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Topics - OnionBeetle

Pages: 123 45
The Flood / Anyone here have an imouto?
« on: January 21, 2016, 07:20:39 PM »

I was planning on having holidays abroad over the summer, but my friend I was going to go with pulled out because of medical reasons. Would it be autistic of me to go with my dad instead? Have you ever had any experience travelling with family? If so were you ridiculed by the locals?

I might have asked this a couple years ago but that time the trip was cancelled.

The Flood / Napolean's Army in Russia
« on: January 19, 2016, 01:46:27 PM »

Literally the best infographic of all time was designed like 400 years ago lol

The Flood / Has anyone spoken unironically in public?
« on: January 18, 2016, 01:25:42 PM »
I alwAYS try to rembemr the mantra of the old philospher "memes are for private, macros are for public."

But lately because of media bombardment of unirony, in the home and electroincal devices, has permeated my behaviours on subconcious level, no longer can I speak with true irony or sarcasm. Because of Pole's law.

The Flood / Hello please
« on: January 17, 2016, 01:43:04 PM »
Asking for some obscure advice I can't really google, and since all of you are


I thought I would ask here. What is the best way to present yourself through a phone-based interview. I have found myself in an exceedingly odd situation, the story of which being quite humourous, but I'll save that for another thread for another day!! xSDDDDD

The Flood / As a European...
« on: December 14, 2015, 04:54:11 PM »
We are taught that American presedential elections are irrelevant becasue Congress is where the power lies after Watergate. And Congress has insanely longer terms and they are all rich millionaires that buy each other positions.


The Flood / McGregor 13 second KO'd Aldo
« on: December 13, 2015, 12:27:19 PM »
Literally meme'd him in the face. Glad I didn't pay to watch that.

So boxing or MMA? Boxing is probably harder imho tbqh fam, more endurance and much higher chance of concussion and brain damage as the recounts allow you to fight long after you should have been taken out.

The Flood / I'm starving to death
« on: December 12, 2015, 08:23:17 AM »
I can't go downstairs to get food because my ENTIRE extended family decided to fucking visit the place. Haven't eaten any solids in over 27 hours. They are showing no signs of leaving.

Time to break out the 'back-up bottles' to sustain myself. I never thought it would come to this.

The Flood / tfw 2016 was 10 years ago
« on: December 11, 2015, 05:03:38 PM »
feel old yet? I know I do.

Reminder that it's ALL downhill after the age of 17.

The Flood / Got invited to a house par-tay
« on: December 11, 2015, 12:07:24 PM »
Not even being humorous tbqh. I LITERALLY did get invited. Problem is I only know 5 people that are going and none of them are close friends.

Is dine and dash a good option? Just go there, keeping up appearances, eat the shit and then slip out? Or is that too cheeky? I could buy a bottle of mead and leave it there as a tolken though.

So many possibilities. What do?

The Flood / Are you the 'best in the world' at anything?
« on: December 10, 2015, 04:50:30 PM »
Even if it's only a small, niche/pointless talent. Is there anything you can do that you can firmly say with confidance that you are the only person in the world that adept in whatever the fuck it is?

Maybe you're the best online player of a shitty multiplayer game that only 5 people have heard of.
Maybe you are a legitmate genius and have invented gravity boots. Doesn't matter what it is, post it here.

Myself? I've become the world's leader in a retardedly nuanced and pointless area of study. The last academic piece that even touched on what I'm doing was written over 60 years ago.

All that is left for me to do is claim it.

Try and argue otherwise. Pro tip : You LITERALLY cannot.
This is not a meme thread btw looking for philosophical arguement.

The Flood / Post YOUR wallpaper and other rate.
« on: December 06, 2015, 02:26:23 PM »
I'm not sure if wallpaper threads are posted often or if they are allowed but just lock this if there's been one recently.

Rate each others wallpapers for more banter lads. Trash talk them if they are shit. Anime wallpapers = AUTOMATIC 0/10
I'm honestly interested to see your guys.

The Flood / Do you like Christmas in general?
« on: December 06, 2015, 09:37:52 AM »
The religious aspect aside, do you like this time of year? All the songs, consumerism, shallow messages, advertisements and stuffing your face?

Like, I get it, I do. People need a break from work and shit, especially during the depressing weather. And they use Christmas as an umbrella excuse for whatever they have in mind. Even though I get why Christmas has become what it is today, I still don't like the shit that comes with it. It's so fucking fake it hurts.

Why can't we just have a 2 week general holiday instead? Like I don't even care about the religious part of it, it's the fucking shoving it down our throats for 2 months in advance that bruns me out. Hearing  Jingle Bells in November/early december on the radio makes me want to fucking paint the walls with my brains holy shit.

Your thoughts?

The Flood / I have become a neo-hipster. Help.
« on: December 05, 2015, 04:10:04 PM »
Don't ask me how this began. I don't know when I started to turn but it must have been recently. I DON'T KNOW WHAT CAUSED IT. My only respite is that I am aware of the neo-hipster signs.

I've started reading anarchist literature, I'm not even meming right now. What in the name of fuck? The worst part? I'm UNIRONICALLY agreeing with their arguments.

Even thought about vaping. I'm actually disgusted with myself at this point. What's next? Buying neo-converse and colouring them in with markers?

I don't want to be a neo-hipster. How do I stop this? You are the most un-hipster people I know.

The Flood / How long could you last without using the internet
« on: December 05, 2015, 11:20:59 AM »
Was thinking of not using the internet for a few weeks just to test myself. I'm honestly not sure how reliant I am upon it and how much it would fuck with my day if I had no internet usage. Proably so much fuck you'd take for granted. Banking, streaming, messaging, memeing, all that good shit.

How long could you go for? No connection whatsoever, on phone laptop or whatever, like you're back in the 50's.

inb4 some vaper le 'what's your zombie plan xddd upvote' redditor says forever because they can survive off the fatta the lan'. And internet is not neccessary for survival. You know what I mean by the question you bastard. 

A man in a suit on one half of the screen reading a pre-written monolouge relating to a picture on the right-hand side of the screen.


LITERALLY every TV show I've seen from America has had this. Why?

The Flood / Tom Bombadil is LITERALLY more OP than God.
« on: November 24, 2015, 11:56:27 AM »
< Explicitly stated multiple times that the ring has no power over him

< Can LITERALLY see Frodo when he has the ring on and tells to come back and stop being a faggot

< His wife is a fucking river because nature loves him

< LITERALLY older than the Earth he walks on and older than the things that created it. Nobody Knows where the fuck he came from

< His infinte power stems form him not giving a single fuck

That I LITERALLY cannot differentiate between unironic irony, post-meta irony, irony and sarcasm anymore. I'm not even being ironic right now, I LITERALLY CANNOT. I don't know what's happening anymore.

I haven't said anything unironic in an IRL conversation for the past 7 months. Help.

I feel about 50 already ffs tbh imho. hbu fam?   :o :o :o

The Flood / How does the internet work?
« on: November 21, 2015, 04:40:36 PM »
Think about it. Where are these words go? Does it use nanofibers? Who made the first cyberweb and how did they make the connection to the second internet? What number is this internet.

It boggles the mind. Truly we are living in the age amonugst kings and queens.

Buying gifts for the opposite sex? No need.

Dates? Nah.

Aniversarariyes? Lol.

Sharing an apartment? No thank you, I'll have it all to myself.


Big retarded car that can fit a family in it? Fuck no, get a motorbike.

You will LITERALLY unironically save over 400,000 money if you are asexual. Not even jk atm tbh imho.

The Flood / Share your worldly advice
« on: November 20, 2015, 02:15:44 PM »
Some lifehacks I picked up along the way. It's tough out there.

1. If you think someone is following you, turn around and ask them if they are following you.

3. If you have a paper due but didn't do it. Just copy and paste the relevant wikipedia entry and rearange the words to avoid plagarism. Use wikipedia's listed sources as your own. CHA-CHING!

3. If you need to buy food but are too poor to buy any, sell whatever you are using to read this and buy the food with that money.

5. If somebody wants to fight you, tell them you don't want to fight and to please go away.

The Flood / Do you have any MULTICULTURAL friends?
« on: November 12, 2015, 01:57:08 PM »
if you are a BLACK person do you have any WHITE PEOPLE Friends?
If you are white person do you have any yellow, beaner, black people friends?

As a person myself, I have friend from many different countries. Together we make friendship and happiness across all boarders and ETHNO-SOCIOPOLITICAL RELIGOIOUs boundraies.

The Flood / Quick AUTIST test
« on: November 10, 2015, 11:05:16 AM »
Quick way of identifying if you are an AUTIST. Tell me what answer you got and I will explain why you are/are not an AUTIST.

The Flood / Post a piece of trivia / obscure fact from your field of study
« on: November 07, 2015, 02:31:12 PM »
Or if you're not studying anything, just a random fact will do. But try and make sure they are facts. Don't want to be giving people false information. No need to cite anything, we're not fascists here.

The word Decimate (Latin) dervies from an Ancient Roman Republican form of punishment. (I'm not certain if it was for cohorts or entire legions but I'd image it would be for cohorts only.)

 The punishment was used only in the most extreme circumstances to enforce discpline. The soldiers were lined up in a random fashion. And every tenth man (Deci) was forced to be beaten to death by his comrades. This continued through the entire (cohort?) until every tenth man had been killed.

Presumably this was used if the Standards were lost (They were rarely ever lost so it is unlikely). But it was mainly used for cowardice.

The Flood / What's the most autistic book you've ever read?
« on: November 06, 2015, 01:37:24 PM »
By autistic I mean pretentious.

inb4 le Bible atheist meme xDDDD

The Flood / What topic did you write your thesis on?
« on: November 03, 2015, 12:11:32 PM »
Share the title of your work if you wish. I am interested to see what areas people have learned about.

The Flood / Have you ever had gf?
« on: October 28, 2015, 11:40:51 AM »
Tell share story.  I go first : 

The Flood / How do people do things?
« on: October 27, 2015, 05:11:07 PM »
I'm not even exaggerating this meme. Like literally HOW do I make an appointment, like why the fuck don't they teach this shit in school? I still use a phone from 1999. I LITERALLY have never used a touchphone. I don't know how to write or post a letter.


How do I pay taxes? Don't look at me. How am I expected to know all this bs if no one ever told me. Is it ok to order two dinners from a menu? Apparently not!

Can I just walk into a bank and ask to open an account, nope. Do people just wikihow everything or am I just retarded?



Pages: 123 45