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Messages - big sponge

Pages: 1 ... 315316317 318319 ... 394
The Flood / Re: There are monsters among us
« on: December 03, 2014, 08:45:21 PM »
Do they at least rape and enslave elven girls?

The Flood / Re: The Great Burger Battle
« on: December 03, 2014, 05:05:41 PM »
They both are crappy fast food though.
Five Guys is better, slightly because of its preparation. But dang its greasy.
I prefer something more..........real.

Actually cooked in a restaurant, not sitting in a universal heating cabinet all day.

Same, but its a fast food battle.

The Flood / The Great Burger Battle
« on: December 03, 2014, 05:02:25 PM »
The weeb Yutaka is trying to say that Wendy's is better than Five Guys when it comes to making the greasy fattening crap that is burgers and fries.

Time to throw the vote to the Flood. Which is better?

Gaming / Re: Anyone here want to do the new Density raid next week?
« on: December 03, 2014, 04:56:26 PM »
I still haven't even completed the first one.
Neither have I, you are on PS4 right? I'll add you and we should get some people here to do it.

PC and 360.
Wat. How you have... PC? Confused is I.

What do you mean how do I have a PC?

Gaming / Re: Anyone here want to do the new Density raid next week?
« on: December 03, 2014, 04:40:33 PM »
I still haven't even completed the first one.
Neither have I, you are on PS4 right? I'll add you and we should get some people here to do it.

PC and 360.

The Flood / Re: This is my official resignation as a monitor
« on: December 03, 2014, 03:13:12 PM »

May the Banana Buddha bless you with much potassium on your journey.

Srsly though, hopefully everything works out alright for you. If you make it through this, the monitor position will always be open for you should you decide you want to take up the mantel again.

Septagon / Re: Rules Discussion
« on: December 03, 2014, 02:35:34 PM »
The only thing I'd like to add is that moderators actually enforce the rules and not to be scared to be viewed in a negative light by a user just because they're doing their job.

I understand not dropping the hammer on a first time offender, but the rules are there for a reason, after a point it stops being a case of "mods being nice" and turns into "the rules bind the moderator's hands and force complacency".

Other than that it seems to be a solid ruleset.

Bryne, I'd like to remind you that we don't always announce when we're doing our moderating and it wasn't until very recently that you guys were about to see who was warned or banned.
I didn't say that.

The only thing I'd like to add is that moderators actually enforce the rules and not to be scared to be viewed in a negative light by a user just because they're doing their job.

Septagon / Re: Rules Discussion
« on: December 03, 2014, 02:27:38 PM »
The only thing I'd like to add is that moderators actually enforce the rules and not to be scared to be viewed in a negative light by a user just because they're doing their job.

I understand not dropping the hammer on a first time offender, but the rules are there for a reason, after a point it stops being a case of "mods being nice" and turns into "the rules bind the moderator's hands and force complacency".

Other than that it seems to be a solid ruleset.

Bryne, I'd like to remind you that we don't always announce when we're doing our moderating and it wasn't until very recently that you guys were about to see who was warned or banned.

Gaming / Re: PlayStation 20th Anniversary PS4 announced
« on: December 03, 2014, 01:59:03 PM »
It looks so ugry.

The Flood / Re: I've been bad, Flood
« on: December 03, 2014, 01:39:49 PM »
Me!Me!Me! is shit made by a pretentious self hating hack.
I've only seen the one video, I don't get the fuss about it.

There's only one video and I don't either. Especially since it's made by a company owned by a man that's saying that he hates modern anime for all its pandering and otaku catering.

Then he goes on to make borderline smut.
Not to mention the video features a guy with anime merch all over his room.

What's the studio? Have they done much that's recognisable?

Studio Khara is owned by Anno Hideaki. They're the team that did Evangelion before they split from Gainax to do their own thing. Anno retained all the rights to Evangelion which is why he did the rebuild movies and is re-releasing NGE on bluray.

The Flood / Re: I've been bad, Flood
« on: December 03, 2014, 04:18:01 AM »
Me!Me!Me! is shit made by a pretentious self hating hack.
I've only seen the one video, I don't get the fuss about it.

There's only one video and I don't either. Especially since it's made by a company owned by a man that's saying that he hates modern anime for all its pandering and otaku catering.

Then he goes on to make borderline smut.

The Flood / Re: I've been bad, Flood
« on: December 03, 2014, 04:13:26 AM »
Me!Me!Me! is shit made by a pretentious self hating hack.


That show is meant for people who've seen the original stuff. It's a little what-if story that's based on events that transpired differently for the 4th war.

It starts off as a mahou shoijo parity, but later on it turns it up a notch as in the case with Prisma Illya drei where there's a lot of illya (archer) vs saber tier stuff happening.

However like I said, it's meant for people who've read F/SN, F/HA, and F/Z.

I'm bilingual and can speak weeb.

Gaming / Re: So Xbox Live was hacked
« on: December 03, 2014, 02:00:41 AM »
Worked completely fine for me these past couple days.

I didn't even know about this until IGN did a report about it.

It's being blown way out of proportion. It's effects have been limited to certain areas and everyone is reporting a DDOS as a hack for some reason.


That show is meant for people who've seen the original stuff. It's a little what-if story that's based on events that transpired differently for the 4th war.

It starts off as a mahou shoijo parity, but later on it turns it up a notch as in the case with Prisma Illya 3rei where there's a lot of illya (archer) vs saber tier stuff happening.

However like I said, it's meant for people who've read F/SN, F/HA, and F/Z.
It just felt extremely awkward in the way that True mentioned. Too much loli/ecchi/yuri fanservice just really turns me off especially with how it was conveyed in this show. I don't mind people being lesbian but some of the Kuro scenes were just awkward to watch.

This stuff is UBW spoilers, but it illustrates what I'm talking about.


You also seem kind of confused as to what Mahou Shoujo actually is. It's a magical girl genre. There's Madoka Magica which is also a parity, but it's a dark and twisted one while Kalied is a light hearted trope subverting one.
Yeah. I was hoping Kalied would be like more akin to MM with serious undertones. I was mistaken and I really don't enjoy the Mahou Shoujo genre. I watched the Card Capture dub with my sister when I was a kid and I was irritated about a lot of things that happened in it because it was too happy.

2wei Herz and Drei take a darker tone than the Prisma Illya and Prisma Illya 2wei. However I don't ever expect it to go to MM levels of darkness. Nasu and Gen worked on Zero when they did their dark fantasy stuff.

Did you ever end up finishing Fate/Zero by the way?


That show is meant for people who've seen the original stuff. It's a little what-if story that's based on events that transpired differently for the 4th war.

It starts off as a mahou shoijo parity, but later on it turns it up a notch as in the case with Prisma Illya 3rei where there's a lot of illya (archer) vs saber tier stuff happening.

However like I said, it's meant for people who've read F/SN, F/HA, and F/Z.
It just felt extremely awkward in the way that True mentioned. Too much loli/ecchi/yuri fanservice just really turns me off especially with how it was conveyed in this show. I don't mind people being lesbian but some of the Kuro scenes were just awkward to watch.

This stuff is UBW spoilers, but it illustrates what I'm talking about.


You also seem kind of confused as to what Mahou Shoujo actually is. It's a magical girl genre. There's Madoka Magica which is also a parity, but it's a dark and twisted one while Kalied is a light hearted trope subverting one.


That show is meant for people who've seen the original stuff. It's a little what-if story that's based on events that transpired differently for the 4th war.

It starts off as a mahou shoijo parity, but later on it turns it up a notch as in the case with Prisma Illya drei where there's a lot of illya (archer) vs saber tier stuff happening.

However like I said, it's meant for people who've read F/SN, F/HA, and F/Z.

The Flood / Re: So I bothered to look up the plot of God's Not Dead...
« on: December 03, 2014, 01:13:58 AM »
Tell them we have texts dating back to 100BC that when translated say the exact same thing we have now.

Does the Book of Mormon have God go around murdering those children he made with unconditional love and wants nothing more than to live eternally with them, because they are confused and/or upset with God?
Not that I can remember from my reading of the BoM when I was an early teen. It was mostly about sinners and people who ignored god getting killed and becoming black (Literally happened according to the BoM that all black people are decedents from sinners if you take the texts literally)
....How, exactly, do they believe this stuff? I cannot even comprehend the level of gullibility and ignorance required to believe that to an adult age.

Not trying to start shit, but you could literally say that about any religion if you took their stories literally. Those who are religious really shouldn't be going around telling others that other people that are religious that their belief systems stories are crazy when they themselves adhere to a belief system that contains stories that are just as ridiculous.
When it's supposed to be a denomination of the same religion, but is so widely different and has stories with seemingly no basis in logic or teaching morals, then it seems more noteworthy to me.

The kinds of parables Jesus told in the Bible are one thing, in that they teach lessons and offer moral guidance. However, that same God killing everyone that didn't do exactly what he said, and saying that's where black people come from, the people God killed for being disobedient; that, that only seems to be an excuse to be able to preach racism.

This is derived from a faith that has a rib woman being convinced by a talking snake to eat some super fruit from a magical sky wizards garden, a hobo who talked to a bush, and worships a zombie who was executed for challenging the authority of the Roman empire.

Like I said. The stories from the main branch aren't any weirder than the offshoots when taken literally.
My problem is that even if you don't take that part from the BoM literally, that still sounds really bad.

So does a lot of the regular bible, the torah, the quran, et cetera.

The Flood / Re: So I bothered to look up the plot of God's Not Dead...
« on: December 03, 2014, 01:09:28 AM »
Tell them we have texts dating back to 100BC that when translated say the exact same thing we have now.

Does the Book of Mormon have God go around murdering those children he made with unconditional love and wants nothing more than to live eternally with them, because they are confused and/or upset with God?
Not that I can remember from my reading of the BoM when I was an early teen. It was mostly about sinners and people who ignored god getting killed and becoming black (Literally happened according to the BoM that all black people are decedents from sinners if you take the texts literally)
....How, exactly, do they believe this stuff? I cannot even comprehend the level of gullibility and ignorance required to believe that to an adult age.

Not trying to start shit, but you could literally say that about any religion if you took their stories literally. Those who are religious really shouldn't be going around telling others that other people that are religious that their belief systems stories are crazy when they themselves adhere to a belief system that contains stories that are just as ridiculous.
When it's supposed to be a denomination of the same religion, but is so widely different and has stories with seemingly no basis in logic or teaching morals, then it seems more noteworthy to me.

The kinds of parables Jesus told in the Bible are one thing, in that they teach lessons and offer moral guidance. However, that same God killing everyone that didn't do exactly what he said, and saying that's where black people come from, the people God killed for being disobedient; that, that only seems to be an excuse to be able to preach racism.

This is derived from a faith that has a rib woman being convinced by a talking snake to eat some super fruit from a magical sky wizards garden, a hobo who talked to a bush, and worships a zombie who was executed for challenging the authority of the Roman empire.

Like I said. The stories from the main branch aren't any weirder than the offshoots when taken literally.

The Flood / Re: So I bothered to look up the plot of God's Not Dead...
« on: December 03, 2014, 12:52:15 AM »
Tell them we have texts dating back to 100BC that when translated say the exact same thing we have now.

Does the Book of Mormon have God go around murdering those children he made with unconditional love and wants nothing more than to live eternally with them, because they are confused and/or upset with God?
Not that I can remember from my reading of the BoM when I was an early teen. It was mostly about sinners and people who ignored god getting killed and becoming black (Literally happened according to the BoM that all black people are decedents from sinners if you take the texts literally)
....How, exactly, do they believe this stuff? I cannot even comprehend the level of gullibility and ignorance required to believe that to an adult age.

Not trying to start shit, but you could literally say that about any religion if you took their stories literally. Those who are religious really shouldn't be going around telling others that other people that are religious that their belief systems stories are crazy when they themselves adhere to a belief system that contains stories that are just as ridiculous.

The Flood / Re: So I bothered to look up the plot of God's Not Dead...
« on: December 03, 2014, 12:43:50 AM »
Tell them we have texts dating back to 100BC that when translated say the exact same thing we have now.

Does the Book of Mormon have God go around murdering those children he made with unconditional love and wants nothing more than to live eternally with them, because they are confused and/or upset with God?
Not that I can remember from my reading of the BoM when I was an early teen. It was mostly about sinners and people who ignored god getting killed and becoming black (Literally happened according to the BoM that all black people are decedents from sinners if you take the texts literally)

Latsu, at least tell me you received your pair of magic underwear.

The Flood / Re: I found Kinder on armslist
« on: December 02, 2014, 10:17:53 PM »
Kinder isn't a weeb.


Commissar, why you do this

Commissar pls.

Why I do what?

The Flood / Re: I found Kinder on armslist
« on: December 02, 2014, 09:58:10 PM »
Kinder isn't a weeb.

Serious / Re: Religion and it's place in classrooms
« on: December 02, 2014, 09:55:17 PM »
If you're not careful, you WILL see shit like teachers telling their students the founding fathers wanted to build a "christian nation" or that democracy has its roots in Moses.

Actually had my highschool agriculture teacher explain why various domesticated animals came about because "god decided they should be like this".

She's gone now, but that sent up a couple red flags back when I was in highschool.

The Flood / Re: Podcast Community Question Section
« on: December 02, 2014, 09:44:19 PM »
Am I in it?

The Flood / Re: Well educate me Flood. I missed a lot during B.lind
« on: December 02, 2014, 09:05:19 PM »
Sapphire was a private group that only accepted the most popular, most intelligent members of the Flood. All the butthurt losers who weren't accepted are here on Septagon.

>tfw im still in sapphire
Do you post or lurk? Apparently they actually did kick me out, but it must have been after I stopped going there. They probably got butthurt that I got bored of the same old shit or maybe they found out about my hundreds of alts. Either way kicking me after I already left is like firing someone after they already quit, it just doesn't work that way.

I lurk. They might kick me out if they find out I'm still in there.

I enjoy popping in and reading Jays stupid shit from time to time when the place isn't completely dead. They still haven't moved offsite by the way.

The Flood / Re: Well educate me Flood. I missed a lot during B.lind
« on: December 02, 2014, 08:42:00 PM »
Sapphire was a private group that only accepted the most popular, most intelligent members of the Flood. All the butthurt losers who weren't accepted are here on Septagon.

>tfw im still in sapphire

Serious / Re: UK's Crazy New Porn Laws!
« on: December 02, 2014, 08:21:12 PM »
Dang it's pretty cOLD in here.
Tis the season

He means we already have a two page thread on this.

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