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Messages - big sponge

Pages: 1 ... 290291292 293294 ... 394
The Flood / Re: So Kiyo finally joined the site
« on: January 16, 2015, 07:40:13 PM »
It's not the real Kiyo. Thinking about blacklisting it.

The Flood / Re: Locked
« on: January 16, 2015, 06:33:54 PM »
Yours was locked because it turned into a shitflinging thread.

The Flood / Re: Anime
« on: January 16, 2015, 06:27:50 PM »

Shonen in a nutshell.

The plot says so.

The Flood / Re: I'm the admin; ask me anything.
« on: January 16, 2015, 05:40:50 PM »
Hey, what up with all the rules changing to make this site more of a shitfest? If you want Serious discussion we have Serious but is seems every day that "The Flood" becomes less and less of what it use to be that this site doesn't really offer anything of worth to me anymore. Gaming is fun and I like to talk to some of the people here but with the rules subjectively changing so often this site's moderation is one step closer to being worse that
How do you mean?

This is the first thread I saw today and I read through the rules again and the wording changed again in the past month.

Basically there was an oversight and we forgot to put in the "no call out threads" rule that's been a staple in every iteration of b.old,, and here. It was something that everyone including a few staff thought was still in the rules until we looked in there again.

The Flood / Re: I'm the admin; ask me anything.
« on: January 16, 2015, 05:32:14 PM »
You guys are completely taking Cheat out of context

When he said demote he meant he demoted her from master to regular ninja.
Kiyo's account is deleted bro

She got blacklisted

No she didn't. Stop trying to spread misinformation Dustin.

Cheat will be making something shortly.
I just did a member search and she's not there

Further all her posts are showing up as anonymous

She's clearly blacklisted

Dustin, I of all people would know who is and isn't blacklisted.

The Flood / Re: I'm the admin; ask me anything.
« on: January 16, 2015, 05:30:27 PM »
You guys are completely taking Cheat out of context

When he said demote he meant he demoted her from master to regular ninja.
Kiyo's account is deleted bro

She got blacklisted

No she didn't. Stop trying to spread misinformation Dustin.

Cheat will be making something shortly.

The Flood / Re: I'm the admin; ask me anything.
« on: January 16, 2015, 05:29:51 PM »
You guys are completely taking Cheat out of context

When he said demote he meant he demoted her from master to regular ninja.

Gaming / Re: An Achievement for watching Netflix...
« on: January 16, 2015, 05:04:27 PM »
They have achievements for netflix now?

What the fuck?

The Flood / Re: To Dustin with Love
« on: January 16, 2015, 04:32:26 PM »
Congrats Sandtrap. You've become the first person to be hit with the "no call out threads" stick.

For those who don't check the rules often they've just been updated.

The Flood / Re: So... Sentra committed suicide some time a few weeks ago
« on: January 16, 2015, 04:21:36 PM »
This has to be against the rules.

It actually isn't. Normally I'd throw it under a "making threads about a specific user", however that doesn't seem to be in the latest incarnation of the rules.
Ah, just like real life.

Rules that fuck over good people but nothing to stop the insufferable shitlords.

Looks to be an oversight, I'll bring it up and try to get it added in. However I don't believe in punishing people for something that was not against the law/rules at the time of the act so if implemented Dustin won't actually be punished from me. However it would stop future threads like this from being made.

The Flood / Re: So... Sentra committed suicide some time a few weeks ago
« on: January 16, 2015, 04:01:45 PM »
This has to be against the rules.

It actually isn't. Normally I'd throw it under a "making threads about a specific user", however that doesn't seem to be in the latest incarnation of the rules.

Gaming / Re: Yeah, Uncharted 4 is gonna be 30fps
« on: January 16, 2015, 01:45:53 PM »
Meanwhile the PC sits back and laughs at consoles struggling to do what it did like 7 years ago.
I can't wait to play uncharted 4 on my PC

Action adventure games are a dime a dozen bro. The only thing that makes uncharted special is a big marketing campaign financed by sony. Same thing with kill zone and the fps genre.

You can make a statement like this for literally any game to try to make it sound bad

Only when that game is average in quality and is only relevant because of the money backing its marketing campaign. Just take a look at Destiny. If it didn't have a massive marketing campaign behind it it would have ended up just like Defiance. Mediocre and forgotten about a few months later.
except destiny is a mediocre game with mediocre review scores and uncharted is a critically acclaimed game with fantastic review scores

There's nothing comparable on PC that comes close to uncharted in quality

You know what else is critically acclaimed? Halo 4 and Call of Duty. VGAs don't mean shit and the only reason to even pay attention to them is for trailers and reveals.

Tons of games get passed over every year by them because they aren't made by big name studios or financed by one of the big publishers. Just look at games like Armored Core, great games that are loved by the niche they fill, however they'll never win any awards because reviewers for the most part are to casual to get into them and thus they get low scores and dismissed by the big media outlets. These are people that think games like L4D2 are hard and a pokemon game based on the abundance of water has to much fucking water.

You see the same thing with PC gaming. Most review outlets are console based and therefore will not touch PC gaming unless it's a major title being released like StarCraft or Diablo.

Considering Uncharted is pretty average, yeah there's a lot on PC that's similar in quality. This is literally a prototype vs infamous debate. Both games are practically the same however because one doesn't have Sony branding on it it's automatically inferior.
angry pc fanboy stay angry

Not even mad.

Gaming / Re: Yeah, Uncharted 4 is gonna be 30fps
« on: January 16, 2015, 01:39:07 PM »
Meanwhile the PC sits back and laughs at consoles struggling to do what it did like 7 years ago.
I can't wait to play uncharted 4 on my PC

Action adventure games are a dime a dozen bro. The only thing that makes uncharted special is a big marketing campaign financed by sony. Same thing with kill zone and the fps genre.

You can make a statement like this for literally any game to try to make it sound bad

Only when that game is average in quality and is only relevant because of the money backing its marketing campaign. Just take a look at Destiny. If it didn't have a massive marketing campaign behind it it would have ended up just like Defiance. Mediocre and forgotten about a few months later.
except destiny is a mediocre game with mediocre review scores and uncharted is a critically acclaimed game with fantastic review scores

There's nothing comparable on PC that comes close to uncharted in quality

You know what else is critically acclaimed? Halo 4 and Call of Duty. VGAs don't mean shit and the only reason to even pay attention to them is for trailers and reveals.

Tons of games get passed over every year by them because they aren't made by big name studios or financed by one of the big publishers. Just look at games like Armored Core, great games that are loved by the niche they fill, however they'll never win any awards because reviewers for the most part are to casual to get into them and thus they get low scores and dismissed by the big media outlets. These are people that think games like L4D2 are hard and a pokemon game based on the abundance of water has to much fucking water.

You see the same thing with PC gaming. Most review outlets are console based and therefore will not touch PC gaming unless it's a major title being released like StarCraft or Diablo.

Considering Uncharted is pretty average, yeah there's a lot on PC that's similar in quality. This is literally a prototype vs infamous debate. Both games are practically the same however because one doesn't have Sony branding on it it's automatically inferior.

The Flood / Re: Shizune and Lily discussion
« on: January 16, 2015, 01:02:38 PM »
the actual best girl

That's not Ayako Mitsuzuri.


More best girl coming through.

The only good replacement CG in realta nua.

I wanted more than this in Hollow Ataraxia
That's all we get of her in Ataraxia?
Guess I don't ha e to finish the game then...

You get more of her than that, but iirc that's the farthest you progress in a relationship with her.
but if there's no ero ero, what's the pointo... pointo...

To spend more time with her of course. She's a side character Das, she even gets shot down by Mikiya in college because he's already with Shiki.

This is like worse than Sacchin treatment. At least Sacchin is getting a route in the remake.

Unless we get a remake of F/SN with the cut routes put in we're unlikely to get any more of her.
When is the remake happening anyway?

Whenever Nasu feels like he's done with Extra probably.

In the mean time Ima dump a couple pages from an Ayako doujin cause it's the closest we'll ever get to seeing more of her ;_;


God dammit, those fucking link again.

What's wrong?

Gaming / Re: Yeah, Uncharted 4 is gonna be 30fps
« on: January 16, 2015, 12:27:41 PM »
Meanwhile the PC sits back and laughs at consoles struggling to do what it did like 7 years ago.
I can't wait to play uncharted 4 on my PC

Action adventure games are a dime a dozen bro. The only thing that makes uncharted special is a big marketing campaign financed by sony. Same thing with kill zone and the fps genre.

You can make a statement like this for literally any game to try to make it sound bad

Only when that game is average in quality and is only relevant because of the money backing its marketing campaign. Just take a look at Destiny. If it didn't have a massive marketing campaign behind it it would have ended up just like Defiance. Mediocre and forgotten about a few months later.

The Flood / Re: nuka getting #rekt on skype
« on: January 16, 2015, 12:14:52 PM »

I don't use Skype because people always feel the need to tell me how fucked up my face looks.
jono pls

How does one go from this:

To... to that?


>letting Ashley live

Not even once.
Kill yourself

Nah m8, I aint the one with shit taste.

The Flood / Re: nuka getting #rekt on skype
« on: January 16, 2015, 12:13:40 PM »
I don't use Skype because people always feel the need to tell me how fucked up my face looks.
jono pls

How does one go from this:

To... to that?


>letting Ashley live

Not even once.

wait but then rock would beat scissors and paper would...


disregard this thread

But Ryle we do use rocks.

Rocks and paper.

The Flood / Re: Shizune and Lily discussion
« on: January 16, 2015, 03:30:31 AM »
I like little boys.

Tru, this isn't the thread for that.

The Flood / Re: Shizune and Lily discussion
« on: January 16, 2015, 02:54:46 AM »
the actual best girl

That's not Ayako Mitsuzuri.


More best girl coming through.

The only good replacement CG in realta nua.

I wanted more than this in Hollow Ataraxia
That's all we get of her in Ataraxia?
Guess I don't ha e to finish the game then...

You get more of her than that, but iirc that's the farthest you progress in a relationship with her.
but if there's no ero ero, what's the pointo... pointo...

To spend more time with her of course. She's a side character Das, she even gets shot down by Mikiya in college because he's already with Shiki.

This is like worse than Sacchin treatment. At least Sacchin is getting a route in the remake.

Unless we get a remake of F/SN with the cut routes put in we're unlikely to get any more of her.
When is the remake happening anyway?

Whenever Nasu feels like he's done with Extra probably.

In the mean time Ima dump a couple pages from an Ayako doujin cause it's the closest we'll ever get to seeing more of her ;_;


The Flood / Re: Shizune and Lily discussion
« on: January 16, 2015, 02:30:37 AM »
the actual best girl

That's not Ayako Mitsuzuri.


More best girl coming through.

The only good replacement CG in realta nua.

I wanted more than this in Hollow Ataraxia
That's all we get of her in Ataraxia?
Guess I don't ha e to finish the game then...

You get more of her than that, but iirc that's the farthest you progress in a relationship with her.
but if there's no ero ero, what's the pointo... pointo...

To spend more time with her of course. She's a side character Das, she even gets shot down by Mikiya in college because he's already with Shiki.

This is like worse than Sacchin treatment. At least Sacchin is getting a route in the remake.

Unless we get a remake of F/SN with the cut routes put in we're unlikely to get any more of her.
When is the remake happening anyway?

Whenever Nasu feels like he's done with Extra probably.

The Flood / Re: Shizune and Lily discussion
« on: January 16, 2015, 02:26:39 AM »
the actual best girl

That's not Ayako Mitsuzuri.


More best girl coming through.

The only good replacement CG in realta nua.

I wanted more than this in Hollow Ataraxia
That's all we get of her in Ataraxia?
Guess I don't ha e to finish the game then...

You get more of her than that, but iirc that's the farthest you progress in a relationship with her.
but if there's no ero ero, what's the pointo... pointo...

To spend more time with her of course. She's a side character Das, she even gets shot down by Mikiya in college because he's already with Shiki.

This is like worse than Sacchin treatment. At least Sacchin is getting a route in the remake.

Unless we get a remake of F/SN with the cut routes put in we're unlikely to get any more of her.

The Flood / Re: Shizune and Lily discussion
« on: January 16, 2015, 02:21:53 AM »
the actual best girl

That's not Ayako Mitsuzuri.


More best girl coming through.

The only good replacement CG in realta nua.

I wanted more than this in Hollow Ataraxia
That's all we get of her in Ataraxia?
Guess I don't ha e to finish the game then...

You get more of her than that, but iirc that's the farthest you progress in a relationship with her.

The Flood / Re: Shizune and Lily discussion
« on: January 16, 2015, 02:18:46 AM »
the actual best girl

That's not Ayako Mitsuzuri.


More best girl coming through.

The only good replacement CG in realta nua.

I wanted more than this in Hollow Ataraxia

The Flood / Re: Shizune and Lily discussion
« on: January 16, 2015, 02:11:36 AM »
the actual best girl

That's not Ayako Mitsuzuri.

The Flood / Re: Shizune and Lily discussion
« on: January 16, 2015, 02:04:44 AM »
Holy fuck if you actually like cripple fucker betamax express then you have shit taste.

That is pretty much babby's first VN.
>tfw Cripplefuck was my first VN]

At least I went through F/SN without becommig a SAIBAH! fag.

But Das, Gaara is so cute with his little saber obsession. He even went and made it his banner when he first made a facebook.

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