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Messages - big sponge

Pages: 1 ... 287288289 290291 ... 394
Serious / Re: Why the Gold Standard is a shit-tier idea
« on: January 19, 2015, 03:37:03 PM »

Gaming / Re: halo pro tips by me
« on: January 19, 2015, 03:33:39 PM »
RIP headphone users.

The Flood / Re: House Project Thread: Let's take a tour shall we?
« on: January 19, 2015, 03:31:28 PM »
Heyo folks. I'm updating shit as I go along here. Come on over and take a walk with me if you please.

;_; I would if I was in Canada.

The Flood / Re: Are you allowed to reuse condoms?
« on: January 19, 2015, 03:28:25 PM »
Maybe if you're retarded.

The Flood / Re: I have no issues with weaboos.
« on: January 19, 2015, 03:18:00 PM »

Serious / Re: Soldier Worship.
« on: January 19, 2015, 03:11:09 PM »
American Sniper was a great movie and Mr. Kyle was an outstanding American. God bless his soul for his heroic service to protecting American ideals and saving countless soldiers from towel head scum
And. . . Reported.

As much as I find this comment distasteful it isn't actually against the rules.
Racial slurs aren't against the rules in Serious?

I checked and they weren't. If they were aimed at another user they would be however since that would fall under personal attacks.

Serious / Re: Soldier Worship.
« on: January 19, 2015, 03:07:19 PM »
American Sniper was a great movie and Mr. Kyle was an outstanding American. God bless his soul for his heroic service to protecting American ideals and saving countless soldiers from towel head scum
And. . . Reported.

As much as I find this comment distasteful it isn't actually against the rules.

Gaming / Re: Diluvion?
« on: January 19, 2015, 01:15:19 PM »

The Flood / Re: Remember when Velox was admin?
« on: January 19, 2015, 01:13:37 PM »

Yeah, then he acquired shit taste.
Neo is objectively a redeeming quality of RWBY. Don't you go hatin on best girl.

By virtue of being associated with that trash she is in fact worst girl.
Maybe, maybe not, by herself there's nothing wrong with her character.

But that's off topic.

Stop oppressing me.

The Flood / Re: Remember when Velox was admin?
« on: January 19, 2015, 01:09:43 PM »

Yeah, then he acquired shit taste.
Neo is objectively a redeeming quality of RWBY. Don't you go hatin on best girl.

By virtue of being associated with that trash she is in fact worst girl.

The Flood / Re: Remember when Velox was admin?
« on: January 19, 2015, 12:57:57 PM »

Yeah, then he acquired shit taste.

Septagon / Re: so about that webm support....
« on: January 19, 2015, 12:40:07 PM »
What's webm?
Basically a cross between gifs and videos.
They have sound and can be scrolled through.

There's no use for them, to me, when we already have gifs and videos, but they seem to be catching on.

It's a superior format.

In short, webm is higher quality than a .gif with a smaller file size.
What's webm?
Basically a cross between gifs and videos.
They have sound and can be scrolled through.
Don't forget the biggest benefit - the smaller file size.
I didn't actually know that.
But isn't data storage just improving with time anyway? File sizes that we've dealt with for the last while shouldn't be an issue...

Well the fact that it's using less bandwidth should be an incentive as well.

Let's put it this way. Would you rather have 100 shitty quality .gifs or 400 high quality webms? Webm is an improvement over .gif for just about everything.

The two advantages .gif has over webm are that it's much more widely spread and it's a bit easier for your average user to make. Both of which would be remedied with webm gaining steam.

The Flood / Re: GAMERGATE: Keep fighting, keep winning
« on: January 19, 2015, 12:26:08 PM »
That's nice.

You're missing the point entirely.

You said that you wouldn't consider a game where you go around beating up aliens with giant purple dildos art. However a crudely drawn MS Paint picture that took minimal skill, time, and effort is.

Tell me. Do you consider Michael Bay or Quinton Tarantino Films art? What about comic books? Cartoons? These typically contain similar over the top nonsensical content.

If you consider these art why are these examples art when a video game where you beat up aliens with a dildo isn't?
Because from what I've seen you're not arguing that the assets that go into making these games aren't art, but it's the experience itself that isn't.

Serious / Re: Why the Gold Standard is a shit-tier idea
« on: January 19, 2015, 12:14:42 PM »

Serious / Re: Can we discuss how much of a faglord Michael Moore is?
« on: January 19, 2015, 11:54:18 AM »
If this were directed at Kyle I'd agree with him. Shooting civilians to up your kill count is pretty cowardly.

Are you referring to the woman he shot who was armed with a hand grenade in one hand and a baby in the other intent on killing a group of marines?

Because if you are, I'd have to strongly disagree with you there. But please by all means, clarify all the "innocent" civilians he's murdered.

I'm referring to how he apparently laid weapons on the ground and then shot anyone who went near them to boost his kill count.

Id have to go find one of doors threads on the subject of this guy. Everything on him seems to have been buried by this recent movie nonsense.
Yeah I would appreciate a credible source on that.

I'm not claiming the guy's a military Jesus, but I can't find anything extremely dodgy about the guy.

Well one thing that seems to be easy to find is that he was a raging hypocrite that seemed to believe he was on some sort of crusade to put down "the dirty savages". He's also quoted as saying that the idea during his time in Fellujah was to "kill every male you see" and the stories of an Aaron Glantz show that's pretty much what he and the other snipers there were doing.

Apparently in his book (which is where door got the nugget of information in question from) he describes how he'd leave bait for civilians to pick up so he could kill them as "suspected insurgents" and pentagon documents confirm this as a tactic being used by snipers in Iraq.

You'd have to ask door to quote the book for you since he actually owns the thing.

Serious / Re: Can we discuss how much of a faglord Michael Moore is?
« on: January 19, 2015, 11:33:32 AM »
If this were directed at Kyle I'd agree with him. Shooting civilians to up your kill count is pretty cowardly.

Are you referring to the woman he shot who was armed with a hand grenade in one hand and a baby in the other intent on killing a group of marines?

Because if you are, I'd have to strongly disagree with you there. But please by all means, clarify all the "innocent" civilians he's murdered.

I'm referring to how he apparently laid weapons on the ground and then shot anyone who went near them to boost his kill count.

Id have to go find one of doors threads on the subject of this guy. Everything on him seems to have been buried by this recent movie nonsense.

Serious / Re: Can we discuss how much of a faglord Michael Moore is?
« on: January 19, 2015, 11:06:35 AM »
If this were directed at Kyle I'd agree with him. Shooting civilians to up your kill count is pretty cowardly.

The Flood / Re: GAMERGATE: Keep fighting, keep winning
« on: January 19, 2015, 10:51:27 AM »

This MS Paint picture I made for Nexus a few weeks ago of me sucking a fat cock is shit, but it's still art.

Septagon / Re: so about that webm support....
« on: January 19, 2015, 10:36:30 AM »
What's webm?
Basically a cross between gifs and videos.
They have sound and can be scrolled through.

There's no use for them, to me, when we already have gifs and videos, but they seem to be catching on.

It's a superior format.

In short, webm is higher quality than a .gif with a smaller file size.

« on: January 19, 2015, 02:37:44 AM »
I think he posted a day or two ago.

The Flood / Re: best girl thread
« on: January 19, 2015, 01:26:11 AM »

I'm home.

The Flood / Re: for those of you who frequent 4chan
« on: January 19, 2015, 12:01:05 AM »
/a/ and /vg/.

Sometimes /v/ and I use to frequent /cgl/ for the horror stories.
I've never visited /cgl/

Does it have anything good these days or is it just shit now?

I haven't been there in years man.

The Flood / Re: for those of you who frequent 4chan
« on: January 18, 2015, 10:21:56 PM »
/a/ and /vg/.

Sometimes /v/ and I use to frequent /cgl/ for the horror stories.

Gaming / Re: Fire Emblem Awakening Marriages
« on: January 18, 2015, 06:16:21 PM »
What is this cool shit and why cant i play it

Either because you don't have a 3DS or you don't have the money.
Whats an sRPG
I didn't just order one...

3DS? Or FE?
I'm rich so both.

Please massa, won't you spare some change for the poor gigga nigga?

God that sentence structure is awkward. Especially when out of context.

FFXIII-2 is actually a pretty good game. I still need to finish it.
Thats Lightning Returns

Meh, it looked like Sarah so I assumed it was a portion of FF XIII-2 that I didn't get to. I've never played the third game in that series.
You should. LR is the best of the three gameplay wise. And the way they wrap up the saga is amazing.

That would require me to finish up the global fetch quest in 13-2 that I hate so much in order to progress through the story. I really hate mandatory global fetch quests.

Oh git gud ffs

;_; Mandatory global fetch quests break up pacing in the story and end up feeling like nothing unnecessary filler in order to pad out the length of the main story.

They're fine for optional side quests that players can do at their own leisure, but when forced upon the player it just kills the experience.




Gaming / Re: Fire Emblem Awakening Marriages
« on: January 18, 2015, 05:56:00 PM »
What is this cool shit and why cant i play it

Either because you don't have a 3DS or you don't have the money.
Whats an sRPG
I didn't just order one...

3DS? Or FE?
I'm rich so both.

Please massa, won't you spare some change for the poor gigga nigga?

God that sentence structure is awkward. Especially when out of context.

FFXIII-2 is actually a pretty good game. I still need to finish it.
Thats Lightning Returns

Meh, it looked like Sarah so I assumed it was a portion of FF XIII-2 that I didn't get to. I've never played the third game in that series.
You should. LR is the best of the three gameplay wise. And the way they wrap up the saga is amazing.

That would require me to finish up the global fetch quest in 13-2 that I hate so much in order to progress through the story. I really hate mandatory global fetch quests.

Oh git gud ffs

;_; Mandatory global fetch quests break up pacing in the story and end up feeling like nothing unnecessary filler in order to pad out the length of the main story.

They're fine for optional side quests that players can do at their own leisure, but when forced upon the player it just kills the experience.

Gaming / Re: Fire Emblem Awakening Marriages
« on: January 18, 2015, 05:48:58 PM »
What is this cool shit and why cant i play it

Either because you don't have a 3DS or you don't have the money.
Whats an sRPG
I didn't just order one...

3DS? Or FE?
I'm rich so both.

Please massa, won't you spare some change for the poor gigga nigga?

God that sentence structure is awkward. Especially when out of context.

FFXIII-2 is actually a pretty good game. I still need to finish it.
Thats Lightning Returns

Meh, it looked like Sarah so I assumed it was a portion of FF XIII-2 that I didn't get to. I've never played the third game in that series.
You should. LR is the best of the three gameplay wise. And the way they wrap up the saga is amazing.

That would require me to finish up the global fetch quest in 13-2 that I hate so much in order to progress through the story. I really hate mandatory global fetch quests.

Gaming / Re: Fire Emblem Awakening Marriages
« on: January 18, 2015, 05:40:32 PM »
What is this cool shit and why cant i play it

Either because you don't have a 3DS or you don't have the money.
Whats an sRPG
I didn't just order one...

3DS? Or FE?
I'm rich so both.

Please massa, won't you spare some change for the poor gigga nigga?

God that sentence structure is awkward. Especially when out of context.

FFXIII-2 is actually a pretty good game. I still need to finish it.
Thats Lightning Returns

Meh, it looked like Sarah so I assumed it was a portion of FF XIII-2 that I didn't get to. I've never played the third game in that series.

Gaming / Re: Fire Emblem Awakening Marriages
« on: January 18, 2015, 05:39:27 PM »
What is this cool shit and why cant i play it

Either because you don't have a 3DS or you don't have the money.
Whats an sRPG
I didn't just order one...

3DS? Or FE?
I'm rich so both.

Please massa, won't you spare some change for the poor gigga nigga?

God that sentence structure is awkward. Especially when out of context.

FFXIII-2 is actually a pretty good game. I still need to finish it.
How did you get that awkward by.... Oh... Oh dear.


I could have said that FF XIII was good, but then I'd be both a liar and retarded.

Gaming / Re: Fire Emblem Awakening Marriages
« on: January 18, 2015, 05:35:19 PM »
What is this cool shit and why cant i play it

Either because you don't have a 3DS or you don't have the money.
Whats an sRPG
I didn't just order one...

3DS? Or FE?
I'm rich so both.

Please massa, won't you spare some change for the poor gigga nigga?

God that sentence structure is awkward. Especially when out of context.

FFXIII-2 is actually a pretty good game. I still need to finish it.

Gaming / Re: Fire Emblem Awakening Marriages
« on: January 18, 2015, 05:32:08 PM »

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