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Yeah I'm trying to lose weight the old fashioned way by eating less and walking every day.
Just saying man, I've gone from 215 to 165 in 8-9 months.

>tfw even fucking verb gets more pussy than my fat ass does

Why have I not killed myself yet?
Lose weight. I can recommend shit for killing appetite and boosting metabolism when I get off work at 11.
I am interested too.
He's using all sorts of drugs don't listen to him. He'll be dead in 5 years.
I can list everything I'm taking...

L-arginine and L-citrullin
Protein powder
Omega 3

The only one of which that is "dangerous" is the DMHA which is similar to DMAA which can raise your blood pressure. I used to take dangerous shit, prescription level phentermine and toperimate, which had negative effects on me and I stopped that shit immediately.

>tfw even fucking verb gets more pussy than my fat ass does

Why have I not killed myself yet?
Lose weight. I can recommend shit for killing appetite and boosting metabolism when I get off work at 11.
I am interested too.
For appetite suppression, yohimbine is good. I take a five mg pill once a day of those. The other is DMHA which I take 150 mg twice a day of. Sometimes 300 for breakfast of I'm planning on working out heavily. Like since starting these two, I can eat maybe a thousand calories and not want to eat anymore. And its otc unlike things like phentermine.

Word of warning though, DMHA is powerful. I'd do research before jumping in on that one.

The Flood / Re: I'm Jive Turkey ask me anything
« on: March 31, 2017, 07:16:25 PM »
]Yeah over the counter test boosters are bs. If you really want to bring your levels up and a doctor won't do it for you, you can always make a few purchases and "self medicate"
know any places to buy for that?
Don't fall into the trap.
Jive is literally telling you to do steroids.
I mean, I don't even have the muscle definition to warrant steroid use yet, though I do know they have the ability to increase t levels. I just know I was diagnosed with low t in high school but my doctor was an asshole who didn't prescribe shit to help out, which is probably why losing weight and shit is such a bitch.
So get help from a medical professional, don't trust the kind of people who have been selling Jive poison.
Wtf I'm not going to sell him steroids. My oils are pharmaceutical grade only anyway so no underground lab poison here

I'd recommend he see multiple endocrinologists/doctors until he finds one that's prescribe him T. Could change his life srs
I mean, like I said, I have no insurance whatsoever. Plus I only have a part time job at Dunkin Donuts until I'm done with my teaching degree. I know that with getting tested and prescribed I'd be looking at a lot of blood work. I just don't have the finances for that.

>tfw even fucking verb gets more pussy than my fat ass does

Why have I not killed myself yet?
Lose weight. I can recommend shit for killing appetite and boosting metabolism when I get off work at 11.

The Flood / Re: I'm Jive Turkey ask me anything
« on: March 31, 2017, 01:46:14 PM »
]Yeah over the counter test boosters are bs. If you really want to bring your levels up and a doctor won't do it for you, you can always make a few purchases and "self medicate"
know any places to buy for that?
Don't fall into the trap.
Jive is literally telling you to do steroids.
I mean, I don't even have the muscle definition to warrant steroid use yet, though I do know they have the ability to increase t levels. I just know I was diagnosed with low t in high school but my doctor was an asshole who didn't prescribe shit to help out, which is probably why losing weight and shit is such a bitch.

The Flood / Re: I'm Jive Turkey ask me anything
« on: March 31, 2017, 09:25:07 AM »
]Yeah over the counter test boosters are bs. If you really want to bring your levels up and a doctor won't do it for you, you can always make a few purchases and "self medicate"
know any places to buy for that?
Don't fall into the trap.

On a similar note, a few weeks back at the mall, I saw a black female who had cat ears and a tail come into the mall as I was about to leave. She was actually cute as well. Was weird to see such a combination like that.

The Flood / Re: I'm Jive Turkey ask me anything
« on: March 30, 2017, 10:26:45 PM »
]Yeah over the counter test boosters are bs. If you really want to bring your levels up and a doctor won't do it for you, you can always make a few purchases and "self medicate"
know any places to buy for that?

The Flood / Re: I'm Jive Turkey ask me anything
« on: March 30, 2017, 04:34:23 PM »
How's my progress looking?

Fucking great especially compared to your early pictures man. You're also looking tan  8)
Thanks. I've been doing all sorts of things to bring up my test levels while working out as well. Full body tans, cold showers, I also bought a supposed test booster and estrogen blocker, both the nugenix brand. Don't think you saw the pm about it, know you said it doesn't give you notifications. I've been posting on /fit/ as well and they said that it sucks and only prescribed t works though. I know from having tests done when I got gyno at 17, my t was below normal, and I'm 25 now, so I can't imagine how it is now. Without insurance I can't do much.

Along with that I started yohimbine and DMHA and been taking that all preworkout along with l-arginine and protein powder.

The Flood / Re: I'm Jive Turkey ask me anything
« on: March 30, 2017, 12:12:56 PM »
How's my progress looking?

The Flood / Re: Did speed for the first time tonight
« on: March 16, 2017, 07:13:19 PM »
I'm on acid right now and smoking. On hour two right now.

Serious / Re: JonTron and Destiny debate immigration and race
« on: March 16, 2017, 06:50:20 AM »
He argues that white people are becoming a minority via "displacement." To him, this is a bad thing, because as more and more non-whites enter the country, this puts "white values" in jeopardy or something like that.
He's not exactly wrong. U.S. culture is heavily influenced by European culture. Strong ideals towards autonomy, individuality, etcetera. Other cultures such as Mexico's is far more collectivist and the cultures do clash. That's why with things like teaching, how lessons are conducted have to be modified because of the high influx of minority students.

Gaming / Re: PS4 4.5 update is now out
« on: March 12, 2017, 10:19:07 AM »

Need to extend the image some on the sides and darken it though because it's far too bright for the text on there.


Post hour long work out.
bro could your haircut and scruff be any more Mexican?
not much I can do with the hair until I can afford transplants.


Post hour long work out.


Only a bit into working towards /fit/ status. Picked up weight lifting after dropping 40-something pounds at around the start of the year.

The Flood / Re: Wow cheat, stole both this site's name and logo
« on: February 26, 2017, 06:29:10 PM »
Wut. What game even is this?
Infamous second son.

The Flood / Wow cheat, stole both this site's name and logo
« on: February 26, 2017, 05:14:34 PM »

The Flood / Re: Do you believe ego death is a real phenomenon?
« on: February 14, 2017, 09:05:57 PM »
I mean, I heard you can lose it on psychedelics, but I've done both shrooms and acid and haven't had that happen.

The Flood / Re: Study Stress
« on: February 10, 2017, 02:00:57 PM »
I think I know that feel

I can't say I know a whole lot about your situation, but I know how it is being the one who helps around the house while your brother does nothing. I live my parents and work and pay bills while my brother was thrown out and now lives with his grandparents, who let him live there rent free.

My brother is a dealer, he destroyed his previous car and they're letting him use their spare truck now, which he just wheels and deals out of. He recently blew out one of the tires while driving it while drunk, and instead of never letting him use it again, he just had pay for the tire and they let him continue on driving while drunk or high.

It's to the point where I have told my grandparents and my uncle who lives with them to all fuck off, that they are worthless enablers. I'm just waiting for the moment now so I can call the cops over there and get that piece of shit brother of mine what he deserves.

The Flood / Re: Ok what happened
« on: February 10, 2017, 09:44:48 AM »
Will trade account for a handy under the table.
I'll do you one better and suck you off under the table.

Serious / Re: I might end up selling this account
« on: February 09, 2017, 03:08:11 PM »
Jesus Deci. Stop giving people even more of a reason to think you're retarded. Shit like this goes beyond the excuse of autism considering the amount of autistic people I know and kids with autism I've interned with.

When I left this place, I didn't say a single word about it, didn't make a thread letting anyone know I left or anything. I just left and focused on improving myself and getting myself out of my depressed state. Now I'm down 40 pounds in weight and am building muscle. I'll admit that I still have plenty of things wrong with me that I'm trying to fix, but rather than acting like a sideshow freak about my problems like you do and make retarded threads, I've actually been working towards improvement.

All I was trying to do was just have a legitimate discussion about it. If people actually read the entire OP let alone the title, there was a MIGHT in there.
You're talking about wanting 800 for an account of a backwater off-site. Try saying that out loud to yourself.

Serious / Re: I might end up selling this account
« on: February 09, 2017, 03:04:32 PM »
Jesus Deci. Stop giving people even more of a reason to think you're retarded. Shit like this goes beyond the excuse of autism considering the amount of autistic people I know and kids with autism I've interned with.

When I left this place, I didn't say a single word about it, didn't make a thread letting anyone know I left or anything. I just left and focused on improving myself and getting myself out of my depressed state. Now I'm down 40 pounds in weight and am building muscle. I'll admit that I still have plenty of things wrong with me that I'm trying to fix, but rather than acting like a sideshow freak about my problems like you do and make retarded threads, I've actually been working towards improvement.

The Flood / Re: I've been eating vegetarian for four days and counting
« on: January 31, 2017, 10:22:05 AM »
Cool, bro. I've been vegetarian for 18 hours.
That'll change in 30 minute tho
You could always go full vegan by replacing all food with alcohol.

The Flood / Re: I've been eating vegetarian for four days and counting
« on: January 31, 2017, 09:59:02 AM »
vegetarianism is soft

go vegan then come back to me. dairy is hard as fuck to get out of your system.
yeah, shit like cheese and all that is hard to avoid. Silk soy milk though I legit do like more than regular milk. Their very vanilla one is god tier.

The Flood / Re: Why
« on: January 31, 2017, 09:56:34 AM »
I mean, fucking around with shit like shrooms and lsd helped me out with depression. Probably not good advice though, sorry.

The Flood / Re: three way memelord meetup
« on: January 30, 2017, 10:56:46 PM »
isn't zen in like his mid 20s

what kinda SHIT ass genetics
yeah, I'm 25. Shit hasn't been going downhill since 21. Don't know if its got more to do with shit genetics or stress and drug abuse.
if you're capable of growing a decent beard just let that happen and shave your head

that's what i'd do if i started balding
I'm not. Patchy as fuck beard. That's why I just grow a goatee at Max if I decide to have facial hair.

It's eh for me right now. I'm more concerned with losing weight and shit before worrying about my hair. Like fuck, I nearly blinded myself for a week due to combining rogaine and anti-seizure meds that help with weight loss. I'm mean, I'm down over 30 pounds and down several pant sizes right now. Hoping to lose another 20 soon.

The Flood / Re: three way memelord meetup
« on: January 30, 2017, 10:26:31 PM »
isn't zen in like his mid 20s

what kinda SHIT ass genetics
yeah, I'm 25. Shit hasn't been going downhill since 21. Don't know if its got more to do with shit genetics or stress and drug abuse.

The Flood / Re: three way memelord meetup
« on: January 29, 2017, 08:00:17 PM »
I thought zen was a girl. Dreams. Crushed.
Sorry to break it to you, but I got a huge cock.

You remind me of some dude who works at a library but that could just be because both of you are balding

I'm working on fixing the hair. Saving for transplants is expensive though.
Go bald hombre
Tried it before. Just end up looking worse.
Pic porfavor?
Don't have any. Delete any shitty pics I ever take of myself.

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