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Topics - Elai

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Gaming / Dark Souls II
« on: July 04, 2016, 05:09:47 PM »
My playthrough of DS2 and 3.

Playthrough of DS2 starts here
Starting scholar of the first sin now.

The Flood / Going through some old gfs' Instagrams
« on: July 03, 2016, 02:41:31 AM »
Normally it's a painful process for me given how much i cared for each of them but recent events have given me a new perspective on things.

So glad i didnt end up with any one of them. Theyre bad news, man. Woulda either cheated on me because no sex or tempted me into something i didnt wanna do. Need a good girl to keep me level, yo

You guys ever go back to look at exes? Hows that usually go

The Flood / I'm only just realising women are the root of all evil.
« on: July 02, 2016, 01:59:33 PM »
Wow, this is an incredible feeling. To finally figure out the universe.

Sitting on the couch, hours at a time... really makes you think...

The Flood / If you're so funny
« on: June 30, 2016, 01:54:36 AM »
then why are you on your own tonight?

The Flood / Made a potential mistake a few days ago.
« on: June 17, 2016, 12:48:15 AM »
Few weeks ago I had my heart broken by a girl I'd been pining over for some time. At this emotional low-point for me, I made the rash decision of getting in touch with an ex-girlfriend of mine whom I haven't talked with in 2 years.

I suppose the mindset I had was that I was tired of being alone and I knew that me going back to an old flame would sort of a be a "sure thing", alieviating some of the pain.

I asked her to get coffee sometime, to which she agreed. She generally seemed like how I remember: cordial, caring, upbeat, kind. We're supposed to go sometime in the next couple of days.

But see, the problem is that

a) this girl has been no-good for me in the past, and
b) I'm still really into that other girl

There is a possible future with the first girl but not for at least a year or two. I think I would be happier with her and she's actually 10/10 marriage material, but it's not a sure thing and by not moving on I'm just potentially waiting around for nothing. Something that I feel I've been doing for the last 5 years.

So, any suggestions? I can elaborate where necessary. I'm honestly just kind of curious to see what some of you think.

Gaming / Best of E3?
« on: June 16, 2016, 11:01:06 PM »
What are some of the games you guys are looking forward to?

Death Stranding and Breath of the Wild are games I was already looking forward to, so I can't say those are my favourites.

ReCore looks right up my alley, and I'm very interested in the co-op Dark Souls-type game called Necropolis coming out next month. Looks like that'll be a blast with friends.

I'm excited by the idea of Crash HD and Spider-man PS4, but we haven't seen enough for me to say I'm hyped.

Fe is also another game I'm going to closely keep my eye on, but given how little we know about it, it's hard to be excited. Abzu also looks like a nice, relaxing game I can pour a couple hours into.

Sea of Thieves looks like a game I could enjoy with friends, but I only have a handful on Xbox One, so...

Detroit: Become Human is interesting, but I'm a little worried about its execution.

Horizon: Zero Dawn looks great and all, but I can tell it's one of those games I'll actually need to play to be excited to play it. I didn't feel much watching the demonstration.

Think that's all of it... ReCore is probably my best of E3, if I had to absolutely choose.

The Flood / >tfw halfway through 2016
« on: June 16, 2016, 12:07:43 AM »
and Reznor still hasn't announced his new NIN stuff yet

i've virtually completed my halo collection and i'm itching for new stuff, maaan.

(fingers crossed that he'll tour close to me)

Gaming / Insomniac's Spider-man for PS4 Thread
« on: June 14, 2016, 05:42:25 PM »

Want to reserve this for the future.

S P I D E R - M A N  P S 4

E3 2016 Teaser Trailer

The Flood / I just had the best day.
« on: May 26, 2016, 09:31:30 PM »
The girl I've been pining after for the last year or so just spent 2 hours talking with me in my 2016 Corvette about everything and nothing. It was fantastic.

I'm trying to get the Tomb Raider soundtrack to appear in my albums section but it won't. I had the same problem with a few other CDs I tried to install, but I simply unchecked the "Album is a compilation of various artists" button and it was fixed.

The Flood / Favourite Disney Princess and why.
« on: May 21, 2016, 06:30:43 PM »

Dark-haired, bright-eyed, tenacious, well-read French beauty who is more concerned with the depth and quality of one's character than anything else?

Pretty obvious.

The Flood / Pinkerton is a pretty solid album.
« on: May 20, 2016, 07:11:31 PM »
I've been branching out recently. Been enjoying myself. Pinkerton was a suggestion from a friend and I can't say I'm disappointed. I've also been enjoying Hatful of Hollow, Music for the Masses, and Disintegration.

What are some other albums I should check out?

The Flood / What exactly do I need to buy a car from a dealership?
« on: May 16, 2016, 08:20:20 PM »
Due to current circumstances, I'm in need of a car. I'd like to get something that's good on gas and reliable, so feel free to suggest stuff, too. I was thinking Ford Focus or Hyundai Elantra/Accent.

I don't know the first thing about buying a car. I don't have anybody willing to help me out IRL with this. Do I absolutely need to make a downpayment? If so, what's the minimum I can put forward? I have virtually no money right now so that's also an issue. Any help is appreciated.

The Flood / This week, man. My brother just crashed my car.
« on: May 14, 2016, 12:41:30 PM »
I've been driving my sister's car while she's out of town this week because I work delivery for Pickle Barrel and her car is much better on gas, so my brother has been taking my car to and from school and work for the last couple of days. Today was a rainy day so the roads were bad, he ended up spinning tires and swerving into on-coming traffic, resulting in him over-correcting into the curb.

The damage.

It could've been a lot worse, but it just feels like one thing after the other this week. It's going to cost a shit ton to fix this thing, and with money I don't actually have.

On top of this, one of my closest friends passed away, my best friend is ruining things with the girl I love, a girl I used to love is going out with a new guy, my buddy keeps stealing all the good delivery days from work, resulting in me basically making no money, and my grades are gradually slipping below acceptable.


The Flood / The House of El and Theology
« on: April 04, 2016, 01:45:28 AM »
So, I was doing some reading of biblical "apocrypha", researching various archangles after a mini-discussion about them in Anarchy when I came across something interesting.

In 2 Esdras (officially recognised by the Orthodox Church but virtually no one else), there is a scribe named Ezra, sometimes written as "Azra", who was visited by the archanged Uriel and given punishments and laws to adhere to and enforce over other people.

Azra was later recorded in the Apocrypha as having entered Heaven "without tasting death's taint". Depending on various religious views, it could be taken as Ezra ascending to angelic status. This would add the suffix "el" to his name, which denotes a heavenly being (e.g. Michael, Raphael, Uriel). Hence, it would be Ezrael/Azrael.

Now, what is interesting to me is the bit at the end about the suffix -- "el". That's Superman's family name. Jor-El, Kal-El, Kara Zor-El.

I know many writers like to beat readers over the head with the Superman=Jesus/God/Angel imagery and symbolism, but if this was intentional I think it's pretty clever.

The Flood / Favourite quotes?
« on: March 30, 2016, 10:47:32 PM »
Can be about anything, really.

The Flood / Cheap alternative to an iPod?
« on: March 27, 2016, 01:45:06 PM »
My phone only has 16GB of space, and that isn't enough. But I'm not looking to spend $200+ on an iPod classic to hold all of my music, especially since I don't use iTunes...

Any recommendations? Something more than 64GB would be nice.

The Flood / Spoiler Saw Batman V Superman again.
« on: March 25, 2016, 11:33:28 AM »
I figured out why I was having a hard time gauging the movie's quality. When Snyder does something good, it's really good -- but for everything he gets right, he gets 3 things so wrong. This dichotomy confused the hell out of me.

For example, he'll create a fantastic fight sequence that, visually, looks so fucking cool, thanks to the cinematography and costumes. But then he'll do something stupid like make a guard in the background just stand there with his weapon and watch Batman beat up his friends, or make a misc. henchman pull out a fucking FRAG GRENADE instead of using his fully functional G36 to shoot him. Just small, dumb decisions that are present in abundance.

It's really heartbreaking to dislike this movie because when I see Ben Affleck and Cavill besides each other, in their respective suits, something inside me just gets so giddy -- it's not like Marvel, where they helped make characters like Iron Man and Thor cool with their movies (both characters were pretty unpopular before the MCU); Batman and Superman were cool and popular beforehand, and seeing them up there, together, looking so... authentic, is just amazing. It took them 3 movies to get Captain America's suit right -- Snyder only needed one.

It just sucks that everything else pretty much blows ass.

The Flood / AMA I saw Batman V. Superman: Dawn of Justice last night.
« on: March 22, 2016, 01:07:13 PM »
Going to keep it spoiler-free.

Serious / Opinions on the raising of children by same-sex parents?
« on: February 29, 2016, 07:41:53 PM »
I'm torn and wanted to hear some other thoughts on it.

Blog rant thing. Not sure if this belongs in serious but I guess we'll see.

He's suspended (from school) for the rest of the week guaranteed but it might worsen and become a legal problem depending on how tomorrow's proceedings go...

I don't know what to do. I'm the eldest brother (I have two younger brothers), and neither I nor my other brother are exactly "sexually charged", if you know what I mean. He's been, from what I can tell, manipulating this depressed (she cuts herself) teenage girl whom he liked into sending her semi-to-full nude photos. Saying things like "Oh, it would make me so happy. Do it for me."

If it were anyone else I'd call him a piece of shit for abusing that poor girl's mindset at the time like that, but I can't condemn him for it. He's my god-damned brother. I don't consider myself the sentimental type, but there have been a few moments in my life where my protective instincts had completely clouded my judgement -- this is one of them.

He tells me that it's one-sided -- that they've only shown the texts that make him look like the bad guy. But he deleted all of the texts off of his phone, so there's no real way to check who's lying, to my knowledge.

I'm just pretty lost on this, to be honest. I'm not exactly in the best place myself, so I feel really overwhelmed at this moment. Has anyone had any similar situations or have any advice? Would really appreciate it.

Sorry if this isn't all that well-written. For obvious reasons I'm not "all there".

The Flood / Your user number dictates what Pokémon you transform into.
« on: February 21, 2016, 07:38:06 PM »
How fucked are you?

I'm 597, so that makes me Ferroseed:

If your number is higher than 721, subtract that from your number and use that as your Pokémon.

For example, if your user number is 824, you would subtract 721 from that. So, [824 - 721 = 103]. In the Pokédex, 103 is Exeggutor.

The Flood / New development: Psy = Courtney Gears?!
« on: February 20, 2016, 12:15:56 PM »

I see the future - and what do I see? Robots going crazy 'cross the galaxy.

Can't stand organics, they're soft and squishy.

The time is now; we robots must be free!

This goes out to all you robots 'cross the galaxy.

It's time for you and me to rise up and - strike - back.

Don't stop till we dominate,

Won't you feel great,

When we exterminate all - organic - LIFE!

The Flood / why's it so dead right now
« on: February 17, 2016, 09:29:54 PM »
damn this is bad

so how was your day today guys

The Flood / why are you fucking retards responding to his threads
« on: February 17, 2016, 04:38:52 PM »

The Flood / Zoolander 2
« on: February 16, 2016, 11:32:29 PM »
Did anyone get the chance to see this? What did you think

I didn't think it was nearly as memorable as the first but Kiefer Sutherland was soooo good. I just love him so much.

The Flood / Why does the website shit out at midnight everyday
« on: February 16, 2016, 11:18:50 PM »
It won't load for like 10 minutes around midnight everyday (est)

Anybody else have this problem

Gaming / Landing at Forest Haven | Wind Waker Thread
« on: February 16, 2016, 01:24:47 PM »

(Sorry if I look homeless, I slept in my car last night, heh.)

"Today's the big day, Jak. I hope you are prepared. For whatever happens..."

Anyways, yeah. I'm starting WindWaker today. I would like to finish it before my PS2 comes in next week. So. . . yeah. Just starting a new game now. Discuss and shit. I'll try to update with each play session what I think and stuff.
(Given that I don't get bored like I did in Ocarina, lol.)

February 18 -- "Landing at Forest Haven"
Before I begin, there's something I forgot to mention yesterday: the fact that King of the Red Lions just gives you a Wind Waker out of the blue is a little odd. In OoT, after a dramatic escape scene from Ganon, you have to look around in the water for the Ocarina of Time. It doesn't feel nearly as far-fetched as "It's dangerous to go alone. Take this wand with you." Just a little nit-pick.


So I resumed my play session from where I left off: Dragon Roost Cavern's entrance. Ever since, I don't know, Lethal Lava Land, I can't seem to get too excited for volcano-based levels. But I tried to keep an open mind.

The dungeon is easy enough for the most part. I had no trouble whatsoever, except for at a few parts.
1: That part where you an enemy pops out of a jar and you have to take his sword at smash in the other two barriers.
2: I couldn't figure out how to get to that lower ledge that leads you to the Big Key.
3: I had trouble getting back from the area where the Big Key is kept. I didn't know you could climb the hookshot if you slowed it down. Oh well. Everything else was a breeze.

The boss was nothing to write home about. I don't even remember its name. I don't think I took a single hit. Gohma from OoT was a much better first boss, IMO.

After you defeat it, you get a decent wrap up to the Rito Prince story. They all say something about talking to the God of the wind, but I already did that. I played the song and changed the wind direction south so I could get to my next destination. Yesterday I said I didn't mind the sailing, but I can definitely see how it may get boring. I didn't even move my left analog stick at all the entire time. There was this weird moment where I thought something was going to jump out at me though, because suddenly the music just stopped and the weather worsened, but that's the only thing worth noting about the trip. The fish guy mentions something interesting about hidden caves and stuff on each island, but I didn't check anything out yet. I'll leave that for a bit later. Also, everyone keeps mentioning "bait" like I'm supposed to know what that is and where to get it.

Anyways, after 5 minutes of sailing or so, I land on the Forest Haven isle and save my game. Like yesterday, I'm not really "hooked" -- but I did find myself enjoy the much more platform-y sections of the last dungeon (when you actually go outside of the dungeon to the cliffs, there are stairs that fall when you walk on them, a bird's nest with a hidden key underneath, a few hookshot targets... it's cool, and I noticed myself enjoying them more than the other parts.) Dragon Roost Cavern is nothing really special, but it's not bad either. Maybe it's just my predisposition against lava levels, I don't know. But this next portion looks promising.

February 17 -- "Dragon Roost Cavern Entrance"
You guys were right, it was Windfall Island. As soon as I walked up the beach it did this little intro cutscene thing and it said "Windfall Island" in the top left. Anyways. I took my time and explored. Talked to everyone. I don't feel as intimidated in this game to explore as I did in Ocarina. I don't know what it was, but I think it had something to do with the draw distances in that game severely limiting my vision, making me feel overwhelmed. Here, it isn't an issue though. Plus, you get all sorts of goodies and tips for talking to and helping out people. Win-win.

Windfall is kinda neat. The people are sorta weird, though. Everyone seems really self-obsessed and a tad narcissistic. Which is fine -- I like how all the islands I've encountered so far have their own personality. That being said, there isn't much to actually do on Windfall at this stage in the game. You have two dads who want their daughter saved, but they're chilling with Aryll right now so that's no bueno. Elvis mentions something about a dance that someone showed him awhile ago, but I don't really have access to that song yet so I'll probably come back to it. One little detail I would like to point out is that group of kids that runs around. There's this one kid who's obviously the leader -- he walks a little taller, a little faster, than everyone else. Kind of cool. After I bought the sail from the Popo, I went back to King of the Red Lions and set sail. Verb said that this was going to be a hit-or-miss feature for me, but my initial impression? I like it. The Great Sea music is a really solid remix of the Hyrule/Termina Field music, and I don't see myself getting to tired of it. Sailing speed seems fine for the most part, as you have to avoid barrels and things in the water anyway. I reserve the right to change my mind, but as of now, yeah. I like it. Better than running through Hyrule field when you forgot to secure Epona in Ocarina, lol.

Anyways, the game wanted me to journey to "uncharted territory", but because I had already talked to everyone, I sorta put together that I'm headed to Dragon Roost Island. When I arrive, I'm greeted with a really cool-ass looking mountain thing -- very reminiscent of Death Mountain or whatever from Ocarina of Time (with the swirling clouds and such.) I explore my surroundings a bit -- manage to learn a new song for my Wind Waker from that shrine behind the island entrance. Not sure what Thundurous is doing in this game, though.

Making my way up the mountain was easy enough. And speaking of easy, it's worth noting that this game is a walk in the park. I have about 40 deaths in Ocarina by this time, but I haven't died once yet. Maybe I'm just getting better at the Zelda formula, but somehow I doubt it. Don't get me wrong, though -- I'm not complaining. Difficulty is a stupid thing to harp on about.

I meet up with... CRAP. I forget his name, but he's the mail-man who vouched for you on Outset Island to Tetra. He says he'll see what he can do to help me out by talking to the village Chief. Awesome. I really like the Ritos. They seem like a really hard-working, down-to-earth people. Out of all the Zelda species I've interacted with thus far (Gorons, Fairies, Hylians, and Zora's), I like them the most. Anyways, I'm tasked with bringing a letter from Medli to the Prince of the Chief or something (forget his name, too), but I don't really do so until I finish exploring. Played a fun mini-game to win back some of the Rupees I lost buying the sail.

I show the letter to the Prince and I go meet up with Medli. After throwing her across the cavern, she tosses me the bottle... for some reason. Gee, thanks. But I pretty much know what I'm supposed to do at this point. Filled the bottle with water, pour it on the bomb plants up top, demolish the boulder blocking the pond. I do that, and I make a pretty uneventful entrance to the next dungeon, where I save my game.

I wouldn't say I'm "hooked" yet, as I'm not entirely itching to get back to playing the game, but I'm by no means dreading the experience like I was in Ocarina. It's quite therapeutic to explore, to run around, the smash expensive pots. And besides, like I said, this game isn't that hard. There's no reason I shouldn't complete it, even if I don't like it. I stopped playing Ocarina because it felt like I was mostly wasting my time because I just didn't know what to do. But at least here I'm actually accomplishing things. I hope you guys don't mind my constant comparisons to OoT, because I'm going to be making a lot of them.

So... yeah. That's where I'm at right now. Maybe if I end up liking this game, it'll be easier to go back and play Ocarina and subsequently Majora's Mask. I really want to play Majora's Mask. Wind Waker seems like the easiest Zelda game for newbies like me to get into.

February 16 -- "The Forsaken Fortress"
-the "Forsaken Fortress is a stealth-based dungeon. And anyone who knows my tastes reasonably well knows I'm not the biggest fan of stealth. That being said, the loss of the sword makes for a good push against the player to really master the basics.

-The barrels you use to sneak past the pigs were reminiscent of Metal Gear's cardboard boxes, which was probably not their intention but I liked it anyway.

-The use of lighting here works really well with the game's art style, though it felt like the game was trying to convey to me some sort of message with it. Like, if I was in the "light", I would be easier to see, and if I was in the "dark", I would be more difficult to spot. But I never felt like this was the case.

-The guard pig things were a bit weird. Sometimes it felt like they were clueless, and other times it felt like they had Superman-levels of mastery over the senses. Getting caught and thrown into the jail cell after just getting to the summit where the last pig guy is stationed was really annoying (happened to me twice).

-Was surprised at how early Ganon was introduced, considering how little I've seen of him in my "travels" on the internet. Looks like he jumped straight out of Sumarai Jack.

-I have no idea how Link survived being thrown that far and left to die at sea. The boat (King of the Red Dragons is his name?) says he can't sail because he has no sail, which would make it impossible for him to save Link while he's in danger of drowning? Oh well. I didn't expect the boat to have a character, but something tells me he's going to be like that old-ass Owl from OoT.

-I saved on the random island they didn't name for me. One of you guys probably knows what I'm talking about. I have to go find a sail so I can leave and presumably rejoin Tetra/save my sister.

Overall, solid dungeon, didn't feel nearly as tedious as the OoT dungeons. Was actually kind of fun.

February 16 -- Start date
-The opening does some good world building, recounting the overall story of OoT's Link and the events that followed his life. Surely it will have some connection with the story in this game.

-I hate expositional dialogue like "Hey, Big Brother!" or "Isn't it your birthday today?", but in a game like Zelda that's (apparently) not narrative-driven, I can kind of forgive it. I just find it a bit laughable considering I don't know a single person who calls their brother, "Brother".

-Very little hand-holding so far (which is a good thing in my book. I hate those condescending "Push the Left stick to move around" prompts in most games today.) The tutorials are all there if you need them (which I did), but experienced players who just want to get on with the game can, for the most part, brush by these things.

-What I like most about the first few moments of gameplay is that you're kind of told exactly where to go, but on the path to that place, there's little crevasses and platforms with Rupees scattered throughout to incentivise exploration/experimentation. Hope that continues throughout the game.

-Can I please live on Outset Island? Lol. I absolutely love the vibe. Very laid back, but that old guy with all the knowledge with the brother that teaches you how to fight? I wanna live in his house.

-As annoying as he is, I like how that Snot-nosed little kid just follows you around and idolises you in-game. Kinda neat.

-As for the story, I only got a little bit through it. Like I said, I was experimenting. But the good-bye from Outset island was surprisingly emotional, albeit, short. I think it mostly has to do with how emotional Link is. Not "emotional" as in "crying all the time", but he shows a lot of emotion in his facial animations. Like when he hits a rock with his sword, he kinda does this twitch thing. Or when he's struggling to run up a hill. Very nice.

I can at least say I enjoyed my first two hours of WW more than OoT.

The Flood / well
« on: February 15, 2016, 11:10:02 PM »
there she goes

Gaming / So, I'm kinda bored of games as a medium.
« on: February 15, 2016, 09:39:09 PM »
Before I call it quits on the industry as a whole, are there any games I simply must try?

WindWaker is on my list.

What else?

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