PM »
Ryle ruining a thread once more.

It had so much potential.

Gaming / Re: Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain - Video Round-up
« on: February 21, 2015, 10:24:40 PM »
If MGS5 doesn't come out by the end of the year I will literally hang myself.

I've already started cutting. It's just taking too damn long.

Rumour has it that it's slated for an April release... which would just fantastic, that's my birthday month.
I know the execs at Konami said that KojiPro had a release date for 2015 and that they were going to announce it at some point.

I follow MGSV like a bloodhound, and according the the leak Konami report, MGSV is slated for a Q3 release.

My guess is that they'll announce the release date at GDC this year.
As a 16 year old kid without a job. My family is complaining about the fact I'm holding on to my birthday money. Because most of the time MGS has really badass collector editions. Like MGR for example.

Serious / 3, non-negotiable things you look for in a spouse
« on: February 21, 2015, 10:23:08 PM »
We had a discussion in one of my classes last semester about sexuality and stuff, and one question that was asked to us was if there were certain things your significant other would have to abide. In other words, non-negotiable things you would look for in a potential mate. The reasoning for this was that people don't put enough thought into settling down, and they don't realise the comminment they're making, and that is why a lot of marriages are failing.

In the class we had to make 5, but 3 seems more appropriate here.

So, shoot.

For me, it would be:

1: Non-religious
Can't have conflicting ideologies for raising children.

2: Pro-adoption
I don't want biological children. They must be okay with adoption or no children.

3: Must be comfortable with my vegan lifestyle (preferrably a vegan).

The Flood / Re: Should I overdose on paracetamol tomorrow?
« on: February 21, 2015, 10:15:08 PM »
As long as it gets the job done, who gives a shit?
It wouldn't though.

Then he should probably give a shit.

Gaming / Re: Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain - Video Round-up
« on: February 21, 2015, 10:11:53 PM »
If MGS5 doesn't come out by the end of the year I will literally hang myself.

I've already started cutting. It's just taking too damn long.

Rumour has it that it's slated for an April release... which would just fantastic, that's my birthday month.
I know the execs at Konami said that KojiPro had a release date for 2015 and that they were going to announce it at some point.

I follow MGSV like a bloodhound, and according the the leak Konami report, MGSV is slated for a Q3 release.

My guess is that they'll announce the release date at GDC this year.

Gaming / Re: So evidently GG is going to 'sarin gas PAX' | ffs
« on: February 21, 2015, 10:10:43 PM »
I would say my life is largely influenced by video games and video game related news.

But this GamerGate shit? I have no idea what's going on, as I don't pay any attention to it.

Gaming / Re: Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain - Video Round-up
« on: February 21, 2015, 10:06:44 PM »
If MGS5 doesn't come out by the end of the year I will literally hang myself.

I've already started cutting. It's just taking too damn long.

Rumour has it that it's slated for an April release... which would just fantastic, that's my birthday month.

The Flood / Re: Should I overdose on paracetamol tomorrow?
« on: February 21, 2015, 09:57:48 PM »
As long as it gets the job done, who gives a shit?

Gaming / Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain - Video Round-up
« on: February 21, 2015, 09:55:31 PM »
A collection of all videos pertaining to Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain! I created this thread for those of you who aren't familiar with what the new Metal Gear is offering. Hope I can help with that.

In 2012, a trailer emerged of a new IP called "The Phantom Pain", being developed by Moby Dick Studios.

Am I in hell?

It wasn't confirmed to be Metal Gear Solid V at this point, but I mean, it was pretty obvious. I can't recall if MGSV was confirmed within the year, but the next official Metal Gear Solid V trailer comes from GDC 2013.

Start talking, bitch!

A bit more story-oriented in that trailer, but a lot of this footage is from Ground Zeroes, the demo that would be released in March of 2014. It serves as a prequel and tutorial for The Phantom Pain. The reasons for this release aren't confirmed, but if you ask me, it's because TPP was taking a long time to craft and Konami needed more money to develop it. It would also, like I said, serve as a tutorial for new and old fans of the series, as it changes up the core gameplay quite a bit. But it's a much needed change, if you ask me.

The next clip we get is from E3 2013. I remember this trailer, clear as day. I was watching it while I was in gym class on my tablet. We were running for 12 minutes around the gym, and there was no way in hell I was missing the Microsoft conference. Anyways, it highlights a lot more content from The Phantom Pain, and gives us some of our first gameplay from the Fox Engine. [It's the extended version, for obvious reasons.]

What took you so long?

This is where shit gets interesting. We have a long drought without content (aside from Ground Zeroes), but E3 2014 finally rolls around. And we get this BEAUTY of a trailer for our devotion to Kojima.


[FYI, it's the greatest song ever.] In glorious 1080p 60FPS (everything after this point should be in 60FPS). And Kojima continues to deliver, as he then releases a 25-minute long demo of The Phantom Pain. My snake was definitely solid last summer.

You're a legend in the eyes of those who live on the battlefield.

This is fantastic, but isn't the highlight of last year's releases. The next gameplay demo we get is from TGS 2014, and it
shows off TPP jungle environment. Another 25-minute demo, this more accurately displays just how versatile and creative Kojima can be with the proper equipment.

Shoot this!

At about the 20:00 mark, an enemy helicopter appears. The player tries to use his underbarrel grenade launcher, but realises they have run out. Now, this is where shit gets interesting.

Because of the buddy system, you can tell your partner (in this case, Quiet, the sniper deprived of her words) to shoot a frag grenade mid-air to destroy the helicopter.


If that doesn't get the nanomachines flowing, I don't know what will.

Also at TGS, we get two trailers of the possible buddies you can use in the game: Quiet, a sexy sniper and DD, also known as Diamond Dog, an orphaned wolf trained to be a badass. He/she also has an eye-patch. This perfectly embodies the love and joy Kojima puts into his games, IMO.

It's the circle of life.

When the time comes, I'll pull the trigger.

After that, we get an alternative to the Afghanistan demo at Gamescom, depicting how different each mission can play out.

Go ahead.

I particularly like how you can make your horse shit on the road and enemy soldiers will drive over it, resulting in their car spinning out of control. Pretty neat stuff.

Jump to the Playstation Experience, where Metal Gear Online 3 is showcased. It's a player-versus-player gamemode, and seeing as I've never had the pleasure of experiencing Metal Gear Online, I'm really looking forward to this mode.

C'mere, Adam.

And that about sums it up. You can find some cutesy little videos about what you can do with the cardboard box and stuff like that, but this pretty much sums everything major up.

Hope you enjoy.

Videos put into spoilers by request.

The Flood / Re: I'm lightning the rain transformed
« on: February 21, 2015, 08:28:24 PM »
This shit ain't funny anymore.

The Flood / Re: I'm lightning the rain transformed
« on: February 21, 2015, 08:11:58 PM »

The Flood / Re: I'm lightning the rain transformed
« on: February 21, 2015, 08:08:48 PM »

The Flood / Re: I'm lightning the rain transformed
« on: February 21, 2015, 08:08:16 PM »
Look guys I love Metal Gear. But this is getting really sad.
these memes aren't even dank

I wasn't trying to upload dank memes, just funny MGS-related stuff.

>tfw you prefer Sutherland as Big Boss as opposed to Hayter

The Flood / Re: I'm lightning the rain transformed
« on: February 21, 2015, 08:06:23 PM »
Look guys I love Metal Gear. But this is getting really sad.
these memes aren't even dank

I wasn't trying to upload dank memes, just funny MGS-related stuff.

The Flood / Re: I'm lightning the rain transformed
« on: February 21, 2015, 07:54:44 PM »
Wipe this meme from the face of the earth.

                                   This... Is my final mission.

The Flood / Re: I'm lightning the rain transformed
« on: February 21, 2015, 07:50:42 PM »
"Wipe this meme from the face of the earth.

                                   This... Is my final mission."

The Flood / Re: [Character]+[Character]=You
« on: February 21, 2015, 06:59:09 PM »
No but seriously probably Baird + Joel from gears of war and TLOU respectively.

Baird because I'm highly intelligent (on paper) but also a total jack ass who gives 0 fucks most of the time. Joel because I'm caring to a fault at times and sometimes make decision that are selfish and justify them by telling myself I'm helping someone else. I also have the dark hair and sometimes my "country" accent slips through as much as I try to hide it.

I'm really surprised you said you were highly intelligent.

I actually agree with you (you are ridiculously clever at times), but it's rare that people are so honest about themselves. I'm impressed, Ty.
well I mean I'm feeling a lil cocky I just took a bunch of tests and I got the highest grade in the class of like 300 students on one, aced another, and missed 3 questions on a test with a class average of 60% in a class of 600. And I graduated top of my class in high school

Usually I'm much more humble about that shit because I believe tests scores and degrees are over valued in our society.

I'm the same way. I scored really high on an IQ test but I still come off as an idiot on here, which makes me think that either everyone else here is really smart, or there's something wrong with me.

I think my intelligence comes from reading people's facial expressions, putting myself in their shoes, etc. Anything psychological. Which doesn't really translate well on the internet. That's why my claims about my intelligence often look falsified.

The Flood / Re: can we have a cory in the house thread
« on: February 21, 2015, 05:49:42 PM »
Please keep this going. I want to come back in half an hour to keep laughing.

Gaming / Re: The Marathon Trilogy - Get It!
« on: February 21, 2015, 05:46:10 PM »
No, too dated for me. There's a limit to how far I'll go back and play a game.

Eh. I don't blame you. That's why there is an unreal engine mod for it.

My computer's too shit for that, lol.

Gaming / Re: The Marathon Trilogy - Get It!
« on: February 21, 2015, 05:43:40 PM »
No, too dated for me. There's a limit to how far I'll go back and play a game.

Gaming / Re: 2015
« on: February 21, 2015, 05:40:50 PM »
Okay, well let's just have a discussion here. You seem more level-headed than Lemon and Septy.

By giving out your money before receiving a finished product you are telling the publisher that you will pay for their game regardless, and are only opening yourself up to a broken and/or bad product.

I understand what you're trying to say here, but you have to give your money to the developer before you play the game, so no matter how things turn out, you're always giving your money up first before seeing if the game is finished or not.

You gain nothing worthwhile from this.
You get to play the game ASAP, which is worthwhile for people that are megafans, like myself for MGS.

If we have learned anything from Bungie, and its not clear that we have, its that reputation and history mean nothing when it comes to the quality of the next game.

And Bungie will never get another dime from me. The only scenario I can see myself realistically playing their games is if I buy them used for less than half price. And absolutely no DLC, whatsoever. This is the same mindset I have with Ubisoft. For developers that consistently provide a complete game worth it's asking price, I'm willing to buy on release day (given that there isn't anything fishy going on, like review embargos or anything.) And keep in mind, I only plan on buying 2 games day-1 in 2015, and potentially the rest of the generation.

Look at all of 2014 and you'll see plenty of shit games that were either broken or under-delivered.
In this case, RaD genuinely believes their product is worth $60. Everyone at their studio thinks peolpe are retarded and bullying them.

I'll post my stance once more, as I think it justifies my position a bit better:

First off:

There's no excuse for pre-ordering physical copies anymore. This isn't 2004, they won't run out.

But it's still okay to pre-order digitally. There are just certain conditions you should always be under (some of these are applicable to physical purchase as well, and will be marked with a "*"):

1: The pre-ordering will only be done within 3 days of the game's release.*
2: The pre-ordering is used only to pre-load.
3: There are multiple reviews already published, that indicate a successful, unbroken launch. If there are no reviews, this should be a sign that the publishers are aware of things wrong with their game and should be considered a red flag. DO NOT PRE-ORDER if this is the case.* (You shouldn't even be considering pre-ordering physical, under and circumstance).
4: The pre-ordering is a rare occurrence. Things that you're a big fan of, like Halo, The Witcher, Pokemon, etc. You shouldn't be even considering pre-ordering unless you are a mega-fan.*

This is, in my opinion, the best trade-off of getting your games ASAP and remaining an intelligent consumer in the industry.

Gaming / Re: Just found this review for MGS4 (lol it's pretty funny)
« on: February 21, 2015, 05:31:48 PM »
This will be fun.

I really treasure Metal Gear Solid 4 as a great game. I think it bridged a fair amount of action, with what you would expect from a Hollywood film.
I disagree. 9+ hours of cutscenes, some of which go on for 15+ minutes (at the minimum). The opening has a 7 minute dialogue about how "war has changed", allows you to control snake for LITERALLY 5 seconds, and then another two minute cutscene rolls. And that isn't the worst offense, either.The first two chapters of the game are great (the middle east and South America(?)), but it all goes downhill from there. The only redeeming factor after Laughing Octopus (which is a bad fight to begin with), is the introduction to Shadow Moses.

Some of the stages (such as the one where you run from the Raven PMC in Europe) are close to an experience that games should strive to provide.
I can't... what? Do you mean that games should strive to provide an experience like that?

It was an awful on-rails shooting segment that highlighted the game's slow-moving reticle and poor gunplay. Eva repeats the same shit over and over and and it feels like the Snowmobile section of MW2 without the player control.

However, despite those features, I do think it's subpar to Metal Gear Solid 3.
And every Metal Gear to date.

The balance between story, action and dialogue was better achieved, and executed all around. Metal Gear Solid 4, just like Old Snake, is a tired story that is struggling to carry itself to a completion and slap a "The End" at a behemoth.
I think the idea of SS dying would make an interesting story but this whole game ruins MGS2 and 3 for me.

MGS2 established the idea of passing on the torch, and letting go of Solid Snake. The meta narrative in the game is easily the most impressive I've ever seen, but it's ruined by MGS4's acceptance of those events. In MGS2, you are not sure what's real and what's a simulation, and that was part of the intrigue. But MGS4 treats all of those events as if they actually happened, which only further complicates an already complicated narrative.

Not to mention, likable characters like Sigint, Zero, and Para Medic are all said to have changed drastically from their MGS3 counter-parts to sadistic, evil overlords of the world. PM, a movie-loving doctor, changes from her kindhearted personality to the sociopathic doctor that tortures and experiments on Gray Fox. Zero is literally the source of all the world's problems, despite seeming like a good enough friend in MGS3. He doesn't seem to have any real connection to The Boss, at least, not on the level of Jack.

That is also why Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes, and The Phantom Pain are drastic developments to achieve both the cinematic immersion, and action in the same experience whilst it upholds the values taken from Metal Gear Solid  3 and maybe from Metal Gear Solid when it comes to dialogues and the overall story.

Kojima likes Big Boss a lot more than Solid Snake, so i reckon this game will be the narrative successor to MGS3, if you enjoyed that. As much as I loved MGS2's hidden meanings and such, MGS3 tells a brilliant story without making my brain hurt.

I know MGSV will be GOTY, and I know I shouldn't, but I honestly think it could be the best MG of all time. Fingers crossed, I suppose.

The Flood / Re: AMA, cause fuck you I'm bored
« on: February 21, 2015, 05:08:31 PM »
Why do you use overly complex diction to make your points? Isn't it rather counter-productive, to convoluted your arguments behind a wall of pretentious synonyms?

Or do you use it as a screening process for idiots like myself?

His diction isn't even complex though...

In Serious it gets out of hand. In The Flood it's not even an issue.

Not really, most people in serious can follow him just fine from what I've seen.

That's because the average intelligence in Serious is much higher than anywhere else on the site.

Gaming / Re: 2015
« on: February 21, 2015, 04:50:27 PM »
Alright buddy, alright.

The joke was towards Septy, who I infact talk to in skype and he was telling us about you lot getting all pent up because you actually like to pre order, the fact that you all turned this thread into a argument about Pre ordering and not pre ordering was the joke.
The thread is about pre-ordering, so how is pointing out the people arguing about the topic at hand a joke? Forums by nature are used as a means to discuss. That would be akin to going to a baseball game and half way in saying to your friend,

"Lol, are people still competing at baseball?"

"Haha. Good one, dude."

Do you see my point?

It seems you all got a little mad in here, that's not my problem. You want to pre-order, he's not stopping you, its just his opinion that its not a good idea.

I'm not mad in the slightest. I get frustrated with Lemon because he's Lemon but that has nothing to do with the OP or the topic of discussion. I actually made a few jokes myself when talking directly to Septy.

I should reiterate that I meant no offense to you or the OP but I was only, again, asking for confirmation.
The fact you're carrying this bullshit on contradicts you're not mad.

I'm done with the argument, but I stand by what I said. Again, I'm not mad in the slightest. In fact I don't have the energy to continue to debate something so petty.
Sure thing, It was getting pretty boring trying to talk to a wall.

Gaming / Re: ming = blown
« on: February 21, 2015, 04:48:25 PM »
Yet another example of how Gold/Silver is the highest level of quality Pokemon will ever achieve.

The Flood / Re: AMA, cause fuck you I'm bored
« on: February 21, 2015, 04:46:49 PM »
But you would think if your goal is to "spread your message" across the internet, that communicating with the simpletons like myself would make more sense, something you couldn't do when using your natural vocabulary.

To be honest, I enjoy the fight more than the victory. I play to throw punches and be punched, not necessarily to win.

Fair enough.

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