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Messages - big sponge

Pages: 1 ... 317318319 320321 ... 394
The Flood / Re: British food >>>>
« on: December 02, 2014, 03:18:05 AM »
ITT: A Britbong isn't aware that to the rest of the world British cuisine is notoriously bad.
>Actually thinking anything in the OP is bad

Well when all you've ever eaten is crap I suppose you don't know any better.
>Coming from an Americlap

>Has access to food from all over the world made by immigrants from their respective nations

Tell me again how "amazing" British cuisine is please.

The Flood / Re: British food >>>>
« on: December 02, 2014, 03:12:50 AM »
ITT: A Britbong isn't aware that to the rest of the world British cuisine is notoriously bad.
>Actually thinking anything in the OP is bad

Well when all you've ever eaten is crap I suppose you don't know any better.

The Flood / Re: British food >>>>
« on: December 02, 2014, 03:10:02 AM »
ITT: A Britbong isn't aware that to the rest of the world British cuisine is notoriously bad.

Gaming / Re: So Xbox Live was hacked
« on: December 02, 2014, 02:00:37 AM »
Really? It was up for me when I got on.

Also, someone on twitter said that the shit was fake.

Just checked XBL, 4 of my friends are online.

In all likelihood the Xbox Live servers are under a DDOS attack at the moment. MS is probably routing the traffic on to lower activity servers which is why only certain areas are feeling the affects of it.

Sucks, but it's certainly better than Sony's system where everything shuts down if the main server is targeted.

That's my next Halloween costume by the way.

Gaming / Re: So Xbox Live was hacked
« on: December 01, 2014, 11:18:32 PM »

My friends were on all day from what I saw.

Also since when does a DDOS = hacking?

While we're on lizard squad aren't they the fucks that just try and take credit for everything? I recall the guy who actually took down PSN  a couple months back calling them out on it.

Serious / Re: Something I need to get off my chest
« on: December 01, 2014, 10:52:14 PM »
Cool story bro.

The Flood / Re: To those with girlfriends
« on: December 01, 2014, 10:47:23 PM »
I live in California man. You can't fool me with Spanish cuss words.

Babby's first exposure to the shitty Japanese live action film industry.

The Flood / Re: Help Me Weebs, You're My Only Hope
« on: December 01, 2014, 10:35:47 PM »
oh no. M'Lord dont fall down the rabbit hole. next thing you know you'll be buying body pillows

To late.

I have become buyfag, rapist of wallets.

The Flood / Re: Help Me Weebs, You're My Only Hope
« on: December 01, 2014, 10:34:07 PM »

So you wana be a buyfaaaag?
In this case 4. List of shops will help you.

I'd suggest reading through parts of the FAQ is you ever plan on doing this in the future.

I placed a pre-order with Ami Ami's international site earlier. Thanks for the link though, there's a lot of useful information in there.

The Flood / Re: On a scale of 1 to 10, how much did you cringe.......
« on: December 01, 2014, 05:46:25 PM »
Maybe it wouldn't have been so terrible if Destiny actually had a story.

The Flood / Re: Help Me Weebs, You're My Only Hope
« on: December 01, 2014, 05:10:43 PM »
>Not recognizing Tharja is best girl
>Wanting aid in acquiring your false idol

No right minded weeb could support this.

The Flood / Re: Help Me Weebs, You're My Only Hope
« on: December 01, 2014, 05:09:55 PM »

>tfw its from a vidja game, not anime

The Flood / Re: Help Me Weebs, You're My Only Hope
« on: December 01, 2014, 04:57:06 PM »
Are you going to cum on the figurine after you get it?

I can't resell it for outrageous prices once it's out of print if I do that.

Das you're a weeb. Tell me how to do this.
I don't figurine... but... have you tried yet?
All the shit my brother bought came marked in Nipponese boxes and shit. One even had a cute seal drawn on it thanking him.

Looking at amiami at the moment, but I'll look at too.

The Flood / Re: Help Me Weebs, You're My Only Hope
« on: December 01, 2014, 04:54:13 PM »
Are you going to cum on the figurine after you get it?

I can't resell it for outrageous prices once it's out of print if I do that.

Das you're a weeb. Tell me how to do this.

The Flood / Re: Help Me Weebs, You're My Only Hope
« on: December 01, 2014, 04:53:16 PM »

Go back to schlicking to batman. Superior Nipponese quality fiction only in here.

I bet you like this don't you.

The Flood / Re: Help Me Weebs, You're My Only Hope
« on: December 01, 2014, 04:51:21 PM »

Go back to schlicking to batman. Superior Nipponese quality fiction only in here.

The Flood / Re: Help Me Weebs, You're My Only Hope
« on: December 01, 2014, 04:48:19 PM »
Are you going to cum on the figurine after you get it?

I can't resell it for outrageous prices once it's out of print if I do that.

The Flood / Help Me Weebs, You're My Only Hope
« on: December 01, 2014, 04:46:51 PM »

Figma shit isn't something I do and I really want this one. However due to licensing issues it's only being sold in Japan which means I have to go through an importer. I've never done this before, what the fuck should I look out for in order to make sure shit doesn't get fucked up?

The Flood / Re: Recon Tries To Get Laid lol
« on: December 01, 2014, 04:12:06 PM »
Bro, you should know that Recon is kind of low on morals. He NTR'd his current wife away from her husband.

Gaming / Re: Spike Game Awards 2014
« on: December 01, 2014, 01:38:26 PM »
There were reports that Bethesda met with Spike VGA producers or something.


Gaming / Re: Got Napoleon: Total War
« on: December 01, 2014, 12:49:01 PM »
Why would you buy Rome 1?
Because it's the best Total War game.
My brother think's that's Empire, and I've known more people to say Shogun 2, but they were weebs.

I've only played Rome 2 myself...

Having played all the Total War games I'd agree with that sentiment. I haven't played much of its expansions, but the base Shogun 2 is an excellent game and while I haven't played much of Rome 2 yet I'm not liking some of the games they made. Namely how unintuitive the UI compared to Shogun 2.

The Flood / Re: Lord Commissar wants my booty.
« on: December 01, 2014, 03:07:46 AM »

The Flood / Re: I Cannot Stop Watching This.
« on: December 01, 2014, 12:35:04 AM »
Hey. I had an idea. Space Dwarves.

Humans born on higher G worlds. Stunted and short.

Possibly. After several generations, humans could possibly survive in higher G worlds without having cardiovascular issues.

I can't wait for the space kkk. If we've got Human variations popping up as a result of generations slowly adapting to other, different worlds, no doubt, there's going to be some assholes in the mix.



if it were like this.

 It would take a very complex emitter to work, but it would work.

That's a lot more practical than the cross guard that cuts your hands off if you brush against it.

The Flood / Re: I Cannot Stop Watching This.
« on: December 01, 2014, 12:20:38 AM »
You know what I'm curious about?

Let's assume we make it that far. Let's assume that we start spreading to other worlds, and other star systems. Do you have any idea how vast our species would become?

We are still subject to evolution, and having Humans born on other worlds, in different environments, I wouldn't be surprised if our species fractured, evolved into new variations, and spread like seeds on the wind.

OG or bust.

Earth humans will become the new niggers, I bet.

More like the new Aryans.

The Flood / Re: I Cannot Stop Watching This.
« on: December 01, 2014, 12:18:27 AM »
You know what I'm curious about?

Let's assume we make it that far. Let's assume that we start spreading to other worlds, and other star systems. Do you have any idea how vast our species would become?

We are still subject to evolution, and having Humans born on other worlds, in different environments, I wouldn't be surprised if our species fractured, evolved into new variations, and spread like seeds on the wind.


The Flood / Re: Fate/Hollow Ataraxia OPs Are Out
« on: November 30, 2014, 08:44:48 PM »
Knowing aniplex the blurays for Unlimited Blade Works will cost a bloody fortune, but I shelled out the cash for both the KnK and Fate/Zero blurays so I will also buy UBW when it eventually gets released.

Also I know nothing about F/HA, what's it actually about? I know it's supposed to be like a sequel or something to F/SN, but I don't really know anything beyond that.

Basically it takes place 6 months after the events of F/SN where the participants of the 5th war along with the entire city of Fuyuki are trapped in a repeating 4 day cycle. Shirou attempts to get to the bottom of this strange phenomenon. Everyone who had a possibility of surviving the 5th war is brought back, including their servants. However no one is quite intent on continuing a war that was already finished.

Meanwhile Bazett awakes to find the servant avenger in her possession and she repeatedly attempts to win her very own grail war within the period of 4 repeating days. Failure means she has to start all over again.

The Flood / Re: Fate/Hollow Ataraxia OPs Are Out
« on: November 30, 2014, 06:04:34 PM »
Is that Fate series worth watching? I believe that is the one that Ian's shitty waifu is from.

The Nasuverse in General is pretty interesting since everything by Nasu exists in the same universe (or multiverse).

Fate/zero is fine to watch the adaptation of because the light novel lends itself well to adaptation. Ufotables adaptation of Unlimited Blade a Works is also good, but if you're a secondary it might feel a bit weaker than Zero because the visual novel is written in a way that makes it a bitch and a half to make an adaptation of.  Fate/Stay Night really is something that should be read and not watched, but you'll at least be able to understand the story although it'll lack a large chunk of depth will be gone due to the lack of Shirou's internal monologues.

This doesn't mean it's bad, but many people who haven't read the source material don't seem to like it as much as Zero. Those who have seem to enjoy it though since they're able to pick up on all the little subtleties of Ufotables story telling in this.

Another Nasuverse series that people like is Kara no Kyoukai which kind of explores the seedy underbelly of the Nasuverse. However if you're a moefag or primarily watch gateway it might be a little jarring since it doesn't spoon feed you everything and expects you to do some of your own dot connecting. There are 8 films and the first 4 are intentionally out of order chronologically, the story was written that way for a reason unlike something like Haruhi that did it for the sole purpose of being unique.

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