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Messages - big sponge

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Gaming / Re: For Honor Better
« on: February 28, 2017, 12:43:32 AM »
tbf, seems pretty retarded that a win simply requires the faction to pour in everything they have during the last 6 hours of the round. Should be based on how many territories the faction collectively won during the round.
It's like they tried to copy Planetside 2's Alert system but forgot to take into account that the territory game in For Honor requires no actual coordination or grand strategy on the part of the player.

it's more akin to what they did with EndWar (another ubisoft game)

Gaming / Re: For Honor Better
« on: February 27, 2017, 09:29:19 PM »
How do you guys know weebs are the most populous faction?

iirc it's because samurai get the least amount of war assets per game right now

Gaming / Re: For Honor Better
« on: February 27, 2017, 08:44:26 PM »
45 minutes till the round ends. Looks like weebs are gonna lose this one with the deus vulters and kangz drawing.

fucking weebs just had to win one god damn territory against the kangs for us to win and they dropped the god damned ball

Gaming / Re: Middle Earth: Shadow of War leaked
« on: February 27, 2017, 10:46:37 AM »
Wasn't that game like assassins creed

it was like assassins creed if assassins creed was good

The Flood / Re: Avatar IS anime
« on: February 25, 2017, 02:36:52 PM »
He's differentiating western anime with generic cartoons. Which is why he agrees Spongebob isn't anime in the general sense.

how about when he said that anime weren't cartoons

the difference between anime and a western cartoon is cultural. just as baccano or panty&stocking aren't western cartoons neither of the avatar shows are anime.  you can make something that's inspired by another culture sure, but it'll never actually be from that culture.

i'm honestly not sure why there's a subsection of the avatar fanbase that so desperately wants avatar to be an anime. there's nothing inherently better or worse about that medium of entertainment and i'd argue that by trying to label it as anime you're actually taking away from its identity and it's achievements in western animation.

but this guy is really only interested in getting that sweet sweet ad revenue so he's kicking the bees nest again to get this video trending on places like reddit

The Flood / Re: Avatar IS anime
« on: February 25, 2017, 01:15:34 PM »
looks like somebody wants attention

The Flood / Re: Knife fight
« on: February 24, 2017, 09:56:00 PM »

Gaming / Re: What's the worst thing you've said about Nintendo...
« on: February 24, 2017, 08:57:04 PM »
don't remember, but yeah i would

The Flood / Re: anyone here write and understand japanese?
« on: February 24, 2017, 05:44:13 PM »
My wife does. Feel free to pm what you've got.

thanks a bunch man! i'll let you know asap.

its for a friend so ill get the info from him.

Still need it?

he tried to send the info off to this company using google translate and apparently it worked, but he asked me to see if your wife wouldnt mind being sort of "on call" until he finds out if the issue is resolved or not

he's playing a nip mobile game isn't he?

The Flood / Re: holy shit samurai jack season 5 has grey delisle
« on: February 24, 2017, 10:54:08 AM »
She did the voice for the red head Franky in Fosters and Sam in Danny Phantom.


Gaming / Re: For Honor Better
« on: February 24, 2017, 10:51:22 AM »



I'm gonna shitbucket to death this weekend, Constantinople will not fall a second time.

i think knight players are jumping ship to kangs and weebs

The Flood / Re: Anyone hear about that alien picture on 4CHAN?
« on: February 23, 2017, 11:34:10 PM »

you mean this?

what's the government going to do? take me in for questioning?

The Flood / Re: Anyone hear about that alien picture on 4CHAN?
« on: February 23, 2017, 11:32:43 PM »

you mean this?

Gaming / Re: Halo Mega Thread
« on: February 23, 2017, 12:31:12 PM »
Did that imperial fleet consist of solely capital ships defended by nothing else? I call bullshit because anything bigger than a corvette gets a hangar with TIE fighter squads and a TIE Bomber squad. Now if your fleet was nothing but B-Wings that would be slightly more believable but even then that's still far fetched.

I literally just went on FoC Galactic Conquest and put my starting tech level to 5, The Eclipse is nowhere available to purchase.

If people didn't go into ground combat with the same mindset as space combat they might not hate it vehemently so much. People just want to hold their base and maybe a mining depot for extra credits then get butt hurt when they're invaded because they're sitting on their ass teching up instead of pushing the enemy. The only broken unit I've ever come across in FoC is that Rebel tank with hit points and usually the thing is slow enough to bomb from orbit anyways.

Why would I care about whether or not it's in a competitive scene? Supreme Commander FA is my favorite RTS ever and it doesn't have a competitive scene. It's a fun game to play against your friends with, yeah there's better games out there (like Supreme Commander) but I'm defending EaW at the sole point that's it's better than that shit stain on the Halo franchise HW.

the ai is fucking retarded so it's easy to bait out all the fighters and beat them with x-wings and then go to town on all the cap ships with the y-wings when you target their anti-fighter weaponry. get good at micro instead of throwing all your units out there like a bronze level sc player.

i was thinking of the executor not the eclipse

the maps are shit and the terrible path finding doesn't help that at all. the ithor and nal hutta maps in particular were particularly bad as they feel like they were thrown together to fill a quota rather than actually thought out (but then again the entire ground game feels like that so it shouldn't be surprising. people don't like it because it plays like a dumpster fire, not because they "didn't get good at it". People aren't going to stick with something that isn't fun to play.

the lack of any kind of competitive scene for it should tell you that it's really good for nothing other than the novelty of throwing around big star wars space ships at stuff. if it were truly the amazing and well balanced multiplayer game you say it is the community for it would still be around today instead of dying off within the same year it launched. the only thing that keeps this game afloat is the modding community for the single player portions of it. meanwhile a game like starcraft: brood war still has a strong competitive scene and an active player base and it was released way back in 1998.

i've never argued that halo wars is a good rts (in fact i've done just the opposite many times), just that it's better than EaW as it seems like there was actual effort put into making it am enjoyable RTS game first and a halo game second. This is the opposite of the EaW approach which went for a star wars game first and an enjoyable RTS game second. You can't possibly take a look at the maps in this and say there was any effort put into making them. Well maybe you can, but you're in the minority here as the overwhelming opinion on the ground battles in that game is that they're terrible unfun wastes of time from both critics and consumers alike. I really wish I had the overhead view of some of these maps just so i can demonstrate just how terrible and clusterfucky those things are. Ithor in particular is egregious as if i recall correctly it was basically just half a U with the defenders at one end at the attackers at the other. the only thing on it to go for is the bend where you can build static emplacements and it really ends up just becoming an RTS version of fucking metro. Meat grinders are not fun and that's pretty much EaWs ground combat in a nutshell.

HW1 is a far cry from a shit stain and has actually been praised as one of the few RTS games on a console that's actually enjoyable to play. And as someone who has been playing RTS games for 20 years now I have to agree with that. It is a very enjoyable experience on a console. If I compare it to something like StarCraft it's of course not going to hold a candle to it and it'll come up as fairly meh in comparison. However that doesn't take away from the fact that it's a solid console RTS that's aimed at a casual market and it fills that niche quiet well which is why there's been such a clamor for a HW2 for so long in that community.

Gaming / Re: Halo Mega Thread
« on: February 23, 2017, 01:24:23 AM »
I only played either Hard AIs or Multiplayer with other people before logging in became impossible.

Death Star is balanced by both R2/3PO and IG-88 (especially IG-88). Eclipse was never available outside campaign unless you modded the game.

There is literally nothing wrong with the ground maps. You're talking with someone who played EaW solely for years before I was able to muster up the money to get a computer that could play Supreme Commander.

you're smoking something real foul if you think fighting the braindead AI gives you any idea of how the balance in that game plays out.

eclipse and death star wreck shop in space

the shit maps and shit units make the ground combat a slog to play through. if you were to submit any of the EaW maps to lets say team liquid you'd be laughed out of the place.

all of the ai was a joke, i won against an entire imperial fleet with nothing but a 4 xwings and 2 y wings

you could use it in galactic conquest and it made the game easy mode

the ground combat is a fucking joke, you're seriously the only person in the last decade that has called that portion of the game anything other than a dumpster fire. the balance in this game is so incredibly out of wack that it was never even considered for any kind of competitive scene and the fact that there are so many notable mods dedicated to trying to balance that mess of a game to make it fun (for something other than throwing around iconic star wars units) and challenging shows how poorly the game was designed.

fucking christ the fact that the consortium starts with tech level 5 and doesn't even need the black market to start fielding some of the best units in the game is really fucking stupid and in an mp gc you might as well not even bother playing if you're imps because all your shit is easy bribed and hacked which makes it impossible to defend your already nearly impossible to defend bases from consortium stealth attack s.

t. someone who played EaW since release

it's a terrible terrible game when it's not modded for anything other that derping around with the novelty of a star wars rts

Gaming / Re: Halo Mega Thread
« on: February 23, 2017, 12:47:50 AM »
You must be smoking something real foul if you think the Empire has an unfair advantage over the other factions. Mon Calamari Cruisers DESTROY Star Destroyers but Empire is given a slight advantage in TIE Defenders over B-Wings to compensate. Also people never play ground combat because they don't know how to counter mobile artillery which is so piss easy. People just want to turtle until they get their own artillery or a group of hero units then get fed up when they get stomped on.

you mean other than the absolute supremacy the empire has in space and the redonk abilities the consortium has that make playing as the rebels or empire an absolute pain in the ass? what about the multitude of useless units that are just there to fluff the unit pool and the complete ass job that is ground combat in that game? people pretty much never play the ground combat sections in that game because they're such a chore to play.

you're smoking something real foul if you think fighting the braindead AI gives you any idea of how the balance in that game plays out.

eclipse and death star wreck shop in space

the shit maps and shit units make the ground combat a slog to play through. if you were to submit any of the EaW maps to lets say team liquid you'd be laughed out of the place.

we'd just put a sheet of plywood underneath him and drop him off in the middle of the ocean
doing that would just probably just glitch the armor lock and make him even more powerful would it not?

i don't see how

Ever played Armor Walkers?

he'd still starve before making it back to shore

we'd just put a sheet of plywood underneath him and drop him off in the middle of the ocean
doing that would just probably just glitch the armor lock and make him even more powerful would it not?

i don't see how

we'd just put a sheet of plywood underneath him and drop him off in the middle of the ocean
armor lock makes you invulnerable to all types of damage including drowning
SpartainKen stomps

he'll either eventually run out of air or die of starvation at the bottom of the ocean

we'd just put a sheet of plywood underneath him and drop him off in the middle of the ocean

Gaming / Re: GwG March
« on: February 22, 2017, 07:22:10 PM »
wonder how evolve will work out since turtlerock has stopped supporting the game

Gaming / Re: Halo Mega Thread
« on: February 22, 2017, 07:20:44 PM »
What balancing issues are there? Anything can be countered.

grossly innacurate things aside none of what you listed none of that constitutes as depth or complexity

and i didn't even touch the balancing in EaW which was basically nonexistent

you mean other than the absolute supremacy the empire has in space and the redonk abilities the consortium has that make playing as the rebels or empire an absolute pain in the ass? what about the multitude of useless units that are just there to fluff the unit pool and the complete ass job that is ground combat in that game? people pretty much never play the ground combat sections in that game because they're such a chore to play.

try playing against something that isn't the computer on easy, the game is notorious for it's near nonexistent balancing and the fact that it's aged like milk. pretty much the only way people recommend playing that game now is if you use a complete overhaul mod like ICW.

Gaming / Re: Halo Mega Thread
« on: February 22, 2017, 05:15:45 PM »
>No space battle mode
>No Conquest mode
>Outside bases there's only one strategic point on a map to capture
>Can't store reinforcements in standby
>Only two factions
>Only one hero unit per game
>More depth

Yeah nah.


sure i had fun with it and i occasionally still boot it up to play it, but it's a terrible RTS and i'd say that Halo Wars has more depth and complexity than EaW

grossly innacurate things aside none of what you listed none of that constitutes as depth or complexity

and i didn't even touch the balancing in EaW which was basically nonexistent

Gaming / Re: Halo Mega Thread
« on: February 22, 2017, 10:49:27 AM »
Take. That. BACK.

Sure, it wasn't on the same level as Supreme Commander but for a Star Wars RTS, it was great. And at least it had space battles.

but empire at war was a shitty rts


sure i had fun with it and i occasionally still boot it up to play it, but it's a terrible RTS and i'd say that Halo Wars has more depth and complexity than EaW

Gaming / Re: For Honor Better
« on: February 22, 2017, 10:47:41 AM »
The Knights need to man up as a faction. Every time we start gaining traction on territories the next update has the weebs and the vikangz dominating us.

Pray to Christ for our salvation brothers. Deus vult.

iirc it's the least populated faction so it has the worst timezone coverage

Gaming / Re: Halo Mega Thread
« on: February 22, 2017, 02:24:24 AM »
Thanks for the forewarning, I'll be sure to steer clear of this blunder. At least this time it's finally on PC....

>There will never be a Halo RTS that plays like EaW.

Looks and plays the same as HW1. The developers didn't learn anything to improve the gameplay/mechanics.

but empire at war was a shitty rts

Serious / Re: Eat shit Kim Jong-un
« on: February 21, 2017, 09:18:32 PM »
it's not like the people of the DPRK were going to see a cent from it anyway

The Flood / Re: Roses are red
« on: February 21, 2017, 09:07:51 PM »
I mean, with the size of his following, he could literally just self-publish.
Hope he does. I'll buy a copy.
For anyone wondering what the fuss is about:

Milo says that paedophilia is shrex with under 13's, anything past 13 (where your body is ready for the V or D) is a grey area.

Anyone who calls him a pedo after this should look at age of consent in Japan. Once you do, come back here and reply with an "oh".

he clearly doesn't understand nip consent laws then. it's still illegal in japan for adults fuck people that young.

he's just looking for a quick and easy way out.

here's a chart for those interested. if you're an adult you're really only safe from the law with people who are 20+

Gaming / Re: Halo Mega Thread
« on: February 21, 2017, 12:14:15 PM »
Literally just rush the opponent and win.

and this is how i know you've never gotten good at any decent rts game
Online no. Because about 120 seconds into the game - guess what happens? My base gets gang raped by a mob of enemy units.

Yeah, counter a rush with turtling - but how the fuck am I meant to turtle if I am in the process of being raped?
And this happens with every rts online I played.

but you don't even have to turtle

for example in starcraft 2 a ling rush can be countered with just your workers, you don't even have to dedicate everything to your defenses. other rushes should be countered by the units you should be making during that time frame.

even in halo wars 1 you could counter the hog and leader rush pretty easily. covies could use their leader + 1 or 2 hunters and unsc could grab a tank to support their hog or two by the time the rush arrives.

Gaming / Re: Halo Mega Thread
« on: February 21, 2017, 11:17:08 AM »
Literally just rush the opponent and win.

and this is how i know you've never gotten good at any decent rts game

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