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Messages - big sponge

Pages: 1 ... 331332333 334335 ... 394
The Flood / Re: Mr Psychologist is love. Mr Psychologist is life
« on: November 10, 2014, 03:47:49 AM »
Keep this bumped so Psy can see it.
Will do.

If I could link a larger picture of my avatar here, I would. Unfortunately I've only got shitty internet speeds and trying to load imgur is fruitless <_<
Guys, I have a message from Psy about this thread.

It's Mr. P's dark weeaboo side. I immediately refresh the page whenever that avatar of his pops up in order to convince myself he's not really like that. :'(

This is his waifu

You're waifu a shit.

But it's not even my waifu. It's Psy's.
Well, who is yours?

I'm kind of going through a waifu crisis at the moment. I'm not sure.

The Flood / Re: Mr Psychologist is love. Mr Psychologist is life
« on: November 10, 2014, 03:15:36 AM »
Keep this bumped so Psy can see it.
Will do.

If I could link a larger picture of my avatar here, I would. Unfortunately I've only got shitty internet speeds and trying to load imgur is fruitless <_<
Guys, I have a message from Psy about this thread.

It's Mr. P's dark weeaboo side. I immediately refresh the page whenever that avatar of his pops up in order to convince myself he's not really like that. :'(

This is his waifu

You're waifu a shit.

But it's not even my waifu. It's Psy's.

The Flood / Re: Mr Psychologist is love. Mr Psychologist is life
« on: November 10, 2014, 03:12:08 AM »
Keep this bumped so Psy can see it.
Will do.

If I could link a larger picture of my avatar here, I would. Unfortunately I've only got shitty internet speeds and trying to load imgur is fruitless <_<
Guys, I have a message from Psy about this thread.

It's Mr. P's dark weeaboo side. I immediately refresh the page whenever that avatar of his pops up in order to convince myself he's not really like that. :'(

This is his waifu

Septagon / Petition To Change Back The Serious Banner
« on: November 10, 2014, 12:01:46 AM »
I hate the new one.


Campaign called off, sorry folks.

Why the fuck do all you bean babies all love Japanese weeb shit so much? They don't even like you back.
Since when?

Which part? The part where Mexicans have a thing for anime (fucking Naruto especially) or the part where Japan forgets that Mexico even exists?

Go to Mexico for a week and that's all there fucking is on TV for teens.

Shit really? 10 years ago it was DBZ, they even had fucking DBZ themed restaurants and shit back then.

Gaming / Re: What is the Greatest Spacecraft in Video Gaming?
« on: November 09, 2014, 10:34:33 PM »


Why the fuck do all you bean babies all love Japanese weeb shit so much? They don't even like you back.
Since when?

Which part? The part where Mexicans have a thing for anime (fucking DBZ especially) or the part where Japan forgets that Mexico even exists?

Why the fuck do all you bean babies all love Japanese weeb shit so much? They don't even like you back.

You're just mad that Japan is all dere dere for white America.

Why the fuck do all you bean babies all love Japanese weeb shit so much? They don't even like you back.

The Flood / Re: This is easily the funniest image I've ever seen
« on: November 09, 2014, 09:29:09 PM »
Dog penis is NSFW.


Maybe where you work dog penis is something that's regularly encountered and perfectly acceptable, but for the rest of us it's not.

The Flood / Re: For anyone who says hockey players are wimps
« on: November 09, 2014, 09:17:02 PM »
Well you guys are bigger jerks than I expected.

Brah, you can't make a statement like that and not expect people to contradict you for shits and giggles.

Lighten up.

The Flood / Re: For anyone who says hockey players are wimps
« on: November 09, 2014, 09:12:58 PM »
Hockey players are wimps and it's easily the worst sport ever invented.

Rich Peverly suffered cardiac arrest and was resuscitated by emergency personnel. 
Later when he regained consciousness the first thing he asked was "How much time is left in the 1st period"






The Flood / Re: For anyone who says hockey players are wimps
« on: November 09, 2014, 09:05:25 PM »
Hockey players are wimps and it's easily the worst sport ever invented.

Business can stay open 24/7 365 days a year if they want.

Most don't though because it ends up running negative due to the fact that they aren't don't even make enough money to cover the cost of keeping the lights on during certain hours or days.

If they did they would though.

Serious / Re: Republicans own the House, Senate, and governorship.
« on: November 09, 2014, 08:12:32 PM »
When no one votes republicans win. In this off year cycle only a third of the eligible voting population showed up to vote. Plus you had a bunch of voter suppression tactics being used in various states.
It's funny how people cook up various excuses about the voting process because the republicans achieved numerous victories.

I'm not sure if your trolling because it's fairly well documented that Republicans do well in low voter turnout elections and democrats do well in high voter turnout elections.

It's not exactly an excuse if I'm just parroting fact. I'm not even surprised that this happened and in fact I predicted it too due to the fact that it's an off year election and off year elections almost always have abysmal voter turn out rates.
I edited after you replied in regards to turnout. But yeah elections like this will indeed have low turnout rates. But considering the turnout rate is relatively constant for these elections, it's hardly a valid excuse to use as this being a relevant variable into the GOP wining.

I think I understand where you're coming from with your line of thinking.

You mistakingly following a conventional line of thinking that leads you to believe that "even if thirty percent of the population voted that should still be a good indication of how the rest of the nation would vote". This is actually pretty solid reasoning.

However what you're not taking into account is demographics. The republican voter base is made up of people who are much more able and much more likely to vote and therefore they have a consistently solid voter base that will be there for them every election.

Low voter turnout elections are pretty much the equivalent of polling the Fox News viewership of their political affiliations and then responding that 90% of Americans are Republican.

Depending on your political affiliation and mindset you may see this as a good thing though as in your mind keeping what you may consider to be the undesirable and uninformed masses from hijacking the country through a true popular vote is what's best.

Serious / Re: Republicans own the House, Senate, and governorship.
« on: November 09, 2014, 07:52:12 PM »
When no one votes republicans win. In this off year cycle only a third of the eligible voting population showed up to vote. Plus you had a bunch of voter suppression tactics being used in various states.
It's funny how people cook up various excuses about the voting process because the republicans achieved numerous victories.

I'm not sure if your trolling because it's fairly well documented that Republicans do well in low voter turnout elections and democrats do well in high voter turnout elections.

It's not exactly an excuse if I'm just parroting fact. I'm not even surprised that this happened and in fact I predicted it too due to the fact that it's an off year election and off year elections almost always have abysmal voter turn out rates.

The Flood / Re: Stupid mods locked my thread
« on: November 09, 2014, 07:38:32 PM »
Just took a look at it. If you hadn't started fights with people it likely would have remained open.

I was being harassed about my age by people who were probably pedos.


The Flood / Re: Stupid mods locked my thread
« on: November 09, 2014, 07:35:08 PM »
Just took a look at it. If you hadn't started fights with people it likely would have remained open.

Serious / Re: How to save the Democrats
« on: November 09, 2014, 07:32:09 PM »
So uhh this is some pretty bad bait lems.

If this is a bias test you done fucked it up as i would have left this open if you had created a list similar to your republican one instead of just saying "lol demarcate are shit".

« on: November 09, 2014, 07:14:21 PM »
So this is just a good time to put out a general reminder.

The plug may have been created by people from this place, but it is not associated with this place.

Try to keep plug shit on plug if at all possible.
Please PM a mod if you have concerns about anything on Plug.

A plug mod, not a forum one. The Plug is not ran by the same people that run the forum.

« on: November 09, 2014, 07:04:48 PM »
So this is just a good time to put out a general reminder.

The plug may have been created by people from this place, but it is not associated with this place.

Try to keep plug shit on plug if at all possible.

Serious / Re: Republicans own the House, Senate, and governorship.
« on: November 09, 2014, 05:30:39 PM »
When no one votes republicans win. In this off year cycle only a third of the eligible voting population showed up to vote. Plus you had a bunch of voter suppression tactics being used in various states.

The Flood / Re: What is it with white girls as dressing up as cats?
« on: November 09, 2014, 05:27:51 PM »
Don't know, but I also don't have a problem with it.

The Flood / Re: What do you think I look like?
« on: November 09, 2014, 04:25:03 PM »
A dirty black man.

Septagon / Re: All right, Cheat, what the fuck is this?
« on: November 09, 2014, 02:24:47 PM »
The worst I've gotten as the occasional invisible sound enabled ads. I think Cheat already shot an email to the ad provider about that though.

The Flood / Re: Why haven't you watched Star Wars Rebels yet?
« on: November 09, 2014, 02:19:45 PM »
Because it's fuking terrible like that '08 shit.

What is your basis for these accusations?
What the hell else is there to show otherwise?

Well, you could at least expand upon your reasoning. I'm truly curious as to why you don't like it. "Because it's fuking terrible" doesn't really give me a good image in my head.

>implying people actually care about what a team of Disney marketers are declaring canon and non canon

I bet you think the prequels were actually good.

>Implying Galen Marek's story was good and should be considered canon

At the very least, Star Wars Rebels is a million times better than the shit stain on the Star Wars franchise that The Force Unleashed left behind.


The first TFU was fine storywise, the second was iffy, but could have been corrected depending on how the non-existent third game went. However iirc the only G-canon TFU game was the first which means Galen dies at the end of it.

Even if you take out TFU though that doesn't change the fact that even fucking Jedi masters were going into hiding on distant and remote planets because they'd be killed otherwise. A jedi running around like he does in his shitty CG cartoon wouldn't last a month before someone came to kill him, especially if he was openly fighting the imperial army/navy.

The new show defies canon for the sake of selling merch to children.

Kanan had not revealed that he was a Jedi until 14 years after Order 66. Until then, he was a smuggler on some backwater planet in the outer rim. Why would the Empire give a shit?

Then, once he does reveal he is a Jedi, within a couple weeks one of Vader's Imperial Inquisitors is sent to kill him, which they barely escape from.

The issue you're trying to present is nonexistent.

Because we both know he's never going to die and will continue being at large and "barely escaping" everything when he should dead 100x over by the time this show is done.

Personally, I honestly do expect him to die. He isn't at all in the OT, so his story has to be wrapped up somewhere. Obviously not in the first season, but I don't think thew crew will hold back killing off main characters in the later seasons. They didn't for Clone Wars at least.

It's fucking Disney. They people who pump out direct to DVD sequels that magicked dead people back to life. This kids show is just a merch vehicle to them and the main driving force behind declaring everything non-canon was so that they could make more profit.

Disney doesn't give a shit about continuity and if anything they'll leave his "fate" open ended by just not ever explaining what happened to him so they can bring him back for any post original trilogy shenanigans they come up with.

The Flood / Re: Why haven't you watched Star Wars Rebels yet?
« on: November 09, 2014, 02:02:51 PM »
Because it's fuking terrible like that '08 shit.

What is your basis for these accusations?
What the hell else is there to show otherwise?

Well, you could at least expand upon your reasoning. I'm truly curious as to why you don't like it. "Because it's fuking terrible" doesn't really give me a good image in my head.

>implying people actually care about what a team of Disney marketers are declaring canon and non canon

I bet you think the prequels were actually good.

>Implying Galen Marek's story was good and should be considered canon

At the very least, Star Wars Rebels is a million times better than the shit stain on the Star Wars franchise that The Force Unleashed left behind.


The first TFU was fine storywise, the second was iffy, but could have been corrected depending on how the non-existent third game went. However iirc the only G-canon TFU game was the first which means Galen dies at the end of it.

Even if you take out TFU though that doesn't change the fact that even fucking Jedi masters were going into hiding on distant and remote planets because they'd be killed otherwise. A jedi running around like he does in his shitty CG cartoon wouldn't last a month before someone came to kill him, especially if he was openly fighting the imperial army/navy.

The new show defies canon for the sake of selling merch to children.

Kanan had not revealed that he was a Jedi until 14 years after Order 66. Until then, he was a smuggler on some backwater planet in the outer rim. Why would the Empire give a shit?

Then, once he does reveal he is a Jedi, within a couple weeks one of Vader's Imperial Inquisitors is sent to kill him, which they barely escape from.

The issue you're trying to present is nonexistent.

Because we both know he's never going to die and will continue being at large and "barely escaping" everything when he should dead 100x over by the time this show is done.

The Flood / Re: Why haven't you watched Star Wars Rebels yet?
« on: November 09, 2014, 01:12:01 PM »
Because it's fuking terrible like that '08 shit.

What is your basis for these accusations?
What the hell else is there to show otherwise?

Well, you could at least expand upon your reasoning. I'm truly curious as to why you don't like it. "Because it's fuking terrible" doesn't really give me a good image in my head.

>implying people actually care about what a team of Disney marketers are declaring canon and non canon

I bet you think the prequels were actually good.

>Implying Galen Marek's story was good and should be considered canon

At the very least, Star Wars Rebels is a million times better than the shit stain on the Star Wars franchise that The Force Unleashed left behind.


The first TFU was fine storywise, the second was iffy, but could have been corrected depending on how the non-existent third game went. However iirc the only G-canon TFU game was the first which means Galen dies at the end of it.

Even if you take out TFU though that doesn't change the fact that even fucking Jedi masters were going into hiding on distant and remote planets because they'd be killed otherwise. A jedi running around like he does in his shitty CG cartoon wouldn't last a month before someone came to kill him, especially if he was openly fighting the imperial army/navy.

The new show defies canon for the sake of selling merch to children.

Gaming / Re: Halo: MCC Launch Invitational Is Today
« on: November 09, 2014, 04:35:26 AM »
I hate how try hardy all the names are.

The Flood / Re: Take a picture of your face and post that shit
« on: November 09, 2014, 02:00:18 AM »

You were about to get a picture, but my cat got in the way.

Oh well, you guys got cat blocked.

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